InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ and thus there were 4 ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

and here e ar agina time for another great almighty chappie of operation sex...and yes this is writtne in a made up language in some places...but don't worry it will all be translated in a werid way...but not word for no these are not a lot of really bad spelling mistakes in a row...even I'm not that bad...well...I'll ahev to think about that...have fun reading!!!!!!

Chapter 17: and thus there were 4...

the group was walking silently to there destination...well it was silent until they saw a young Youki coming running past them calling help me in Inu-youki language ...which meant that only InuYasha knew what she was saying. She ran to InuYasha and rapidly spoke...

"ki kera me toga din dio!!!" she spoke in Inu- youki language.

"Tine fii ne uga thee kiake dio?" She shook her head firmly at InuYasha...

"Din!" she said while pointing at a bunch of people from Keade's village who had come up behind all of them....carrying some mean looking farming stuff like pitch forks!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah i like pitch folks they pock people really good!!!!

"Naiii conin din dio ki kera?" Asked InuYasha to the small youki girl...well she didn't really look Sesshi youki she looked InuYasha Hanyou...because she had ears!!!!!!!!!!!! That were fluffy....InuYasha looked at the villagers and then down at the girl clinging to his haori....She looked back and smiled...before backing away and bringing something out of her cloths and holding it to InuYasha.

"Fii dioo mihi ki kera!" She said and handed it to him...InuYasha much to everyone's surprise smiled and said in a sweat voice...

"Din..." She smiled and jumped into the air before going behind InuYasha and sticking out her tongue at the villagers!

"What's going on InuYasha?" Asked Keade who had come from behind the villagers...

"Dino tis mes...wait wrong language sorry...but anyway...she says that she went to the village looking for someone to help her....wait a sec..." He turned to the girl and growled a little...

"seeiit sin me toga din!"

"Oh she needs someone to help deliver the child she is carrying...but she only specks inu-youki she tried to get you'll to understand threw youki gestures..."

"But she doesn't even look pregnuent...!" Said a villager...InuYasha turned to the girl...

"Kiso ne mega nomess toga to dee dii tongs ne opa..."

"Din..." She said before lifting her robes and revealing a smooth round pregnent stomach which she rested her hand on...and smiled..."Pup ki me kisso toga dee..." She said and InuYasha laughed a little before pointing at Kagome...

"Ki me Toga nei!" He said and the hanyou girl smiled and nodded to Kagome...

"Kiso me no kiki?" She asked Kagome but of cross Kagome had no idea what it meant right?...Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 Somehow she knew and someow she could reply...

"Din...Kagome...mate InuYasha..." She said smiling as she walked over to the girl..."Dii me Kago tin suu?" the girl nodded and Kagome put her hand on the girls stomach...she then smiled big and but her hand on her own stomach...

"kin doo koga tin ne?"

"6 minns" replied Kagome...InuYasha who was in a state of shock looked at Kagome and the girl...before shacking his head a lot and asking both something...

"Kin koga in resa din doo?"

"2 miinusaa..." Replied the youki girl smiling...

"Naniii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled InuYasha..."Ke dinn suu koga ne simer..."

"Hey Miroku?" Asked Sango...


"What do you think there talking about?"

"Well from what i can guess...the girl will have a baby in 2 days about and has no one to help her have it...Kagome told her that she would be having her baby in 6 mouths and InuYasha is surprised because the girl hanyou is due so soon...I think...!'

"that's what i thought to man...I wish i was a hanyou so IO could now what there saying too..."

"So do I Sango...but soon we will be...and after that do you want to test are new hanyou stamina on a nice futon?" There was a satisfying slap that could be heard fro miles...which seemed to stop any talking that any creator demon miko human but mostly Hanyou...was doing...

"You pervert no never ever not in a I don't now how many years but it will be a HELL of a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled Sango at the top of her lungs! The young youki girl walked over to InuYasha and whispered something in his ear he laughed and said "Din" back...and just so you know Din means yes...

~Back in the Village again....

The young women was sitting talking with had been 2 days sense she had come...her mate had only showed up once...he was a youki...but strangely enough he was a Neko-youki or cat youki...A youki with a hanyou...and to top it all off...a Neko youki with an Inu-hanyou...why?...the world may never now...

"Kagome...?" Sango asked interrupting the twos conversation.

"how about you and the hanyou girl take a bath with me?" Kagome looked at the girl and smiled...

"Kin dinne we watize?" The girl smiled and stood with a little help from both girls...

