InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Leads To A New Future ❯ Closure ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha he belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.
One Night Leads To A New Future
Chapter 4
Everyone in this fic is human. No miko, youkai, or hanyous.
The next morning Kagome opened her eyes to see Inuyasha already awake. He was sitting against the headboard of the bed reading some papers. She yawned and stretched before realizing she had no clothes on. Inuyasha handed her one of his shirts knowing that she'd be uncomfortable with her nudity. She smiled and put the shirt on.
Inuyasha opened his arm for her to lean against his chest. “What are you reading?” Kagome asked.
“Some contract.” Inuyasha said. “I still work you know.”
“I forgot Mr. Vice President.” She giggled.
Inuyasha put the papers down on the bedside table and gave her a long leisurely kiss. He pulled back and smiled at her. “So tell me about yourself.” Kagome said. “I still don't know that much about you.”
“Not really much to tell. My mother died when I was five years old. My father remarried my mother after Sesshomaru's mother died giving birth to him. My father died and left the company to us. I wanted no part in it but I was good with business and became the Vice President.” Inuyasha told her.
“Oh I'm sorry.” Kagome said.
“It's alright. It happened a long time ago.” Inuyasha said. “What about you?”
“Well my mother died when I was about ten years old. We'd been having family problems after my brother Souta was born. Because of the business he changed into a power hungry businessman. He came home late every night and snapped at everyone. He used to be so loving, never coming home late no matter what the circumstance. After my mother died he started teaching me business so I could work at the office. He wanted me to look good and powerful so one of his future business partners would marry me.” Kagome explained.
“That's bullshit.” Inuyasha said.
“I was his secretary until Naraku came along. He's the same as my father. My father immediately took a liking to him and made him Vice President. Naraku told him that he took a liking to me so I became his secretary and then my father told me about the marriage. Of course I was angry and disappeared for a week.” Kagome said. “I finally got a message of his threats and I went back. Here I am now.”
“It's over now. There's nothing left to worry about.” Inuyasha said.
“No, I still have to talk to my father. I know my brother will be fine. My father spoils him since he will carry on the family name. I need this closure with my father though.” Kagome said. “And no you can't come with me. He'll call security the minute you step inside the building and have you escorted off the premises.”
“But something could happen.” Inuyasha said.
“No, he'll leave me be. He'll assume that I'll come back in a week or so. That's always what he thinks. I've done it plenty of times before.” Kagome laughed. “He was always so angry afterwards, but didn't say anything so I wouldn't leave again.”
“I'll be waiting outside of the building with the engine running then.” Inuyasha said. “If anything goes wrong you do something to contact me or get the hell out of the building!”
“Hai, I will.” Kagome smiled.
Kagome was finally able to convince Inuyasha to let her go to the office that day after about a half an hour of pleading. She wanted to get this over with as soon as possible. She wanted to be able to live her life the way she wanted. After showering and getting dressed they left for her father's building.
They finally arrived and as Inuyasha said he was going to wait outside the doors with the engine running. “Remember what I said. If anything goes wrong you get the hell out of there!” Inuyasha said.
“Hai, hai, I know.” Kagome smiled. She kissed him before getting out of the car.
She easily made it through the security and went to the elevator straight up to the top floor. “I need to speak to my father.” Kagome said to the secretary.
“He's on a very important phone call and can't be bothered.” The secretary said.
Kagome ignored her and walked through the office doors. Her father was on the phone and held up his hand to make her wait. Kagome glared angrily at her before stomping over to his desk and pressing the hang up button on the phone. She was tired of following his orders.
“That was very rude Kagome! This could cost me a very large contract!” Her father said angrily.
Kagome didn't care. He didn't scare her anymore. “I'm not waiting for you to finish your phone call.” She said.
“So you've come back. Naraku told me what you did.” Her father said.
“I don't care, I have just reason for what I did.” Kagome said. “I left because he tried to rape me!”
“It's not rape if you're to be married.” Her father said. He was treating her like a ten year old who didn't know anything.
“It's rape if I'm unwilling!” Kagome shouted. She couldn't believe what he just said.
“Why would you be unwilling? Naraku is a fine man. Many women have already jumped at him in the chance of being with such a man.”
