InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ to say a word is to get spanked right? ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

now because i am me I give out more of my beloved chocolate cigars that i can't spell at the moment!!! but thank you for your reviews and her is a little some that i hope will keep you entertained!!

chapter 11:

After another 20 minutes of the bad thoughts fetal precision they were on with the conversation....and this is how it went...^_~

"Ok now for the first *gulp* step..." Sessi wasn't looking or feeling to well at this pint for the sole reason that this wasn't the kind of subject that he wanted to have a conversation with his brother about or the monk. "this step is called the courting step...when a Youki first decides that he will take a certain bitch for his mate he dose this...You my brother have been doing the step for quit a while now...actually you've always been doing it to the girl as far as I can remember meeting you and her."

"What dose this step entitle exactly?" Asked the monk who was making notes...

"Why would you want to know?" Asked Sessi not quit wanting to go into to much detail.

"Because if InuYasha forgets any of this when the time comes to tell his sons it will be written down for him to look at..." both youki looked at each other a little strange like before continuing, with the almighty fluff butt going into the dreaded detail of the 1st step.

"Ok here it is. At this stage the male starts trying to get his scent on the bitch. He tries to touch her with out making it obvious that he wants to. He might also try to be as mean as possible to her so she doesn't think that he wants her...why they do that I have no idea. Sometimes they even give her a pet name or nick name that they only use for her and her alone...the name however is usually very mean sounding like wench or bitch, stupid girl and so on." Miroku looked at InuYasha with a strange smile then voiced what sessi and himself were thinking...

"So there's a reason that you call her all those names?" InuYasha looked at them like he was about to yell as loud as possible then replied.

"I had know idea that was why i was calling her names like that." Both youki and monk fell to the ground laughing at a little thing

I like to call sure stupidity....

"How could you not know about it?" Asked sessi.

"you said yourself I was never taught these things!"

"Well hahahhahaha we bett hahaha er get on heheheheh with this hahahah heheheheh hahahahhehehehe!" Said Miroku as tears started to come down his face from laughing.

"Ok..." Said a composed sessi. "The next step is called's were the male starts to protect the maybe standing up for her or doing little things like giving her his cloths for protection from if you were to give your bitch ,brother, that fire rat haori of yours so she would be protected from something..."

"do you know everything about my life sessi?"

"What do you mean?" the hanyou looked at his older brother who had a look of sincerity on his face...even though his face was rather expressionless.

"never mind..." Said the hanyou turning away from a blush...

"do you mean that that actually happened to you?" Said Miroku with a smile of nothing else...can you guess it...perverted ness...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the hanyou blushed and nodded his head yes before looking at the dirt between his toes.

"how cute is that sessi?" Asked Miroku as he wrote something down in the notebook with a smile...

"very let's get on with this...which step are we on monk?"

"the 3rd!"

"Ok then the 3rd step is changing of the names....this one involves the 1st step a little...the names that you first call her like the bitch and crap you change by calling her by her real name...BUT although you may call her by her real name you might still call her by one of your nick names for her. But you won't be as mean about it..."

"Is it just me or do the gods sit there and laugh at me while they tell the world about my inter life?" Asked InuYasha to nothingness...

"why do you ask?" Said sessi looking over at his little brother..."Did that happen to you also?" The hanyou could only growl his annoyance before turning his head away signaling that he should continue.

"Well the next step is this step you start trying to kill other males who show what you call to much affection to your that wolf who you had me kill...Kouga koko kikiki what was his name...?" all the males looked into the sky to think about the wolfs name but it seemed that none of them could remember although they had many guesses...

"ass ka, jerk fucker, crisco, ass wipe....hairy ass...." and many other colorful ones that I'm sure you can think of....

"well who the fuck cares...." said Inuyasha only to have his brother clamp a hand over his mouth a look in every direction with a look of what could have been fear if anyone didn't know better...

"don't say that word if you know what's go for you!!!"

"What are you talking about?"

"What do you mean what am I talking about if she hears you where all going to die!"

"If who hears me?" Now sessi was mad. Mad that his brother had already forgotten about the most dangerous thing in the world...the one thing that all youki feared...mostly ones with dirty mouths.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU IDOIT OR DHE WILL HEAR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" said an overly angry sessi as he looked at his much younger and stupider brother...there was one thing that he hadn't been thinking of though...the fact that he has just yelled the one word that the thing knew was bad...something that would make it come and rack havoc to all who said it!

