InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ if she writes he will die... ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

well here we are at another exitciting segment of my story now this is just a terser to get more reviews but if you do not read this you will get lost in the next chappie so read and enjoy me secound up date of the day....oh and I love all the reviews there all so good and I was thinking that not that many people would like it....!!!!! well I was wrong and I just noticed that I havn't done a disclamer in a long time so I better now...and i am sorry if this chappie isn't as good as the you can see by my poor speeling I am very tired and doing this to get out of homework...

Disclamier: As i have said before....if I owned Inuyasha there would be a lot of 1/4 demon children running around hahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhhhahahahhahahahahahah!!!!!!!!

Chapter 12: If I write it he will die for it...

well all the boys at first found them self's a little shocked at sessi's last statement. Like you couldn't of seen that coming come on how stupid can you get that was pretty much the only thing left that could of happened! Well after the shocked was gone they did something that none of them though of ever doing before around each other...they started laughing!

"Man I should have seen that one coming!"

"You should have seen your faces even the monk was a little bit surprised looking!" They laughed for the longest time until they hear a little girl voice calling out sessi maru sama.

"oh no it comes!!!!" Said sessi as he got up only to hit the ground when a little girl came into his arms.

"Sessi maru!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kagome said that guys shouldn't be let alone to talk about guy things....!"

"Really and where is...?" Right then said girl and Sango came into the clearing looking a little mad at the fact that the boys were all talking about something that involved taking notes on a peace of paper entitled operation sex...that was just a little unnerving to the girls.

"What are you boys up to?"

"Nothing...!" they all said together in unison!!!
They were so busy looking at Kagome that they didn't notice Sango coming up behind them and reaching for the notebook!!!! which because I am a girl author and girls are better than guys...(but guys are hot and sexy keep me amused so i like them and need them for *cough cough* those things...but you know what's funny I'm still a virgin? Why is that?) So anyway Sango got the book...

"Look Kagome notes under operation sex!" Kagome took the note book and looked threw at. Now there is one problem with Miroku's note taking and that is because he takes to good of notes. First off he went into to much detail about the last step and matter of fact all the steps to the point...he wrote about all the encounters that were said in there little fits of off-the-subject-ness.

both the girls read the notes pages at least 6 times and with every time they got stranger and stranger looks on there faces. Then in one moment of two matching looks of horror Kagome ask her question.

"Why are you guys discussing things like youki mating habits?" She didn't look mad at all which gave the young hanyou an idea....of course he would get sat at least 100 times since he knew that she knew that he was no longer the almighty protector of all things ramen...but he would do it so that operation sex would not be spoiled...

"Kagome can I ask you a question too?" Asked InuYasha...

"Sure what is it?"

"Well...I was wondering if...maybe if you wouldn't mind..." here it comes I'm so going to die when I say this good bye world it was nice living here.

"what is it Inu spit it out!?"

"will you bear my child?" Well the last thing that he could remember was a hand hitting his face and about 100 sits...then there was a lovely white light that he seemed to be floating to and then he was falling. Under him was fire and hell. He was dead she had killed him and he was going to hell for it.

No he was wrong the gods weren't nice enough to just let him die he was going to have to live at least long enough to hear her yell at him....sometimes InuYasha just wished the gods would stop having so much pleaser in killing him slowly and painfully.

He slowly opened his eyes to see Sango with a look that could kill, Miroku with a pity filled looked, Sessi with a I feel sorry for you look, Shippo with a terrified look, Rin with a giggle little girl look, Keade with a you deserved it look, a lot of villagers with fearful looks at something that wasn't him, and last but not least Kagome with a look that could make hell freeze over about a million times.


Don't you Kagome me you are so dead...!...I'm so going to...InuYasha are you ok?" the hanyou was breathing a little strangely. his eyes had closed and his lips were opening and closing slowly as if he were going to talk..."what are you trying to say are you trying to get yourself out of this!!!!!!!!!!!"

" let me die....please...I already saw the...white know...the light you go get to heaven....just let me go there in peace..."

"Never you are so going to suffer for what you just did i mean pulling a Miroku on offence Miroku..."

"none taken..."

"Come on InuYasha i can not stand this all the weird things you've been doing!!!!"

"I...want to...die."

"i'm not done with you yet...I mean come on...bla bla bla bla...." and that is all he heard threw her next 20 minutes of ranting about nothing and all he kept on saying and doing was...

I...want to...die" then he would let out a moan and sigh.

20 minutes later..."and another thing bla bla bla bla..."

