InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ and thus hell froze over ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well i am glad to say that i have been getting a few more reviews but you are still under my quota!!! so get you butts to it i mean it takes about 5 seconds come on do you want me to go insane on you...i have a stray jaket and everything...well any way and those of you who have already reviewed I thank you but...REVIEW AGAIN...DAMN IT OR INUYASHA WILL COME AFTER YOU AND KILL YOU FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So reivew and enjoy...

chapter 15: And Hell Froze Over...

All the villagers were shocked at the two names they had heard. It rang into there ears...InuYasha...and Kagome had done it...I mean really DONE IT...Shippo was sitting there not understanding what the new smell and cries all meant...first there was the yelling of his 'parents' names done by his 'parents' and then there was the new smell...of both his 'parents' was like they were one...Miroku was trying not to laugh and clap at his friends success...InuYasha had done it what he had been wanting all along...and it wasn't a sex dream or on was real so very very real...and he Miroku was there to hear the peck of that life was just to good now if only he could get Sango to scream like that...Sango was in much the same mindset as Shippo and a little of Miroku's...she was thinking about what was going on and then she realized what was going on and so turned bright red at the fact that her friends had just DONE IT...and she had heard there she felt dirty really she started to wipe of imaginary dirt from her Kimono...Keade was on the other hand having the strangest reaction of them all...she was smiling her damn knowing smile and saying just above un hearable...I told you so...

As for the rest of the villagers they just backed away slowly and preyed to all the gods that were listening not to be seen or mainly InuYasha...but they were just a little scared of Kagome...for good reason I might add...

~InuYasha and Kagome... hehehehehhehehehhehehe so many things i can do her so many buns I can play what to do what to do....I love sex drama...~

they were both breathing hard as he looked at her from were he laid...long ago he had fallen to her side braking the bond that they shared. Both were exhausted and had no idea that the inter village new of there unison...(and so a new form of unison came to the world now do you see why I like it so much...there can be sex unison and taking and thinking and doing it...such a beautiful word...) He looked at her...she was his and he was was just to good...after all this time it had happened he was her alive with Kagome...not in hell with Kikyo...or dead from Naraku...he was to the most gorgeous women in the world. She was looking back at him finally she felt complete the inter puzzle was done...and it was then that she noticed something strange....her scent was different...not from being a hanyou but from something else...there was a scent she couldn't place...she looked at InuYasha closer and smelled it...was there on was his smelled like the forest in the rain when the flowers were soaking it into there being and the spring winds that fluttered about the world...he smelled wonderful...but there was still a scent that she couldn't smelled like newness like creation...

InuYasha was looking at her watching the thinking on her face...he knew what was happening in her head...She was smelling them there...pups...yes pups...there was fare as he could tell but there gender was unknown to his noise.

"Kagome...what are you doing?" She looked at him and smiled as she went into his arms...

"I'm trying to find the owner of that smell..."

"What's it smell like?"

"You and me...but new and young...and small...unknown to the world...I don't know how to describe it." He smiled at her and moved so she was under him again...his face was right at her stomach and he took in a deep breath of those scents his young...his pups...

"Is it on you?" She smiled big as she cough on to what was going on...

" pregnant?" he looked at her with a smile and moved her face to his...

"What do I get if I say yes?" She kissed him with all the passion she could muster...there he was her mate...the father of her unborn children and the one she would love forever and nothing could change that...nothing...they pulled away from each other and smiled...and that's when InuYasha smelled it along with Kagome although she didn't know what it was or what it meant...

"What's that smell or should i say's kind of like a lot of people..." He looked at her and stood bring her with him as he handed her, her cloths and out his n...she followed this lead and put on hers before turning to him looking for an answer...

"Now Kagome please don't scream..." He said as they began to hear the village bellow them wake...

"Why would I scream...?" He put his hand over his ears and replied...

"Because those scents were the scents of all the villagers which means..." He took a deep breath..."They were here when we were mating..."

"WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTT THEEEEEEEE HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL" She yelled as she went by him in a rage that if not took care of would result in the inter village being killed...

~specking of villagers...~

"What was that?" Said a village man who was looking at Miroku who in turn was preying for what no one knew...

"I think that was death..." all the villagers looked at him funny...

