InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot Series ❯ Probably Wouldn't be This Way ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Probably Wouldn't be This Way,” by Leann Rimes
*Got a date a week from Friday with a preacher's son
Everybody says he's crazy
I'll have to see*
Sango met Miroku though her preacher over the summer when her family were staying in their summer home. She was sixteen and he was nineteen. He was going to college to become a preacher like his father. Everyone did say that he was a womanizer.
She didn't believe them till she had a date with him. She saw him having his eyes looking at other women and caught him a couple times rubbing his hands on their butts.
“Miroku you idiot! We're on a date!” she would yell at him.
“But Sango my darling, would to you like me to caress your butt? Would that make you feel better?” he would say.
Sango would just blush and avert her eyes. Miroku would smile at her and lay his arm across her shoulder and hold her.
On their third date, they were at the beach at night, walking under the stars as the waves crashed against the shore. Sango was wearing a soft pink dress that would blow with wind. Her hair was up in a loose ponytail and was walking in bare feet.
Miroku was wearing a cotton shirt that wasn't buttoned and loose khakis. He wore flip-flops and his hair was down.

”I love you Sango,” he whispered in her ear.
Sango stopped walking and looked at him. She saw in his eyes that he was telling the truth.
“I love you too Miroku,” she said to him and leaned on the tip of her toes and kissed him softly on the lips. Then it became harder, but passionate.

*I finally moved to Jackson when the summer came
I won't have to pay that boy to rake my leaves*
Her family decided to move into their summerhouse. Now she can see Miroku everyday! She smiled at this.
She walked to his house, humming a tune. She never felt so happy before in her life.
Sango arrived at his house. She saw him sitting on the front porch on a rocking chair. She saw that he was sleeping. The girl smirked. She walked quietly up the steps and kissed him softly on the mouth. The man opened his eyes slightly and saw that there was a woman kissing him…his woman. He snaked his arms around her and pulled her to himself.
“Hello fellow neighbor,” she said when they pulled apart.
“Hello…I guess we can see more of each other, huh?” he said to her as she sat on his lap.
“Uh-huh, I am so happy,” she sighed as she laid her head on his shoulder.
“I have something for you,” he whispered in her ear.
Sango perked up at this. Miroku reached into his front shirt pocket and took out a white golden ring that has their initials.
“It's a promise ring,” he told her as he slid it on her left ring finger. Sango started to cry happy tears.
“Oh Miroku!”

*I'm probably going on and on
It seems I'm doing more of that these days*
A week later, Miroku started to get headaches that seemed worse than migraines. He went to the doctor's and came back later that night. Sango sat on the rocking chair, waiting for him. When she saw him pulling up into the driveway, she stood up and walked to his car.
He opened the door and got out. He had a grim expression on his face and when he saw her, it became grimmer.
“Miroku, what's wrong?” she asked him, concerned.
“Um, uh, Sango, how about you come back later? I need to be alone at the moment,” he said.
Sango was confused, but she saw that there was no room for arguing. She nodded, kissed him, and left.

*I probably wouldn't be this way
I probably wouldn't hurt so bad
I never pictured every minute without you in it*
Sango went back to his house and saw that he was sitting on the rocking chair. He had a far out gaze in his eyes when she approached him.
“Hi Miroku,” Sango greeted in a low tone. Miroku didn't reply, his eyes never leaving its gaze.

Sango sat on the porch floor, looking at him. She was wondering what was going on in his mind that he didn't bother to return her greeting. She bit her bottom lip. He eventually left his gaze and looked at her with tear-filled eyes.
“There's something I need to tell you that you won't like at all and I sure as hell don't like it either,” he said.
Sango's heartbeat started to beat faster.
“As you know, I went to the doctor's yesterday and found something not good, not good at all. The reason I have been having these very bad headaches is that I have a tumor,” he told her.
“A tumor? Well, you can have surgery and get it removed so-”
“It can't be removed! It grew too much to get it removed. Sango, I don't have long,” Miroku started to cry.
Sango started to panic.
“I'm sorry, so sorry Sango,” Miroku repeated over and over.
“No! No this can't happen!” shouted Sango. She started to cry out her heart.
Miroku got out of his chair and held the crying Sango in his arms.
*Oh You left so fast
Sometimes I see you standing there
Sometimes it's like I'm losing touch*
As the doctor predicted, Miroku did not have long to live. He died one month later and during that one month, he spent every single of his time with Sango. They walked along the beach, went to church to hear his father, went out to eat, etc.
Each moment was precious to each of them, but mostly to Sango.
She received the phone call from his father at ten o'clock in the morning, saying that he died in his sleep. Sango couldn't speak. She just hung up. She walked to her room, locked the door, and just sat by her window, staring out.
Dead? He's really gone?
*Sometimes I feel that I'm so lucky to have had the chance to love this much
God gave me a moment's grace*
She went to the funeral the next week. Miroku's friends came that he used to talk about. Their names were InuYasha, Kagome, and Shippo. She finally met them. He used to live elsewhere and moved.
“You must be Sango,” said Kagome as she sat next to her.
Sango didn't reply, just looked at her.
“I'm so sorry for your loss. Miroku was a good man, in a special way,” Kagome said, muttering the last part under her breath.
Then they lowered Miroku into the ground as his father was still talking from his book. InuYasha and Shippo started shoveling dirt onto his casket. That's when she snapped, realizing that he would never come back and be in his arms. She started to wail.
*`Cause if I'd never seen your face
I probably wouldn't be this way*
The following two months she spent locked in her room. Her family tried to soothe her from the other side of the door. It was no use. She only came out to eat, do hygiene, and see his grave.
She always brought flowers to his grave. She would throw out the day old flowers and replace them with the fresh ones she brought. Then she would slide her hand down the tombstone and lay in a fetal position on the ground that was above his buried body.
“Miroku…Miroku come back to me,” she would moan.