“He's a creep and a hentai! I will not marry him.” Kagome said strongly.
“Nonsense you just need some time to cool down.” Her father said. “We'll give you a few days and then when you return we'll act like nothing happened.”
“You're not listening. I won't be coming back ever!” Kagome shouted.
Her father slammed his fist on the desk. “We've talked about this before. You will be cut off from everything!” He began to raise his voice.
“I don't care. I have other means of support. You can't do anything against him.” Kagome glared at him as if daring him to keep up with his threats.
“Him? You mean Inuyasha?” Her father stood up from his desk chair. “I won't allow it!”
“It's too late.” Kagome said. “I just thought I'd come here to tell you face to face. I'm leaving.”
“Kagome you get back here right now!” Her father shouted. Kagome ignored him and slammed the door shut to his office. `She'll be back in a week.' Her father thought and went back to his work.
Kagome walked out of the building and into Inuyasha car and sighed heavily. It was over. Everything was dealt with and she no longer needed to worry. “How did it go?” Inuyasha asked.
“Great.” Kagome smiled. “Let's go home.”
Inuyasha smiled that she said `home'. He grabbed her hand and drove off. “Now there are other matters we have to deal with.” He said.
“Like what?” Kagome asked.
“Whether or not you're going to work.” Inuyasha answered.
“What do you mean?” Kagome asked.
“Well you want to work right?”
“Hai, I don't want to be living off of you.” Kagome said.
“See. I'd be perfectly fine if you were to stay home and not work.” Inuyasha said. “But with your stubborn nature you won't allow it.”
“Of course not.” Kagome crossed her arms.
“Then we're going to the office then.” Inuyasha replied. “I need to talk to Sesshomaru.”
They arrived at the office and got out of the car. They took the elevator to the top floor to Sesshomaru's office. “Just wait right here and I'll go talk to him. If you need anything ask Rin.” Inuyasha pointed to the secretary.
“I'll be fine.” Kagome smiled and sat down.
“Is Sesshomaru busy?” Inuyasha asked Rin.
“No, he's been waiting for you.” Rin smiled.
“Thanks.” Inuyasha said and walked into the office.
“I've been waiting for you.” Sesshomaru said. He motioned to the chair to sit down. Sesshomaru was a tall man. He had the same features as Inuyasha but had a more serious, almost emotionless demeanor. His hair long silver hair was tied in a low ponytail. He was wearing a standard black business suit with a dark blue tie. “What's this matter you wanted to speak to me about?”
“Do you remember Higurashi, Kagome?” Inuyasha asked.
“The daughter of Hideyuki, Higurashi our rival?” Sesshomaru said. “I remember her. She was very poised and intelligent. Why?”
“She's living with me.” Inuyasha said.
“What?” Sesshomaru asked. “You don't even know the woman.”
“I'm aware of that!” Inuyasha said. He then told him of what happened, leaving the details of their intimacy out of it.
“And the reason for telling me this...?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Well she wants a job but with her father's power she can't get one. He'll scare everyone out of business.” Inuyasha said.
“You want me to give her a job here?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Just for a while. I'm trying to convince her to just stay out of work but she's too stubborn.” Inuyasha said. “You've been bitching at me to get a secretary anyway and she's already skilled at that.”
“Do whatever as long as she doesn't interfere with your work. She can be your secretary since you've turned all the other away.” Sesshomaru said. “We just settled the Tsukamoto account so there won't be much to do for a while. You can take the week off and settle with your new woman.”
“Funny.” Inuyasha said sarcastically.
“Go. She'll need some suits I assume.” Sesshomaru said. “Don't forget to have her fill out an application. Talk to Rin, she'll have the papers.”
“Yeah, I'm leaving then.” Inuyasha rolled his eyes and left the office. “Hey Rin, I need some papers.”
“Hai, Sesshomaru just told me over the intercom. Do you want them now or shall I fax them?” Rin asked.
“I'll take them now. My fax machine doesn't work.” Inuyasha said. Rin handed him a couple of papers. He took them and walked over to Kagome. “Let's go.”
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Hope you like it! Let me know what you think!
Hentai- pervert