InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ death by my family-in-law ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well here is another fun filled chappie of operation sex!!!! Well here is my next deal...because of all the people whom have reviewed...there was 11 last time I checked...I will post this chappie...and yes i know it is crule to cut of a story if I don't get reviews but come on there is about 100 of you out there whp read and a new person comes and reads it every day...I should get at least 5 reviews from you just 11 that's not that much for the amount of people wh read...!!!! So my deal still stands...if you want the next chappie you better Review and review a lot...5 is all I'm asking ang until I get five I will not up date...I'm a collage student and this is my only fun i get during pooring prefessiors classes!!!! Like Mr. I hate you...

and thank you for all the people who have reviewed!!!! You are the good ones and for your good deed i will not kill you...and you get pocky and your one sex wish will come your mind...but anyway...

Disclamier: Inu got mad since i havn't done one in a here it gose the rest of my sanity...I don't own InuYasha or any of the charcters....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I went insane...wait i already was insane....interesting....

Chapter 20: death by my family-in-law

It has taken 20 minutes for Kagome to decide to start sitting InuYasha until his back broke...but there was one rosary....!_! So she stood there fighting and thinking of ways to get him to come with her...she snapped her fingers when she finally got a great idea...


"And another thing...what?" He said as he finally realized she wasn't yelling..."what is it?"

"Well..." She walked over to him and stood looking into his eyes and smiling gently before the smile became a scary evil fake smile...

"" he gulped and she smiled as his Adams Apple moved down then up.

"If you don't come with me to my time then....threw out my inter pregnancy you will not be allowed to sleep with in ten feet of it?" He looked at her shocked and nodded..."Good now let's go!" she said as her fake evil smile became one of true happiness and she grabbed his hand and went to the well..

"when will you be coming back Kagome!" she stopped and looked at Sango...with a sad smile on her face...

"It depends..."

"On what?" Asked Miroku...

"We'll be back in about 10 minutes if my mom doesn't like the idea..." everyone looked at Inu with sad smiles...of pure pity before turning to Kagome again...

"And if she does?" Asked Keade...

"Then about 3 days, a week tops..." she said as she reached out and caught InuYasha who had been trying to get away from her while she was distracted.

"Well we'll see you later then bye Kagome-chan!!!"

"Bye Sango-chan!!!! Shippo-chan Keade-bachan and Miroku-Sama!!!!! Inu say good bye!" she said looking at the hanyou in question....

"Nice knowing you guys I'm going to miss my time...and the i wonder what hell will be like?"

"your not going to die...even if mom is mad...which i hope she isn't" Said Kagome with a shiver of remembering something from her past..."I won't let her get you ok?"

"Ok..." With that they jumped into the well and were gone into 500 years in the future....

~With mom (that's what i'm going to call her)~

Mom was in the kitchen...she was doing kitcheniy things...with kitcheniy tools in a kitcheniy way and that's where they found her in her kitcheniy place...(i'm good)

Both Inu and Kagome walked stiffly into the kitchen thinking only of how they were going to tell her...Kagome's mom that is...


"Kagome InuYasha your just in time for dinner go wash up and get your brother and ji-chan!!!!" Kagome seeing an opportunity grabbed hold of Inu and ran up the stairs to 'wash' and 'find ji-chan and souta'

when they got to her room they found the cat and souta on the floor playing...

"what are you doing in my room?" asked Kagome as she looked at souta with a kind of glare that seem to say...I'm-going-to-take-out-all-my-angry-on-you-stare or Inu in battle mood when he is pissed stare...which ever you want...both the same in the long run...and both bad for poor souta...^_^

"I was looking for the cat (don't know how to spell his name if you do tell me)and he was in here when I found him nii-chan..." It was then that he saw InuYasha...."InuYasha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled as he ran over to the poor boy/man/hanyou who was at the moment thinking only one thing....ahhh shit death by my brother in law.

"hey kid what are you up to..."

"Nothing really..." Kagome banged her fist in her hand, not in an I'm mad going to kill you way but an...oh I just remembered way...

"Souta i just remembered mom said it was time for dinner...!"

"Ok come on InuYasha-nonii-chan..."

"Ok..." Said Inu as he was dragged down the stairs along with Kagome to dinner where ji-chan was already sitting waiting to eat...

"Demon what are you doing here...wait...Kagome...what is that on your head..." It was then that everything clicked in mom's and souta's head...when they had seen Kagome she hadn't totally looked like Kagome...she didn't even resemble Kagome!!!! she was totally different...and how did they not notice!!!!

