InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Leads To A New Future ❯ Run ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha he belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.
One Night Leads To A New Future
Chapter 2
“What did you do while I was away?” Naraku asked. They were eating breakfast that Kagome had cooked.
“Just work. Since you were gone I didn't have much to do.” Kagome said. She hated acting like a `wife' towards him. Married or not she couldn't be rude. Her father would kill her for it.
“Ah I see. I'll have to stop by the office later today to talk to your father.” Naraku said. “I thought after that we could go out to dinner. It will only be a couple of minutes.”
“That sounds nice.” Kagome faked a smile. “I assume it will be another fancy one of your choice?”
“Only the best for my fiancé.” Naraku smiled.
Kagome sighed and picked at her breakfast. She wasn't really that hungry but she needed to eat something. She also had to find a way to call Inuyasha and apologize for hanging up on him. She hadn't meant to but Naraku was a very jealous man...
Later that evening Kagome had dressed for dinner, another meaningless formal occasion, another fancy dinner she didn't want to attend. She looked in the mirror waiting for Naraku to finish with his phone call so they could go to the office. She was wearing a black form fitting dress. It was spaghetti strap dress that went just above her knees. It showed minimal cleavage, surprisingly. He had picked out the dress and her other dresses he'd bought were more revealing...
“Are you ready?” Naraku asked. He walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. “You look beautiful by the way.”
“I was just waiting for you.” Kagome stood up from her seat and grabbed her coat. “Thank you.”
He grabbed her hand and led her outside. They got in the car and rode in silence to the office. This was not a good week for her. First Naraku comes home early and she has to see her father, then to dinner. Not only that but she still hadn't had the chance to talk to Inuyasha. Hopefully she'd be able to while they were at the office.
Once they got to the office they were bombarded by a couple of the secretaries. Kagome was Naraku's secretary because of her father but since he was gone she rarely needed to go into work. The secretaries were urgent about getting Naraku up to the top floor. One of the biggest client's was threatening to leave and they needed him to convince him otherwise.
“I'm sorry Kagome. I'll make this quick.” Naraku said and followed the others upstairs.
Kagome sighed and leaned against the wall. Dinner was probably ruined and she was going to be stuck at the office. Then it hit her. While she was here she could call Inuyasha, hopefully he'd still be at the office. She didn't know the number to his line directly but she could get transferred.
Inuyasha was sitting in his desk chair in his office. He had snapped at everyone who dared come in his office. Soon enough people just avoided him altogether. Even his secretary had done everything to avoid him. She hadn't said a thing to him all day and avoided any and all eye contact.
He hated to admit it but his bad mood was because of Kagome. Not her directly but the fact that she hung up on him so quickly. He'd heard a man's voice in the background and assumed it was Naraku. Unless she had another male visitor come during the day, which he didn't think she would do. Or at least he hoped.
His thoughts were interrupted when his secretary called for him. “Inuyasha, you have a call on line three.” She said over the intercom.
“I'm not taking any calls.” Inuyasha said gruffly.
“I'll tell the young lady that you're not taking any calls.”
“What young lady?” Inuyasha asked quickly.
“Kagome...I think her name was.”
“I'll take it.” Inuyasha said and picked up the phone. “Kagome?”
“Oh Inuyasha. Your secretary said you might not be taking calls.” Kagome said.
“I've been in a bad mood.” Inuyasha said.
“I hope I didn't do anything to make it bad.” Kagome said. “I called to apologize about earlier. Naraku came home early and he'd be angry if he knew I was talking to you. He doesn't exactly like you...”
“I know. He's been glaring at me ever since I met him.” Inuyasha said. “I assumed Naraku came home early. I heard him on the phone. I just called to make sure you got my note and didn't think I just left because of...well you know.”
“Hai, I got it.” Kagome smiled even though he couldn't see. “It was very sweet of you.”
“I was wondering...if you regret last night?” Inuyasha asked somewhat afraid to know the answer. “Because I don't and never will.”
“I don't regret it.” Kagome answered. “I hate to cut the conversation short but I'm supposed to be going out to dinner...”
“I understand. Remember you have my number and address. If you need anything call me.” Inuyasha said. “I don't care what time.”
