InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Equals Inconceivable Plus Reluctant ❯ 8. Discourse. ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

One Equals Inconceivable Plus Reluctant. [NC-17]
Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha and give thanks to its creator Rumiko Takahashi; it's such a wonderful series.
WARNING: Hentai/Yaoi/Romance. If you do not like pairing between two males who are brothers then do not read this. This story contains explicit scenes for mature readers only.
You have been warned.
8. Discourse.
Discourse ~ Fantasy.
Sesshomaru walked towards the entrance of InuYasha's cave and stopped. Then he went toward a tree and sat at its base. He looked up and saw his brother sitting on a branch looking down at him. The warm Summer wind blew and moved their tresses and bangs.
“We need to talk,” said InuYasha.
“Ah,” was the youkai's response.
“In order for me to accept to be your partner, we need to agree that we will work on the many things that you did to me,” said the hanyou, “and hopefully help me heal.”
“This includes talking about conversations we should have had when I was a child, it means you're going to tell me about my relatives both my human and InuYoukai sides. It includes you telling me about Father, your mother and your childhood,” InuYasha said.
“And if there is something that you want me to do for you then you will tell me about it as well,” continued the hanyou.
As if another thought suddenly popped in his head InuYasha said, “And like in every relationship our conditions will grow as we grow together.”
A slight pause ensued while InuYasha tried to remember the things that he had discussed with Miroku when he finally said, “Last, you will talk to me about your goals and I will talk to you about mine and we will support each other as best we can.”
Sesshomaru watched how animated InuYasha was while he said all these things. He could tell that he had put a lot of thought into it. He had no idea that he had discussed this extensively with Miroku prior to returning to the cave.
The youkai could see that some conditions sounded quite bothersome but it was small prices to pay if it all meant that they would continue to be lovers and become partners.
The lord of the West remained unmoved but his eyes did not leave InuYasha's when he said, “As you wish.”
“Really?” InuYasha asked still unable to believe that this union was taking place.
InuYasha saw Sesshomaru stand up and then he gracefully flew next to where he sat. While floating in the air the youkai carefully moved a wild hair away from InuYasha's face and said, “Yes,” and offered his hand to help InuYasha down.
InuYasha scowled at the gesture. “Sesshomaru, I'm still a guy. You don't need to treat me like a girl.”
“Is that so?” asked Sesshomaru with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah!” said InuYasha rather annoyed at the implication.
Sesshomaru flew to the ground and said, “Understood.” He turned to walk to the cave.
InuYasha leapt to the floor to follow him.
When InuYasha walked inside he saw the fire going with rabbits and fish on the stick and some vegetables already steaming under the ash. An extra cup and bowl was in the floor next to his set. He also noticed that the white rug was clean and dry.
InuYasha continued walking further into the cave. He went to the back wall where he moved some heavy rocks. Underneath them was a small hole filled with things that InuYasha kept but did not want disturbed. They included some old books of Kagome that she had left behind, a white hair band from Kikyo, some empty ramen noodles bags, some dried flowers, a childhood ball, etc. They were mostly reminders that he chose to treasure.
He put the heavy rocks back to their place and returned with two bags of ramen noodles and a tin pan. Sesshomaru looked at the items that he brought and InuYasha tossed the ramen noodles to him. Expertly he caught them and felt the odd crinkly wrapping as the sound tickled his ears. He smelled it and looked at the vibrant writing.
The hanyou brought a dusty pot holder to put on the fire. It was obvious that it had not been used for a long time. After rinsing the pot which also had about three years worth of dust, he put water in it and placed it to boil. The hanyou sat cross legged in front of the fire.
With his arms crossed in front of him he gestured towards Sesshomaru's hands with his chin and said, “Those are ramen noodles; they're great to eat and they cook very fast. They're from Kagome. I had been saving them for a special occasion. We shall eat them to celebrate our union.” He continued to wait for the water to bubble.
The youkai only observed as he saw the pot strategically placed so that it did not disturb the rabbits and fish.