"Kagome-Chan could you ask her what her name is...?"

"OHHHHHHHH I totally forgot to do that!" Sango sighed and watched as Kagome apologized for the un asked question...

"Kezo kizo nemoo tixz me?" the girl smiled and said in a sweat gentle voice...

" zo...Kagome...zin...Sango?"

"Din..." Replied Kagome as she turned to tell Sango...

"Her names..."


"Yea how'd you know?"

"Lucky guess!" Replied Sango as she began to undress sense they had arrived at the hot springs. all the girls lost there cloths and went into the water after Sango...

"Now what should we talk about this time Kagome?" Asked Sango....

"I don't know what about Sakura she doesn't speck Japanese...they both looked at Sakura who at the moment was looking at the sky...the big blue sky and smiling...

"ninoo...Sakura?" Asked Kagome to the totally out of the world flying threw heaven zoned out girl...


"ninoo skize tixz?" Kagome asked while pointing to the sky...

"skize buitfulizesas din?" Kagome smiled and looked at Sango to tell her but Sango just replied...


"Your a quick learner Sango-Chan..."

"Thank you Kagome-Chan but you know what?"

"no what..."

"Some people never learn..." she glared at the moving very slowly bush and graved a towel rapped it around her self got a rock and threw...

"Miroku you PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"But lady Sango I'm so very sorry...I just had to see that beautiful body of yours..."By the time he was finished he had been hit in the head by 280 rocks 3 sticks and 12 fist...neat less to say he was no longer with the awake people of the world but in his own little la-la-land much fun I want to go to la-la-land!

~After the monk woke up and they were in Keade's hut~

The father of the child Sakura carried and InuYasha were sitting talking to one another in Inu-Youki language....but since you have been good little readers today and reviewed I'll let you hear what there talking about in English...

"So how long has your mate been caring?"

"8 mouths almost as long as a human child yours...?"

"barely a week...and she has 5 mouths..."

"man only 5...I'm telling you that's a good thing they get meaner when they carry longer..." He said with a sigh...

"So you never told me your name?"

"Oh Jas...and you mate calls you InuYasha...correct?"

"Yes that is my tell me where are you from?"

"the western lands...!"

"Really my brother owns that domain!"

"your brothers sesshimura...!!!!" Everyone heard the name Sessihmura as they were listening although they didn't know what they were talking about sessi for...but hey were happy they knew a word...

"Yea he is and I'm prince of that region!" Said InuYasha proudly...

"Wow...I'm glad i got to met you and your mate..."

"As I am you..." They went on taking about meaningless stuff for an hour before Sakura doubled over and groaned loud...Her mate was there in an instant and holding her hand...Keade being the responsible women she all the men to leave got Miroku to call the mid-wife and began to birth the child...

~Five hours later...Is it just me or should we all fell sorry for that women?!?!?!?!~

The male Jas had been making a hole in the floor for the past 5 hours and if he kept it up he would make it to America at this!!! if he comes about 500 years in the future he'll met me...but that's not how it's going to bad....

"you know..." Said InuYasha looking at the Neko-youki..."If this is how all future fathers act while there mates are giving birth i might want to re think this a little...

"INUYASHA SIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Bam! Or that would have been the case if the Rosary was still around his neck and since it wasn' heard...well...saw instead InuYasha doing a happy dance...

"Please let the baby come..." Chanted Jas as the hole became bigger. then all the sudden there was one last cry of pain from Sakura and a new scent and cry hit all the hanyou's noses and the peoples ears...

"you can come in Jas...' Called Keade...Jas looked to InuYasha questionably...

" niso Koda...." The youki jumped to the hut in one bound and ran passed Kagome and Sango....who were coming the inside...

"So how's the Pup?" Asked InuYasha smiling at the 2 exhausted females...Sango being so tired that she didn't have the energy to hit Miroku when he groped her...

"She's fine..."

"A girl?" Asked InuYasha with a strange innocent smile on his face as he sat next to Kagome on the ground...

"Yea she has Golden eyes and dark blue hair...she's perfect..." Said Sango smiling at the memory of the new born...

"you know Sango..." Said Miroku smiling..."If you like the way she looks after I'm hanyou and so are you we could make one of our own..." the monk hit the ground with a red hand print on his face as Sango and everyone sighed...

"He will never stop until I give him what he wants will he?" Everyone shock there head no and walked to the hut to see the little new infant...

