InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ I bet you didn't see this one coming?! ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

well here is the next chappie i'm so sorry it took me so long to get it out...but my Biology Professer sucks and made me do a stupid project with leaves...get this we have to find 40 different leaves identify them by order family sciencfic name and common name...and a lot of other it's hard but I'm done and I'll have my 3 mouths...damn to long i want to know what I got...but always thank you one and all for reviewing you don't know how good it makes me feel...that and the Dr. Pepper I'm drinking...!^_^ But thank you and enjoy the chappie...

Discalmier- were would we be without disclamiers....1. i would be a lot happier...2. every author would be a lot happier...3. Rape would be ok...with anime charters, guys in my case...4. I wouldn't spend time writing this...5. What am I doing again...6. I hate them to began with...but I have to do them so 7. I don't own InuYasha

16: bet you didn't see this one coming...?!

He was sitting in a tree wishing to any god that was ever alive that he would live threw telling Kagome's family what he had done to there little now hanyou Kagome.

" I'm so going to die..." Kagome Sango Miroku and Keade came walking up to him. It had been three days since they all learned of Kagome's pregnancy. she had been testing her new Youkiness she could now jump as high as InuYasha and run as fast and everything, including jumping in trees...which she had found was quit fun.

She jumped up to the branch and landed in front of him. He smiled and opened his arms to her...she went into his hug and smiled...ever sense that night she had had 24/7 get a matter what mood she was in there was always InuYasha hugs to look forward to and need. Everyone on the ground smiled and looked on at the couple. It seemed like just yesterday that Ramanville was a way of life. But that part had ended and now came the almighty after math of stupidity and love...or to quote a phrase being young and most teenagers are.

"Inuyasha were going to have to go and tell them sometime..." He looked at her and laughed.

"Do you want a dead mate?"

"No...I just want my mom to knot that she has a son in law...and that her daughters now a hanyou...and that she will be a grandmother the way how long do demon's carry there pup...?" He looked up at the sky and them done at Miroku while smiling and then to Kagome.

"It depends..."

"Depends on what?"

"how long the female orgasm lasted." Kagome nearly feel out of the tree while everyone else feel to the ground.

"Be serious InuYasha!" Said Kagome while pulling his ear. He smiled bigger and bent down to say into her ear.

"I was..." She fainted for a moment before waking up with a start and slapping him...


"I'm not a pervert I'm your mate...and all i'm doing is telling you the truth...!" She studied his eyes for a second and then sigh.

"I guess you are...' she then blushed and whispered..."How long do you think my orgasm lasted?"

"In the long run 6 minutes...which would mean you'll be pregnant for 6 mouths about..." She smiled big and looked at him....this confused him a bit...

"Only 6 mouths!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" From bellow them Sango yelled.

"That is so no fare human women carry for up to 9!!!" by this point poor InuYasha was very confused. Women humans carried so long but why?

"Kagome I don't understand why do humans carry so long?"

"I'm not sure don't worry about it. She said smiling as she kissed his nose...he smiled and pulled her into his arms as he jumped out of the tree. they landed by everyone and all started to walk to the village.

"Well are you two going to go to Kagome's time or not?" Said Miroku while reaching for Sango..." Kagome looked at InuYasha and he looked back sighing...

"i guess we have to..."Kagome gave him a big kiss on the lips and smiled....

"Thanks InuYasha..." He smiled back and them looked up at the sky...

"I'll be in hell soon enough leaving my love behind and...' He shivered and twisted up his face..."I'll have to be near Kikyo!!!!"

"Don't worry I'll be with you all the way!" Said Kagome with a smile on her face. they walked into Keade's hut an sat down Kagome in InuYasha's lap and Miroku and Sango somewhat side by side, and Keade was stirring a big pot of food. Kirara and Shippo were both asleep in a little ball together in the small steam of sun that came into the hut.

"child are you happy?" asked Keade as she looked to InuYasha with her one good eye.

"Yes I am..." he said while looking at her. "Why do you ask?"

"Well I have never seen you like this young one..." He glared at her and growled. "Why are you growling chibi?"

"Could you stop calling me Child and young one and chibi!!!! For crying out loud I've none you since you were a little whelp no more than 10 and i was a 20 year old! Well as a human anyway..." He yelled.

"then how old are you InuYasha?" Asked Sango...the hanyou though for a moment and them looked at them with a serious look on his face.

"About 160 years i think..." He said and watched as horror went threw all there faces...

"What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a hundred and sixty!!!!"

"Yea what's so wrong with that?" Miroku who had found his composer under a rock spoke first.

"That is like living twice for a human InuYasha we don't live that long..." It was then that Kagome spoke...

"Will I live that long?"