"I...want to...die" moan for the rest of the gang they were all sitting around eating fluffy whitish yellow things made from something Kagome called corn. They also were drinking soda and sake in Miroku's and sessi's case. but neat less to say this was becoming quit boring for them. So they had to stop it and so they did.

"Kagome maybe you should lighten up..."

"but he went as far as to...!!"

"Kagome shut up will you I was just doing that because i needed a way out of the situation...damn bitch..." for the first time in 20 minutes the Hanyou said something other than I want to die and he set up too to top it all off.

"what do you mean?"

"Well I didn't want you to know that i was getting advice from my brother about things..."

"then why was Miroku there..." Asked Sango..

"Because I had to take notes for InuYasha since he can't...!"

"Shut up monk don't tell them why!!!!"

"Why not!"

"I don't want them to know that's why...!!!" With that the poor puppy boy got up and left with a slight limp. After all was sure InuYasha couldn't hear them Kagome asked the question that was pledging everyone's mind.

"What did InuYasha not want us to know?" Miroku and sessi looked at each other sigh and said,

"Because he can't read..." This gave Kagome a wicked idea as to how to get the Hanyou back for his rude and uncalled for she went over to her page got out a lot of notebooks and pens gave one of each to everyone and told them her idea....

~the next day~

InuYasha was confused very confused all day long everyone else in the group hadn't been talking but instead writing in notebooks and showing them to each other. He didn't know what to do every time he wanted something if he said it he wouldn't get it tell would just ignore him...and when tell wanted him to do something they would write it in the notebooks and face it to him and since he couldn't read he would have to act like he had no idea that they were there.

Writing on a note book page..."Sango i think it's working!"

"yea it is Kagome there's only one problem..."

"what's that..."

"my hands cramping...."

"So is mine."

"and mind..."

"weak humans...." Writes sessi...

"Stupid youki..." write everyone but sessi.

"oh what do you know..."

"A lot more than you..." writes Kagome....

"how much longer do we have to write we're almost out of ink..." writes Shippo.

"Until I think InuYasha's had enough of the writing treatment..."

"Which would be?"

"when he breaks down and tells us to stop since he can't read..." Replied Kagome...

"This will take a while!" writes sessi and everyone else...

"Man come on Kagome this will last for three days if we do that!" Writes Sango...

"So i don't care he should have learned to read."


"yes sessi?"

"He couldn't learn to read his mother died when he was 7 and boys don't normally learn to read until there 10..." She looked over the paper that sessi had written on a few times before writing ohhhh and smiling...

"ohhhh....that's to bad for him isn't it..." And so she went off to said hanyou to write more I love you that he couldn't read...

"you know she can really be mean..." Writes Miroku...

"yea I feel sorry for my brother..."

"So do I and he hits me over the head all the time you think I'd be happy to get at him..." Writes Shippo...

"Poor thing..." Writes Sango...

"I'd write more but my hand hurts..." Writes Miroku...

"then why did you bother to write that...?" writes Sango...

"So you'll all know..."

"and why did you bother to answer that?" Writes Shippo

"Because she asked...." there little non verbal fight was interrupted by a loud male voice yelling bitch at the top of his lungs and the sit of Kagome running to them...

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" Writes Kagome as she points over to the fuming hanyou...

"Come on can't you stop writing everything?" everyone wrote something on there paper and turned it to him....they read...

"No" Kagome and all the rest read we wished but we're scared of the wrath of Kagome!

"If I tell you will you stop?" they all wrote yes...

"I think that says yes..." thought he turned around and said in a voice that all even sessi had to strain to hear...

"I can't read..."

"That's all I wanted to hear..." Said not wrote Kagome as she walked over to the dumb founded Hanyou kissed him on the check smiled and whispered in his ear..."ever do anything like that again I'll never talk to you again but i will write everything down to the moans I make in the dark...of night..." with that she left up ahead of them InuYasha couldn't believe what he had just heard because to him...the way she worded it sounded a lot like she was talking about the moans of a lover during the wonderful S-E-X ritual...'god i hope I'm right' was the last thing he thought before turning around and falling Kagome...

Kagome smiled to her self as she wrote the last thing on her sheet of paper that she would write right now...and that was....moan moan I love you InuYasha harder....

well that is that and you better review if you know what's good for you...*starts to polish her michine gun* Well anyway I would like to give all my new reviews there own InuYasha sex toy and for the men i give you all the Cute girls you want...or hot girls whatever....hope you like!