~3 days later....~

Everyone old or young who lived in the village was standing at it's edge waving good bye to the new parents and there pup as they walked away saying thanks over and over again how InuYasha had taught them in Japanese. They only stopped waving when the family disappeared over the last heel...

"So should we be going to get the Shikon shards there not that fare only a day or 2..." said they walked to Keade's hut...

"Yes why not get your stuff and let's be off!" Said InuYasha...

"Why don't you go get my stuff and i wait for you...?" SAid Kagome with a smile...he growled and walked into the hut only to come out a few minutes later with the bag on his shoulder saying something along the lines of "Stupid lazy mate of mine..."

~It took them 3 uneventful days to get to were the Shikon shards were and when they got there...~

"this has to be a trap or something it's to easy..." Said Sango as she watched Kagome walk over to the pile of Shards and bend down to get them...Kagome went on her knees and looked at each of the shards...they were real not fake like the one that had been in Kouga's arm...but still this was to weird...there was nothing to fight not anything...just a puzzle at her feet that she would put back together after so long of it being undone...

She carefully began to work...setting every piece were she though it might go and then having to take it out because none of the others fit that way...after 3 hours of everyone working they were down to 2 shards...that only had 2 places to go...They all held there breath as Kagome placed one of the pieces in and then she put the other....

At first there was a gentle glow...but then it intensified...From that glow a women formed who was standing back to back with a Hanyou female...

"What is it you want....Kagome...reincarnation of Kikyo...?" Kagome moved forward and looked at the 2 figures...

"I was wondering if you could grant me a wish..?" The 2 women smiled and this time the hanyou spoke in a clear crisped voice...

"And what is this wish you long to ask?" Kagome looked at all of them and smiled as she turned back to the hanyou and old Miko before her...

"I wanted to know if you would turn my friends Sango and Miroku into Hanyou's?"

"And why do they want to become hanyou...or better yet why do you want them hanyou?"

"So they'll live as long as me and my mate...because I love them to much to see them and there grand children and children and great grandchildren die in front of my eyes...I want them to live long enough with me to were we can be friends and grow old together...i can't watch them die..." The 2 smiled and looked at Sango and Miroku and then InuYasha...

"And you Hanyou...why do you want them to be like you?" InuYasha opened his mouth to speck and for once the words came out...

"there the only friends...I ever really have had...and i don't want to have to live 450 years or so with out them...!" The 2 women smiled and shock there heads while looking at each other...

"So be it..." Said the hanyou..."I deem this wish worthy..."

"So be it..." Said the miko after her..."i deem it worthy..." Both demon and miko looked at each other and smiled...

"My name is mirorko...(Can't spell creator of the Shikon shards...)

"and my name is Karma..." they stood back to back and said the next lines in UNISON....unison unison'll don't really care do you...thought so...!_! (crying)

"By the power of this Toma and by the souls that live within it we grant this one pure wish and hope we'll never end it....!" With that both women glowed and raised there hands...which in turn raised Miroku and Sango off the ground...

"what's happening?" Said Miroku as he looked at the ground that was about 20 feet bellow him...

"I don't know Miroku-sama!!!!" Said Sango as she began to feel was like she was pulsing off energy...and that energy was getting greater by the minute and was getting brighter...around Miroku it was doing the same thing...and then in a flash a light in gulped both of them and then as soon as it had started it had stopped...

~Waking up the new comers...2 hours later...~


"Sango!!!!" Yelled both InuYasha and Kagome...they really weren't sure what was going on...all they knew was that there companies had change...a lot!!!!!!

First there was Miroku...he now had shoulder length black hair that was no longer held by the dragons tail...and he lad 2 black dog ears on his head...after InuYasha had checked his eyes to see if he was really dead...they had discovered that he had violet eyes with specks of silver in them that made them shine a little.

then there was Sango...she now had lighter brown hair with strands that were blond hear and there...her dog ears were golden colored like her eye brows now were...and thanks to InuYasha once again they knew that her eyes were silver with gold speaks in them...

"when do you think they wake up?" Asked Kagome...

"No idea...But there alive and there hanyou...they can sleep...lets make camp and get something to eat...k?"

"Yes...sounds good to me..."

Well that's the end of the chappie next chappie we see there reactions!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how much fun hope you like!!!!! but anyway it's really late and i have a big test tommaorw at an early it sucks...I hate my math prefessior....and my spelling...

thank you for reviewing....and you better do more....!!!!!Or else...I love death threats don't you?...

InuYasha loves me...