"Kagome hanyou's can live over 500 years...and because of how you look are about the same age as me now according to hanyou life spans..." Fear came into kagome's eyes then.

"Will...we...see....see Sango and Miroku die?" His look along with all the others in the room faded to glum.

"Yes...unless they are us well will see them die..." (AKA new plot coming in)

"Is there any way to stop this I don't want to see them die and get old and watch there children get old and grandchildren...and...and *sob*" He sighed as he rocked her back and forth...

"I wish there was something I could do...I really do..."

"Lord InuYasha there is something that you can do if Miroku and Sango agree to it..." Everyone looked at Myouga with all the questions written on there faces...

"what do we have to do?" Asked Sango...

"Well get the Shikon no Toma and make a wish to be Hanyou..." they all looked at him strangely.

"but isn't that an impure wish?"

"no it isn't because you will become hanyou so you never have to leave your friends whom you there for it is pure." Sango looked at Miroku as he looked at her...

"What do you think Miroku...?" He smiled at her...

"I think you would look really good with gold dog ears what do you think?"

"I think your right lets do it!!!!"

"Wait Myouga why are you hear in the first place...?"

"To tell you InuYasha that the Shikon no Toma shards that Naraku processed can be gotten easily now that Naraku is dead."

"NARAKU'S DEAD!!!!" everyone yelled but thanks to Kagome being a little slow not in unison...NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Yes Kikyo to since she dragged him to hell with her when her soul was taken because of InuYasha saying that he loved Kagome...!" Said Myouga in one breath.

"you mean she's gone and were free of Naraku to!!!!"

"Yes you are Sango!" Said Myouga back with a smile.

"YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone rang out in UNISON!!!!! All the would is write again when unison ness is used!

"Were free it's over all we got to do is get those shards and we'll be hanyou!!!" Sang out Sango...

"You know what's weird though Sango...?" Said InuYasha...

"What's that?"

"You and Miroku will be the first monk and demon exterminator to ever be a hanyou!" Everyone laughed at the irony of it all as they forgot all about Kagome's family...

~Later that night!~ Hehehehehehhehehehehehehehehhe bet you think something sexy going to happen...

Everyone was asleep together with there mates...meaning InuYasha and Kagome were sleeping together sharing the same mat...InuYasha had his arm draped around her and one of his legs was resting on her hip. she was facing him with her head in the crock of his neck and her hands resting on his chest with a smile on her face...they had there own room but still for some reason Shippo had to sleep with Kagome...and that is what he was doing now coming in to there room so he could sleep with Kagome.

He went over to the 2 sleeping forms and smiled. they looked so right together the way that they were draped around one another. It was like a painting so still and happy looking as if it knew the world couldn't get them in there dreams...he wanted to be a part of that painting so bad...

so he went over to InuYasha and moved his arm enough to were he could fit in with them. this caused InuYasha to wake even though the kitsue didn't know it.

He looked down at Shippo as he got comfortable there between him and Kagome it was like he belonged there with them. He removed one of his arms from Kagome and ruffled Shippo's hair which caused Shippo to look at him.

"What are you doing InuYasha?"

"Nothing pup now go back to sleep k?"

"k but can i ask you a question?"

"Sure what is it?"

"why did you call me pup just now?"

"Because that's what you are your my pup Shippo got it!"

"Yes hey InuYasha?"

"I thought you were going to sleep?"

"I am but I wanted to know if maybe I could?"

"I could what?"

"If you would well let me call you hmm?"

"it's ok Shippo just tell me...I'll listen! What is it?" InuYasha could tell that his eyes had gone soft looking at Shippo but he didn't care.

"Can you dad?"

"Sure..." Shippo looked up at him surprise clear on his face...

"You mean it?"

"Yea but you need to go to sleep so..." Shippo smiled at his father...and laid down snuggled with him and Kagome...

"Good night dad...*yawn*"

"Good night my pup..." He yawned to and smiled as he noticed the evening of Shippo's breath as he himself drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

~the next morning~

Everyone was awake except Shippo and InuYasha...(Kagome Sango Miroku and Keade) they were all looking at them. It was strange Shippo was still breathing and yet here he was next to InuYasha and InuYasha had a smile on his face and his arms around Shippo protective like.

"Do you think this is part of the 'Mature' thing?" Asked Keade who was just as lost as the rest of them.

"I'm not sure." said Miroku back.

"Where's fluff butt when you need him..." Said Kagome...

"I'm worried I have this bad feeling..."

"Miroku you always have some bad feeling when you don't know what else to do..."

"Good point Sango..." they all turned back to the hanyou and young kitsue. InuYasha was yawning and starting to stir. He reached out to were Kagome should have been but wasn't. He felt for a moment before smelling the air. He then smiled...

