InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ What to do when you say i do (Dumbfounded once again part 2) ( Chapter 28 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

sorry I haven't up dated in a while but I had a final in one of my Collage classes and had to study a lot....i would also like to thank the wonderful review who left me the longest review I have ever recived and all the other reviewers who have been e-mailing or just reviewing...I would also like to thank all the people's stories i've read that have recommended me to there readers!!!!!!! Thank all of you and once again I am sorry that I haven't up dated...and there is one other thing...if anybody would like to request that i recammend your story that you are writing in my new hot story's list feel free to tell me in a review!!!!!!! Thank you all very all get your deepest anime desire for filled!!!!! LOVE YOU ALL! And this chapter is writin for the reviewer who requested more of the marrage of Inu and Kagome

Chapter 28: Dumbfounded once again...

Finally the week was over and Kagome and Inu had decided that it was time to go and check on the whole wedding thing...sadly enough there 'little boy' was having a hard time excepting letting his parents go without him...and this in turn gave Kagome a hard time...because she wanted to take him with but there was no way that he or anyone but Inu and herself could go through the well...

"Mommy...please take me with you..." She was holding him in her arms tightly trying to get him to stop crying and let them leave...

"Shippo-chan we'll be back more than 3 days..." This only made him cry harder....and whine more.

"Daddy!!!!!!!! Please let me go with you guys!" Inu sighed as the little boy looked into his eyes trying to hold back the tears...

"I'm sorry can't go Shippo-chan...we'll be back soon...and..." Inu had to think of something that would make the little pup want them to go...millions of things went through his mind until finally he thought up the greatest idea he had ever had since OPERATION SEX!!!!! "Shippo-chan?"

"yes Daddy *sob*" Inu knew it would work the kid was a sucker for these kind of things...yea a real SUCKER....

"If you let us go we promise to bring you back a lot of Candy..." Shippo's eyes grew big...

"What kind of candy?" he said as all the tears disappeared and Inu knew he had him cornered...

"Well...Candy bars like Hershey's and stuff like that...suckers...and milk dudes...m&m's and anything else we come's that sound...?" The boy in his arms was drooling and his eyes were glazed over with sheer delight...

"Inu you did it!!!!!" Everyone was smiling at the 'daddy' who had just done the impossible made Shippo want them to go...!!!!!! Shippo jumped out of Inu's arms and started to push him towards the well...

"GO!!!!! AND HURRY AND COME BACK WITH MY CANDY!!!!!!!!" he ran over to his mommy and began pushing her to the well too..."NOW GET GET AND COME BACK WITH THE CANDY!!!!!!" Kagome smiled and bent down picking Shippo up and hugging him then kissing him good bye....

"ok were good for Miroku and Sango..." Right then the 2 came up and hugged Kagome good bye....

"There's one thing you forgot Kagome..." said Sango...

"And what's that Sango-chan?"

"I'm Aunt Sango now..." Everyone smiled and laughed lightly...

"And I'm Uncle Miroku!!!!!" Kagome smiled at them and started to beam...

"My babies are going to be so lucky!!!!!" Inu who had been standing at the side lines so to speck...was smiling lightly and looking quit happy...

"Kagome...?" She smiled and turned and looked to her mate...


"We need to get going...ok...or will never leave..." She smiled and laughed a little at the did everyone else besides Inu...

"That's a first...." muttered the newly appeared Keade...

"Keade-bachan?" Said Kagome with a confused smile..."I thought you said you where going to be staying at the village...."

"yes but I wanted to see you off I decided..." everyone smiled...

"well good bye then Keade-bachan...Inu will you say good bye to anyone...?" Kagome asked turning around to see no one there..."Where he go?" Shippo smiled at her and nodded towards the well as he replied the answer...

"He said he met you there...." Kagome sighed and stepped onto the lip of the well...

"See you guys in about 3 days!!!!" And with that she jumped into the well and in a flash of light was gone...

~on the other side with Inu and mom~

"When will she be getting here hanyou son...." Inu decided right there that he would never get used to that...

"AS soon as she notices I'm not there..." At about that moment Kagome came walking through the door with an evil grin on her face that made Inu cringe....and all she said was this....