Sesshomaru offered a bowl with some fruit and nuts to InuYasha. “Thanks,” he said when he took them.
The youkai himself had a set to snack on. He was using the bowl that he had brought from his home.
They ate quietly while they waited. InuYasha said, “I was wondering,” he paused, “why did you decide to help me yesterday? I mean you hated me as much as I hated you. How did you decide to save me knowing full well that meant that you would have to have sex with me?”
Sesshomaru was drinking water at this time and he took another sip before he replied, “I had a nightmare.”
InuYasha repeated, “A nightmare?”
Sesshomaru described it to him and what happened afterwards. He ended it saying, “All I knew was that I did not want you to die.” He continued, “And since I have always lusted over you it was not going to be a problem for me to have sex with you. The only problem was for you to accept me.”
InuYasha felt a twang in his groin when he heard this. It was strange for him to imagine Sesshomaru's fantasies before the previous night. Maybe someday I'll ask him about his fantasies about me. He said to himself not able to cover the blush that came with that thought.
Sesshomaru wondered what mouth-watering things were going through his mind at the moment.
“Would you like to hear about one of my fantasies?” Sesshomaru asked without any embarrassment.
InuYasha's face turned purple as he realized that the youkai saw how transparent he was.
Sesshomaru smiled internally. He wanted to eat him up until he literally came to pieces.
The thought alone forced Sesshomaru to wipe his mouth for he had begun to drool.
The half-demon noticed that the youkai lifted his right hand to wipe his mouth while looking at him. The incandescent look that Sesshomaru gave him made his insides automatically twist inside out. The hanyou suddenly felt the need for more air.
That was when Sesshomaru said with a deep baritone growl, “Or shall I show you.”
“You're kidding!” InuYasha exclaimed, “We're about to eat.”
InuYasha carefully put down his bowl as did the youkai.
They both sat there looking at eat other, neither moving yet both expecting the other to take the first move.
InuYasha was first to jump away, but Sesshomaru grabbed him in a snap and wrestled him to the white rug.
The two were breathing heavily, one trying to escape and the other keeping his prey pinned down. That was when Sesshomaru pulled InuYasha's sash from his pants and tied his wrists. Then he pulled his own sash to tie the ankles this time. Each extremity was tied to boulders to keep his arms and legs stretched. It was obvious that InuYasha could easily release himself but they both knew that he would play along.
Sesshomaru suddenly stood to walk back to the fire and moved the food from it for it was going to burn. He also moved InuYasha's pot holder since the water was boiling over.
InuYasha thought, Domineering seducer and cook in one package.
He returned and the two smiled acknowledging the necessary interruption.
He proceeded to kiss his lips and InuYasha kissed him back. That was when Sesshomaru opened InuYasha's red shirt and his white under shirt. With his clawed fingers he caressed the chest and the nipples individually.
The youkai needed to taste his neck and went down to the lower left side and made his tongue caress the pulse. Together with the lips he tasted him on both sides.
InuYasha was moving his head from side to side. The sensations were overwhelming and he was unable to grab onto anything since his hands were tied.
Sesshomaru continued to lick his nipples and sucked each generously.
He lowered further and pulled down the fire rat pant. Since InuYasha did not wear any underwear his penis was the first to appear ready for action.
Sesshomaru came down and licked the hanyou's member and was reminded of what he had tasted the previous day.
“Sesshomaru,” InuYasha said.
“Hmm?” was the response while he was busy.
“Could you release me?” said the hanyou.
Sesshomaru stopped and then moved his mouth out. Quite put off the youkai said, “Does this displease you?”
InuYasha said, “I want to try something.”
Sesshomaru was intrigued and unbound InuYasha. Once he was freed the half-demon took off the sashes, his shirts and pants, and then he undressed Sesshomaru. Next, he lied back down to how he had been and made Sesshomaru lie on him face down but with his pelvis near his head. Sesshomaru immediately knew what was in store.
