InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Now And Forever ❯ Author FanFic Reviews 3 ( Chapter 31 )
More reviews!!! After you read them please review for the authors so they'll update!
"Destinies Collide": A very interesting alternate universe fic, but be warned the cliffhanger is evil! Inu/Kag
"In The Beginning…": The diary of Sesshoumaru's life before his father married Inuyasha's mother, no pairing yet.
"I Didn't Know I was waiting For You": This story will take your emotions on a roller coaster ride, Inu is paired with Kikyou in a way you wouldn't believe! Sess/Kag
"Promises": It's so sad but so good at the same time, alternate universe Inu/Kag
"The Girl And The Band": One of the best alternate universe fics I've read! Really you will love it!!!!!!!! Inu/Kag
"Love Is A Gamble": For everyone who hasn't read this fic I've got one question. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR!?!?!?! Alternate universe Sess/Kag
"Oops": This fic has a new spin on how Inuyasha and Kagome get together, and I'll bet that you will think twice before you say accidents happen. Inu/Kag
Why are you still looking at this? Go read one!! But don't forget to review!
And in a few hours I'll have the next chapter up so don't get mad just come back after you read those.