"Kagome your a...your a...Demon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled jii-chan and then he turned to Inu and got out the stupid wards of his..." you did this to her didn't you!!!!"

"no..." he said not the least bit worried about the old man.

"Well then what happened to her!!!!"

"Jii-chan sit down and they'll explain.." Said mama in a calm voice...a way to calm voice...

After a hour of explaining just how Kagome became a hanyou not WHY they decided to eat dinner assuming it was all just done by the demon and just an accident...but then it happened...

"Kagome why are you eating so much you never eat like this..." Said souta as he watch his older sister eat everything in site and steal from InuYasha's plate...but the strange thing was he let her and didn't seem to mind but instead was looking at her with eyes he had never used before...and mom noticed this and smiled a little.

"Here Kagome eat this it will be good for you know what..." Said mama...Kagome nearly chocked...

"you know...?"

"Know what?" Said jii-chan and souta together...

"yea how do you know...?" Said InuYasha...

"Well it is kind of obvious isn't it...?" she said with a big smile...

"What is obvious?" Said jii-chan and souta again...

"I'm so happy!!!" Said mama hugging Kagome and InuYasha...

"Why are you happy!?" Said the almighty jii-chan and souta again.

"I'll have to call all my friends!!!! And all the relatives!"

"why are you calling every one!!!" They yelled together again...

"Mom aren't you going a little over broad...?" Said Kagome as she put a hand to her stomach and one to her forehead.

"No I'm not!!! i want the world to know but I do have a question?"

"Are you even listening to us!!!" yelled the consecutive unison people!

"What's the question Mrs..." Said Inu only to be interrupted by mama.

"Call me mom"

"but I've never called anyone mom but my mom..."

"Well from now on I'm your second mom got it...!" He smiled at her and nodded..

"Why are you telling him to call you mom!!!" Yelled Jii-chan and no, souta didn't yell about this one he really didn't care about the whole mom thing, he wanted to now what the hell everybody was talking about so he did the only thing that any little boy would do in a situation like this...he yelled!

"SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" everyone turned and looked at the little boy on the chair who was still yelling...Kagome walked over to her small brother and covered his mouth..

"what is it souta?"

"What is going on...?" replied the small out of breath boy.

"yea i would like to know too!" Said jii-chan.

"Well...I think InuYasha should tell you!!!" She said putting the hanyou in front of her..."Go ahead and tell them Inu..."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes now do it!!!!!"

"Ok....Well jii-chan...I well, your daughter is don't hurt me..."

"what is it spit it out already!!!" Inu took a deep breath and said as fast as he could or ever would talk..."

"I'mmatedtoyourdaughternowandIgotherpregnantwithmypupspleasedon 'tbemad!!!!!" he said and then went behind Kagome...

"what did he say?" Asked souta...and jii-chan

"He said..." said mama in a clam voice with a gentle smile..."He and Kagome are mates or husband and wife now...which answers my question....and that she is now going to have a baby and he is the father..."


"Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You can guess who said what...

"Please don't kill me..." Said Inu With a whimper...

"There not going to kill you..." said Kagome giving a little purr...she turned around and made him look up into her face as she spoke in Inu-youki language...Jii-chan couldn't believe this his daughter was specking a language that no one knew any more...

"Kiso dio min ken nyyis..." Said Kagome...

"din dio..." Said Inu back with a smile as he kissed her lovingly...

"How cute!" said Kagome's mom as she found a camera from no where and took a picture...(her camera is an instant photo one)

"Well were should i put this picture?" said she looked at the picture of her son-in-law and daughter.

"is that a picture of me and Inu kissing!!!!" yelled Kagome as she tried to get it but her mother kept it out of reach...

"Well I think..." Said Inu smiling..."you should put it somewhere we'll never stop seeing it..."

"traitor..." yelled Kagome.

"come on mom let's put it over the fire pit!" Said InuYasha

"That's a mantel..."


"but let's put it there...!!!!!!!!!!!" they went into the living room after getting a picture frame.

There was a silver haired man in a red outfit with little silver dog ears on his head kissing a similar girl. She had black hair with moon highlights in them and dog ears that were silver tips that had black designed fire all around them.

"Perfect..." She whispered as the fumming jii-chan ran around with wards..."I will finally..." Said Mama in a sweet voice..."Have GRANDCHILREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone sighed and moved away from the woman...going into different rooms...'this is going to be a long 3 days'....thought InuYasha before he went to sleep...'man it's still not over...'

Here we are and remember the deal...5 reviews= new chappie!

InuYasha loves me