InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Simple Question ❯ The Pain of Loss ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Kagome fell asleep with a radiant smile on her face. Despite all of the adversity she and her friends and family were thriving.

Her dreams were filled with the last glimpse she’d had of InuYasha. His loving gaze and arrogant smirk following her out the door.

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InuYasha hopped through the well in the morning to tell Kagome to go to school and get as many tests and stuff out of the way as she could. Miroku was still high on his youki enhanced senses and hadn’t even bothered trying to control his end of the bond and InuYasha knew he couldn’t fight when it felt as though his head was stuffed up and felt like home to two separate minds.

Kagome spent her afternoons in sengoku jidai but went to school for the rest of the week, aced her tests, and was even able to go and catch a movie with Eri, Yuka, and Ayumi early Friday afternoon after school. Houjou came up, but she brushed the subject aside, not wanting to deal with the only male she knew more obtuse than Kouga.

It took about a week for InuYasha to recover from the drain on his youki. And Kagome would be the first to admit he made a horrible patient. He didn’t want to sit and do nothing, but he was lethargic and groggy and sluggish and it was obvious to his friends that the best thing for him would be sleep. Not to mention Miroku’s lack of control over the bond was making the temperamental hanyou even more irritable than usual.

As it turned out, Miroku’s unrivaled mental control, achieved through many years of meditation, made it very easy for him to control his end of the bond. Once he stopped focusing on his new perspective of the world and turned his attention inward, that is.

It took another week for Miroku and InuYasha to become comfortable with their new relationship. Kagome and Sango were as supportive as possible, helping in any way they could, but it still wasn’t easy. The sound of InuYasha’s growling became a common background noise in the lives of the villagers. In the two weeks after the bonding InuYasha gained first hand knowledge of how often Miroku’s mind strayed down hentai avenues, and once or twice the houshi had woken up in a cold sweat as the hanyou’s control slipped in slumber and the half demon’s nightmares were broadcast to his friend.

Instead of trying to get two weeks of traveling in the group decided to remain at Kaede’s, much to InuYasha’s displeasure. Kagome kept up her schedule of going to school and coming through the well after school, staying until bedtime and then having Kirara fly her back. No one in sengoku jidai was happy with the limited hours they had with the miko, but knowing that her school year was nearing its end and that the next few weeks were crucial to her eased their frustration.

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When the new moon came around and InuYasha’s human blood surged forth he lost his youkai abilities, just like every new moon before. Even Miroku’s senses were affected, as though he was once again the ningen he was born, except the link between them was still there.

Apparently even dormant InuYasha’s youkai blood maintained the blood bond and allowed their minds to stay connected even though their enhanced senses faded together.

But waiting the final 2 weeks before the next full moon were torture on the group’s already fraying nerves.

InuYasha wanted the whole bonding business over with as quickly as possible and no one but him knew the source of his unease. Miroku had become slightly paranoid, afraid his control would slip, and he began starting every time the hanyou growled. Kagome and Sango were nervous about their turns at the ceremony, flashes of Miroku’s body heaving and convulsing in painful looking spasms and then falling over playing through their minds no matter how often they reminded themselves they trusted InuYasha. Shippou picked up on the tension between his ‘parents’ and became agitated himself, while Kaede and Kirara seemed the least affected of the bunch.

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Less than a week before the night of the full moon a giant demon came towards the village, hunting for the jewel. He was as large as a house and a mottled green and brown color. His tiny feet supported a body as round as a melon and as warty as a pickle and he would have reminded Kagome of a horribly mutated mole if the thing had a visible nose.

But Kagome and InuYasha were in her time shopping for supplies, Miroku was unconscious thanks to an especially vicious encounter with Hiraikotsu that even his enhanced body couldn’t quite compensate.

Sango, Kirara and Kaede made up the front line against this particular attack. Shippou had been left to care for the unconscious houshi. Kaede threw up a powerful barrier around the village as Sango and the faithful Kirara flew into battle to protect their adopted home.

The thing was faster than it looked, but didn't appear to have any jewel shards itself, for which Sango was thankful.

In and out the two darted, probing for weaknesses. Finally Sango got fed up with the ugly thing and hurled Hiraikotsu with all her might at the ugly demon. Not expecting the change in tactics, the youkai was surprised when the taijiya's wepon impacted the side of its face.

