InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ Inu's hidding something ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

here we go sorry for the late up date I just finished the last of my exzams on friday 6:30...i hope I pass thank you all the reviews...i will try to get another chappie up next night ...if I can but I'm tired from all the studing....and i've got a paper due...stupid scinence and crap...want sleep need sleep...and my deal still stands...5 reviews new chappie

chapter 29: Inu's hiding something

As soon as Inu got over the dumb founded ness that he had got in himself into...he got dressed and walked out of the bathroom into the bedroom again...

There he saw in front of him his mate and mother-in-law franticly trying to tie the belt to the kimono right...sighing he walked over to them gentle pushed mom out of the way took the belt and tied it...

"Can't you 2 even tie something right today come on it's not that hard..." He said as he stepped away admiring how well he had done on the belt tie...

"How do you know how to tie one of those?" Asked Kagome as she turned to look at him over here shoulder...

"When I was little my mom used to have me tie hers..." he said blushing a little and looking at his feet nervously...

"Really?" Asked mom as she cooed happily...

"Yea..." Kagome smiled lovingly and looked at herself in the mirror...the kimono was perfect for showed her hips of a little but not to much and it gave the world a good idea that her breast weren't really that small. It reached down to her ankles but stopped just to were you could see the fact that she was barefoot...

her mother had decided to leave her hair down long since it was the most beautiful hair she could ever remember seeing...there was a ring of flowers around her head incasing her took a similar crown and put it on Inu's head doing the same thing...she then went over to a trunk that was sitting not to far away from them and opened it...inside was a photo book...

The cover was done in silver and had gold letters that said Hanyou Love...she handed the book to Kagome and motioned for her to open it...which Kagome did slowly...inside were pictures of her as a child and drawling of what Inu might have looked like as a child done by...from the looks of it...a really good she flipped the pages she saw pictures of them naked, of them fighting, of them sleeping, of Kagome running after her mother, of Inu trying to kill the cat....and many other things...

"Kagome...I want you to keep this forever and to add pictures too...I want this to be your memory and when your children are born i want them to be in there too...this is my wedding gift to you and InuYasha...a memory..."

"thank you mom..." Kagome said through tears as she flipped to the last empty page...and there was a picture that she hadn't seen in forever...(if you haven't seen the movie's then you won't know what's going on so ignore it) the pictures from the photo booth that they had ducked in that one time to get away from Hojo so he wouldn't know who they were...she smiled at it as did Inu and only remember one thing about that time that she could say right now...

"That...was Inu's first picture...first camera...and first time trying to kill it..." Inu smiled at her and kissed her forehead sweetly...

"We've come a long way since them...haven't we?" she smiled back in the same loving way and kissed his lips in a sweat kind i love you smiled and let her memory drift to her own wedding day...she tilted her head to the side and just so happened to get a glance at the clock...

"You two sorry to interrupt but you've got to get married!!!!!!!" Inu and Kagome looked at mama a little funny and then caught on to what she meant...

"Mom before i forget who is here anyway?" her mother smiled and then lead her to the window of her room which just so happened to over look the gods tree just like Kagome's...

"Look sweat heart..." Kagome let go of Inu and walked over to the window...there she saw about 20 people standing in the now decorated yard...the gods trees flowers were blooming brilliant white...and a white arch with cherry blossoms woven into it's frame stood before the magnificent tree. A good 20 chairs stood on either side of a white walk way with rose petals gracing it...her father stood in the middle of the arch before him was a first Kagome was confused and turned to her mother to ask the question...but InuYasha was way ahead...

"I don't know how you have weddings in your time Kagome...but in my time the man and the women walk down a walk way and at the end they stand in front of witnesses and one who is wise and old before them (AKA jii-chan) in front of the elder is a pole...if her demes the couple worthy of marriage he ties a string connecting the two flower crowns on there heads...then the two walk once around the pole and stand before the witnesses bow once and are married..." He finished then looked at her mother to see if he was right about how they were going to get married...

"Exactly that is how jii-chan wanted it...since you will be living in the past you might as well be married for it...and another thing we thought it would be easier for Inu to get married in a way he knew..."

"Good going mom!!!!!" said Kagome hugging her mother...she then looked back at all the people...there was her three friends hobo...and her aunts and uncles...her little cousins who lived nearby her grandmother who hardly ever was around...probably her to tell her she meant a stupid man to marry and should change her mind...she smiled and put her hand on her stomach thinking 'to late for that'

"Well my hanyou babies lets go get you two married..." both smiled and began to walk out of the room...down the stairs they went and then they found them self standing in front of the door to the backyard.... "Are you going...?" Asked mama as she put a hand on one of each of there shoulders...

both hanyou's nodded and opened the door...her mother smiled and kissed both on the cheek before walking in front of them...