"7 weeks..." Inu sighed and walked into the living room sitting down at the tea table next to jii-chan...and in the moment he also grabbed the cat and began to play with him...

"Hello InuYasha..." Said jii-chan not even looking up from his news paper...

"Hello ji-ji..." Kagome gasped....InuYasha actually said hi!!!!!!!! To something....amazing...

"So mom how's the wedding thing going...?"

"GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!" Said Kagome's mom as she started to jump around in circles...scaring Inu a little but at that moment the cat bit him and he started to chase it...all the people in the room decided to just ignore the fact that the INU-hanyou was chasing a cat....

"Well anyway..." Said Kagome turning away from the Inu and Neko chase behind her...."When is it going to be...have you decided yet...?"

"About that Kagome..." Her mother put on a innocent face...

"what is it mom..."

"We were going to have it..." She smiled and held her hands to her chest in am anime style innocent girl kind of way..."today...!!!!"

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kagome looked like she was about to faint...but before she could fall Inu had put his arms around her to keep her in place...

"So we're getting married today!?" Asked Inu amazed...

"Yep...And i went out and bought Kagome a kimono that's red like you cloths so you'll match....!!!!!"

" bought me a red kimono?...can I see it!!!!" Said Kagome excited....

"Sure come with me...we need to get you ready....!!!!!"

"Why so early...?" Kagome's mother gave her another innocent look...

"the wedding starts in 2 hours...."

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!! I HAVE TO GET READY!!!!!!!" cried out Kagome as she began to run around in circles naming off all the things she had to do in the next 2 hours..."i need a shower...and so dose Inu...and and and and and...A lot of other things!!!" she grabbed her mom's hand and then Inu's and preceded to her mom's room since it had a bigger shower and she had an idea to save time...

~In her mom's room...~

"Her you go Kagome dear this is the kimono that your going to where..." Her mother held up the simple but beautiful kimono...It was as she said red...but what she hadn't mentioned...was that it was red with white embroidery in it...

"'s beautiful..." Said Kagome as she ran her fingers over the silk cloth that made HER wedding Kimono...

"I'm so glad you like take a shower and I'll help you get into it and fix your hair all nice...ok!" Kagome nodded through happy tears...and hugged her mother tightly...

"Thank you mom...I love you..."

"I love you too Kagome now hurry..."

"Hai!!!!!! Inu-baby come on your taking a shower with me to save time...!!" She said as she walked into her mother's BIG bathroom of wonder...

"Ok..." he said as he followed her...a little confused but happy...

~in the bathroom...(I'm sorry all you perverts but this will not be a lemon just some...^_^ fun....)

"Strip and get into the shower Inu..." Said Kagome as she ran a brush threw her hair to make it easier to wash...

"Ok..." He did as she said...not even noticing that she was looking at him in the mirror and smiling sexily and suggestively...

She finished with her hair and took off her own cloths...stepping into the shower behind Inu...the water was sliding down his body sensationally...highlighting his muscles as the light shown on them...his now wet silver hair, was shinning more than normal in the light...she smiled happily as she got a towel and lathered some soap on it...


"Yea..." he said with his back to her...his neck arching back letting the water wash over his face...she smiled bigger as she pressed her body to his and ran the rag over his chest and down over his abs. Inu took in a husky breath and let it out slowly...

"Do you like?" Asked Kagome as she let the rag go down a little farther brushing his manhood a little...

"Yes...." He tried to get out weakly...she kissed his neck lightly and ran the cloth over his manhood completely..."Oh god...Kagome..." He said letting his head go even farther back...before he couldn't take it and turned around kissing her on the lips...water bounding on his back and manhood jumping to perfect attention...

She leaned into the kiss and was about to take it up a notch when...


"OH NO...Were almost done..." She let go of Inu and clean her and his hair in record time...then got out her body wash gave Inu another erection...batted it away like it was nothing jumped out of the shower grabbed 2 towels for her and one for Inu threw him his and ran out of the bathroom after rapping one towel around her and putting the other in her hair to help to dry...and Inu...just sat there dumb founded...

Thanks again for all you you all...

InuYasha Loves Me