InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot At Fun ❯ Awkward Last Words ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha.
Awkward Last Words
Inu Yasha sat in his tree. He called it his tree because he was pinned to it for fifty years. `No,' he thought, `this is our tree. This is where she found me, and released me.' He sighed again as he thought about the girl from the future. His ears dropped slightly as he thought about their last fight. Kagome wanted to go home and he wouldn't allow it. `All I do is push you far away from me.' The end result had been him face down in the dirt while she stormed off to her time, tears streaming down her eyes. “I can't breathe Inu Yasha.” She jumped in to the well and out of his life again. Ghost tears slid down his face as his chest constricted. The spell wore off and Inu Yasha slowly stood, bounded off to his tree and began to contemplate their `relationship.'
The golden rays of the sun began to slowly fade as day turned to night. Inu Yasha still sat in his tree. Kagome's last words haunted him. `I can't breath Inu Yasha.' The statement had been simple but spoke volumes to him. He knew he had pushed her away from him; his past life had made him do so. Inu Yasha had been afraid, afraid of her rejection, afraid of losing her. The life style he led wasn't for her. He was too dangerous, always getting her in harms way. `I don't deserve her.' His heart galvanized at the prospect of losing her, never to be able to hold her like he wished. He had made up his mind, he would go tell Kagome and get it over with. Hopefully, she would understand, she always did.
“I can't breath Inu Yasha.”
Kagome then leapt in to the well. Tears were already streaming down her face before she made it to the other side. Once she felt her legs push against solid ground she wept bitterly. Her fists clenched and she pounded them against the ground. “It's almost funny how much I need him, and he doesn't even know I'm there.” The echo of her lonely voice shocked Kagome, when had she become so alone? She forced herself to stand and climb the old ladder in the well house. A sense of relief flooded her when she opened the well house doors to see everything as she had left it.
Drying her eyes, Kagome went home. `Home.' Could she really even call this place home anymore? She was never home, always being whisked away to the past to deal with problems there. Kagome felt as a ghost in her own home. Going through the motions around inanimate things that hadn't changed. In an empty home, Kagome walked up the stairs to take a bath. She let the days worries wash away with the dirt and grime on her body. She thought about him again, there in a lonely bath in her empty home. Eyes watering and nose sniffling, Kagome washed her hair. `I know he has issue's with his past, but can't he see that I don't judge him for that. I love him for him, and only him, not what he has done.' Kagome sighed as she washed her face.
Inu Yasha stepped through the well house doors. He brought his arm up and covered his nose. No matter how many times he had traveled to the future, the stink still bothered him. So as not to be seen, he dashed through the courtyard and sprinted up a tree next to Kagome's window. The light was out, but he knew she was home, he could smell her everywhere around this place. He used his claws to make short work of the latch keeping the window locked and glided in easily. Sitting on the floor in front of her window, Inu Yasha waited for Kagome.
He figured she was taking a bath, the light in that room was on and the door was shut. Inu Yasha inhaled deeply and took in Kagome's scent. He let it wash over him and steady his nerves. A watered down scent of salt assaulted his nose. He knew what it was and it made him whimper. `She even cries when I'm not here.' Inu Yasha crossed his arms over his chest and bent his head down. His nose almost touched his chest; still, he didn't feel like he could get far enough in to himself to escape the pain of her loneliness.
Kagome let out an enraged shriek. She had had enough and was going to be sure to tell Inu Yasha that. She had put up with his over possessiveness for long enough. If he wasn't going to admit any kind of feelings towards her then he had no right to keep her back. Kagome made up her mind to go back to the past and give him his choice, the past alone, or the present with her. With nerves rattled she stood out of the water and dried herself. Wrapping a towel around her still damp body she walked in to her dark room.
Inu Yasha whimpered again when he heard her shriek through the bathroom door. A few minutes later the door opened and Kagome almost stormed out. He could see the look of determination on her face; it rolled off her in waves that made him try to crawl in to his skin more. She eyed him sitting under her window and her disposition quickly turned sour.
“What are you doing here Inu Yasha?” Kagome tapped her foot and rested her hand on her hip. `At least he saved me the trip of going back.'
