InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ On the pain of death ❯ Discovery ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mindfreak: Hey guys! I just wanted to get a shout out before starting the story. If there is or has ever been a problem with my work spelling wise, I blame it on Microsoft word. That is my “beta”. Because I'm horrible at giving reviews and I now see why people want them (I have none, or I can't find them) I shall give a shout out to all my inspirations or my favorite authors on this site, so if I call you out, let me know you've read this.
*Blue Utopiah
*Lady Ivy
*Youkia Obsessed
Great authors! Now on with my story!
She grinned into the darkness as she sensed the approaching group. She laughed at their carelessness. Then she turned to the glowing surface on the far wall of the cave. The glowing circle gradually changed colors as it awaited it's commands.
“Show me Malakai.” She commanded, her smile betraying her stern voice.
The glowing substance rippled continually as an image began to form, Kai's face. Battered and blood stained. His luscious blue hair caked with dry blood as his messy bangs shadowed his velvety blue eyes from her sight. His face held a look of agony from what she could see. Then she gasped at what she saw next. Kai was crucified against the cave wall. Throwing daggers nailed each wrist as well as his ankles, binding him to the cave wall. Gashes covered his naked form. His abs crusted over with dry blood just as there was clear infections building in the many wounds that grazed his body. She looked to his face once more and noticed the facial markings that donned the side of his face. Twin streaks of blue ran down his cheeks to his chin. The outer streak thicker and longer than the one beside it.
She wondered to herself as she absorbed what the imaged held. She continued her intense stare, taking in the small movements that Kai was making, informing her that he was still alive. Yet the movements were still microscopic. Any ordinary human eye would have missed them, also informing her that he was barely hanging on.
`Is this why Machiavelli came? To save Kai?' She wondered as she began to pace, glancing at Malakai each time she passed the glowing image. `No! She is far too heartless for a task such as this. Unless there is something in it for her.' At this, the angel stopped to pondered this, glanced at Kai then shook her head. `No, that cannot be it.' She resumed her pacing. She waved dismissively towards the glowing image which at her signal returned to it's original stance. Merely changing colors. She crossed over to the mouth of the cave.
`Unless…' She continued to ponder. `Unless she has other motives that have little to do with Kia…' She gazed into the horizon of endless trees. `Or maybe…' She began. `Unless…'
And with that she took to the sky, heading towards the source of her thought.
(BTW: If you leave a review, and please do, tell me where you think the angel is going. To Machiavelli whom is there with a suspicious motive or Malakai whom is crucified to a cave wall, near death and whom no one knows why he is there or if they even know he is there at all. Let me know.)