“You are not that innocent InuYasha,” was his reaction.
“Keh!” said the hanyou and pushed his lover's hips lower towards him. Carefully he held his alabaster shaft and brought the tip to his mouth while his brother did the same. From their mind's eye they could imagine what they looked like. Sesshomaru's white hair flowed to his side while his mouth covered his lover's tanned penis. They respectively caressed each other's legs, buttocks and testicles. The combination of sensations led them closer to their climax. Carefully they sucked the other's penis to lure the juices out into their mouth.
Hips swayed as the members slid torturously in and out of the hot caverns. Faster and faster they moved until one stilled and the other followed suit.
Sesshomaru was more experienced and succeeded at the task. When he was done he sat up and looked at InuYasha who still had cum pouring out of his mouth and nostrils while making slight gagging sounds. InuYasha was still new at this and he could not relax his throat enough to be able to drink it all up. Sesshomaru sat next to him, reached towards the pile of clothes, pulled his sash and tenderly wiped his face.
They remained enjoying that moment in time. They still did not quite believe the change of events. Nonetheless, they were finally accepting their new reality together.
InuYasha said, “Come, let me clean this and you,” and he took the sash and his brother to the pond.
Discourse ~ InuYoukai insights.
They sat in the fresh water and Sesshomaru allowed InuYasha to rinse him while he washed the sash clean.
“You have obviously had a partner before,” said InuYasha.
“Father,” replied Sesshomaru stating the fact.
InuYasha's eyes almost popped out of his head.
Sesshomaru observed his brother and InuYasha could read his mind and said, “Yeah, yeah, among youkai it is acceptable. Still it is hard for me to think of you with him.”
Then InuYasha thought of it some more.
“How does it work? I mean was your mother okay with it? Did you do it with her too?” asked InuYasha in wonderment. The hanyou was done cleansing his brother and sat in front of him to watch him talk.
Sesshomaru sat there and said, “We never do it with our mothers for they can become pregnant. The mothers would teach the girl pups and the fathers teach the boy pups and that way there is no pregnancy. The brothers can do it among themselves and the sisters among themselves. The parents are okay with this.”
InuYasha then asked, “How come it is done at all?”
“The parents know about sexual urges and if they are satisfied then the children will not be looking for it elsewhere at the risk of getting pregnant,” he finished.
“As we become adult youkai then it is our responsibility to keep the lineage …..” Sesshomaru stopped talking.
InuYasha finished for him, “To keep the lineage pure? Is that what you were going to say?”
Sesshomaru then said, “It depends on the objective of the parent.”
“I guess that the fact that I am a half-demon will always be something disgusting to you,” InuYasha said as he lowered into the water and started to make bubbles in annoyance.
The lord of the West said, “It is not an issue for me. I no longer believe that. You and your friend Kagome are proof of it.”
InuYasha's bubbles stopped and he sat up to say, “Go on.”
“We were in battle together and you have both earned my respect,” he said with finality.
They sat there a bit longer and the lord of the West decided to leave. He got out of the pond, shook off the water and found a towel to dry.
InuYasha raised his eyebrows and said, “Glad to hear it.” He too left the pond.
They put on their respective tops and sat to eat.
As they ate Kagome's ramen noodles Sesshomaru asked, “What happened to that girl, Kagome? I have not even felt her scent since Naraku was defeated. Did she perish?”
Sesshomaru had no way of knowing how this topic affected his brother.
InuYasha swallowed hard the morsel that happened to be in his mouth at that moment. Then he covered his eyes with his bangs and said, “No, Kagome is not dead. She is alive only that she lives five hundred years in the future.”
InuYasha explained her story to him and how they were going to be together but then that never happened.
“That is why,” InuYasha continued, “I have decided to live long enough to meet her again. I am determined to find something that will help me live a little more than five hundred years.”
Sesshomaru listened to all this and said, “The life expectancy of an InuYoukai is 1500 years. So if you're half then you could probably have half that which would be 750 years.”
