InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Equals Inconceivable Plus Reluctant ❯ 7. Interlude with Friends. ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Equals Inconceivable Plus Reluctant. [NC-17]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and give thanks to its creator Rumiko Takahashi; it's such a wonderful series.
WARNING: Hentai/Yaoi/Romance. If you do not like pairing between two males who are brothers then do not read this. This story contains explicit scenes for mature readers only.
You have been warned.
7. Interlude with Friends.
It was just sunrise and InuYasha ran through the coolness of the early morning forest feeling the moistness of the brush underneath. His heart was beating fast. It was beating fast first because he was alive. He had survived the horrible fate that had awaited him. Second, he was offered a life with someone, his brother. Images of Sesshomaru and of the two of them making love flooded his mind. And yet he found it difficult to accept such offer from someone who had been so cruel to him during his childhood and afterwards.
He slowed down and waited. In a few moments some saimyosho appeared and InuYasha told them, “Tell your master that I want to see him.” They flew away.
While the hanyou waited he continued deliberating within himself. Sesshomaru is…was an ass hole. I know what he did to me and I don't need to remember it all. But while I was with him last night, I felt … loved. Sure, it was sex but when I saw his eyes…
“InuYasha!” a voice exclaimed from somewhere. Since Makoto was still within the barrier he remained unseen. Suddenly, he appeared next to InuYasha once outside the barrier. “You have survived my boy!” he extended his arm to pat him in the shoulder with happiness and relief.
The half-demon could not help but be just as happy about this reality. “Yeah! I told you that I would come back,” he said victorious.
The old demon's face then changed, “Ah, about that. You are here for the immortality potion right?”
“That's right,” answered the hanyou.
“I'm afraid that I have no such thing. The closest to it that I have is a potion that makes you look young but your life lasts just as long as it is meant to be. So, it is of no use to you,” finished the potion maker.
The disappointment in InuYasha's face was clear. “Could you make one? You did say that you took orders,” asked the young man.
“I'm afraid that it is impossible. Believe me, my masters have all tried to make one but instead of extending lives their products have shortened them,” the old demon said with regret.
InuYasha looked down and said, “Should you hear of anything that could lead me to a way to become immortal please come look for me. I will be at the neighboring village or at Sesshomaru's castle.”
InuYasha surprised himself when he said the latter. That's when he realized that he had made a decision.
Makoto said, “I doubt that I will come across such a thing but if I do then I will. By the way, thanks for not destroying my barrier.”
InuYasha answered, “Keh, I am never entering your area again.”
Everyone in the village was preparing their breakfast. InuYasha's friends had decided to stay the night together since they knew that they were not going to be able to sleep out of worry for him. Thus, they were together while preparing their morning meal. That was when InuYasha walked in.
Screams of happiness and laughter erupted from within Kaede's hut. Everyone hugged the hanyou at once and the poor man was overwhelmed with so much attention. There was not one dry eye and everyone was looking for something to blow their nose with soon afterwards.
“Hah! My friend, it's so good to see you!” Miroku kept saying while constantly giving him hugs.
They all sat down to have their now celebratory breakfast.
“You didn't say bye to me,” complained Shippo still hurt by that.
“Sorry, but I knew that I would see you again,” said InuYasha with his endearing cockiness.
Shippo just had to jump on him and give him probably his tenth great hug and kiss to say, “I am glad that you did come back.”
As the breakfast was ending and Shippo got up to go play, they finally asked, “So, how did you do it?”
InuYasha immediately turned red and looked at everyone. Each one of them was looking down or elsewhere not wanting to embarrass him while he told them the story.
He breathed out and said, “It was Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru saved me.”
Everyone looked up in shock.
After a moment of silence Miroku was about to sip his tea when he said, “It makes sense, he is a demon and has the stamina to last the night. He could also handle your demon side if it appeared.”
The others listened to what the monk said. Although they agreed they still found it hard to believe.
Kaede chimed in, “Now that I think of it, it is quite normal for youkai to be intimate among siblings, parents, and so on. This is done particularly among aristocratic lineages. Does this mean that you are going to stay together as a couple?”
InuYasha turned bright red when he was put on the spot like that. “Keh!” was all he could say trying to shake off how uncomfortable he was feeling at the moment. Then he said, “I am debating the idea, I mean, he helped me yesterday to save me from death. But how can I just forgive everything he did to me?”
Sango said, “Does Sesshomaru want to do something about his past actions?”
The hanyou said, “Yes, he said that he is willing to make up for it.”
Sango replied, “Then it is up to you to give him a chance and together you might be able to repair the damage between you two. Also, remember that should you succeed to live to see Kagome again then you will need to be with someone in all the time in-between. Sesshomaru would be perfect for that role.”
The half-demon looked at Sango. He noticed how his friend had been concerned about his future while he waited through time for Kagome.
“It seems that I am leaning towards accepting, but this union must be done with conditions to help heal my old scars,” InuYasha said out loud more to himself than anyone else.
Miroku said, “It seems that Sesshomaru is prepared to do that.”
InuYasha agreed, “Yes, he said that he is prepared to accept my terms.”
Kaede then said, “InuYasha, how is it that Sesshomaru decided to help you? After all, the hatred that existed was strong from both sides.”
InuYasha shook his head saying, “I don't know. I didn't ask. He just came in saying that as a youkai he could guarantee that I would survive the night. I of course sent him away but there came a point where I had to accept or die. He waited outside the cave until I accepted.”
“Whatever it was, something within Sesshomaru had to exist in order to want to save you. Also, for him to be able to be intimate with you he must have had finally accepted you as a hanyou,” was Kaede's conclusion.