"what do you mean sir monk...?" Miroku held up a fist and said...

"5...4....3....2....1...we are dead..." and as the last finger went down they all say Kagome with InuYasha running after her telling her not to kill them they were stupid humans...she didn't seem to care...but instead keep on moving towards them with the fore in her eyes becoming greater until there was fire all around her...all the villagers were backing away slowly preying much lie Miroku for there safety.

"I'm going to kill all of them listening to us at a time like that!!! There all going to die a slow and painful death...!!!!!!"

"Come on Kagome don't do it?" He said stepping in front of her right as she about to reach the villagers and monk...

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because you are better than that?" She thought and then tried to step around him again...

"I can have an off day can't I?" InuYasha was desperately trying to think of a good why to get her to stop this...So he did what he knew worked every time...he stepped aside and let her go...

"thank you..." She said as she flexed her new claws at the villagers...they all started to step back and looked like they were going to run...It was then that InuYasha decided it was time to stop her...he sighed and reached forward all the villagers watch his it went to her ass and squeezed....not just a grope but a full out fell up and tug job...she froze...and turned to look at InuYasha...he smiled and said what no body or maybe every body though would come form the hanyou's...

"you now MY Kagome if you are messing with the villagers you can't have fun with those screams last night I know that you can't get enough of me...!" She turned red with either embarrassment or anger maybe a mixture of both...or some other emotion that no one had ever heard of...

"SIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" nothing happened...she looked at the still standing InuYasha in disbelief. and then looked at his neck where no rosary hung...she looked at him and he was smiling big back...his eyes doing a little happy dance of freedom even thought he knew that he would never did she...

"Kagome you took off the rosary so there for i am free of one spell you have cast...." She looked at him funny...

"But that's the only spell i ever cast over you..." He smiled and did something so un InuYasha like he bent down and kissed her feather light on the lips...

"Kagome stupid women you cast a spell of love over me i could never leave you or the children of mine that you your stuck with me got it?" She could only smile as she did a 180 on her mood swings...she threw her arms around him and kissed him with a vengeance...

All the villagers and there friends were in outer shock....This was so new they were together and...?

"Wait!!!!!" yelled the inter village in UNISON!!!!!!! yes I so love unison people they make life interesting as hell...but I wouldn't ever want to go to hell Kikyo's there... : } ; )^_^

"What...?" Said he broke his and kagome's kiss...smiling...

"she is going to have your child!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he smiled at all of them before looking Kagome in the eyes...

"Yes she is..." He said with a smile that was to die wasn't a smirk or a deep love you was just a smile...something that so rarely graced his face...with that smile they new that he was good and true of heart...they knew his faults from it...they new his very made him look younger than he was...almost childlike...but most of all it made him he was king of the world...and like ever man who had everything that he had ever wanted...i mean truly wanted to the pit of his soul...he was a king...king of the universe...standing on the world holding a flag with his name on it!!!

Sango rushed to them and hugged her friend tight saying over and over again how happy she was for her...Miroku came over to InuYasha and congratulated him as did the rest of the villagers...Keade was there smiling and telling Kagome how great this would be since her children would be miko hanyou's! Yea even Shippo was happy as he to looked at her with big eyes asking a cute voice if he could name one of the pups which Kagome told him maybe to...everything was fine until Sango asked another one of her lovely questions...

"how are you going to tell your mother and grandfather and brother?" The village feel silent and all they heard was InuYasha saying while looking at Kagome...

"I'm so going to die...!" and thus hell froze over as Kikyo laughed at him...but then started to cough because she was allergic to herself...

Hope you like where this is leading i have quit a few people staying woth the flick about 120 or so...and you know what that means!!!! i want at least 100 reviews if not more!!!! I should have 120...but anyway for the perso who did the reviews that went...reviewed by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and so on I thank you but I would like a name!!! I like to know who i should be prasing!!! But see you all later

And thanks to a very specail person i know what my name is know!!!!!!

Inuyasha loves me...!!!! the only problem is...I'll forget that in a day...but to this person I give a surprise...your very own Inuyasha board game and yes the charter do come in 'do able sizes' wheather your a boy or girl gay or lazbo this game is for you...since all the chapter are 'do able sizes' and will do any body that wants a can purchase this board game by reviewing for operation sex...!!