InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot At Fun ❯ Right Here In My Arms ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha
Right Here In My Arms
Kagome sat at her desk looking at her teacher but seeing Inu Yasha. She wondered if he was okay after the last battle they had with Naraku. She felt a little guilty about leaving after such a big fight, but she had to come back to study or else she would fail. She vaguely heard her teacher's chalk scrapping against the chalkboard. Kagome sighed `I wonder how everyone is doing.'
“Class, this will be on tomorrows test, please make sure to study it.”
Kagome gasped, as she hadn't known they were having a test the next day. `Oh no, what am I supposed to do now, I don't have any notes or anything.' The bell toned letting all the students go home for the day. Kagome packed her book bag and made her way home. As she was walking home, she tried to figure out just how she was going to pass. She had missed so much school already, and she couldn't keep up with everyone else.
“Maybe I should just quit for now, or at least until the Shikon is back together.” She chewed her lower lip and ascended the stairs. Her mother would most defiantly not like that idea. `I just need to figure out a way to get both done.'
Five hundred years in the past, a silver haired hanyou gazed down a well. He growled as the well only looked darker and deeper. Inu Yasha propped his foot on to the lip of the well and growled. His kitsune companion just looked at him and sighed. “Kagome's taking too long! Isn't she coming back soon?” The boy just growled more as the aforementioned girl didn't show up.
“She said she would be back in two or three days Inu Yasha” Shippou exclaimed.
Miroku and Sango walked in to the clearing. “You shouldn't rush Kagome-sama Inu Yasha. We are all tired and her leaving to go home has given us reason to rest. You should rest yourself Inu Yasha, we know your body must be tired.”
“What are you talking about monk, my body isn't as weak as your human ones. So you're tired? Fine, just stay here while I go and get Kagome.” With that said, the hanyou jumped in to the darkness of the well and was surrounded by a blue light. He felt a little lightheaded as he traveled five hundred years in to the future.
After Kagome had gotten home, she directly went to her room and put on a change of clothes. She decided that she needed to study, so she barricaded herself in her room. Her eyes drew together as she looked aimlessly at a problem she had no clue how to solve. `How can I study if I can't even understand it?' She lightly dropped her head in to her hands and sighed.
Kagome was jolted out of her studying by a loud boom downstairs. Shortly after hearing yelling she heard a pair of footsteps run up the stairs. She turned towards the door and watched as it opened. “Inu Yasha, what are you doing here?” Inu Yasha turned to face her after he had made sure the door was closed and locked. He didn't want Sota coming up here and trying to get him to go play those video game things again.
“You were too slow, so I came to get you. Now come on, lets go.” Inu Yasha watched as the vein in Kagome's head began to pop out. Her face turned red and she glared at him. He also noticed how her left eye would twitch every now and then. “I have a test tomorrow Inu Yasha, there is no way I'm going back tonight!” Kagome punctuated her resolve with a fist shaking in his face.
“Hey, what are you so mad about?” The hanyou was clueless as to why Kagome would be so upset over coming back to the feudal era with him. `Does she hate being with me?' Inu Yasha's ears dropped as he tried to figure out what he had done this time. Kagome saw his sad expression and calmed. She hadn't meant to upset him; she just needed to get her point across. `He can be so dense sometimes.'
Kagome turned around in her chair and sighed. She brought her hand up to his head and lightly scratched his ear. Inu Yasha leaned in to her touch and sighed happily. “I'm not mad Inu Yasha, I'm just under a lot of stress. I just really need to study and pass this test. When I get done with the test tomorrow I promise we can go back. Can you just hang out here until then?”
Inu Yasha nodded and sat on her bed. `I'll just watch her all night until she's done.' He leaned against the wall and yawned. He heard her scribbling something down and was curious. Inu Yasha crept up behind her chair and quietly peeked over her shoulder. He couldn't really see anything so he moved to her side and looked at what she was writing.
Kagome gritted her teeth. She was really trying to be nice to Inu Yasha, but he just made it so hard sometimes. “Inu Yasha, SIT!” Inu Yasha fell to the floor. As he lay prone on the floor Kagome got an idea. “Sota, can you come here for a minute?”
“Yea sis, what is it?” Sota asked as he opened the door.
“Can you keep Inu Yasha busy for me?”
“Yea sure thing sis. Hey come on Inu Yasha, we can go get a bath together while Kagome studies.” Sota grabbed Inu Yasha's hand a pulled him out the door.
Kagome was finally able to sit down and concentrate. She had looked at a problem for about five minutes before a scream was heard.