InuYasha looked at him with eyes shining, “Do you really think so?”
“Indeed,” he said.
“I wish there was a way to know for sure,” the hanyou said as his imagination went someplace else. He was thinking that the prospect of being with Kagome again could be a reality without the need of a potion after all.
Discourse ~ Childhood conversations.
They stopped eating their fruit and Sesshomaru went to sit on the white rug; InuYasha followed him.
“Among your conditions you said that we will have conversations that we should have had when you were a child. What did you mean by that?” Sesshomaru asked while he sat against one of the larger boulders.
InuYasha blushed but then said, “As a child I always wanted to sit on your lap and talk to you about anything. I felt that I had that right with you because you were my brother but you would growl at me all the time and instead I always feared you.”
They remained silent for a long time.
“Would you like to sit on my lap now?” asked Sesshomaru.
InuYasha just blushed, “Keh! Don't be ridiculous.”
The stoic lord said, “It is important to you.”
InuYasha looked at him and thought about it. Next, he stood up. Sesshomaru stood up as well and sat in the middle of the fur rug. InuYasha waited until he had sat down and then stepped into Sesshomaru's area to sit on his crossed lap.
There they sat for a while and Sesshomaru proceeded to caress InuYasha's head and hair as he would a child.
That took the young man by surprise but he accepted it.
In a few seconds tears began to well out of InuYasha's eyes out of their own volition.
Sesshomaru began to realize how horrible he had been to his brother. He continued with the gentle tugs against the hanyou's white and coarse hair.
That was when InuYasha said, “I remember when I was about five years old, three demons chased me to a cliff and they wanted to eat me. I climbed down the cliff to a safe area and waited there until they left.” He continued, “You should have been there to protect me.”
InuYasha looked at him directly and saw that the older demon looked wretched but said nothing.
InuYasha demanded, “Say something, anything…”
Sesshomaru paused and then shared the following, “In my childhood I never knew Mother. I don't know if she died at my birth or if she left me and my father. All I knew was that Father took care of me and we had servants in the castle.”
Sesshomaru continued, “Father was constantly away on war. Demons were always trying to take away his territory if not someone else's. So I spent my time very alone and because of father's fear of me being kidnapped, I did not have playmates.”
InuYasha thought, Is that why you are such a loner?
“Perhaps I did not live a life of constant fear as a child but I did have a life of loneliness and sense of abandonment for I never was with Father until I was ready to train in weaponry. That was when he paid more attention to me. That was all I did. I trained in battle and war until it came to a point where I had fought all the strongest demons and the only one left to beat was him,” he finished.
“I have lived less as a child and longer as a full grown demon in warfare. For that reason I did not relate to you at that stage of your life. This is not an apology, it is just an answer to the question for why I was not there to protect you,” ended the youkai.
“That and the fact that you hated me for being a half-breed,” InuYasha added.
“Regrettably, that is correct,” the elder agreed.
“Ahh, such was our life,” the youngest said in reflection as he stretched his arms and began to rub his eyes feeling sleepy. Sesshomaru hugged him from behind and brought him down to the rug from his lap as they lay there still embraced.
Sesshomaru said, “Anytime you want, my lap is yours.”
InuYasha smiled and turned to see him to say, “Thanks.”
InuYasha had to say, “I still can't believe that this is happening. Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that you really are not a jerk and that you were only a jerk to me?”
Sesshomaru pondered about the word jerk. Unsure of its meaning he said, “If you are referring to my perceptions then they have changed. Rin, Jakken, Tenseiga and Totosai's belief in me along with you and your friends helped in that regard. I no longer kill indiscriminately and I do use Tenseiga when appropriate. But as for you, I still despised you because of my unrequited desire for you.”
“Unrequited due to your self-imposed ban of me,” countered InuYasha.
“Ah,” responded Sesshomaru as he nuzzled into his neck from behind while they continued in their embrace.
InuYasha smiled and thought, Perhaps Kagome was not supposed to stay so that I can discover my brother in more ways than one.