“Hai, thank you...for everything.” Kagome said and hung up the phone. She didn't really have to go so quickly but she didn't know what would happen if she talked to him any longer...
Inuyasha sighed and hung up the phone. He couldn't help but be jealous. Even though he didn't know Kagome that well he couldn't help but think of her. She was very attractive and had a fire in her that was begging to be released. She was his ideal woman and he couldn't have her...
He wanted to do anything he could to help her. How could he tell her that after he left her all he thought about was helping her? He was Vice President of his half brother's company. He could get her a job and her father couldn't do anything about it other than continuing to rival their company.
Inuyasha stood up and left the office. He couldn't concentrate on work at the moment, besides all he was doing was ruining other people's day with his snappy attitude. While walking out of his office he told his secretary to let his brother know he was leaving for the day and that he would get a hold of him later.
Kagome walked into the apartment and kicked off her shoes. The day that was already bad got worse. Not only did she dress up for dinner but didn't even go at all. She spent at least four hours doing nothing. She constantly tried to get a hold of Naraku so that she could at least go home but couldn't find him anywhere. Instead she got stuck with doing some work for her father.
“I'm sorry about that. I didn't think things would be so hectic.” Naraku said as he shut the door.
“Well you could have at least let me go home. I tried finding you.” Kagome said. She walked straight into the bedroom to change. No way she was going to stay in that dress. She had just begun to unzip her dress when Naraku walked in. “I'm trying to change you could at least give me a little privacy.”
“Why? I've said plenty of times, we're getting married what difference is it if I see you now or on our wedding night?”
“And I've said plenty of times, it makes all the difference.” Kagome grabbed her nightgown and robe and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. When she was done she walked back into the bedroom, throwing her dress in the hamper.
“You can't be that mad.” Naraku said as he walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder.
“I can and am.” Kagome answered. She jerked from his hold and sat down on the bed. “This isn't the first time you've done this.”
“I don't mean to do it.” Naraku said a little angry. He pushed her back onto the bed and hovered over her. He leaned down and kissed her neck. “You'll get over it.”
“You can't assume I'll `get over it'. You've done this plenty of times. At least four times I've been stuck at the office.” Kagome pushed him off but he wouldn't budge.
Naraku just ignored her and leaned down to continue kissing her neck. This time he wouldn't comply with her wishes of waiting. Sooner or later she was going to be his and he wanted her sooner. Ignoring any of her wishes, he rested his full weight on her, making any escape hard.
Kagome began to panic when he rested his weight on her. She'd always been afraid he would try to do something like this. He had a one-track mind. When he wanted something, he'd get it. She decided that getting her was the one thing he would never achieve. She did the only thing she could think of and kicked him off of her.
He glared angrily at her as he stood up. She stood up also, trying to think of the best way to either calm him down or leave. Seeing the look in his eyes she knew he wasn't going to calm down. The best thing to do was to leave. But how would she even do that? Naraku was ten times stronger than she was.
“I've tried to be patient with you.” Naraku said and stalked towards her. “Now all you can do is push me away?”
“I told you I want to wait.” Kagome said and backed up, her knees hit the bed and she stumbled onto it.
Naraku pushed her down on the bed once again but more roughly this time. He pushed open her robe, grabbing the front of her nightgown, ripping it. Kagome panicked once again and used all the strength she could to push him off of her. This time she ran passed him and out the door. She ran out of her apartment and outside where it was raining. She didn't know where to go but she ran anyway.
Thinking about it she realized Inuyasha didn't live too far away. It was the only place she could think of going. Running around in ripped pajamas in the rain wasn't the best thing to do. She kept running and didn't stop until she was at Inuyasha's penthouse. He owned the whole top floor. She rode the elevator and knocked on his door, hugging herself from the cold.
“Who the hell is it?” Inuyasha opened the door looking angry. “Kagome?”
“I'm sorry...I didn't know where else to go...” Kagome's voice shook. She was trying so hard to keep the tears in.
Inuyasha moved aside and let her in. He shut the door and went to grab a towel so she could dry off. He draped it over her head and sat down next to her on the couch. “What happened?” He asked.
