InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the pain of death ❯ Misery Isle ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ryouku held his mates hand as they made they way to the upper deck. Adrea merely clung to his mate's black trench coat as though it gave him some sort of comfort. Ryouku turned to his frightened mate and stroked his silky red hair. Staring into a pair of vibrant green eyes, he smiled gently. “There is nothing to fear, my love. Why are you so shaken?”
Turning, he nearly ran into a scowling Sesshoumaru, answering his previous question. Sesshoumaru narrowed his eyes at the couple and shook his head in disgust. But he merely overlooked that, on account that his mere presence made Adrea tremble in fear. And seeing that Ryouku was so protective of his beloved, anything that made his love upset angered him. He made no attempts to hide this anger from the older demon as his whip like tail snapped back in forth in subtle threat.
“What do you want?!” Ryouku demanded.
“Why weren't you at the meeting?” Sesshoumaru questioned with a bored tone. This threw off both lovers as Adrea peeked from behind Ryouku yet without letting go of his lover. “What meeting?”
“The one held in the captain's quarters but two days ago, of course.”
“We were not told of such, therefore we were absent. Someone with you intellect or intuition as some would call it, should have figured it own on your own.” Ryouku countered. “So why must you question us?”
Yet before Sesshoumaru could counter the insult, Inuyasha's voice called out, “LAND!” And this had everyone aboard went rushing the front of the ship and gasped at the dismal view before them.
A spit of war shattered land smothered in fog covered the horizon. Death had marked the island as its own. The air was so thick with tension; one could slice through it with a dull blade. The crew turned around to face their captain whom arrived behind them with none other than a smug smile on her face.
“There it is crew!” She announced. “Prepare the ship to make birth so that we may retrieve what we have come for.”
Groans were heard as the crew departed and Machiavelli turned to face Ryouku and his gay teddy bear, Adrea. She gave Adrea a small smile and spoke kindly to him for he is the only one aboard she would use such a soft tone with. Only Ryouku knew why she babied him so. Coaxing the scared Adrea out, she began telling him what was needed.
“I have a special task for you.” She told him kindly, extending her hand to him. And like a child he took her hand to be puller towards her. “You are going to personally assist me in this mission, ok?” Only when he nodded did she turn her attentions to Ryouku, who turned his loving eyes from his mate to give Machiavelli his attention, his demeanor hardening as he fixed his eyes on hers. “You will accompany the crew.” She commanded in a stern voice. “Lucifer has received orders as to what to do now as well as what to do on the isle. Am I clear?” Receiving a nod from Ryouku, she dismissed him with a wave of her hand. But just as he turned to leave, Adrea ran up and wrapped his arms around Ryouku's middle and gave a sharp squeeze. Ryouku returned the hug, dwelling in the warmth of his lover and returned the adoring smile Adrea flashed him before releasing to continue with his assigned task. Adrea returned to Machiavelli with such eagerness that belonged to a child. She had to smile. Then she walked to her quarters to plan their invasion with Adrea tailing closely behind.
The crew examined the beach closely upon arrival, making note of the creepy scene that they approached. Swords drawn, they were ready for anything. Machiavelli trailed behind her crew, for she wouldn't stay with them for long. She had her own set of tasks at hand. Adrea loyally followed, his hand tightly wrapped in her leather trench coat.
Machiavelli's brow wrinkled as she surveyed the scene. Something just didn't seem right. Her eyes drifted from the face of each person in her crew as she contemplated their current situation. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
Suddenly a green vine whipped from the sand and snagged Inuyasha's ankle just as Kouga stumbled into quick sand. `I have taken judgment too soon' Machiavelli thought as she watched her crew snap into action.
Sesshoumaru whipped out his poison whip and freed Kouga from the vines that tied his body to the quick sand as Angel leaped from behind him and sent an energy blast at the vine that had latched itself to Sesshoumaru's thigh. Sesshoumaru only growled at Angel. He didn't need the idiots help.
Meanwhile, Kagome was helpless in this situation seeing as to her arrows couldn't penetrate the vines, and not just that but they moved too quickly for her to hit them, and all arrows fired were lost to the devouring sand. This left Inuyasha busy keeping her out of harms way.
Miroku was fighting side by side with Sango whom had sent her weapon through it's third flight around the beach, slicing through the vines. It would have slashed though Dereyck and Mereyck's head had they not ducked in time.
“Sorry!” Sango called to the twins just as she caught the boomerang. They both growled expletives in return.
Anastasia used her charms and spells to keep the vines from multiplying; they had more than enough to deal with at the moment. Somora kept all and any vines from latching themselves to the glowing body of Anastasia for her spells could not afford top be interrupted.
Behind Machiavelli, Adrea was wigging out seeing his beloved attacked by those green things, he didn't understand what they were but he was sure that it was his lover who screamed in pain. Upon hearing this scream he threw caution (and all good sense) to the wind and rushed out to rescue his love from the evil monsters. ^_^!
Yet before he could go far, he was attacked by the vines himself. They tossed him into the air like a rag doll and he screeched on the way down and it wasn't too long before he took to the air again.
“Hey fag!” Inuyasha yelled. “Go rescue your damsel in distress!” Ignoring Inuyasha's insult for the time, for he will repay him later, Ryouku turned in fear to see his love tossed to the air by the vines. Without further hesitation, he shot off to rescue his love.
By this time the crew was wigging out. Even Sesshoumaru, he just didn't express it. But on the inside…he was freaking out. These vines were relentless. What would they do now!