"Ladies and gentlemen...friends and family..." she said smiling proudly as everyone looked at all the smiling faces....well besides grandma and least that's what she thought the boys name was it might have been hojo....not to sure but anyway...."I am happy to have the honor of announcing on this joyous occasion that my daughter Kagome will be wed to a wonderful man named InuYasha. As all of you few people have come to know this young man is not like anything that any of you could ever think of. He is a fairy tall...half man half demon...under circumstances that I myself do not understand my daughter Kagome is no like him...and to many of you may not even look the way she used to...I now present Kagome and two children..." the crowd clapped and stood as InuYasha and Kagome walked out of the house hand in hand...slowly they walked down the walk way smiling happily when they reached jii-chan both bowed and the crowd settled as they took there sets...

InuYasha being the only one of the two who knew how this kind of sermon worked smiled and recited the words he had been taught long ago...

"Elder who I stand before. Whom my bride owes life...i ask of you to make me one with your family for I have none and wish it..." jii-chan smiled and bowed to InuYasha...

"I as your elder do except you as one of my grandchildren if my granddaughter excepts you as her only..." Kagome said the only thing that he could think of...

"I do except him..."

"Then you may I bind you for all your life and more..." Jii-chan then took a ribbon of red and tied on end to each of there flower crowns...connecting them to each other..."now that you have both become on in the same i ask you to walk now for the first time as one..." Inu took Kagome's hand tight in his own and walked with her around the pole...when back at the other side they both bowed to jii-chan and then the witnesses..."These two are bond for life and after...may they be forever happy and my they make many others to come as happy as they are today..." Jii-chan then stepped in front of them extending his arms to either side..."And now i present to you bond as one...InuYasha and Kagome..." All the crowd cheered even grandma who had decided that no one that hot could be that bad...but hobo whatever his name is just sat in his set as mad as ever...

Kagome and Inu looked at each other and smiled...this was it they were married now...well officially before they had been married two but only as youki...

"InuYasha?" he looked at her smiling as people around them talked and danced and ate...

"Yes...Kagome?" in the shadows a man stood looking mad and horrible...

"I love you..." the man in the shadow looked madder...but unfortunately for him he didn't see the crazy lady with the camera coming to take a picture of the couple he was trying to kill...

"i love you too..." he said as he bent down and kissed her...right as hobo was about to hit InuYasha with a bat there came a flash and another flash and another flash and another....causing him to see spots and fall...but to bad for him he fell in the wrong place...the stairs at the front of the shine...and once there he fell down them into the street were a car just so happened to be driving and ran him over...without even noticing...they ended there kiss and smiled...

"Kagome InuYasha...?" Asked her friends...

"yes?" They both asked...still smiling....

"We're glad your happy..." The three girls said together...Kagome smiled and hugged her three friends...

"So are we...and i hope it last an eternity..." InuYasha smiled as he backed away from the women whispering...

"An eternity's not enough Kagome..." he walked through the crowd being, stopped every once in a while by people who were congratulating him...until he found his new mom..."Hey mom?"

"yes Inu what is it..." she looked up at him questioningly...

"Did you get the thing i asked you for a while back?" She smiled bigger than before and squealed with delight...

"yep one minute stay here..." she walked...well skipped into the house and came back with a little was done up plainly in brown paper and brown string...

"thanks mom..."

"When are you going to give it to her?"

"After we go back home..." he said as he put it into his shirt...his nose twitched ..."Kagome's coming..." he smiled and mouthed thank you before turning and taking her into his arms...

"I love you..." she said again...

"I love you too..." he kissed her shortly and them hugged her tight spinning her around to were he could wink at his mom, she smiled back and laughed kindly...

She bent down over to jii-chan and whispered..."those are my hanyou babies...and soon I'll have more..." she said as she watched Inu put his hand on her stomach..."Grandbabies, grandbabies...." She sang out before jii-chan yelled at the top of his lungs...

'thank you all for coming on this very joyous day's 11:30 and i want to go to bed so get the hell of my land!!!!!"

"Man!!! I like my grandfather-in-law!!!!! he's so great...!!!!!!" said Inu as everyone ran off the property as fast as they could...

So what is inu up to with his little present? We can only wonder tune in next time for the answer...!!!!!! see you later

InuYasha loves me