InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Shot Series ❯ Self-Destruction ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Self-Destruction,” by Nine Inch Nails
WARNING-contains rape and if you do not like to read rape, then don't read this
Kagura walked down a dark hallway that was lightly dimmed with torches on the walls.

She sighed in irritation. Naraku had just yelled at her for betraying him again. Naraku had a plan to lure Kagome into the castle so that he could steal the Shikon jewel shards from her. But Kagura had destroyed that plan by forcing InuYasha and his friends to fight with her.

However, his reaction puzzled her; all he did was yell. Naraku usually just squeezed her heart painfully. At that thought, she placed a hand on the left side of her chest…where her heart would be.
`Damn Naraku. Damn him to hell. I will be free no matter what,' she thought.
She was stopped by a voice behind her. It was the monotone, emotionless voice of her sister. “Kagura.”
The wind sorceress turned around with her fan covering the left side of her face. She observed the albino girl with the mirror held in front of her. “What is it Kanna?”
“Naraku...he wants to see his room.”
`What? His room? Huh?' Kagura was confused.
Kanna left no room for arguments since she started to walk. Kagura sped up a little to catch up.
At the end of the hall, they arrived at a dark oak door that went to the ceiling down to the floor. Kagura eyed the black-bronzed doorknob.
“I must leave now,” said Kanna and left. Kagura was now alone, standing in front of the doom to come.
Kagura inhaled. She had never been so scared in her life. If Naraku wanted her to go to his room for a certain forgotten punishment, then he wanted to enjoy it in a relaxed way.
Her hand trembled as she turned the doorknob and entered the room. When she closed the door behind her with a CHINK, she observed the room. There were rusty silver candelabras that were shaped like human heads, demons, and dragons. They had black candles that bled red.
Then there was a king sized, four-poster bed in the middle of the room. The bed frame was made of dark maple wood. There were black drapes draped around the posts.
The atmosphere of the bedroom made her feel immensely uneasy. Even though she lived in Naraku's castle…this room…it seemed to hint at bad things happening to anyone who entered it.
In the middle of the bed was Naraku with a strange look on his face that she was not used to.
“Welcome Kagura, to my chamber. I didn't punish you earlier, so I decided to do it while in bed,” he said.
`Oh crap, 'muttered Kagura in her head.
Naraku went off the bed and walked toward his incarnation. When he was in front of her, he let an index finger trace her cheekbone. Kagura's eyes narrowed into slits.
“If you want to punish me, get on with it! I have no time for this,” hissed Kagura.
Naraku's sharp fingernail slashed her skin as he let it fall down her cheekbone. Then he licked the blood off as it poured out of the incision.
“As you wish.”
*I am the voice inside your head and I control you
I am the lover in your bed and I control you
I am the sex that you provide and I control you
I am the hate you try to hide and I control you*
Naraku grabbed Kagura and dragged her to his bed, pulling her hair. Kagura screamed and kicked. Whatever it was, this punishment, she didn't like it. She was expecting him to whip her, send a thousand demons at her or squeezing her heart painfully. What was he doing?
He threw her on the bed. Kagura froze. When she saw him starting to untie his pants, it finally clicked. He was going to rape her.
“Oh hell no!” she yelled and tried to scramble off the bed. But Naraku was too quick. He took hold of her and slapped her across the face hard, knocking the wind out of the wind sorceress.

*I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. self destruct*
When Kagura opened her eyes, she felt a body on top of her. Her red eyes widened when she saw Naraku smirking at her. She felt flesh against flesh. This couldn't happen! Not to her! She was already Naraku's servant; she was not going to be his toy too.
“Let me go!” she screamed. She tried to twist herself free, but he was holding her down too well. She hacked up a spit and spat at his face. That earned her another smack across the face, but it didn't send her to unconsciousness.
“I'm going to fill you up nice. I will send you pain along with something you will never forget,” he said silkily.
Shivers went down her spine and goose bumps appeared on her skin. Naraku licked up her neck and bit her earlobe. When he was biting her earlobe, a fang pierced her lobe and small trickle of blood appeared. He sucked it.
His nail slightly grazed down the left side of her stomach. He forced his mouth on hers. Kagura wouldn't open her mouth until his finger jabbed her, which made her open her mouth.
Her mind started to get fuzzy.