Machiavelli looked up to see Ryouku take his lover to the tree and placed him in the one tree with many branches and gently placed him down on a cradling branch. Cooing softly to Adrea, “You can't come down here, sweetling. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if something were to happen to you. I just love you too much.”
“But….” Adrea protested. But Ryouku quickly silenced him. “I will come fetch you from the tree when the danger has passed.' He replied to his lover, swiping a bang from a teary green eye. “I promise.” Adrea nodded and Ryouku sealed his promise with a quick passionate kiss before leaping to the battle grounds below.
“Awwww.” Dereyck mocked Ryouku as he saw him return from the safety of the tree. “Did the fags have a moment?” Without saying a word, Ryouku decked him. Hearing Sesshoumaru chuckle from behind, he whirled on the dog demon. “Shut up Fluffy!” He shouted, “You're next!” But before he could act on his threat, he was attacked once more by the relentless vines.
“What now?!” Cried Inuyasha. “These things just don't know when to quit!”
“Keep fight, whelp!” His older brother .
“But that doesn't work!” Mereyck yelled from near the tree, preventing any vines from reaching Adrea. Ryouku made a mental note that he would have to thank Mereyck later for his protection. Mereyck seemed to be one of the few who accepted his choice of a mate and gave him no grief about his sexual preference other than that of a playful joke once in a blue moon. The others being Machiavelli, she had taken a liking to the childish ways of Adrea and like having him around her. Often electing him as her `personal assistant' although everyone (but Adrea, of course) knew that he wasn't such and she gave him tasks that held no value other than to keep him busy and make him feel important. She was successful on both accounts. The last few were Lucifer, Angel and Jade who just could care less about his sexual preference as well as his choice of mate. The others gave him consistent grief. Though he could forgive Anastasia of course, she was taught to believe that what he did and who he loved was wrong. Some things people can't change about themselves. Sighing, he turned to face the battle. Yes, he must remember to thank Mereyck later.
Yet, the island threw another twist when all the vines retreated within the sand leaving the combatants bewildered.
“Ok….” Jade called.
“That works”. Inuyasha replied, hefting the tetsaigia over his shoulder.
“Yea.” Dereyck agreed.
“What are we still standing around for?!” Kouga demanded. The other just nodded in agreement and started for the forest while Ryouku went for the tree to retrieve Adrea.
Ryouku was shocked to find his love in tears upon his arrival. Sobs racked his body as he coughed and choked on the tears that he heaved. “Baby!” Ryouku cried as she rushed forward to gather his mate in his arms. Adrea looked up as he was swept up into a tight embrace. “Ryouku!” He cried in delight as he wrapped his arms around his mate's neck.
“Why the tears, love?” Ryouku whispered into Adrea's hair.
“I…I…th..thought…I…lo..lost yoooooou!” Adrea wailed.
“Never!” Ryouku exclaimed, pressing a kiss to Adrea's forehead, brushing tears away. “I could never leave you. I love you.”
“I..” Gasp. “Lo…love…” Choke. “” Wheeze. “T..too.”
Ryouku carried Adrea away to the rest of the group whom were already traveling down the path, deep into the jungle.
Just as the lovers returned to the group who decided to take a break along the way, Ryouku was pulled away by Anastasia. He sighed knowing where this was going. As soon as the two reached a clearing, Anastasia released Ryouku and whirled on him.
“Why!” She demanded. “Why do you do this not only to yourself but to Adrea as well?”
At this Ryouku could only scratch the back of his head. He had no idea what to tell the woman without corrupting her at the same time. So he decided to…
“What are you talking about…”
Play dumb! Anastasia sighed her frustration. She glared at Ryouku. “YOU KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!” She roared. Ryouku only shrugged.
“Not really.” He replied. “No if you'll excuse me, I have business to settle.”
He walked away, grinning. He had escaped once more. And with that, he turned to the camp fire and spotted Mereyck. Walking over to him he sat down on his right and waited for the man to acknowledge him. That wasn't very long.
“Bloody fight. Eh?”
“Yea,” Ryouku agreed.
An awkward moment passed before Ryouku spoke again.
“I wanted to thank you.” He stated plainly. “For protecting Adrea during that last battle. Most people give me a hard time and just…” He sighed unable to find the words to say.
“Don't sweat it.” Mereyck chuckled. “You would do the same for me if it were my mate.” Ryouku merely nodded in agreement. That is something that he would do.
Meanwhile, the bushes adjacent to the campfire started to rustle. Anastasia jumped from her resting position into a fighting stance. The rustle became heavier. That had everyone on their feet prepared for yet another battle. Suddenly a dark haired male came spilling from they bushes. He stood up, brushing his dark wavy hair from his face. He looked around from astonished face to astounded face.
“Hey!” He called cheerfully.
“Naraku?” Angel called from the back.
“Yup!” The hanyou called back. “Haven't seen you guys in a while. How are things?” He smiled gently as he saw Adrea running up yelling his name. Wrapping the demon in his embrace, he chuckled. “Haven't changed a bit have you?”
“Uh huh!” Adrea protested, pointing to the mark on his neck.
“Oh!” Naraku exclaimed. “Finally went in for the kill, huh?”
Adrea nodded happily. Naraku looked over to Sesshoumaru, whom had his gaze lost in the campfire.
“Haven't lost your ice touch have you, my ice prince?” Naraku mocked. Sesshoumaru shot him a cold glare, proving Naraku right. He only chuckled at this instead of countering it.