"Sessi maru sama!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You said the bad word again didn't you!" And thus it can from the bushes the most frightening thing that was under 3 foot tall. something so scary that even sessi shuttered and you know what it was?...please people with a weak constitution stand back...!! for it was the most horrifying thing they had ever seen...well it actually was only horrifying because it was the one thing that no male understands...and it was a small one which mad it was.............a little girl!!!!!!!!!!!!! The horror!!!!! the horror!!!!!!!! The cute little browned eyes angle of horror!

"Rin now lets not spank this sessi....did I just call myself sessi?"

"Yes!" she said as she hopped into his lap and smiled! "Now did you say the bad word again?"

"Noo...oo..oo" She looked into his eyes frowning.

"yes you did and now you lying which is worst!"

"Rin listen...use guys are having a *cough cough* big person conversation*cough cough* that you shouldn't be hearing yet..."

"Why are you coughing are you sick"

"no but Rin will you please go find that lovely young lady Kagome i remember her telling me she wanted to play with you?" the little girls eyes started to twinkle as she jumped out of his lap and started to run off but not before she came back and kissed him on the lips like a daughter might her father and ran off.

InuYasha and Miroku who were sitting there witnessing the inter thing started to do the lovely owwwwing and ahhhing noise.

"Shut up you bastards and let's get on with this!" The almighty sessi said while he was blushing.

"awww poor thing are we embarrassed that a little girl just gave us a little kissie wissie!!!!" Said Miroku in-between giggles and laughs!

"Yea that was just so so...!"

"Shut up or I'm not going to tell you the rest!!"

"I think it might be worth it just to see you like this..." Said InuYasha as Sessi got up and started to leave... "no wait please I'm sorry keep on going!"

"but still that was so kawii!!!"

"Shut up!!!!"

"This isn't a lie what happen brother! "said InuYasha in a rather serous tone "It's what we all think happen for this is reality and reality sucks!" InuYasha smiled as he said the last part..."You can't deny that you got a kiss from a little 3 foot tall brown eyed girl who is in love with you!"

"Brother your right...this isn't a lie it's what we all thin this is reality and reality sucks!" Sessi sat done in the small circle they had made and began again with the steps! "Ok the 5th step...this one is this step the male will become fully aware of the fact that he is either truly in love with the bitch or if he just wants some your case brother I believe you are in love with the miko bitch right?"

"Yes I am...even though we are calling this operation sex for some reason..."

"Hey" Said the monk as he finished the notes on this part..." We call it that because it got so many people to read!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Well you see I have this theory!"

"Were all going to die the monk had an idea!!!"

"Shut up and listen!"

"ok we're listening!" said sessi

"Speck for yourself!" Replied InuYasha!

"both of you shut up and listen!!!" Both youki brothers turned and looked at the monk showing him that they were listening..."Ok I think that there is this thing called the internet were a lot of insane people write stories about us and make us do what they want...well if that is true then at this very moment there is someone typing on it and making me do what i am doing!!!! they call these people writers...I think there's one controlling us!" the brothers looked at each other and then yelled unison like....yea unison people are back again!

"The monk is insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Well it was worth a try but i don't think anyone will ever believe me now..."

"I believe you..." said a voice from no where...^_~

"Who's there..." all the boys say with a look of fear on there faces....

"no you will all forget about what you have just hear about the writer and such and will continue the story..." Says me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"We will all forget about you and continue with the story!" they all say back in a semi- unison like way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes semi unison people! and so I disappear and they forget what happened and go back to the stages of youki mating ritual again....^_^

"Well the next step number 6 is that the youki has realized his true feeling he will start to show affection...that is if he realizes that he is in love with her...if he just wants her sex he will rape her and get on with his life....I've done that before."

"I haven't"

"Can't rape what is willing...." Said Miroku smiling like the pervert that he is.

"ok...well that step isn't very easy to describe so I'll just go on with it. the next step number 7 is where you are brother...the step of touching indecently in kissing or having wondering hands...biting her shoulder and your trying to get her to do it back... letting her do things like kiss you even if you are a dominate mate...which you are to a point."

"Ok so we're that fare!!!!" Said InuYasha with hopeful eyes...

"yes but the last step will be the hardest to accomplish..."

"And what is it?"

"Well it's quit simple....really!"

"And what is it?"


and so it will be picked up there and yes the same rule appilies right now....more reviews more i write all i am asking for is at least 5 a chapie and i will be satisfied!