InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ The Battle Begins ( Chapter 30 )
I hope the site doesn't take so long to update this time around so I can read my new reviews.
It began in a flash, like some unknown signal and then everyone was fighting. Kagome watched them from the other side of the battlefield and looked in awe at how well they were working together.
Kagura would send out a wave of cutting winds and kill the first wave of attack, then Inuyasha would call every one back behind him and use the wind scar, and then Sesshoumaru would unleash his own attack with Tokijin, together they killed thousands, but this army was nothing to them, it was Naraku that would be the challenge. Kagome nearly panicked when she saw a demon sneak up behind Miroku, but quickly remembered her arrows and shot it down. Miroku looked behind him stunned for a moment before looking in the arrows direction and mouthed a quick `thank you' and got back to fighting. Sango threw her boomerang, killing at least twenty demons on that one sweep and catching five more on it's way back to her. Sense Roshi was a shadow demon it was easy for him to sneak up on his enemy and kill them.
They took formation again and lined up their attacks. Kagura, Inuyasha, and then Sesshoumaru. When the army seemed to be thinning and losing, that's when he appeared in the center of it all, Naraku stood there without his baboon pelt and masks.
"So, it seems everyone is trying to gang up on me. Let me tip the scales a little."
Kagome watched as he held up two red, glowing spears that seem to be pulsing and then he gave them a tight squeeze. Kagome heard Roshi and Kagura let out ear splitting screams of pain and fall to the ground clutching their chest, both over the left breast. Then she remembered something Kagura said when she was at the castle.
`Naraku holds my heart in his hands.'
Kagome's eyes dawned with realization; she used a trick that Keada had taught her to send a mental message to Kirara explaining what she wanted her to do. Then she drew back her arrow and took aim at Naraku's arm, with the two hearts in his hand and released it. The arrow struck him in the forearm and Kirara dashed to the fallen spears and picked them up with her mouth and carried them over to Kagura and Roshi. Kagome didn't have time to see relief and happiness that flooded their faces, she had to move from the spot to stay hidden.
"Inuyasha it seems you have brought my miko back to me."
Inuyasha's eyes were lined with red after hearing that, and he swiped his sword in Naraku's direction a used his wind scar attack, but it did little damage only ripping his clothes while Naraku just stood there unfazed.
The attack took out the rest of the demons and the ones it didn't get fled the battlefield in fear. Everybody turned his or her attention to the monster in the middle of all the carnage. Sango had a long gash down her left leg and was holding her right side with her left hand while the right hand held onto Hiraikotsu and she was leaning on Kirara a little. Miroku was covered in blood and it would have been a fair guess to say that some of that was his. Inuyasha had a cut on his cheek but just looked exhausted for the most part. Sesshoumaru just looked at Naraku in annoyance with blood stained clothes on. Kagura and Roshi looked like they were still recovering from the pain in their chests.
"Look at you all, do you really think you can defeat me?"
"Shut up and fight!"
"Inuyasha are you that much of a hurry to die? First where in my Kagome?"
Sesshoumaru put a hand on his brother's shoulder to keep him from charging in foolishly, but he understood his anger at those words about his mate.
"Naraku the girl is not yours, my brother has mated her so you have no claims."
"So Western Lord you are sticking up for your little brother now, and even stooped to telling lies for him how touching."
Now Sesshoumaru's eyes were bleeding into red.
"This Sesshoumaru does not lie! The girl is his!"
"It matters not, when kill you all Kagome and the jewel will be mine."
During their argument Kagome thought it a god time to get a shot in, and had her arrow aimed directly at Naraku's heart, when a freezing blast hit her in the back. She fell to the ground and struggled to look behind her, but she felt like her blood was freezing in its veins and her muscles felt stiff. Then a figure stood above her.
"You've cause me too much trouble little copy."
Kagome could barely register being picked up off the ground by something, she was floating behind Kikyou, they were going into the battlefield.
"If you will excuse me, I have to retrieve a jewel shard. Kohaku!"
Sango looked on in terror as her younger brother walked up beside Naraku, eyes blank and expressionless. Naraku raised his claws to the boy's back and swiped down.
"KOHAKU NO!!!!!" She tried to run for him but with her leg wounded she just fell to the ground.
It was too late Naraku removed he shard from Kohaku's back and the boy fell to ground with a sickening thud, everyone knew he was dead. Sango started to pound her fist on the ground, then finally looked up as Naraku joined the shard with the rest of the jewel.
"Kirara!!" The cat demon landed beside her and Sango climbed onto her back.
"Sango don't do it!" Miroku looked about to break into tears.
Sango ignored him and she and Kirara charged at Naraku but both were blown back into a tree by the invisible barrier that he had put up. Miroku rushed over to Sango's limp form and checked for her plus like Kagome had showed him, he let out a breath when he found and nodded to Inuyasha that she was alive.
Just when Inuyasha and the others were about to attack they saw a figure came out of the forest. Inuyasha started to growl when he saw it was Kikyou and nearly ran into the barrier himself when he saw she had Kagome floating behind her with the help of her soul stealers. Sesshoumaru held him back as he to took in the sight before them. Naraku turned around smirked looking Inuyasha dead in the eyes.
"Kikyou offered to bring me Kagome so long as she gets to have Inuyasha, looks like I win."
That Kikyou has got to go!! I'll see what I can do about the dead girl.