*I speak religion's message clear and I control you
I am denial guilt and fear and I control you
I am the prayers of the naive and I control you
I am the lie that you believe and I control you*
“Stop,” she begged, with tears developing in her eyes.
“Oh no, Kagura. You are being punished,” he said. He pulled away and laid a hand on the right side of her stomach.
Then he started to lick from the valley between her breasts to her navel then back up. Naraku used a knee and spread her legs open to reveal her womanhood. Kagura struggled for all it was worth. He would not have her! She would stop him even if it killed her!
With enormous difficulty, she brought one knee toward her and then shot it forward into Naraku's stomach. He stumbled backwards and she leapt from the bed. Completely disregarding her nudity, she ran for the door.
Kagura's vision became blurry and tiny white spots appeared before her eyes. Her entire head throbbing, she sank to the floor. She didn't make it. His speed unmatched the wind and he was able to strike her before she got to the door.
Feeling completely weak, she lay there on the floor on the borderline between consciousness and unconsciousness. Naraku's hands roughly picked her up and dumped her unceremoniously on the bed.
“I…won't let you do this to me…” Kagura gasped weakly. “You'll have to kill me…”
Naraku smirked. “Oh, but Kagura, that wouldn't be punishment at all,” he said, as she felt something invade her and pierce her virgin barrier.

*I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. self destruct*
Kagura cried out at the foreign feeling in her nether region. Completely ignoring her, Naraku began thrusting mercilessly into her. She cried out in pain. Naraku rocked his body up and down and side to side. The bastard…he didn't care about her body at all. He was just using her body to fulfill his own sick desires.
Her inner walls were sore and her thighs were bruising from his tight grip. Suddenly, she felt a different feeling in her lower abdomen and a second later she climaxed.
Her body was shaking from the after-effects of the climax, but Naraku didn't stop. She came again. Naraku grabbed her breasts and clutched them as tightly as he could, leaving fingernail marks. Kagura screamed again.

*I am the needle in your vein and I control you
I am the high you can't sustain and I control you
I am the pusher I'm a whore and I control you
I am the need you have for more and I control you*
“Please! No more! Please stop!” she begged, tears cascading down her cheeks like waterfalls.
Naraku chuckled but didn't listen to her. She climaxed again.
“Please stop! I'll do anything, just stop!”
“Who controls you bitch? Who shouldn't you defy?” growled Naraku.
“You control me! I will never defy you again!” Kagura yelled crying.
“Who am I?
“Naraku! My master!”

“Who are you?”
“Kagura. The person you control. Your servant!”
Then with the last thrust, he finally climaxed. As he pulled out, she collapsed onto the bed in fatigue and pain.

*I am the bullet in the gun and I control you
I am the truth from which you run and I control you
I am the silencing machine and I control you
I am the end of all your dreams and I control you*
Naraku swung his legs over his bed and stood up. He faced her and she looked away from him.
“I'm sure you will now think twice before disobeying me,” he said with an evil smirk. He put a black robe on and left.
Kagura was alone in the bed with the covers covering her nude. She sighed in anger.
`I promise, Naraku. I don't know when and I don't know how, but someday I will escape from your clutches,' she vowed silently. `And when I do, I will make you pay.'

*I take you where you want to go
I give you all you need to know
I drag you down I use you up
Mr. self destruct*
A/N: I would like to thank my beta, Angel_4_life who also co-wrote this one-shot. This is actually her first lemon; e-mail her if she did a great job, I think she did.