InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ man the breast got bigger ( Chapter 19 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well sorry i haven't up dated in a while I'm trying to get you to review but it didn't work that there has to be a way and i the author will find it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *flames form behind author* Well then you guys better review i really need your opions or i will run out of ideas...I only have enough for 5 more chapters...least but anyway can you guys give me at least some ideas about what i can do in some reviews or things that you think would be funny...I also need someone to tell me how to kill hojo!!!! Thank you for the help and enjoy!!!

chapter 18: the breast got bigger

Inu and Kagome where getting a fire made when a sudden urge hit them. Now maybe it was the hormones involved in being a pregnant women...but that didn't make sense since her urge was to get some!!! She was watching Inu out of the corner of her eye as he eat the ramen she had made for there dinner. She wanted to get some and needed to get some pregnant or not! As Inu finished she took her bowl and out it down next to her. Though InuYasha didn't notice at all.

"Hey Kagome...I want to take a bath you want to come?" She looked at him a little surprised.

"You take baths Inu?" He looked at her startled.

"Yea of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"But I've never seen you take a bath before..."

"That's because i usually take them after al of you have gone to sleep so you won't know. and I won't be bothered." Who she had never though of that before...but wait he wanted to take a bath with her right?....that was the perfect opportunity!

"I guess I'll go with you..." they looked over at the 2 new hanyou's and the kitsune between then that had fallen asleep. Getting up silently they went over to the hot springs that was just about a 5 minute run from camp...

~in the hot springs~

Both stripped off there cloths and went into the water. Slowly they both relaxed side by side and looked to the stars. Kagome sighed a little as she though of how many stars there really many...more than can be counted...



"Look at the stars..."

"what about them?"

"there's so many..." He smiled at her and rapped an arm around er in a comforting way for no reason.

"More than anyone can count..." He whispered in her ear..."and every once in a while one of them falls." she wanted to tell him that those weren't stars that fell but she was happy with him and didn't want to spoil it....the mood.

Slowly she moved to where she was lying on his chest her head resting in the crock of his neck. His arms came around her then and held tight. It was then that he decided pregnant mate or note mate meant to funk and so that made Kagome his fucker (mate) and he wanted her right now.

This would have most likely happened but something got i the way...they heard Miroku and Sango screaming in unison...

~with the 2 new bees~

Both were looking at each other now. A few minutes before they had awoken to the other being next to them. Of course this lead to Sango slapping Miroku but even that was normal. it wasn't till they looked each other in the eye that they had none something was wrong but the only problem was that neither could remember why or how it happened. All they could remember was jewel wish about being hanyou or something bright light and then darkness....wait that must be it we're hanyou now...and what is the must logical thing to do now...? SCREAM!!!!! and so they did...

"what the hall are you 2 screaming about!" Yelled Inu only to see 3 people put there hands over there ears in pain...he looked at his mate who looked back ears covered by claw filled hands whimpering. Then to the other new hanyou's and it hit him...they didn't know how to move there ears yet..."All of you concentrate on your ear until you feel it move...then take it and move it all the way back to your head and you'll feel better..." he said in a low calm voice...everyone did as he said until there ears were flat to there head.

"Thank you InuYasha..." Said Sango when she looked back up her little new ears to her head...when Inu looked at her he couldn't help but be a little attracted to her body...not that he liked Sango the way he loved Kagome but man just like Kagome her breast had got in bigger, but Sango had big ones to began with...

"Is there a reason your staring at lady Sango's breast InuYasha...?" Asked a good for nothing monk...Everyone turned to look at InuYasha he was still staring and now was pointing...well that was before Kagome and Sango hit him saying pervert...Miroku then decided to get a look at the new wonder that had even Inu stuck on them...and what he saw made him to hard to move let alone walk straight if he tried.

"There huge..."

"Pervert!!!!!!" Both girls yelled again and that was when Inu and Miroku noticed something...Kagome didn't have her bra on so they could see she was just as big as Sango...which for some reason Inu Hadn't noticed till he had something to compare with size wise.


"Yes InuYasha?"

"There both so big...look at them..." said Inu pointing to Kagome...well her chest...and then to Sango's before he fell very well erected....soon after Miroku fell from the same causes and thing...all the girls could do was stand there and look down only to both yell yes were not flat anymore and then sit next to there man...even if Sango didn't know it yet...and wait for them to wake up...

~finally one the way back to Keade's~

The 2 girls were in front of the boys, so they couldn't see there chest real good, talking...

"Man this is so strange..." Said Kagome...

"Why's that?"

"My bra won't fit anymore...and it hurts when i do put in on..."

"But you had it on a couple of times after you were a hanyou."

"That's the thing it didn't really fit then but now it doesn't fit at all...I can't take it I want it the guys are here..."

"You mean Miroku's here..."

"Yea..." there was a sneeze in the back ground and a excuse you from Inu which surprised the girls...a little...a lot...a hell of a lot...

"Well anyway...stop squirming Kagome..."

"I can't help hurts a try wearing a bra sometimes...just wearing them can be annoying.