“Hey that's hot!” Kagome knew it was Inu Yasha before her burst naked through her door. “Hey what was that shit?” Kagome turned a deep crimson and she saw Inu Yasha arguing with her brother, completely nude. He had a few soap bubbles on him, but other than that, she could see everything else. She gasped when Inu Yasha turned and looked her way, finally noticing her. “What the hell are you looking at?” As soon as the statement left his mouth he blushed. He looked down and realized he was naked in front of Kagome.
“Get out!” A flying object hitting Inu Yasha in the face followed this statement. He stood there stunned for a moment; before another flying object hit him square in the face. Kagome stood there panting as Inu Yasha made a mad dash for the door, almost knocking Sota over in the process. She sank down to the floor and sighed, `I'll never remember all the equations tomorrow if I can't even remember one now.'

Downstairs, a more clothed and dry Inu Yasha, sat in front of Sota as he blow dried his hair. Ms. Higurashi walked in to the room and asked him if he was ready for dinner. He happily shook his head and stood up. He walked in to the kitchen and sat down. Inu Yasha started to devour his meal.
Kagome finally felt relaxed. “It's quiet now.” No sooner had the words left her mouth, she heard Inu Yasha scream in pain. He ran up to her room and slammed the door open, his tongue hanging out. Ms. Higurashi was close behind him and was quick to tell her daughter what had happened when she looked at her with a questioning look.
“My tongue hurts.” Inu Yasha wailed as he tried to fan it with his hands.
“I gave him curry, maybe it was too hot?” Inu Yasha made more painful sounds and he looked to Kagome. She sighed and just shook her head. Kagome turned back to her studies as Inu Yasha sat on her bed. He just watched her, waiting for her to be done. `Just him sitting there starring at me is irritating.' Kagome turned around and looked at him.
“What, I'm not making any noise, I'm just sitting here.” Inu Yasha huffed.
“Why don't you lie down or something?”
“You just turn around and study because we're leaving tomorrow.” Inu Yasha crossed his arms as he watched her turn back around. Kagome still couldn't concentrate and turned back around. She saw Inu Yasha laying on his side, asleep, and sighed. `This is the first time I've actually seen him asleep.' Kagome decided to leave him alone and finish with her studying.

Kagome stretched and yawned. She looked at the clock and noticed it was two in the morning. Inu Yasha was still asleep on her bed and she weighed her options. She could either sleep on the floor, or try and get Inu Yasha to move over so she could sleep on the bed. She opted for the floor since Inu Yasha looked so peaceful.
Kagome gently took a pillow from the other side of the bed and lay on the floor. She had just closed her eyes when she heard his voice. “What are you doing on the floor?” Inu Yasha sat up in the bed and looked at her. “I was trying to go to sleep.” Kagome was already tired and in no mood to argue with him.
“There is plenty of room for us both up here.” Inu Yasha blushed at the prospect of sleeping in the same bed with Kagome. He moved over as she lay down on the bed. “Thank you Inu Yasha.” Kagome turned on her side and closed her eyes. Inu Yasha, however, was far from sleeply now. All he could think about was the beautiful girl trying to sleep beside him. He decided enough was enough and gently ran his hand down her side.
“Inu Yasha, what are you doing?” Kagome felt his hand gently rubbing up and down her side. It felt good and she didn't want him to stop. “Kagome, I love you.” Inu Yasha turned her over on to her back and kissed her.
Kagome just lay there still, almost too shocked to do anything. Then his words sank in, `He loves me?' Kagome responded to his demanding kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you too Inu Yasha.” His heart soared after hearing those words. It gave him the extra push he needed to continue.
Inu Yasha straddled her waist and put his hand under her shirt. Kagome gasped as his warm hand came in to contact with her skin. Tingles shot through her body and his claws gently ran along her stomach. Inu Yasha pulled her shirt over her head and sat her up so he could take her bra off. After fumbling with it for a few minutes he finally got it off.
While she was laying back down he stood up and removed his clothing. Inu Yasha wasted no time in grabbing her skirt and yanking it down, along with her panties. Once both were completely undressed, Inu Yasha lay on top of Kagome. Their bodies fit together and both hissed at the contact. His skin felt hot against hers and he moaned as a hardened nipple grazed against his chest.
“Kagome, I want you to be mine forever. Will you?” Kagome looked in to his eyes and saw the lust and love shinning in them. She couldn't deny him, no matter what. “Yes Inu Yasha.” Tears threatened to spill from her eyes but she pushed them away. No doubt Inu Yasha would think he had done something wrong if he saw her tears.