“Kagome, I…” Inu Yasha stopped to get his thoughts together. “Kagome, I want to live again, I want to start everything over again.” He stopped again as he gauged her reaction. “I want to get this right.” Inu Yasha stopped again and wet his lips. “I'm going to make this work, I just need to change everything wrong with me. I'll meet you in another life.” Unshed tears glistened in his eyes as he turn his back on the one true love of his life.
Kagome stood stock still as his words sank in. `Change everything wrong with him? Meet me in another life?' Her mouth had dried out, moisture gathering around her eyes. She couldn't say one word, not one word to stop him. She watched as he turned his back to her and walked out of her life forever. Kagome slid down to her knees and wept bitterly. The sobs racked her body violently. She fell to her side and painful heaves came from her midsection. The physical pain was only numbing her; her emotional pain was far more detrimental. Alone forever, Kagome wept on the floor, praying some god would take pity on her and let her die.
Five years later…
Kagome slowly walked across a bridge. It was snowing out; she loved the snow. She stuck her tongue out and let the little snowflakes land on it. Hugging herself she gazed in to the sky. It had been five years, five long years, and still the pain was as fresh as if it were yesterday. She had cried until her body was exhausted, mind numb and terribly depressed. With time, the pain had lessened, but never had it gone away. A dull throb alerted her to the fact that she was still alive, something she had tried to change one too many times.
So lost in her thoughts she didn't hear the soft footsteps crunching the newly fallen snow beneath their feet. “You smell kinda nice.” Kagome was harshly brought out of her thoughts with the comment. She turned around and saw a man a little taller than her with long and dark black hair. His violet eyes twinkled as he smiled at her.
“Excuse me?” Kagome watched as his smile only got bigger. She couldn't help but smile back at him; he was addictive. “I'm sorry,” the stranger said, “I didn't mean to startle you or anything. You just seem so familiar to me. Not like someone I know, but someone I knew or was supposed to know.” Kagome could only nod her head dumbly as she listened to him rattle on and on about nonsense.
Her thoughts turned inward again as she thought of him. A whimper escaped her mouth and a whispered “Inu Yasha” awkwardly slipped out of her mouth. The man beside her suddenly gasped and looked at her. “How did you know my name?” Kagome only shook her head, not believing that what he was saying was true. People always liked to jerk her around all the time; he seemed to be no different. She turned her back to him and started to walk home.
“Wait! You never told me your name.” The man strained to hear as the wind carried the name “Kagome” to him. It didn't sound familiar, but something kept tugging at the back of his mind, something important, he just didn't know what. Scenes of another time flashed through his mind. He was there, as well as the woman he was just talking with.
“Oi! Kagome!”
She stopped dead in her tracks. `It couldn't be him, not now.' She heard his rushed footsteps as he tried to catch up with her. Kagome turned around and sighed sadly, it was still the same man claiming to be her Inu Yasha running towards her. Dejectedly she dropped her head down and continued walking towards her home. She gasped as a tight grip held on to her arm. Kagome looked around to the man holding her arm. She squirmed a little to try and get away but she knew it was useless. Besides, she had prayed to god for five years to take her away from the pain; maybe now he had finally answered her prayers.
“I told you I wanted to live again and that I would meet you in another life.” Kagome gasped at his softly spoken words. It really was him; it really was her Inu Yasha. She turned completely around in his grasp and hugged him with all the strength left in her body. Inu Yasha in turn hugged her back as hard as he dared. Her body had seemed to wither while he was gone. “I never meant to hurt you more Kagome.” Inu Yasha held her closer. “I never had the gift of holding on to you, but now I do. I promise I'll never leave or hurt you again.”
Kagome only nodded to his softly proclaimed promises. Tears stained her face as she stared in to the eyes of her love. Lips gently connecting made them shut as she let her body start to come alive again. Too long had she been numb, too long had she craved him and his touch. He had finally returned to her and she vowed to never let him go again. “Inu Yasha, let's go home.” He nodded and held her hand within his as they walked back to their home, letting her lean in to him.