"sometimes I'm glad I'm not from your era Kagome..."

"that's what i wish too...You now Sango...sometimes i wish that i was born her 50 years ago instead of Kikyo and that the stuff with Naraku never happened and I was with InuYasha...but there's one thing different from what Kikyo wanted that I don't..."

"and what's that..." Kagome looked back at InuYasha and smiled as he hit Miroku playfully as the 2 talked about things unknown to the girls.

"I would have left him just the way he is..." Sango smiled and looked at the hanyou well the original one.

"He really is perfect the way he is isn't he...?" Both of them turned back to the path ahead.

"He has his flaws and he is short tempered and mean sometimes but to me that is just fine it makes him perfect....and you know what else Sango...?"

"no what...?"

"This bra is so ANNOYING!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone turned to kagome as she threw her shirt off shredded the bra with her claws put the shirt back on...not before giving everyone a good view of her...and then walking off.

~At the old ladies hut...~

They all walked in and sat down like they owned the place...and looked at the big pot of food that was made and waiting for them...sometimes they wondered if she had a sixth sense for when they would be getting home...she always seemed to know when they would be getting was really strange...

"Hello Keade you like the new hanyou's looks?" Asked Kagome...Keade smiled and looked happily at them with her one eye before nodding yes....and stirring a little more as Shippo went to get the bowls since he was motioned to.

"great now I have 4 hanyou stomachs and one youki cubs to feed...You' all will eat me out of house and home..!!!" Said Keade laughing..."And to top it all off in 6 mouths one will have a baby..."

"2 pups..." Said Inu as he was handed his food...

"There's 2...?" Questioned Keade with a smile...

" is a girl..." Said Inu sniffing the air..." And the other is a boy...there might be 2 boys but it's hard to tell but there is defiantly 1 girl and 1 boy as of now..." He smiled happily to himself totally forgetting that none of his friends or even mate knew this yet...

"YEAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Kagome as she jumped into the poor Inu's arms....he caught her right after he had set down his food and smiled as everyone came over to them and started to speck all at once...he sighed and leaned back as he felt Kagome kiss his cheek and Shippo go on to his head...and Miroku shake his hand...and then Sango sitting in his lap to talk with Kagome who was on the other side of his lap...which he was starting to think was a little weird...Well Sango sitting in his lap and all...and then there was Keade who was laughing at the hanyou who had two girls in his lap a man shaking one had and a kitsune on the head....and him just letting it happen with a little smile on his face...she would have been laughing even harder if she had herd what he was thinking which was..."Kagome's breast are a lot bigger than the first time I saw them when she was bathing 3 days after we first meet...if only she knew I was really doing that because she was the first naked women I had ever saw besides my mother...I will never tell anyone that...well she wasn't really the first person i had ever seen naked...girl anyway...but she was the first to give me an erection over it..." Well he then looked at the 2 in his lap and smiled...they were now hugging each other and leaning on his chest with tears in there eyes of happiness....Shippo was pulling one ear to get his attention so he looked up at the little kitsune...

"InuYasha do you know what there names are going to be yet?"

"No why?" The kitsune started to speck but stopped..."Come on you can say whatever your going to say...and Miroku...?"


"Will you stop shacking my hand now...?"

"Sure..." Said the monk sitting down and looking at Shippo to see what the little one wanted to say...

"InuYasha can I suggest a name for the girl...?"


"Sakura..." Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the little kitsune and InuYasha...surprisingly Inu smiled and looked at the boy with a child likeness dancing in his eyes...

"Shippo i think we have one name down...Sakura...I like it...if it's ok with Kagome...." He turned to said girl and smiled...she smiled back and put her hand on her stomach...

"I like it her name will be Sakura...and her brother will need a name to...what should it be...?"

"i know..." Said Myouga who had come out of no where...

"what do you think it should be ji-ji?" Asked InuYasha...

"i think it should be your fathers name...InuRiku..." everyone smiled at the idea of calling the boy after the great dog demons father...even Inu did...

"I think that will be a good name..." Said Kagome as she made circler motions with her hand over the swell in her stomach..."My babies will be Sakura and InuRiku..." Everyone nodded in approval...

"Hey...?" Said Inu looking at the 2 girls still on his lap...

"Yea?" They both asked in UNISON been a while since we had a unison moment....

"Can you 2 get off my lap now?" Both girls smiled and got off his lap to go and eat...

Hope you like it!!!!!! i think it was really funny don;t you well there is another flick i'm starting's called naked and alone...for those of you who like my humor flicks...this one is not like has humor but not as has a lot of very depressing stuff but then there is also a lot of comic relief and better spelling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you want to look at it please was one of my earlier flicks and dose not take place in the series...It is instead my own way that things could have happened...and yea every sharter of InuYasha is in it that there is now,,,they just might not play the sma part they do in the story/manga/anime but it is really good and in depth on this story kagome dose fall down the well...same age mets same people has sex with some one and a lot of other things...please look at it if you get a chance....

Thank you...

InuYasha loves me...