After she answered his question, Inu Yasha began kissing her again. His kiss was more demanding this time as he swept his tongue inside her mouth. She tasted sweet and refreshing to him and he craved more. His hands ran down her body and he smirked in to her mouth as she shivered. He scooted over to the side of her so he could move his hand down further. Kagome gasped when one clawed finger started to massage her dampening core.
Inu Yasha let his finger massage around her outer lips and finally delved in to her. She was hot and tight, he hoped he wouldn't hurt her too much. His finger slide inside her body, testing to make sure she was ready. Inu Yasha pumped his finger inside her as his mouth moved down to her breast. He sucked in one nipple and ran his tongue around it. Kagome was arching off the bed, barely able to contain her moans. His sucking became more insistent as her body began to shake.
Kagome reached her hands in to his hair and gently began to stroke his ears. She heard something between a growl and purr come out of his lips and giggled. Inu Yasha raised his head and gazed at her. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, and now she was his. He slide back on top of her and ground himself in to her pelvis. Moaning as the sensations took him over, he grasped her other breast and began to give it the same attention he had to the other one.
Kagome moaned again, a little louder this time, and wondered if her family could hear them. Inu Yasha heard her sharp intake of breath as the head of his cock slipped in to her. He pushed until he felt a barrier. Inu Yasha stopped and began kissing her again. Once her mind was off what he was about to do, he plunged deep within her. Her cry wrenched his heart, but he knew it was the only way.
Tears pricked at Kagome's eyes, her lower body felt like it was being ripped apart. She was glad Inu Yasha had stayed still; she didn't think she could take the pain of him moving. She kissed him to let him know she was all right, and slowly, the pain started to ebb away. Kagome looked at Inu Yasha's face and knew he was straining to keep still. Gently, she thrust her hips up to test their connection. She was rewarded with a jolt of pleasure running through her body and Inu Yasha moaning her name.
The dam had broke and there was no turning back for Inu Yasha. He pulled back and slammed back in to her. He could be gentle with her later. It seemed Kagome liked his harsh treatment as she urged him on with her moans and sighs of pleasure. Inu Yasha sat back on his knees and spread Kagome's legs farther apart. He pounded in to her and watched her breasts bounce up and down.
Inu Yasha grasped each of her legs and hooked his arms underneath her knees. He leaned back down on top of her, the new position allowing him to go deeper in to her. Both moaned as his thrusts quickly brought both to the edge. Kagome wrapped her arms around Inu Yasha's neck and pulled his head down to hers. She kissed him passionately, pushing him to go faster and harder in to her. The bed started to creak as its occupants moved faster and faster. Inu Yasha caught one of Kagome's nipples in his mouth and started to run his tongue around it. She moaned, and could feel herself being pushed over the edge. Inu Yasha thrust once more in to her and she screamed, the passion over taking her. Kagome felt her body tense and then the muscles in her lower stomach start to spasm. Inu Yasha, feeling Kagome clench around him, started to lose himself. He pounded in to her harder and felt his seed start to travel up his cock. He kissed her once again to try and muffle his moan as both shook violently from the pleasure.
Inu Yasha stilled himself and tried to catch his breath. Kagome let her legs slip down and sighed, grateful that she could feel her toes again. His hot breath ran along her neck as Inu Yasha tried to catch his breathe. Once he was sure he could move, he sat up and lay down beside Kagome. Neither felt like moving, so Inu Yasha just wrapped his arm around her waist and started to fall asleep. He whispered an “I love you” to which she replied, “I love you too” before both fell asleep.
The next morning, Kagome went through her daily ritual of showering and getting ready for school. She only planned on staying long enough to take her test. Inu Yasha just stayed behind and waited for her to come back. Before she left though, he gave her a soft peck on the lips and whispered, “I love you.” Kagome returned his affections and headed out the door.
After taking her test, Kagome ran back home to be greeted by Inu Yasha, standing outside, ready to go. She ran to him and hugged him then kissed him on the check. “You ready to go?” Kagome nodded and held his hand. The both walked to the well house and jumped in.
On the other side, Miroku and Shippou awaited them. “Hey! They're back!” Shippou jumped up and down excitedly. Kagome and Inu Yasha were climbing over the well when Miroku looked at both knowingly.
“So, you stayed at Kagome-sama's house last night Inu Yasha?” Both just blushed at he innocent question and continue on their way, completely ignoring the perverted monk.
AN: Well, I hope you all enjoyed that little one-shot. I am very sorry it took me so long to update. I was busy over the Thanks Giving holiday, and when I got back, I had a little writer's block. Please review, I live for it! Thanks again!!!
