InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ what to do when you say i do (part 1) ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Here we are another chappie and remember review rule still stands...5 reviews...1 more to do this in a hurry see ya love ya bye...

Chapter 21: what to do when you say I do(part 1)

The next morning mom was walking into Kagome's room to put up some laundry...she wasn't expecting however to find 2 demons sleeping in each other's arms. Well Inu and Kagome sleeping in Kagome's bed in each other's arms. the hanyou himself was laying almost on Kagome...his head was on her chest that was clothed so mom assumed that they had been good children...but anyway his head was on her breast and he was laying at an angle only his chest and head touched Kagome...the rest of him was actually on the bed...and it sounded to her like he was making a purring like noise and so was Kagome as she petted his ears in a loving way.

"i need a camera..." thought mom as she walked out of the room and grabbed a contently placed Camera. She tip toed back into the room...a smile plaguing her face. She prepared to take the picture as she steady her hand and tried not to laugh as Inu began to purr louder as Kagome rubbed his ears harder...

"1...2...3" said mom in a whisper before she snapped five shots that woke up the 2 hanyou's because of the noise that it made...

"What the hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yelled Inu as he looked at his new mother..." are you doing is that the..." his ears seem to drop as he thought of the name of the clicking machine that made instant paintings...

"It's a camera..." Supplied mom as she giggled at his ears sense they were now standing start up like normal...

"Why do you have the" asked Kagome as she looked at her mom with an arising suspicion...

'Well..." Said mom as she pocked her fingers together and smiled..."I came in her and you 2 just looked to cute to not take a picture of that...asleep..." All Kagome did was sigh and all Inu did was yawn and fall back into the bed curling to Kagome...

"what are you doing Inu baby...?" Asked Kagome as she ran a hand threw his hair...receiving a purr yawn in response...both women smiled and giggled at the man's antics...if you can call him a man...."hey mom...?"

"Yes dear...?"

"I was and Inu were going to be staying here a little while...."

"about how long..."

"a week maybe...most likely nothing more..." mom frowned...

"just a week...but...?"

"Mom well being coming a lot to see you...but we have to see are friends a lot to..."

"what about when my Grandbaby is born...?"

"grand babies..." Said Inu from were he was trying to sleep on the bed...

"what was that...babies?!" Kagome was a little afraid as she saw the little stars light up in her mother's eyes and she knew that baby mood was about to began...which meant..."I"M GOING TO HAVE MORE THAN ONE GRANDBABY!!!!! LIKE HOW MANY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..." Screaming...both Inu and Kagome where holding there ears in pain and whimpering like puppies....

"Mama!!!! your hurting our ears...!!!" mom stopped and looked at her 2 cute hanyou children....

"I'm sorry you 2, come here..." Both Kagome and Inu hesitated but decided to do as the women told them to...and went over to her. she reached out with both hands taking one of Kagome's ears and one of Inu's ears and rubbed...both Inu and Kagome though a little shocked began to mama began to giggle...."Is that better...?"

"Yes..." Purred out Kagome...Inu just let Kagome answer for him but he did purr a little louder when she asked....

"" Said mama as she stepped away and stopped rubbing there ears which caused a whimper from both of the hanyou's...."What were you trying to ask me before Kagome...?"

"Well...I wanted to know if it would be ok for maybe...I mean it's only if you want to but i wanted to have a..."

"have a what!!!!!" Asked both mom and Inu as they looked at her funny...

"i wanted a traditional wedding...!" she said and then looked at the bed sheets that were messed up from being slept in...her mother could not have smiled bigger if she was humanly impossible...Inu on the other hand was looking for some one who would explain this all in 'Inu terms' Or in other words in very small words and sentences...

"Of course!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will have to invite people though and the people we invite will have to know about you being a hanyou!!! and about the past and stuff..." She said and looked at Kagome with sadden eyes..."there aren't that many people we know that will except that..."

"We could do it on a new moon!!!" Said Kagome looking at Inu...who was frowning a little..."what is it Inu?"

"We can't do it on the new moon..."

"why not?" He smiled at her sadly knowing that she hadn't noticed what he had long ago...mainly because at the time...she had been out like a light...for three days...

"the last new moon was during the time that you were knocked out right..." she thought and then nodded yes..."Well i was watching you during that time and...when i changed you didn't..."

"So what dose that mean..." Asked Kagome's mother...

"Were not human on the same night so it would be pointless..."

"then when am i human?" Asked Kagome as she looked at Inu confused...

"the night after me..." he said and sigh..."Were different by one day..."

"That sucks so close...." Said mom as she snapped her fingers together and looked at both children..."then what are we going to do?"