Sango then said, “It seems that this union would require work but it would be the best thing for both you and Sesshomaru.”
Kaede and Miroku agreed.
InuYasha looked at them and once again was amazed at how lucky he was to have friends like them that cared for him and looked out for his happiness without judgment.
Miroku noticed that his friend was becoming overwhelmed with the love and support that he was receiving at that moment. He knew that he was not used to this so he decided to rescue him.
“InuYasha, let's go out for a walk,” said Miroku.
The hanyou practically sprung out of the hut at the suggestion and just in time to wipe some tears that flowed down his eyes.
Sango and Kaede smiled at Miroku as he smiled back at them. They all knew what had just happened and agreed with Miroku's way to help their friend.
Miroku took his time to get out of the hut to give his friend time to compose himself.
When he joined InuYasha he saw that his eyes were shiny and his eye lashes were wet. That's when he suggested, “Let's go walk towards the well. It's been a while.”
The hanyou raised his eyebrows and turned silently to walk in that direction.
They walked wordlessly. InuYasha had his hands inside his sleeves while his arms were crossed and Miroku used his staff to walk although he really did not need it for that purpose.
“I went to see Madoko the potion maker again this morning,” the hanyou said.
Miroku looked at him to hear him continue.
“He does not have the immortality potion,” said the hanyou not looking at the monk.
“I am sorry,” said Miroku.
“Feh! It just means that I will continue searching,” he said with a shrug.
“That's the spirit,” said his friend as they reached their destination.
As they looked at the well that symbolizes Kagome to every one of them Miroku said, “I suppose that you thought a lot about Kagome last night.”
InuYasha said, “Especially when I was alone. It was so hard to imagine her while I took care of myself. And then it was so depressing to be reminded of how alone I was every time I succeeded to reach completion. It felt like I was dying.”
“It is amazing to think that Sesshomaru stepped up to the challenge and rescued you,” said the monk.
InuYasha did not like the sound of that but it was true that he owed his life to the youkai. He owed his life to someone he used to hate and now is someone who wants to spend the rest of his life with him.
“If you want,” Miroku proposed, “we could talk about the conditions for Sesshomaru.”
InuYasha looked at him surprised. However, he realized that he could use the guidance of someone wise when it came to handling another very wise individual such as Sesshomaru.
InuYasha and Miroku were talking while leaning against the well when InuYasha turned his head towards the path that had led them there. Miroku followed his line of vision to see Sesshomaru walking towards them but stopped fifteen to twenty feet away.
InuYasha looked at Miroku so as to say, `excuse me,' and walked towards his elder brother.
“Hey!” said InuYasha as he approached him.
Sesshomaru looked to the horizon and not at InuYasha when he asked in his deep, calm, baritone voice, “Will I see you tonight?”
“Yes,” said InuYasha while butterflies unexpectedly flew in his stomach after hearing the rumbling of the youkai's voice. Feh, I like his voice that much? he asked himself.
Sesshomaru's heart skipped a beat when he heard his answer. Could this mean that he will accept? the youkai thought.
After a pause the lord of the West said, “I'll see you at the cave.”
“Okay,” said InuYasha not really able to say anything else. He could only watch his handsome brother as he stood there less than two feet away.
Miroku saw how Sesshomaru turned to look at the hanyou and covered the space between them to grab the young man from the front of his shirt. That's when Miroku's alarms flared up. As he readied to run to help his friend a bright light surrounded them and the ball of light flew up to the sky.
Inside the ball of light, InuYasha found himself grabbed by the front of his shirt and his lips were pressed gently by Sesshomaru's as they flew upwards. InuYasha kissed him back. As soon as the upward flight stopped that was when Sesshomaru proceeded to let go of his shirt and embraced him instead. It was here that his tongue delicately requested access to his mouth. InuYasha granted it while lifting his arms to his hair and caressing it while their tongues became reacquainted.
Although the kiss started softly it soon became more intense. Sesshomaru would growl at times since he was unable to become satiated by the taste and smell. He wanted more but it had to wait.
They moaned in pleasure as they felt their erections from the grinding of their groins against each other. InuYasha became overwhelmed with the knowledge of how much Sesshomaru wanted him at that very moment.
The ball of light came down and as it flew away, InuYasha was left behind.
Miroku approached the hanyou who was still in a daze and panting with his mouth red from the hard kisses.
“InuYasha, please tell me about the sex between the two of you,” were the words that blurted out of the monk.
“Eep!” was InuYasha's reaction.
“Look at you! It must be so erotic. Pleeeeease! Sango would never let me experiment with another man. Only through you I could experience it. Pleeeease!” the monk implored as he was chasing InuYasha who was walking as fast as he could away from him.
“You never change do you lecher,” growled the hanyou in exasperation. “I would rather we talk about the conditions as you suggested.”
Miroku stopped cold on his tracks, “Yes, the conditions, we could address the positions that you have done and those that you haven't.”
The hanyou roared, “Miroku!”
“I can't help it; I must know about the boy on boy action of two hotties such as you two, uff, please….” Miroku insisted.
Finally, InuYasha grabbed the monk and threw him to a nearby pond.
“But why?” was the gurgled cry that came out of Miroku.
“I am not talking to you until you cool off. I'll be at Kaede's,” said the half-demon as he stormed away from his hentai friend.
Miroku came out soaked from the pond. “Maybe I could stake out InuYasha's cave. Nope, can't, damned their sense of smell,” he said as he plotted while he walked back towards the village.