InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ to act like a fool or is he really a fool that is the question? ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Next chappie is here enjoy!

Chapter 6: To act like a fool or is he really a fool that is the question!

~at the hut with two perverts two mad women a kitsue and a very amused old lady~

"So lets see what do we have here" Said a very pissed off Sango to two evilly smiling guys. "Don't look at me like that you two!"

"look at you how Lady Sango?" Said Miroku with his ever present pervert smile plastered on. Kagome and Sango eyed him suspiciously then looked at each other raising an eyebrow a little confused. Shippo ignored the whole thing and went about eating his grape sucker. Keade smiled a knowing smile at InuYasha who returned it in kind with a you-better-not-say-a-word-or-I'll-kill-you-very-slowly-glare she just smiled at it and nodded.

"Well young ones the foods ready." everyone looked over to the old one sitting in the room and nodded before standing and graving there bowls and chopsticks to eat. It was relatively quite if you chose to ignore the ever present slurping of InuYasha eating. Which over the years everyone had some how learned to quit well, somehow.

"Is everyone done?" asked Kagome as she began together up bowls and chopsticks from everyone.



"Feh" was herd as she collected everything and handed it back to Keade who smiled with acceptances of them.

"you know InuYasha maybe we should give you more Coffee that might make you feel better." He gulped and shock his head no before standing up and walking out side into the oncoming darkness with a very perverted look on his face.

~sun's up a little after twelve make breakfast for myself leave the woke for someone else. That's a song but anyway it's morning well afternoon and everyone is either asleep waking up or in Miroku's cause knocked out from an abnormally large boomeranged.~ this is InuYasha's point of view~

I'm bored I wonder were Kagome is she always provides a little entertainment when I'm bored. I can't wait until i get here it's going to be so much fun to fuck her like I'm going to!

"InuYasha!" He looked done to see the flower of his thoughts.

"What do you want?"

"I was going to tell you that I'm going to go back to my time for test." Shit nooooooooo this will screw the whole thing up if she leaves now!

"No way I want you to stay here and away from those stupid test!!! 'There bad for you!"

"Wait a minute since when have I ever let you stop me from going to my time to take a test...bye bye InuYasha." she started to walk off to the well but a certain Hanyou jumped in front of her and stopped her from moving any farther.

"No way I said your staying her and that's final!"

"Why can't I go...?" He didn't know what to say but a thought crossed his mind...the way he had been acting lately he could us that to his advantage.

"but almightily queen of Ramenville you need to stay with me the great protector of Ramen and all it's lovers so I can protect you from the test that shell be the death of all men!" She had one of those little veins forming on her head at that moment but then it was gone.

"You poor thing this really must be hard for you and it's all my fault! Giving you the coffee and everything else! Poor little puppy" She walked over to him hugging him to her and smiling a little at the fact that he hugged her back.

"what are you talking about Queen of all things Rameny!" she smiled at his child like innocent stupidity.

"If it will make you feel better I'll stay with you almighty guardian of Ramen!" he smiled a perverted smile at the fact that for once he had one and she didn't understand his true persistence was because he wanted to fuck her to no end. It was just to good everything was going smoothly. He let her go gently and decided that to keep up the act for a little longer. Taking her hand he ran to the village screaming to all the village people that the Queen of ramenbville was under his protection and no one was aloud to touch her under torture of being tied to a tree!

~with Sango and a badly hurting monk~

"Lady Sango I'm sorry!!!" She still didn't stop hitting him it was just to much fun to sit there and hit the monk sometimes and right after he had said something like he did what did he say again...?...oh well back to hitting...

"Stupid monk I hate you your so so so!!! I don't know but your something and it's not good!" He tried to protect his head but that left more important things exposed.

"Please I didn't mean anything by it!"

"i don't care it was still not a very nice thing to say to a women!" Even though i forgot what it is you said! At that moment he got a very good idea run fast! And so without another thought he did just that he ran and luckily for him Sango didn't follow. Instead she leaned against the hut and watched as InuYasha came running up explaining that the Queen of Ramenville was under his protection or something like that.

"Kagome I though you were going back to your time!"

"I was but..." she was cut of by the still acting Hanyou.

"I told her that i must protect her from the test!!!!" that's when he got the idea of a life time. As he noticed Miroku slowly walking back towards them with relief pictured on his face. Bowing before Sango extremely low he said this. "Almighty princess of the monks i do ask of you to except my plea to help me in protecting Queen Kagome from the evils of the kitsue!" He finished looking at her with the look Shippo always gave for candy. She looked at Kagome with fear in her eyes at Kagome's nod Sango decided to play along with the Hanyou gone wrong.

"Of course I will help you almighty protector of Ramenville!"

"I thank the and what may be your name lady of the monks?" she gave him an odd look before plastering on a smile and replying.


"What a lovely name!" he smiled as he thought up another way to get at everyone. Turning away he graved Miroku by the arm and dragged him over to everyone else now standing there which happen to be everyone he knew who were his friends. "My I introduce the perverted monk who travels with me to protect Ramen!?"

"Of course" they all replied in Unison it's been a while since we last herd anything in unison i thought it would be a good idea if they came back.

"this is sir Miroku of the perverted monk protectors of Ramen!" Everyone tried not to laugh at the seriously stupid expression on the poor dog boys face. Miroku smiling while biting his lip to stop from laughing bowed at them and said.

"I am most honored to met you all." he bowed again really low so as to not let anyone see his face turning bright red.

"now if you'll excuse me I'd like to go and kill the test from the maiden Kagome's time before they destroy us all thank you." He turned and began walking off until that is Kagome's brain registered what he had said resulting in dirt getting to kiss InuYasha passionately and some how to no ones understanding InuYasha getting up dusting himself off yelling that the kitsue were taking over and chasing Shippo in a circle. Which mad Kagome sigh say i give up and walk into the hut like nothing had happen to cook lunch which to tell the truth wasn't really lunch but something to do. Which to everyone's confusion made InuYasha laugh uncontrollably until he couldn't breath and they had to sit there making sure he wouldn't die from being oxygen deprived.

Well her we are sorry the chappies are so short but I have a but load of homework and no time to do so. So please review!