InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ fluff the magic youki ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

there has been some confusion on my flick it is not complete but for some reason media is saying it is well anyway read and enjoy!

Chapter 5: Fluff the Magic Youki?!

It was nearly a week later that everything began to fall into place, for InuYasha that is. Kagome had told him the yes and no things...(go back two chappie's) and one had caught his attention the pink rose herb it was the key all he needed was someone to help him a bit.

~meanwhile were the unexpected twist kicks it's but into action!~

The man was tall very tall so very very tall...well he's tall ok! very tall...with long silver hair very long silver hair so very very...ok screw it that takes to long to say well anyway here's the gifted of it. He was tall with long silver hair golden eyes and a crescent moon on his forehead. He was watching the sun set with a little girl asleep in his arms. No fateful ugly stupid green toad I'm running out of insults here a little help. Yes it was a good night for the almighty sessi. He had Rin all to himself no Jaken in sight and to top it all off he was about to make his little brothers life a reality show!!!!!! With a great twist! Because there was no script no plot and a freaky writer with a coke and a snickers bar that can last her a very long time. Who also had a lot of time on her hands! Yes all was right with the world every little bitty detail. there was only one problem, besides the fact that our writer is out of coke, were to start and how to get there the funniest way possible.

~With InuYasha! I want to touch the ears...There so cute...Aw...InuYasha's running away from me again oh well Kagome say sit for me...thump...I love my life...~

Now what to do? I have a plan but how to execute it? That's the problem I need help. There has to be a sissy, perverted, no good, girl groping type of person out there who would help me...wait Miroku!!! He will do it but I bet there's going to be a big price to pay!

~And now to the sissy, perverted, no good, girl groping type of person named Miroku!!!~

Miroku was sitting under the cherry blossom tree letting the sun share it's rase with him. He didn't even care that any moment the world around him could disappear. And the worst part of it would be that he would die a virgin and no one would know it!!! Oh the irony! Beware everything's a pun. Suddenly the sun was blocked from him by a strange figure that was dressed in all....RED!

"Monk I need your help!"

Wha...t?" Well Inu being the wonderful Hanyou that he was graved the monk by the collar and dragged him of to a more secluded place to discuses matters.

Once he was sheer that they were a safe distance away from the village he set Miroku back down and began to explain the situation.

"Ok Monk I have this plan and I need your help to carry it out."

"And what is this plan for and what do I have to do for you my friend?"

"I'm trying to get Kagome!"

"Ok that's good but how are you trying to get her?"

"Well that's were you come in here's what you do. One night i want to make dinner..." He was cut off by a pissed off monk in purple! Why dose Miroku have to wear purple he look better in blue if you ask me which you must likely didn't so I'll shut up now.

"I refuse to cook I might poison us all!" InuYasha though about this for a moment then shrugged and continued.

"Well then when the girls are cooking I want you to slip this into the food."

"What is it." Said Miroku taking a pouch from the hanyou in front of him.

"It's pink Rose herb!"

"What th...that stuff will make you go insane with your want for Kagome till the point she want refuse you no matter what!" Both men though this over with perverted smiles on there faces. "i got to hand it to you InuYasha you have some of the best ideas!"

"I know that's why i am now the prince of Ramenville!" Miroku sighed and wished that Ramenville would die already. "and you know what else Monk?"

"No what Inu?"

"It will effect you to!" The leech of a look the monk had on before became ten times bigger!

"InuYasha your to good sometimes!!!" With that they both let out evil laughs in Unison!!!!!!!! Along with me!


~FYI this is a sing along.....with....fluff the magic youki that livid in the western plans he ran around in bloody mist I think that's really strange!~ Yes I know I feel it to^_^!

I have a plan it's going to work! To get my very much littler in more ways than one brother like this will be just to go. Now let's go over this again...great now I'm talking to myself...bad I'm glad no one can hear me think I really sound lame! But anyway here's what I'm going to do self...are you listening?...yes....good self here it goes. One night when there cooking I'll have wait he's dead...shit finally when i had a purpose for the little toad he's dead oh well...I'll do it myself then but here we go...I'll sneak into there camp and put a little bit of Pink Rose Herb in it to drive his senses crazy! It's going to be great!! Man...the things I do for fun..."right self...right other self!"

"Sesshi-sama why are you talking to yourself? You know what they say about people who talk to them self's!"

"What do they say Rin?"

"That there insane!"

"No Rin when you talk to yourself your not insane it's only when you answer yourself that makes you insane."

"Oh, but sesshi-sama?"

"Yes Rin?"

"You did answer yourself." He gave her a dry look before setting her on he feet and walking ahead pouting at the fact that a small girl like her had gotten him so many times in a day. "sometimes sesshi-mara act so young right Rin...Right other Rin."

Sesshi sighed heavily Rin was so impossible always getting to i can't wait till she's old enough to "Fuck!"

"Sesshi-sama you said a bad word again!" Yep she was to go to be true sometimes! better run before she gets a chance to spank you like last time. "get back here sesshi-sama you must except your punishment" And so they both ran into the sunset and for some strange reason that i shell not and will not even attempt to explain the lord of the western plains was laughing

~Back to the Bawhahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaha show~

"Bawhahahahhahahahahahaha" It had been ten long minutes and yet they were still at it with the laughing thing but for the sake of getting more story line in this chappie I'm going to have then run out of breath now!

"Ok Monk that's enough we better get back before the girls start to suspect something!"

Yea man I can't wait until we put this plan into action."

"What plan?" there was one thing that Inuyasha really couldn't stand and that was Shippo showing up at just the wrong time and asking just the exact question that he didn't want the poor boy to ask....can anyone but me see were this is going?

"Shippo run!' Shippo's eyes got hug as he started to run away from one hell of a pissed off dog demon that had a short temper even after he lit the fuse and exploded.

"don't kill me InuYasha i didn't even do anything!"

"that's dosen't matter it's the fact that you could have that makes you dead!"

"Kagome help me Inuyasha's being mean again!"

"InuYasha sit!" to the ground he fails, how much pain invalid, who knows? YOU!...come on please help me here i really didn't know.

InuYasha are you sheer you want to go threw with this plan it might endanger your health." Said Miroku from beside the fallen hanyou.

"Yes I'm sure!"

"Whatever you say Inu Whatever you say!"

"Don't call me Inu monk only the girls can call me Inu."

"Then don't call me monk! only the girls can call me monk!" they both exchanged glares and got up from French kissing dirt in InuYasha's cause and went to the girls. It was time to start there almightily plan there was only one problem they didn't have a name for it like in all the cool yet stupid spy movies...and so InuYasha decided to call it 'operation sex'! to put it bluntly.

When InuYasha and Miroku finally got back to the hut which it took a while because InuYasha had to stop and kill trees to protect the people of Ramenville and Miroku had to ask everyone (girls that is) in his sight to bare his child. So neat less to say the girls were mad that they were late for dinner! If only the girls knew what would BEFALL ON them within the next week or so!

Well i just wanted to get you to wanting some more and I encourage reviews good or bad plaese they are very much excepted!