InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ taking note...Miroku style...pervertedly ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Here we go oh so great fans that i love to no end i hope that you like this chappie and by the way thank you all those lovely people who have reviewed my storyed I love you for it and you better keep them coming because you are the only reason that I am still posting this so keep that in mind while your reading see you at the end. oh and one more thing....................DEATH TO KOUGA....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10: taking notes....Miroku style

After Kagome was done yelling at or beloved InuYasha for killing Kouga she almost medially smiled and told him all was forgiven and to have a nice talk with his brother. Which in turn scared everybody because Kagome hadn't even sat him for it or anything...hell when she was yelling she didn't even really raised her voice at all. Which lead to everyone coming to the conclusion that Kagome was glad that Kouga was dead...there was only one problem person Kagome could think of that she wanted to die two now and that was Hojo but you can't ask for that many miracles in a day.

~but anyway now that your all up to speed on what happened next let's get on to the brotherly love *cough cough* of my story....

"Ok my much littler brother..."

"Would you stop calling me much littler it's annoying...!!"

"You call me fluffy..."

"Would you prefer fluff butt?"

"Would you prefer cute dog ears?"

"Then don't call me either....and I might consider not calling you cute dog ears...K"

"K...can we get on with this all ready?"

"Why not..." throughout this whole conversation the 2 brothers had been selecting a tree to sit in...and there wasn't to many left due to a hanyou who had to save the princess of Ramen one to many times....but finally they found one that was good enough for the both of them and sat fluffy being on a higher branch of course because well he was older and as youki law proclaims the older the more they get so let's all screw the young....yes that is how law number 42 of the youki law's dose read...anyway.

"So what do you want to talk about?" asked InuYasha with a slight yawn of boredom.

"I ....I...want you..." The hanyou fell out of the tree momentarily and looked at his brother in shock....


"I want to help you...." (out of no where comes a little man with a news report in hand....saying,....this just in sessimaura wants to help his brother more coverage at 9 stay tuned on fox!!!!!! be 4 warned....)...

"Help me with what?" InuYasha had finally gotten back into the tree

"with your mating problems" only to fall again...*sigh*

"Why would i need your help..."

'Well it has come to my attention that you were never taught the ways of a Inu-youki mating i mean like the marking and stuff.." InuYasha thought about this for a minute before replying with a nod that his brother was right and that he should continue. "Well here it is InuYasha sit done and take notes for all i care but I'm going to tell you the ways of the youki and there bitches."

Out of no where InuYasha gets a note pad and a pen that he somehow knows how to use...there's only one problem that he soon remembers...he can't read or write...."Brother would you mind if the monk is here for this...?"

"Why would he be...?"

"I can't write..." said a blushing new shade of crayon InuYasha.

"I guess that would be ok but i had no idea you were that stupid..." The blushing hanyou immediately turned red from anger and was about to kill his brother when the monk appeared out of no were...

"did somebody want me?" the 2 looked at him looked at each other and then the rest of the world looked at them and then looked at each other and sang in a course of UNISONNESS....yes there are a lot of unison people being...unisony....yea i made up a new word....

"how dose he bloody do that stupid monk your confusing us." well as soon as the monk's sweat drop went away he walked over took the pen and notebook from Inu sat down and looked at the 2 brothers smiled and said...

"let the perverted ness began i for one want to know all about youki mating don't you InuYasha?" the said man looked at his brother as his brother voice a common option among people who knew Miroku.

"Can we kill him and get the disturbing images of sex out of my head?" Inuyasha shook his head and sighed.

"I'm afraid that it's not that easy believe me I've tried to kill him a lot and it never gets rit if the images but there is a way to help..."


"Think of a girl in your case a guy that you want to fuck..."

"I don't want a guy I'm not gay ok....!!!!!!!!!!!" Miroku and Sango both looked at each other....wait Sango.

"Hey what are you guys doing?" all the guys sweat dropped and looked at her then there eyes averted to were Kagome had materialized out of no were smiling.

"Yea anything we want to know?" All guys blushed as Keade appeared with her evil knowing smile on.

"Yes you must tell the girls of your conversation young ones..." AS if there was nothing that could make it worst...the girls took the notebook paper from Miroku...which wouldn't of been bad at all except one simple fact...Miroku had labeled the top of the notebook paper 'Operation sex: Youki mating tips'. And the girls read first they looked a little disturbed then mad and then calm....which was more disturbing than thinking of Keade in a bikini dancing with Jaken in laungrae.