“I never thought he'd force himself on me. I was always afraid he'd do it but I didn't think...” Kagome finally broke down and the tears fell from her eyes.
Inuyasha didn't need to hear anymore. He reached out for her and wrapped his arms around her. She gripped his shirt and continued to cry. Inuyasha would've marched his ass to her apartment and kicked Naraku's ass but he had the fragile girl in his arms to worry about. She was more important.
It had taken a long time but he finally got her to calm down. She had apologized plenty of times and then took his offer to take a warm bath. She got in the tub and sighed. Her eyes burned from the crying and she was exhausted. She was so thankful for Inuyasha being there. Now she had to think of what to do.
She'd have to go back to Naraku sometime but what would he do when she got there? He'd probably be furious. Maybe she shouldn't have left...No, she'd never forgive herself if she stayed. She'd have to think of something when she got back. Where she stayed, what she did.
Kagome didn't want to think about it now. She stepped out of the tub and dried herself off with the towel that Inuyasha had given her. She wrapped it around herself realizing that she had nothing to change into. Her nightgown was ripped and it was soaked, along with her robe. She walked out of the bathroom to find Inuyasha.
She bumped into him in the hallway. “Sorry, I just came to ask if I could borrow something to wear. My nightgown is ruined not to mention soaked.” She said.
“I was just bringing you some.” Inuyasha said. He handed her a shirt and a pear of boxers. “They are going to be big on you though.”
“Well I didn't think you would have women's clothing around.” Kagome giggled. She took the clothes and headed for the bathroom. Once she was changed she walked back into the living room and sat next him on the couch.
For the first time she was getting a good look at his place. The living room was white with a big screen television straight across from the front door against the wall. In front of the television, a few feet away were a table and then the couch. The couch was black leather. A red carpet was on the floor from the television to the couch. On the right of the front door was a counter that separated the living room from the kitchen. Those were the only things she could see besides the hallways.
“Thank you for the clothes.” Kagome pulled on the white t-shirt she was wearing. It was pretty big on her. She had to use the drawstrings to keep the boxers on.
“No problem.” Inuyasha said. “Did you think about what you were going to do?”
Kagome looked down onto the floor. “I'm not sure. I don't know what his reaction will be when I go back...” She said quietly.
“You're going back?” Inuyasha asked.
“I don't have a choice!” Kagome shouted.
“How could you even think about going back if he tried that?” Inuyasha asked, a little angry.
“What can I do? I have to marry him or everything is either cut off or taken away from me!” Kagome shouted. “My father has the power to do it and will do it!”
“Then stay with me!” Inuyasha finally yelled.
“What?” Kagome asked.
“Stay with me. I can get you a job. You can stay with me. I'll protect you from him.” Inuyasha grabbed her hand. “I don't want to see you hurt. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't jealous.”
“Why would you do all this for me?” Kagome asked. Obviously he'd thought about it before.
“I've thought about it before. I know I don't know you that well but I'm attracted to you.” Inuyasha said. “I want to help in anyway I can.”
“Even if I were to stay, I'd be putting your company in an even bigger war with my father's company.” Kagome said.
“It doesn't matter. We've been rivaling since our companies started.” Inuyasha said.
“I don't know...I don't want to put you in so much trouble.” Kagome said.
“Sleep on it.” Inuyasha said. He stood up and urged her to follow him. He lead her through a hallway to a room. He opened the door. “This is my room. You can sleep here.”
“Where are you going to sleep?” Kagome asked.
“I'll sleep in the guest room.” Inuyasha said and began leaving.
“Wait.” Kagome grabbed his hand. “Would you mind staying with me? I don't want to be alone right now.”
“Of course.” Inuyasha said. He walked into the room after her and laid down in the bed with her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered good night.
Kagome smiled and soon enough fell asleep.
Inuyasha could only wait for her answer. He couldn't help but feel a little anxious and nervous about her answer...
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don'tbreakme- Are Naraku and Inuyasha half-demons in this story,cuz shouldn't they be able to smell eachothers scent?
Everyone is human. Sorry I forgot to include that in the first chapter.
Hope you like it! Let me know what you think!