InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ operation sex ❯ eternities not enough time to love you ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

here we are and my friends have been having some fun because of finals being over!!!!!...and I've been to drunk the past however many days to here we go again same thing stands 5 reviews=1 Chappie and yes...that was hobo...hojo...hoco...whatever...who died...and yes I will except your really long review...that i like a 3...but only 3...if you type one that is shortest chappies length...i will not only...dedicte a chappie to you...i will some how incorrperate you into my story...if you want to have some one named after you...(hint)i will do it...whatever you want...enough talking more story have fun see you at the end....

chapter 30: eternity's not enough time to love you

Everyone was finished running away from jii-chan...the few that had stayed got really wet...who new that a shine could afford sprinklers...

well the sprinklers were off and the messes cleaned and Inu and Kagome were no where to be looked up...

"Look at the moon's so...beautiful..." he held her more tightly to him and kissed her neck...causing her to giggle like a little girl..."Stop...that tickles...." she said smiling and slightly turning in his arms...being careful to not fall...

"Does it now...I'll have to remember that one..." he smiled at her sexually before taking her lips to was just a simple nothing...just lips to lips...he broke it and looked into her eyes...her mystical amazing...but there in them was a hint of brown...showing the little faults she had....if any...those un perfect eyes....were what made her...perfect....

"Inu...chan?" he looked at her with fire and passion...

"Yes...Kagome-chan...?" she looked at his eyes so perfect sold gold...those eyes showed his life...but at the same time were the exact opposite...his life so full of imperfect didn't match those eyes...but now...for the first time they matched...his life was perfect and his wonderful eyes showed it!

"When you look into my eyes what do you see?" he smiled at her and leaned down pressing his lips to hers...

"In a word...perfection..." he said kissing her again..."and mine?" she pressed her lips to his....

"In a word...indescribable..." There lips meet again and this time so did there tongues they danced together but then Inu broke it...not for air...not to sneeze...or cough for that matter...but instead...

"Kagome...maybe we should get out of the tree...if I get any harder we're going to fall...and my puppies don't need to be falling..." he said as he put a hand on her stomach...she smiled at him...moving her lips to his and smiling...

he took her into his arms and jumped easily landing out of the gods tree and in front of the window leading to her room...he kissed her on the neck as his hands meat the window and opened it...he brought them into the room and to the bed...once there he sat her down and began to kiss her all over...from head to he slowly removed the beautiful red Kimono...her head tilted back as she moaned...he took this time to remove the 'present' (not in a perverted way) and put the package out of sight...along with his cloths...his kisses began to go down lower to her now bigger stomach...were he kissed it and inhaled...smelling his little pups in side of only 4 mouths they would be voicing to the world there lives...

putting that aside her went to he jewel and kissed it...but going no farther than if he was just saying hi to the little spot between her legs...he kissed his way up slowly till he reached her mouth and let his tongue explore and battle with hers...slowly they pulled apart...breathing hard and fast...

"Inu...tonight i want no floor play..." she whispered..."We have our inter life's to entice the other...but right now...I just want you..." she said as she reached up and licked Inu's ear... "now..." she whispered looking into his eyes...his golden eyes...and he looked back into her golden speckled brown ones...

"Then..." he whispered back..."I will give you what you want..." he pressed his lips hard to hers and then ruled them around...putting her on top of him..."But you're going to be in charge..."

"Why?" she whispered as she began to kiss his chest causing him to become even more erected.

"I don't want to hurt the little ones..." he said as his eyes moved to her stomach for a moment...

"To much stamina..." she said as she looked between them at his manhood...she reached down and took it into her hands...casually rubbing it for a moment before guiding it into her...she hissed in delight as did he when she was completely filled with him..."So big..."

"you still think I'm big after all the times we sleep together..." she glared at him and pulled herself up then crashed down...he moaned loud and long at the sudden movement...

"No matter how many times we do this I'll all ways remember that you won't even fit the king sized condom!!" with that she began to fuck him the way he fucked her...rough and fast...both of them moaned as quietly as they could every time Kagome brought herself down and up...