"what is this all about boys?"

"Ohhhhh look at the sun time to go see you later brother have a nice....what am I saying wouldn't want to be you InuYasha or you monk!" And so sessi had left with his tail literally between his legs....which in turn left Inu and Miroku alone with 2 overly calm girls and a Keade.

"Well boys I repeat..." Said Kagome.... "what is this all about?"

"you want to know the truth..." Said InuYasha in a rather calm voice...

"Yessss!!!!!!!!!!!" At this point the monk was doing a silent pray for his soul to go to heaven...but then the gods decided to go easy on them...for at that moment our beloved hanyou had a brilliant idea.

"Kagome....oh almighty and beautiful goddess of ramen wisdom grace and fairness...please let me worship you?" After saying that he bowed to down till his nose touched the ground and let out a whimper.

now Kagome knew he was just trying to get out of it but still how can you stay mad at a guy who had just told you how majestic and perfect you are? So she decided to let it go and bent down lifted his chin kissed him on the lips softly and said in a sweat voice...

"Worship me like the goddess I am more often and you will never get the 'Word' again..." With that she walked off leaving a lot of very confused people behind... the most confused though was InuYasha and this is why....

thinking....'that's the first time she kissed me and i haven't really been totally messed up because of some horny guy she taste so good i want her i need her her...

his smile grew ten fold at that and then standing up he said to the still dazed Miroku..."The sooner we put operation sex into action the sooner I'm going to get to fuck her till the earth shatters from under us...." With that he walked off after her forgetting all about his brother and the youki thing until he was stopped by said brother....and they graved a still shocked monk and went to find a place to take notes at....

~at the place to take notes over *cough cough *you know what....that bad thing that every guy at there age wants to do...well it's not bad just come on us girls get sick of guys having there brain in there pants...!!~

"Ok Monk are you ready to do this thing?" Asked an annoyed InuYasha.

"Yes let's get it over with...." Said Miroku while he was turning threw the pages of the note book looking for the one he had before.

"Alright then her we go lesson one on Youki mating rituals...!" Sessi took in a deep breath and then let out slowly..."there are 8 steps to claiming a mate...I can't believe I'm saying this....!"

"Come on!!!!!!!! The sooner you talk the sooner you can die of embarrassment."

"Ok...step one...the first thing that happens when you take...." He looked over at the monk who was at the moment scribing in the note book extremely fast..."Could you not do that so loud..."

"Why is that to loud I can't even...."

"Shut up both of you if we don't do this quick the girls will find us and kill us...well maybe not fluff butt but still....!"

"What did I say about the fluff butt thing....cute dog ears?" at this point the monk was becoming confused with the rather strange nick names the brothers had for each he decided to stop the argument...naw this was to much fun to watch to he didn't.

"Don't call me that....fluffy!"

"Don't call me that...pretty boy...!"

"Don't call me that gay guy..."

"Don't call me that shit for brains!

"Don't call me that Jaken lover!" It went dead silent at the mention of the dead toads name...and lover in the same sentence referring to the one and only girlie looking straight guy there was.

"That is just to fare..."

"I'm sorry that was to low..." Whispered InuYasha. "no one should even be mention looking at the toad thing but lov...bad thoughts bad thoughts...." Sessi looked at his brother and decided that he would let him off with it because he was at the moment rocking back and forth with his knees drawn to his chest eyes closed and repeating this..."Oh the horror oh the pure un adult rated pg-13 horror...." and the bad thing fan fiction should be rated NC-17...^_^(little guy with drums runs in and goes bun nun bum then leaves after I pay him 30 dollars...)

So how was it did you enjoy well where ever the cute little review button is click it and well you know reivew the more you review the more creative I am and perverted....

in the next chappie I would like to inform you will be done according to how many reviews I this i mean if there are only a few reviews i will make the youki mating things as short as possiable and if there are many they will be long very long and as perverted and funny as I can get them with as much brothery and monkly love *cough cough * I can think up

So thanks a lot for reading and the reviews i know i will be receaving soon....pardon my bad spelling it is 4 in the morning and i havn't slept in 3 days....

Whatever my name is write now...