InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ One Simple Question ❯ The Sliver of Hope ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Although Kirara had saved Kaede from being completely crushed, the large youkai still managed to land on the miko. Her bottom half was wedged beneath the beast and from the look of it she had hit her head hard and was bleeding in a few places. She was still breathing, but barely.

Quickly the taijiya and houshi ran to Kaede, struggling to lift the youkai off so she could be pulled free and assessed for further injury.

And that was exactly how Kagome and InuYasha found them.

Kagome dropped her bag and rushed to the other miko's side as InuYasha leapt over and sunk his claws into the dead youkai's body. A massive heave from the hanyou and the others were able to pull Kaede free.

Still she didn't respond.

Kagome checked her over for other injuries beside the one to her head and found nothing more than scrapes and bruises. She knew the damage must be internal, and she told her companions as much.

"I'm afraid if her own body can't repair the damage from inside she's not going to make it." She told the others in a choked up voice.

Gingerly InuYasha lifted Kaede and brought her back to her home. Setting her down gently he ducked back outside and returned a moment later with Kagome's bulging yellow bag.

Everyone's actions became rather mechanical. The girls prepared a meal, InuYasha made a sweep through his forest, Miroku helped the hanyou haul wood and game once he was back. That night they all slept uneasily, InuYasha's ears twitching every few moments, making sure Kaede still breathed.

In the morning everyone waited with bated breath for Kagome to diagnose the situation. With Kaede out of comission she was the only miko around and the injury was hers to deal with. But the futuristic miko was beyond dismayed. Kaede was running a fever and still she couldn't think of anything to do for internal injuries. They were just as deadly in her world as this one.

That evening Kagome had InuYasha gently prop Kaede up so she could force some broth down the unconscious woman's throat. Miroku spent a large portion of his meditation time praying for her, and Sango's restless energy led her to take out Kaede's basket and get to work on anything that needed mending.

But the next morning confirmed Kagome's fears.

Kaede's condition was in steady decline.

The older miko was going to die.

With eyes threatening to overflow, her breath hitching painfully, Kagome sat quietly as the sun rose. The others slowly got up one at a time; InuYasha came in from on the roof, where he had escaped to to avoid the smell of sickness and sadness.

She didn't have to say a word. They saw the way she looked sadly at the woman that was like a grandmother to them all. Kagome was not a quitter, she never gave up, and for her to look so resigned they knew it was bad. Sango was crying before she realized it, she sat and held Kagome tightly, not wanting to be alone with her pain. Miroku sat against a wall of Kaede's home and leaned his head back against the wall, losing himself in prayer for Kaede before he would allow himself to grieve. Kirara and Shippou hopped into Sango and Kagome's laps while they mourned, some more quietly than others.

Everyone had something to do but InuYasha.

The tears slipping from her eyes the very last time they saw his father alive.

That taunts and yells of villagers at their backs.

The pain in his mother's eyes when he asked what 'hanyou' meant.

The silent strength that never quite masked the pain other people's words inflicted on his mother.

The screams as she died.

The pain of a lifetime as an outcast, of being hunted for simply living.

Jinenji, Shiori.

The frantic near-panic as he realized he'd let that blasted shichinintai had lured him away from the others.

The sights, sounds and smells as he came upon Shippou, alone and crying.

The shock of first realizing how easily he could lose his friends, his Kagome.

They both knew he had been crying, but she wouldn't embarrass him like that, and he had never loved her more than at that moment.

The pain of his life swirled around him like a haze, the pain of others like fireflies dancing in the air around him. Sango and Kohaku, Miroku's family curse, Kaede's own pain at losing her sister so young.

The pain seemed to take on weight and shape as it settled around him like a heavy mantle, suffocating him.

Was his entire existence to be about nothing but pain?

"Fuck that."

The others all whipped their heads around to stare at the hanyou a moment before he vanished outside.

He had to find Myouga, he HAD to be sure. He would go to Toutousai, the old man might be able to help, or know where his retainer was.

The full moon was a few days off still, Kaede might be dead before he could mark her.

But he wasn't about to give up without a fight, he would not give up on her. He could only hope Kaede hadn't given up on them.


The sun gazed peacefully down onto the village below. A gentle wind sang through the trees and in through the doors of the outer ring of homes. Sunlight dappling through trees littered the ground with scattered light. It was a beautiful day.

Birds chirped gaily among the branches of the trees that ringed the village. Happy woodland critters scurried to and fro, chattering merrily to each other as they went about their lives. It was the picture perfect spring day.

No one in the village seemed to notice.

To them the day was a drab gray, dark and dreary. A gloomy tribute to the deathy winter chill that perched over the village like an ominous cloak. Their beloved miko, their protection against the evil of the world, was slowly dying. And there wasn't a thing any of them could do.

InuYasha had been gone almost a full day and no one knew where he had run off to.

And as uncaring and callous as his departure appeared to everyone else, no one had to the heart to be angry. All of their stronger emotions were tied to elderly miko whose life was slowly ebbing away with each breath that was pulled into and out of her lungs.

By the time InuYasha returned his hair was windblown and his face reddened by slight wind burns, his arms full of things to the point of overflowing.

Kagome's brows drew together in puzzlement, but everyone else had seen this before. When Kagome had been weakened by illness they had seen the hanyou gather supplies and surprise them with his resourcefulness. And although no one recognized the particular ingredients he was laden with this time they now put the pieces together to realize where he had been.

He pulled a list from his haori as he dumped the items out of his arms and began sorting them.


Kagome was cut off by a death glare as InuYasha went about looking for reagents left and right, completly ignoring his comrades.

Shippou and Kagome whispered back and forth as the afternoon wore on, neither wanting to directly confront InuYasha, but both were dying of curiousity.

"Would you shut up and get the fuck out!"

Kagome sat back, startled, and bit back a nasty retort when she thought about exactly why he was so focused.

When he pulled out of his haori her old photo album she almost balked, but by this time Miroku had picked up enough of the hanyou's mood through the bond to realize another interruption would further enrage him and steered the young miko out before she could do any more harm to InuYasha's fragile patience.

He read down the list and mentally went through the ritual in his head.

He could always start the recipe over, but according to Myouga the brew had to simmer about 12 hours, and he didn't know how long Kaede had left.

But for the first time since he pulled the dead weight off of her, InuYasha began to feel a sliver of hope shatter the gloom that had encased his heart.

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Many, many apologies to the readers I leave in limbo every time I seem to vanish. Quite a few new things in my career path, new boyfriend, new co-workers, friends, not to mention one of my best friends had a baby a few months back, and another friend is now engaged. I have not forgotten! I have not abandoned! I'm just swamped and my inspiration is actually more with my original works at this time more than fan-fics. So, this chap doesn't really feel finished, no review responses, and I wanted to hold off and add some more... but I eventually relented, you guys deserve something for waiting so damn long. Love you guys =^.^=