"Maybe we should forget about it..." Said Kagome in a sad voice...

"no! I've got an idea...!!!" Said mama...

"what is it!!!!"

"Kagome...maybe if we just got all your close friends and a couple of family members who are close by...we can tell them and they can come to the wedding..." Kagome thought of it and then looked at Inu wanting a smile to come from him...only to see a gentle child like sleeping face...she sighed and smooth his hair before looking at her mother and smile brightly...

"i think it will work...but only people we know really well and trust a lot!" her mother nodded in agreement and walked down the stairs to start preparations...leaving her daughter and son to themselves...

Kagome laid down next to Inu looking into his face giggling as he purred in his sleep and reached out to hold her and rub her stomach.

and like all the other times he whispered one thing..."Mine"

~Down stairs a little later~

Kagome and Inu had finally decided that it was time to get up and go here they were downstairs watching mom's kitcheny antics...

"So mom who are we going to invite...?" Said Kagome as she ate some more Ramen which she had found was good with American pickles sense she had got in pregnant...which in turn made Inu a little neat less to say she was eating a lot of his share...with pickles added of course...

"Well are there any of your friends that you think would be good to come...?"

"Well Amy (some one tell me the rest of there names...i only remember her because she is my favorite...since well she's so naive and likes Inu) insert name, insert name....and maybe even Hojo!" she said as she ate another pickle...and some ramen juice...

"that's sounds good why don't you...." At that moment the phone rang..."Kagome will you get that...?"

"what is that noise?" Asked Inu as he looked around for the owner of the strange ringing noise...which by the way, like the Kagome in my other flick, he hated...

"mushi mushi?" Said Kagome as she answered the phone before jii-chan could get to it...which caused him to stomp of saying something about

"man and this time i had the perfect thing...breast cancer..."

"what's that?" Asked Inu to his new jii-chan...well he never had one before...

"it's were a women's breast get a disease and they have to remove them a lot of the time..."

"Kagome doesn't have that dose she!!!!!!!!!" Said InuYasha with fear plastered on his face...

"No she..." But before he could finish Inu had sighed and sank into his chair again thanking every god one by one...well the ones he could remember...anyway back on the phone....

"hello Kagome!!!" Said an all to formilar group of unison ness!

"hey guys what's up...?"

"Well we wanted to know if we could come over and have some girl has been awhile...and all..." Said Amy...

"SURE...there's something we need to talk about anyway..."

"ok we'll be there in about...i don't now 30 minutes...or so bye!"

"bye!!!" Kagome hung up the receiver and smiled as she took a seat next to Inu who was studying her very closely.... "What is it Inu?" he looked at her with a worried face...which caused everyone...mama...jii-chan and souta to look at him...


"yes Inu?"

"Are you sure she doesn't have breast Cancer!?" Everyone watched as the girls temper took an all time high and her face turned red, fire flamed behind her, her eyes grew small, and the vein on her forehead grew in size ten fold...

"JII-CHAN!!!!" the old man tried to run but it was to late...he was gone for...the world as he knew it was about to cess as he knew and loved it...he was about to met KIKYO!!!! And KOUGA!!!!! AND NARAKU!!!!!! AND ALL OTHER THINGS THAT ARE IN HELL!!!!!

"Kagome?" Asked everyone as she went for jii-chan's neck...

"Kagome!!" Said Inu on a growling voice...which caused her to stop and look at him.

"Yes...?" She said as all her anger left her and she put down jii-chan...

"Come her now!!!" he said in a gentle yet demanding tone of voice...she looked at him and then slowly walked over to him...dragging her feet like a little girl in trouble...

"yes?" She asked when she got in front of him...

"Look at me..." She looked up into his hard yet in a way gentle eyes...

"What is it?" she asked again...he smiled at her and reached up touching the tip of one ear gingerly...

"that's my good those people are coming right?" she smiled and her ears shoot up.

"Yea they'll be her in about..." She looked over at the clock and gasped..."10 minutes!!!!! We got to hurry...!!!" she yelled and grabbed his arm going to the up stairs to steal some of her dads old cloths and such...leaving a lot of confused people...

"How did he do that?" Asked souta to his mom...

"Well...I think it was all in the firmness and the gentleness that he put into his growls and words...Kagome...just knows that he's being she dose as he tells her..."

"Man he and sis are perfect for each other..."

"What makes you say that...?" Asked jii-chan....

"Well...he can make sis do anything and she can make him do anything so they even out...right mama?" But when he looked to his mom all he saw was a women doing a happy dance and chanting...


hope you liked it i always do!!!! review!!!!!!

InuYasha loves me....