InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ how the tables got turned not literally ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

well here is the nxt part of my wonderful story...this is the chappie that will change it all the inter plot althought it will still be about operation sex only with a little twist...and i think that you will like it...if you don't tell me ok i might think about re writing this plot twist....

chapter 13:how the tables got turned...who wants some now

Well it was time...they had to do operation sex tonight there was no other time and place that was better...but there was one problem they had forgotten the name of the plant that they had to use...but! there was a good part to this all...well there really wasn't a good part at all that the boys could think of....but since i am the author I can make this little thing called a plot twist happen that they will not know about since it will not be effecting them but instead the of the girls that is...^_^*author smiles evilly*

~With 2 girls taking a both in a remount hot springs that they thought the boys would never find...well they were so very right...because the boys...couldn't find them and that made them really pissed off....but this isn't there part of the story hah to them...~ *i love being the author*

"Sango this is starting to get to weird...!"

"what do you mean Kagome?" Kagome held out her hand and put all 5 fingers turned to face Sango.

"All start backwards from the past week I have experienced being felt up by InuYasha...two...I kind of liked it...three...I've kissed him a lot...four we found them taking notes about something called 'operation sex' and oh yea last but not least....number five...I think they are plotting on how there going to get use in bed with them...!" she put done the last of her fingers and sank deeper into the water...

"your right and you know what?"


"Do you think it's just a little weird that it went all quite just know?" The two girls looked around to try in find the source of the silence. As they scanned the area around them both there eyes fell onto a bush that looked strangely enough like it didn't belong there like it was put there by mistake...both girls graved there towels and put them around them self's as they got ready to be attacked....but what can next they weren't expecting at all.

"ye want a man who wants ye back and yet ye will not let that happen...strange girl aren't ye...?" Said a voice from the strange bush...

"who are you and what do you want?" Said Sango...

"The other child must speck to ya for ya to tell ye what I want..." Kagome stepped towards the voice and asked in as brave a voice she could muster...which wasn't very brave sounding at all...

"who are you and what do you want..."

"Ya am Keyara the mistress of purity...Ya seek only to help ye...with ye's love problems..." Both Sango and Kagome didn't trust this mistress at all. First off they couldn't see her second off they weren't sure if they wanted to see her...and last her voice sounded a little to kind for them..

"How can you help us..."

"Ya have a magic spell that will help the boy ye truly love see ye in...a different light..."

"But he already loves me..."

"But do ye know if he will choice ye over ye's better...?" As she spoke of a better an image of Kikyo came into view of the young girl and her best friend...


"Child he must see ye as more than ye are...Ya can make this happen for ye..."

"how?" Kagome said to the bush that had started to glow...

"Drink the water from the cup and ye shell be seen in a different light...." With that a cup formed at Kagome's feet she looked at it and picked it up...she smiled it first and them swished it in the glass like it was wine before looking to Sango for her approval...

"I don't think you should do it Kagome...!"

"But the mistress was right InuYasha would always go to Kikyo before me if this will make him love me more...I will do it..." Before Sango could stop or Kagome could see her own stupidity...she drank...

~the world after a drink...of water?~

Kagome was standing in a little room that seemed to be getting smaller by the second..."Where am I...?"

"Where am I?" It echoed back...

"What is this place...?"

"What is this place...?"

"Can anybody here me...?"

"Can anybody here me...?" Once again it she stood and looked around. All was blackness except right were she stood...there and only there was there light...but even the light seemed black...

"hello ya child..." said a voice from the black...

"who's there!!??"

"It is me...i am you?"

"what i don't understand?"

"I am a part of you and you are a part of me..." that voice i know that voice...were have I heard it before...

"Do i know you?"

"Do you know what you once were?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" It couldn't be who i think it is...can it?

"It is what you think...and I am what you believe..."


"Know that you know you shell die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and in one moment light seemed to become brighter than the sun around her and there was Kikyo looking at her...a flaming village behind her and an arrow notched and ready to kill.

"nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" And as the aroow hit Kagome in the chest she heard what Kikyo had left to say...

"Die Hanyou!" She looked at her reflection in Kikyo's eyes and saw...


"AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" Kagome screamed as she shot start up and looked around only to see everyone staring back at her a little surprised.

"Kagome are you ok..."

"Yea I'm fine it was just a dream after all..." everyone looked a little grim at her before voicing a question she didn't understand...

"what was the dream about...?" Asked InuYasha as he looked at her with worried golden eyes...

"Well me and Sango were at the hot springs talking then a voice came i drank something it gave me everything went dark...then there was Kikyo and the village was on fire and she shot an arrow said die hanyou and it...I woke up..." Everyone looked at her worried...

"Kagome look at me..." said InuYasha..."I want you to do me a favor..."

"Ok what is it?"

"Don't scream..."

"And why would I do that..."

"For one of to reason's...first off that wasn't a dream..." She didn't scream at that but looked a little worried as she looked out of the hut thinking that the village was gone...nope it was still there.

"but then why is the village still there..."

"Well only half of it was a dream..."

"then what was not and what was?"

"Well everything up until the village and Kikyo happened but..."

"but what?"

"the water stuff you drank wasn't water...?"

"" she looked scared now very scared.

"It was a potion that..."

"that did what?"

"It made you a hanyou...." at forts they thought she might not scream but then they were proven wrong when the young hanyou miko opened her mouth and...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Was heard all over the world for at least five minutes until the screamed stopped...because for one she ran short of breath...and second when he ran out of breath she passed out because of oxygen deprival...

Here we are at the ned pf the chappie how exciting I know your all trilled...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but anyway i have something i would like to tell you...the reason i did this is so the sexual tention will build and i have some new materail with Kagome as a hanyou and...kikyo having something to do with it...but one may wonder what...because i have no idea yet....i just want to find a way to...wait to much information about what's going on...

well just wanted to let you know that before you told me it sucked like this...just wait a coulpe of chapters and it will heat up in a good hot steamy way...

Whatever my name is I can't remember...see you later