"" He said and turned in his sleep towards the wall as he let go of Shippo. Shippo in turn woke and looked at InuYasha as he let out a whimper. InuYasha turned and looked at him with half opened eyes and smiled..."Come here..." Shippo smiled happily and went into the older youki hanyou thingies arms.

"Thanks Inu...papa..." He said before falling to sleep again...

"Whatever pup..." Said InuYasha.

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone yelled in I really need to find a new thing instead of Unison people...but man that's the only one I can spell right...sheesh...this sucks...

"what's going on!" Said InuYasha as he set up holding his ears. Shippo did a monkey like thing and set up to...

"did you...?" Said Kagome pointing at Shippo..."And you..." she said pointing at InuYasha..."Get high off something or called him father and he called you pup!"

"Here...let me explain..." Said InuYasha sitting down and letting Kagome rest in his lap as Shippo went to sit in hers...

"Well why don't you tell us...?"

"Well last night I decided that...well..." Said InuYasha stuttering a little.
He really didn't know why he had done that at was a little strange but all of the sudden he felt he had to or something...(in truth the author had a little to much to drink that night^_^)

"Well?" questioned Kagome...looking at both youki not in a mean way but a confused one that was making InuYasha a little horny...wait...everything about Kagome made InuYasha horny. (Author nods) It was at that moment that the AUTHOR got a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No that would take a miracle....but instead we went for the semi- miracle....and Myouga decided to make his appearance at that moment!

"Excuse me what seems to be wrong this time me lord and lady?" Asked the little flee who was at the moment making his way to Kagome's neck for bad she saw him...*bam*

"What do you think is wrong Myouga...?" Said Miroku ignoring the slap the girl had laid on him...

"Well..." Said Myouga while inflating..."you want to know why lord InuYasha is being so fatherly?" Everyone nodded in UNISON...(*waves little flag* man I'm pathetic...) "Well it's because of the fact that in 6 mouths he will be a father..."

"What dose that have to do with it..."

"Well his fatherly instinct is coming out...and since Shippo is so small without parents...that instinct is telling my lord to take care of him as if he were me lords own..." Finished Myouga...looked up at were everybody had been only to see that they were he looked to the door of the hut where they all were standing at the moment talking..."*sigh* It's like they don't even care...~_~" And with that he walked...well hopped over to the rest of the group to hear there conversation...

"So Inu, Kagome are you going to come with us for the rest of the shards or go to Kagome's time...?" Asked Sango....


"Shards..." You can guess who said what right....? Well you better

"We're going home InuYasha and that's final..." Said Kagome while her ears went back and she let out a little growl...which to everyone's amazement was answered with a similar yet deeper growl from InuYasha. Upon hearing it for some reason everyone went was like when your father scolded you. You knew better than to talk back because he would yell more or spank you and you didn't want that. Well this made Kagome go quite...and look at him funny.

"Kagome...we're going to help Miroku and remember when you first woke up hanyou?"

"Yea, what's that have to do with anything...?"

"there going to need someone there to help them took you a minute with the hearing...and all" She looked at him and hit her head playfully...

"Yea I guess your right but I can't help but think that your doing this to get out of going home...well to my time...anyway..."

"First off this is your time you are home and second off...that was the other reason we're going with Miroku and Sango..."

"Oh really is it?"

"Yes...but..." He stuttered at her angry glare..."It's mostly...for there...well being...believe me..." She looked at him questioningly before turning and starting to walk away...

"then let's go..."

"Go were?" InuYasha voiced for everyone...She turned and looked at them smiling...her moon highlighted hair blowing in the wind and shining with the brightness of the hand reaching up to stop her hair from going in her face...her eyes child likeness dancing with the leaves...a sight that any man would die just to see...and maybe die a million times to see again.

"To find the Shards and complete the Shikon no Toma...who's with me...?" They all smiled and said we are...

"You know what Kagome...?" Asked Sango...

"No I don't what..."

"when I'm a hanyou i hope I'm as pretty as you...." Both girls smiled and laughed as there men walked ahead ever alert for danger...even if Sango didn't know Miroku was hers yet...

and thus ends another great almightly chappie of my wonderful story...that will get longer and longer and longer....this will take a while better get out the heavy equitment...*get's out the flame trower extra computer better make that 50 extra computers...6 packs of coke and berben...and to top it off coffee...COFFEE COFEE COFFEE...hey InuYasha want some coffee *Inuyahsa runs away in terror* I'll take thAT AS A NO...well you better review or I might find a way to sue!!! Believe me my friends a law major...right Krintina...?

Kristina...right InuYasha loves me...can I have my Inu clone now...?
Me...yes her you go...

Kristina...*runs off and begans to rape...

Well this is were we part ways!

InuYasha loves me...REVIEW!!!