The blow to the head dazed it, knocking it off balance. The youkai teetered wildly before collapsing into the barrier Kaede had erected. The elderly miko had been expecting to repel attacks or glancing blows. But the unconscious youkai laying or her barrier was a constant strain on her powers. Sango yelled at her to move, but if she moved the barrier would collapse and she would surely be crushed.

Sango tried with all her might to move the thing, but it was just too heavy. Frantic, Sango took out her blade and decided she'd just hack pieces off until they could move it. And for a while it seemed to work. Warty protrusions flew left and right, losing pound after pound as Sango hurried to take some of the strain off the woman who had taken them all in.

Kaede, on the other hand, was calm and serene. As the beast became lighter the strain on her powers lessened. She knew there were two outcomes. Either the taijiya would completely destroy the youkai and she would be able to release her power, or fatigue would win out and she would most likely be crushed to death under the corpse of the most hideous youkai she'd ever seen. Either way it didn't seem to affect her. She'd had a good life, and she knew her friend would not give up. If she died it wouldn't be because no one cared or that no one tried to help. Knowing that her life had meaning, that others cherished her, was enough.

She didn't notice when she began panting with exhaustion, nor when she sank to her knees. She had blocked out everything, and nothing penetrated into her deep meditation until she heard Sango scream. She looked up, her eyes refocusing as though she just woke from a dream, and saw what had the young woman hysterical. Distractedly she noticed that Miroku had shown up during the time when she had drifted off and was now struggling to aid Sango free her. A flickering caught her attention and she understood. Her barrier was flickering, fading. She had exhausted not only her mind but her body as well.

"'Tis alright, child. Ye tried." She managed to smile as her barrier crashed down, the somewhat butchered gigantic youkai plummeting down when it's support vanished.

Through her tears Sango saw Kirara make a mad dash leap for Keade and grab the woman's robes, trying to haul her to safety.

The ground shook as the youkai impacted, a large dustcloud shrouding the area.

Sango called for Miroku and the two carefully made their way to where they last saw the elderly miko as the dust began to settle.

Kirara sat by her head, still in her battle form, mewling quietly, nudging Kaede's head with her nose. The elderly woman was not responding.

More tears fell from Sango's eyes as the remaining dust settled and she could she why.

Although Kirara had saved Kaede from being completely crushed, the youkai still managed to land on the miko. Her bottom half was wedged beneath the beast and from the look of it she had hit her head hard and was bleeding in a few places. She was still breathing, but barely.

Quickly the taijiya and houshi ran to Kaede, struggling to lift the youkai off so she could be pulled free and assessed for further injury.

And that was exactly how Kagome and InuYasha found them.

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A/N: I apologize guys for the length of my chapters from here on out. The new thing I'm using to write won't let me know how many pages each chapter is, so I'm kinda winging it.

Inuyashaloverr, SayanaTR, princessAly2006, Crickee, IKMS, KAZ1167, Chii-san, inu_lover_4eva, and Ronnika - Thank you guys for the reviews. They helped to get me motivated and get this sucker cranked out! Lol Believe it or not no matter what it says, as long as it’s in a positive slant, any kind of review motivates lol

Wolf_godess - Wow, insanely high praise, I’m almost speechless ;) Club Blue was actually the first IY fic I ever read, there’s the possibility I never would have started if it hadn’t been for that story.

Lexi - I love it when people actually think about the story after they finish reading, makes me giddy.

JASG - Yes! Truly, I live! Huzzah! lol

Alatero - hehe nice to know I’m not the only one who does it, but InuGrrrl can tell you he’s so worth it *swats at the googly stars in her eyes* rofl

TMR - Ya know, you’re not the first person to comment on that *welcome to inu’s brain* bit, but honestly don’t ask me what Yash was thinking, I have no idea! Rofl

Kiki - ^_^ My life is still hectic, I don’t imagine having time for too much(i.e. reading and new stuff), but I really wanna update my stories atm, I’m jazzed.

Dangeresque - Well, I guess you’ll just have to read to see now won’t ya? And remember in the beginning I talked about the rings? They’re very thin and smooth, chosen just so they won’t interfere in combat. Sango or Miroku fearing to lose them is a completely other concern though(but since they don’t have the rings yet I couldn’t have dealt with that yet) I’m thrilled that you’re thinking about it though :)