*Mama says that I just shouldn't speak to you
Susan says that I should just move on*
Sango's mom and Kagome would always come and get her once it became too dark. Kagome knew about this situation after Sango's mom called her a week when the miserable girl started staying at Miroku's gravesite and never leave.
“Come on Sango honey, let's go back home,” her mother cooed.
“It's time to move on, he's gone,” comforted Kagome.
“No! Leave me alone! Leave Miroku and me alone! Can't you see, we're happy together,” shouted Sango as she hugged the tombstone.
The two women sighed and left her. They would get her later.

*You oughta see the way these people look at me
When they see me 'round here talking to this stone*
The people in town started helping out, trying to get her back home and help her mend her broken spirit. Some people look at her, as she should be in an asylum. But Sango just ignored the stares and gossip of the townspeople. She didn't care. She just wanted to spend a little more time with Miroku…just a little more.

*Everybody thinks I've lost my mind
But I just take it day by day*
Sango was back home, on her bed, twirling the ring on her finger. She stared at the ceiling. She turned on her side, and opened the drawer of her nightstand. She took out a bottle and opened it. She took a swing.
`Ahh, whiskey,' she sighed in her mind. She didn't start drinking till a while ago, to numb the pain and agony that buried itself deep in her soul. It just nestled there, refusing to leave. Her family doesn't know since they rarely see her anymore.
Sango would sneak out of her room at the peak of the night and go to the town's alcohol store. She would sneak in and take a bottle or two and run back to her room as fast as she could. So far she hadn't been caught.

*I probably wouldn't be this way
I probably wouldn't hurt so bad*
The next day, Sango looked at herself in the mirror. Her face looked drawn. Maybe it was that she hadn't eaten much for a while. She sighed. She went to her closet and grabbed a light purple sundress. She unlocked her door and it to the bathroom. She took a hot shower. It felt nice to have the heat loosen her tight muscles.
She shut the faucet off and got out. She dried herself off and put on her dress. She put her hair up in a loose ponytail. Then she put on flip-flops.
She went downstairs and her brother saw her.
“Where are you going?” he asked her.
“For a walk.”
*I never pictured every minute without you in it
Oh You left so fast*
She walked down the street. The trees were green and the grass emerald. The azure sky was clear.
Sango was in front of Miroku's house. Always for the first second when she was in front of the house, she would expect Miroku sitting on the rocking chair. She would run to him and kiss him softly on the lips…always softly on the lips.
`I never thought you would leave me so soon Miroku,' she thought. She walked on.
*Sometimes I see you standing there
Sometimes I feel an angel's touch*
The mourning woman arrived at the graveyard. She stood in front of her beloved's tombstone. She knelt down in front of it and kissed the headstone. She breathed, “Miroku.”
At the name, she could have sworn she felt a hand caress her cheek. She smiled. Deep inside, she knew she was being watched by the man she loved…always love.
*Sometimes I feel that I'm so lucky to have had the chance to love this much
God gave me a moment's grace*
Sango started to talk, “Miroku, it's been almost over two months. It's been forever since you held me and kissed me. I miss that. I miss hearing your voice, your laughter, everything. Sometimes I regret meeting you cause I never knew it would hurt this much. It hurts a lot Miroku. I never knew loving someone could go this far.”
*'Cause if I'd never seen your face
I probably wouldn't be this way*
Sango rubbed her eyes and it felt wet. She didn't know that she was crying. She chuckled.
“Know what Miroku? I'll keep on living, just for you. But I am not sure if I can be with anyone else. You see, I still have the promise ring you gave me. I will promise that I will marry you until I die and we will see each other in the clouds,” Sango said.

*Probably wouldn't be this way*
Then she felt a kiss on her lips, it was soft. She sighed. Sango looked at the headstone. She would visit Miroku every once in awhile.
She knew she couldn't live on being depressed. Miroku wouldn't have liked that.
“I love you Miroku…forever.”

*Got A Date a week from Friday with a preacher's son
Everybody says I'm crazy
Guess I'll have to see*