The walk was silent as they basked in each other's presence. Inu Yasha held her close; almost afraid she would disappear. Kagome unlocked the door to her home and they both walked in. The cold night air dissipated from her body as his warmth radiated around her body while they took their coats off. Kagome looked at Inu Yasha again; she looked as though she were trying to decipher if he were real or not. She opened her mouth to question him more when Inu Yasha crashed his lips upon hers again. Any questions were answered as he poured all his love and passion in to it.
Inu Yasha let hit tongue sweep around her mouth and taste her. He had thought he may never get to taste her, but knowing he could only fueled his desire to have more of her. He quickly grabbed her around the waist and let her legs wrap around his hips. Inu Yasha descended the steps in record time and threw her bedroom door open. Once inside her bedroom Kagome slid down from his hips and slowly walked over to her bed. Before she lay down she pulled her simple top over her head and unsnapped her jeans. Kagome stood there in front of him while his gaze traveled up and down her body.
Inu Yasha took the few steps necessary to reach her while pulling his clothing off along the way. When he reached her, he was stripped down to his boxers. A sharp hiss escaped his lips when Kagome's cool fingers traced his chest. He leaned in closer to her and ran his hands up and down her back admiring the feel of her silky skin. Unsnapping her bra and pulling it down, Inu Yasha let his hands slide around to her front. He cupped his hands under her breast and let them weigh in his hands while his thumb and forefinger gently rolled a nipple making it pebble.
Kagome moaned and let her head loll to the side. Warmth spread throughout her body as Inu Yasha rubbed and pinched her nipples. His hands slide down to her panties, pulling them down as he continued down to rub her thighs and calves. Kagome let her hands wander his body while she grasped the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down the same way he had her panties. Both nude standing close to each other and rubbing warm hands over each other's bodies. A shudder ran through Inu Yasha's body as Kagome's hand went lower and lower.
With a groan he took her hand in his and gently pushed her back to the bed. Inu Yasha gently lay on top of her so as not to crush her. He kissed her again, only this time more fiercely. His hands ran down her side and squeezed periodically. He could only hear her moans; nothing else mattered. Their kiss soon turned heated and frenzied. Both bodies started to make the motions and grind against each other.
Inu Yasha slide his hand down to the apex of her thighs to see if she was ready for him. His fingers were met with a slickness that made him want her more. He let one finger slip in and move back slowly. A low moan met his ears and he smiled. Adding another finger, he let Kagome start to ride his hand. She moaned louder as he added a third finger, her pleasure spiking. Once he thought she was close to her end, Inu Yasha removed his fingers, not missing the whimper from her. He slowly and deliberately licked his fingers clean, savoring every lick.
He locked gazes with Kagome to make sure she was ready. Kagome reached up around his head and pulled him down to her for another heated kiss. Inu Yasha slide his tongue in to her mouth while doing the same with his throbbing member. He slowly let inch-by-inch glide in to her body, stretching her out to her limit, until he was finally in to the hilt. His body was shaking from the pleasure as he gasped for air. Kagome bucked beneath him and begged him not to stop. Inu Yasha drew back slowly and slammed back in to her. “Ahhh, Inu Yasha!” Kagome screamed at the top of her lungs.
She wrapped her legs around his waist to keep him within her. His breath came out in harsh pants against her neck as he pumped in to her. “Kagome, I love you so much.” Inu Yasha sealed her lips again with his as he increased his speed. Their bodies slide against one another as a sheen of sweat covered them. Inu Yasha pushed up on to his hands and watched the pleasure splay across Kagome's face. Her hands came up and started to tease and play with her breasts and nipples. Inu Yasha groaned at the site and began to pump in to her harder.
Inu Yasha could feel her tighten up around him and began to thrust faster in to her. He watched as her face contorted in pleasure and pain as he felt her walls pulse around him. It was his undoing as he felt her body milk him and he shot his seed in to her body. Shuddering violently as the tremors of their orgasms racked them, both embraced in a silent kiss. “I love you too Inu Yasha.” They feel asleep in each other's arms, waiting for the next day to see if each other had just been a dream.