InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ Never leave Shippo to watch a pervert and hanyou ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well well well people first things first i have a promise to tell you....i promise that if you allow me to right short chappie's a little longer maybe than this one that i will and I promise to up date every other day!!! * holds up right hand as she says this.* thank you

Disclamier....I do not will not and can't even try to own inuYasha ok do you know how hard it is to say that? I thought so!

Chapter 7: Never leave shippo in charge of a pervert and Hanyou...

After almost 2 hours everything had settled down and was calm again. Kagome and Sango had gone to take a bath with the almighty and powerful Shippo left to watch the boys...I have a question why would you let a little bitty wimpy baby youki protect you from a smart pervert and a dog demon that can ripe things into little bitty pieces by swiping with it's claws?...the world may never know...Well anyway....

~with the two stupid girls that think a little kitsue can protect them from a pervert and a strong Hanyou!~

"Man did you see the looks they've been giving us lately...?" Said Kagome as she stepped into the hot water flinching at the shocking feel.

"Yea i can understand Miroku doing it but InuYasha?...that scares em a little..." Sango replied as she to went into the water.


"Well think about it...if you've got a sex crazed hanyou working off instinct...what will he do to girls..."

"He'll do anything he wants to even if it means rapping that what your thinking?"

"Yea...and he's so strong there will be nothing you can do about it."

"I can sit him..."

"but what if he goes after someone else?" she gulped and sunk deeper into the water then with resolution jumped up in front of Sango and replied.

"I don't think he would."

"and why not?"

"Well have you noticed that he only looks at me lustful and then there's what sesshiurma said about it that he would only go after the one he really loves!" Sango looked down in thought before smiling and looking at Kagome.

"I think your right but how can you be so sure that he loves you...?" Kagome smiled and said it as simply as possible in a question form.

"Why should a hanyou never get drunk?" and with that both girls forgot there troubles and started to laugh.

~mean while with the boys and a very frighten kitsue~

"now Shippo listen here I'm willing to give you two options..." Said an eviling smiling InuYasha.

"and what are they?" Replied the slowly retreating kitsue.

"Well the first is you leave us alone and we go and do what we want and the second is you don't and we tie you up put you in a little bag and throw you as far as we can away from her....which one do you want?" the kitsue took a deep breath and slowly walk to the corner of the hut before sitting next to the wall and voices his reply.

"I'm going to sleep you guys be good." both monk and Hanyou smiled at each other and walked out of the hut.

"Well are we going to see or girls...?" Ask a very un naturally perversely smiling Hanyou.

"Of course we are it wouldn't be right if we didn't now would it?"

"it most certainly would." Tell were next to the bushes by the spring were they saw to naked laughing girls.

"We missed the first part of the conversation..." Whispered Miroku to InuYasha.

"I know..." he whispered back huskily Miroku gave him an uncertain look but the Hanyou never saw it for his eyes were focused on two hug milky white breast that belong to no other than the queen of Ramenville. Miroku waved a hand in front of InuYasha's face hoping that he would look away but he didn't.

"InuYasha?" No reply..."hey man are you ok?" nothing..."InuYasha!?" he whispered harshly. still there was no reply from the Hanyou who was starting to breath heavily and pant. Miroku was beginning to think that a certain body part of his friend was acting up and making it hard for him to think. Which Miroku had experienced this before and it was bad...but to be a dog demon with all the since to tell when a girl was excited and stuff it had to be horrible.

the Hanyou was now starting to let moans of almost pain exist his lips and Miroku was worried they would be discovered if InuYasha didn't get release one or if they didn't get out of there second. so he did the only thing he could think of to make InuYasha stop before they had one of those things happen. he also prayed that in the process they wouldn't be discovered either.

"Man InuYasha look at Kagome's breast there so hard and firm high and great..." He started to do a silent pray that he wouldn't die from what he said next. "Man I wish I could suck on those!" first the Hanyou stopped breathing then his eyes flashed red and then all the monk knew is that the little birds going around his head started to sing twinkle twinkle little star before they all were hit by arrows and feel and then there was black.

~Well here's what happened from the rest of the world but the bird boy monks point of view....! starting with InuYasha's~

InuYasha had heard the first comment about Kagome coming from the monk and felt glad that he had chosen a mate that was considered that beautiful...then he hears the second half and did something that he would never ever regret. He hit him hard and many many times...there was only one problem when he did so he stood giving away the fact that they were there. before he knew what was happening he was on the ground in a lot of pain and the word sit was still echoing from Kagome's mouth. then there were a lot of fire works as the sits continued and he vaguely noticed that he was laying on a twitching monk that seemed pretty much un conscious. the last thing that he remembered though was a loud crick and then two women saying something about "Oh shit!" then there was black...

~Now where with our 2 most favorite girls in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

they had finally stopped laughing and were just talking about nothing unparticular when they heard what sounding like panting and very heavy panting at that. then they heard moaning and someone talking about being ok...more moaning and then silence...after a few minutes they heard more whispering.

What came next they weren't expecting at all...InuYasha was all the sudden standing in his demon form behind a bunch of bushes trying to kill what appeared to be there perverted friend. The first thing that came to Kagome's mind was to say her yet not InuYasha's favorite word...

"SIT..." now here's the strange thing...she didn't just say sit she said..." SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sango mean while had taken it upon herself to finish InuYasha's work on the monk by hitting him so hard he blacked out (see InuYasha didn't knock Miroku out Sango did.) WEll Sango would have continued with her attack but a crick so sickening even the birds that had been flying around the monk's head came back to life and stayed silent so the birds couldn't sing.... (for those of you that don't understand I'm referring to the saying 'so sickening the birds wouldn't sing!...) With that sound came to almost girlish screams of

"Oh Shit!"

"What are we going to do!?" Asked Sango.

"I have no idea?!" Said Kagome threw sops.

"I can't believe it finally happened after all the threats it finally happens." She looked at the younger girl who was walking over slowly to the un moving Hanyou.

"InuYasha?" she looked at the form of him unsettled. Her face still held tears at the thought that her love had died from something as ironic as saying the word sit. The still form didn't even twitch. "Oh my god he's dead i killed him Sango noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

"Kagome calm done I don't think he's dead only unconscious!" She turned and looked at Sango as she moved to sit next to InuYasha on the ground. She leaned done next to the form and listened for his breathing. It took a few minutes but she heard it the faint sound of his breathing in and out very slowly.

"Your right he is breathing oh it's wonderful he's alive he's alive." She looked at him willing him to stand up and yell at her that she was a bitch and should go to hell or something but instead he let a low moan come threw his lips and then said the simplest thing he could think of.../stupidest and most embarrassing thing...

"Kagome...I think you finally broke my back..." With that he slipped back into the realm of sleep leaving a confused demon exterminator un conscious monk and a very overly worried Kagome.

That's that hope that everybody liked it well I do want to point out something...if I don't see more reviews soon i will most likely drop this flick and start another one...although i am quit happy about the number of people who have looked at ,y flick so fare now if only more of you would review....

and to the 2 lovely people who have reviewed so fare i give you each chocolate cirgares to enjoy...! and i have been trying even if you can't tell to use comans but that is very hard to do! thanks

Inuyasha loves me!