InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Only Love Can Save Thy Soul ❯ Unloved Or Loved? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2: Unloved or loved?

“Inuyasha, I already said I'm fine, okay?” Kagome said. “Let's just look for the jewel.” Kagome went to walk away, but Inuyasha grabbed her arm.

“Damn it, Kagome! Can't you ever listen? Is said tell me, I didn't ask.”

“I told you I was fine! Isn't that enough!?” Kagome argued.

“Fine! How about you just go back to your perfect time and your perfect, problem free, happy life!? You have people who you'll tell! So go... go and tell and get some help for gods sack!”

“I can't.” Kagome said in barely a whisper. Inuyasha looked at her a little surprised.

“Why the hell not? Listen at least you have people who love you, not like me! Just...”

“But...” Kagome let a tear fall. “I don't...”

“What are you talking... what do you mean?” Inuyasha asked. Kagome fell to her knees crying. She shook in horror in pain. Inuyasha knelt down in front of her in worry. She jumped into his arms and embraced him. He was shocked and almost fell back at the sudden weight. She cried into his chest.

“I'm sorry for being such a... whatever I was... it's just... I just can't go back..” She cried out. He wrapped his arms around her.

“Kagome, what's wrong?” Inuyasha asked. Kagome cried harder.

“Inuyasha... there's no one left for me... no one who loves me... they're all gone! They all died in a car accident... I found out when I went there last month..” Kagome cried out. Inuyasha's eyes went wide.

“I'm sorry Kagome.” Inuyasha said softly.

“Please... don't be.” She pulled away and looked at him. “Now I don't have to go back to my time for anything, but ramen.” (A/N: If your wondering why she was studying in the beginning it was to make it not look obvious about her problem.) Kagome stood up, we better go and look for those shards now. She turned around ready to walk away, but Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and rested his head on her shoulder.

“Kagome...” He put his lips near her ear. “You still have people who love you.” He then leaned his head back on her shoulder. She stiffened for a moment in surprise and wonder. Kagome reached her arm up and scratched Inuyasha's ear.

“So do you.” They were both quiet for a moment. They let their own worries drain for the time being as they were lost in one another's touch, in the others loving soul and completely content with them around.

(With Shippo)

Shippo ran through the village in search of Kagome and Inuyasha. He came to a stop at Kaede's hut and entered. She was boiling herbs.

“Kaede have you seen Inuyasha and Kagome around. Miroku and Sango have decided to build their hut on the outskirts of the village. Miroku needs Inuyasha to help him.” Shippo said. Kaede looked over at him.

“They have gone out in search of the jewel. I am not sure when they plan on returning.” Kaede replied. Shippo nodded and ran to where Miroku and Sango were waiting. “Kaede said they went out to look for the jewel and she doesn't know when they are coming back, sorry.” Shippo said to the couple who were sitting next to a pile of wood.

“No need to be sorry. They'll be back soon enough. Kagome never got a chance to restock on supplies. When they get back, we'll get their help.” Miroku said.

“Well we should get started. Shippo are you going to help too?” Sango asked. Shippo nodded in agreement.

“Sure thing.” He said as he jumped over and helped Kirara stared digging wholes. Sango and Miroku took their shovels and also dug.

(With Inuyasha and Kagome)

Night had fallen now. The two walked quietly through the woods. They had decided not to search for the jewel today. Well Inuyasha had actually been the one to decided, he knew Kagome would still need time to recuperate. He also felt guilty about saying she had a place to go and be happy in her time when there she would be sadder than ever.

The two walked quietly. They were enjoying one another's comfort as they walked. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, because they were enjoying the moment, because they were together.

Inuyasha although was a little confused. He was feeling strange. It was a feeling of warmth... of love. Did he truly love Kagome? He knew he did and the feeling made him feel good, yet it made him worry whether or not she loved him as well. Did she even know that he loved her?


“Kagome...” He put his lips near her ear. “You still have people who love you.” He then leaned his head back on her shoulder. She stiffened for a moment in surprise and wonder. Kagome reached her arm up and scratched Inuyasha's ear.

“So do you.” They were both quiet for a moment. They let their own worries drain for the time being as they were lost in one another's touch, in the others loving soul and completely content with them around.

End Flashback

Did she know he meant he loved her? Did she mean she love him? These questions filled Inuyasha's hair. If he wanted her to know he would have to tell her straight out, but he wasn't ready, not nearly ready. He was afraid or rejection. He was afraid that she didn't love him as much as he loved her.

Inuyasha soon felt Kagome's arm around his. She leaned her head on his shoulder as they walked.

“I'm sorry for crying like I did earlier.” She said.

“Feh, don't be.” Inuyasha replied.

“It was just... I had never admitted it and I was afraid if I admitted it, it would make it truer than it was.” Kagome said.

“I understand.” Inuyasha said. He looked up at the star filled sky at memory of his own family. Maybe someday he could have another family... with Kagome. They could have each other and not have to worry about whether of not they were loved. That would be true heaven. Inuyasha smiled at the irony of that. Kagome and him would go to heaven, but Kikyo and him would go to hell.

Inuyasha stopped walking, to Kagome's surprise. He looked around as the familiar smell hit his nose.

“Kikyo...” Inuyasha said slowly.

Well there's my cliffy! I hope you don't kill me, because if you do I can't update! I need reviews to continue. Sorry this was short.