InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot Series ❯ Skin ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Skin,” by Rascal Flatts
A/N: One of the reviewers asked me about this song and I was more than happy to do it. I hope I did justice.
*Sara Beth is scared to death
To hear what the doctor will say
She hasn't been well, since the day that she fell
And the bruise just won't go away*
Rin, a junior in high school, walked into a building with her parents; she held her breath. They sat on the bench in the waiting room in the doctor's office. She lightly touches her leg where there was a bruise that wouldn't heal.
She remembered when she was in school, at gym; she tripped over her feet and fell on the gymnasium floor. The next day there was a bruise, but after two months, it was still there. She and her parents thought it was odd and went to the doctor. They did a test and asked to come back in two weeks.
“Momma, I'm scared,” whispered Rin to her mother.
Her mother just smiled and patted her hand. “It's OK, we all are here for you.”
Rin smiled back weakly.
*So she sits and she waits with her mother and dad
And flips through an old magazine
Till the nurse with the smile stands in the door
And says will you please come with me*
Rin eyed `Teen People' magazine. She flipped though it, seeing gorgeous long hair that glistened in the light when the photo was being taken. She flipped more into the magazine.
A few minutes passed and they saw a young nurse by the door with a smile. Rin read the nametag: Kagome.
“The doctor is ready to see you,” she said with a smile.
Rin and her parents stood up and followed the nurse through a long hallway. Rin could feel her heart beating faster and faster with each passing second.
Then the door opened. A woman, that looked a little older than Kagome, stood in the doorway with a portfolio in one hand. She walked up a couple steps and closed the door.
“Hello, I am Dr. Kikyo. I have the results right here,” she said. She took the colored x-rays out of the portfolio and showed them to Rin and her parents.
*Sara Beth is scared to death
Cause the doctor just told her the news
Between the red cells and white, something's not right
But we're gonna take care of you*
“Rin, you have leukemia,” Dr. Kikyo told her softly.
Rin's eyes popped out. She has… `Leukemia, no, it can't be!'
Her mom laid a hand on her daughter's knee. She squeezed it passionately. Her father just stood there. He didn't know how to express how he was feeling. His only child has leukemia. How can he react?
“Look, we are going to take great care for you. You don't have to worry a thing,” said Dr. Kikyo, with a comforting smile, hoping to cheer up the people that had gloomy faces.
*Six chances in ten, it won't come back again
With the therapy we're gonna try
It's just been approved, it's the strongest there is
And I think that we caught it in time
And Sara Beth closes her eyes.*
The family didn't say anything, just looked at the woman doctor that stood before them. Kikyo shifted foot to foot.
“There's a six chances in ten that it won't come back, which is not that bad. The leukemia just started and due to the new medicine that has been approved, I am sure that it won't come back,” Dr. Kikyo explained.
Rin's mom and dad smiled a little. At least, they hoped, that their child would be saved. For Rin, she closed her eyes.
*And she dreams she's dancing
Around and around without any cares
And her very first love is holding her close
And a soft wind is blowing her hair*
She pictured herself dancing. Dancing around with her arms swaying. She had no cares, nothing to worry about.
Her long black hair blew with wind. Then there was a man with long, shiny silver hair taking her hands and twirling her around. Rin smiled, nothing to care about.
*Sara Beth is scared to death
As she sits holding her mom
Cause it would be a mistake for someone to take
A bald headed girl to the prom*
Rin opened her eyes and she was in her room. It was three days ago when she heard the news. She was on her bed, staring at the wall in front of her. Her mouth started to water and her throat started to feel tight. Her eyes started to burn and she cried.
Her mother passed by her door and heard sniffing. She turned the doorknob slowly and opened the door. She peered around the door and saw that her daughter was crying.
“Rin, what's wrong honey?” she asked as she walked to the bed and sat next to her.
Rin sniffed. “Look at me mom, look at me!”
Her mom glanced at her daughter's head and turned her head away. What can she say to her daughter?
She turned her head back to Rin and wrapped her arms around her. Rin put her arms around her mom and started to cry even harder.
*For just this morning, right here on her pillow
Was the cruelest of any surprise
And she cried when she gathered it all in her hands
The proof that she couldn't deny
And Sara Beth closes her eyes*
Rin woke up earlier that morning. Her usual morning habit is running her hand through her hair. But when she did that, something did not feel right. She ran her hands though her hair again and she felt splotches that felt like there was no hair.
“Oh my god,” she breathed.
She turned around and saw hair strands covering her pillow.
“Oh my god!” she cried. She picked up the strands and observed it. She sucked in her lips.
The doctor did tell her that this would happen, but Rin never knew it would happen so quickly, especially when prom would be tonight.
“It's OK honey, everything will be all right,” her mother soothed.
“No it won't! He won't take me to the prom with a girl who is going bald!” she shouted.
Her mother took in a deep breath. “How about we shave you head? It won't look as bad as it is now. There are many people out there that are bald, it is very fashionable nowadays, isn't it?”
Rin thought about it and nodded. She'll do it.
*And she dreams she's dancing
Around and around without any cares
And her very first love is holding her close
And a soft wind is blowing her hair*
As she heard the razor turning on, she closed her eyes. “Good bye hair,” she whispered.
She imagined her long black hair glistening in the sunlight. It felt nice when it was blowing in the soft wind.
She saw her beloved with silvery hair, slow dancing with her. His hand going down her smooth, silky tresses while they stood still.
Rin sniffed again. Now there is no hair for him to feel between his fingers.
*It's quarter to seven, that boy's at the door
And her daddy ushers him in
And when he takes off his cap
They all start to cry
Cause this morning where his hair had all been
Softly she touches just skin*
Rin stood before her mirror. She was wearing a soft orange dress that went down to the floor. The collar went around her neck and had sequins decorating it. She wore teardrop pearl earrings. On her feet were low heeled, white shoes.
Then the doorbell was sounded. She inhaled softly and exhaled slowly. Now was the moment of truth. What will he react to her bald headed state?
She walked out the room and went down the stairs. While halfway going down the stairs, she stopped. Her silver headed man was bald. She looked at her mom and dad. They were tears going down their faces.
“Sesshomaru,” she whispered and went down the rest of the stairs quickly.
She walked up to him and touched just skin.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because I love you. If you are going bald, then I am going bald too so you won't be alone,” he explained.
“But how did you know?” she questioned.
“You father called me and told me what was going on,” he answered.
Rin turned her head to her father and gave him a smile. Her father smiled back. “Let's get some pictures quickly so you both can go to the prom.”
The parents took a few shots and the teens were on their way.
*And they go dancing, around and around
Without any cares
And her very first true love is holding her close*
They arrived at school and went to the gymnasium. People were crowding around the senior who shaved his hair and the junior who was bald. As soon as the people stopped swarming around them, the couple started dancing.
Sesshomaru held her close. They didn't care about anything. All they cared was being close to each other. Rin smiled. There was nothing to be scared about. All she cared was being and dancing with Sesshomaru.
*And for a moment she isn't scared*