Inu's hands went to her he could help her slam into him and them pull her up off of his sweat soaked body...he opened his eyes so he could look at her hair that was sticking to her chest because of sweat... her head was thrown back as she let silent screams come from her lips because of pleasure...her breast were doing a dance just for him...and all he knew was that this was his mate in human terms and in demon...this was his and the next day...forever...for eternity...but he knew that no matter how long they would be matter if it was until the last stars of the universe flickered out of existence...and heaven matter if it would never end...he knew that it wouldn't be long enough for him...he would need more of her...he would want more of her...even if this lasted until death do they part...he knew he would find her even after death...even after happily ever after...even after...the after of the story...he knew...and would always know...that eternity wasn't enough...

his thoughts shattered as she hit her climax...her muscles clamping down on him causing his own climax to come...both of them couldn't stop the screams of the others name to come...after all they were still new to sex and hadn't even thought of learning quite sex yet...

~the rest of the house~

"Hey mom...?" mom looked at her youngest child Souta

"Yes...?" he looked at her for a moment then back to the TV show they were watching...

"Why are you keeping the TV so loud?" mom smiled and looked at her son...

"when you get married I'll tell you..." she then turned the TV up louder because at that moment she thought she heard a scream...

It was then that Jii-chan walked into the room rubbing sleep from his eyes as he moved over to mama...

"I haven't heard screaming like that in a long time..." he said as he sat down next to mama who was for the first time ever blushing...

~with Inu and Kagome~

Kagome was laying on Inu's chest her breathing now even...Inu himself was playing with her hair that was still damp with perspiration...



"Have I told you i loved you today...?"

"yes...but i love to her it...and by the way Kagome...?"


"I love you too..." he said as he kissed her forehead..."now go to sleep our pups need there sleep..." she smiled and nodded to tired to even form words...

~the next morning~

A gentle breeze came by to sleeping figures...As a high sun warmed them...letting it's rays smiled upon 2 naked forms whom were silently sleeping...the female form was laying on the males chest her hanyou ears twitching every once in a while...the males own strangely colored ears twitching slowly as a butterfly landed on it then flew away...(confused yet?)

The female yawned lightly showing sharp fangs...her little golden brown ears twitched did the males only his were a little different color black....dark black...(guess who they are yet...? look back to chappie 17 and you'll know!)

"you awake yet Miroku...?" asked the hanyou women who was now sitting up on top of the male...

" lovely Sango..." he smiled on her lips as she kissed him...

"I love you monk..." she said smiling gently...

"And I love you as well...demon exterminator..." he said raising his eyebrows...there lips pressed together again...and they might have gotten farther...even thou they already had but a certain kitsune pup showed up...

"Aunt Sango...Uncle Miroku!!!!!" yelled Shippo as he came across the field on all fours not even seeming to care that they were naked...and surprisingly...neither did Miroku or Sango...they acted as if this had happened before...which it had...

"What is it Shippo?" Asked she took the kit into her arms...pulling him to her naked chest...which made Miroku growl...which she in turn growled back to..."he's just a...pup..." she said in a slow voice trying to find the right words... "and he has seen me naked plenty of times before..."

"Aunt done?" asked Shippo as he patted her cheek...

"Yes...what is it now little pup..." he smiled at the terms she was using...they were like Inu's

"Keade says breakfast is ready..." they all stopped there for right at that moment a formilar voice came to there ears...

"Kagome...come on i think I heard breakfast!!!!!" Miroku and Sango were up and getting dressed in a split second...Shippo just looked at them funny then ran over to his mommy and daddy...

"MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DADDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" he yelled and jumped into the closest parents arms which was Inu's...what happened next no one would understand...and most wouldn't even try...

InuYasha nuzzled Shippo's neck and nipped in affection...which caused Shippo to laugh...a gentle grow came from Inu's throat...which soon turned into a purr...he then pushed Shippo gently with his if telling him to go some where...and Shippo did...he went to Kagome...and buried his head into her stomach smiling the new life's...

As Sango and Miroku watched the strange behavior come and pass they noticed something...InuYasha's attention had gone to Sango and his eyebrows had narrowed in confusion...he walked over to said girl and put his ear to her stomach gently...Sango didn't back away or anything...just looked at him funny as everyone grew silent...Inu then got down on his nears, ear still on her stomach and stayed perfectly still...minutes went by and slowly Inu got a big goofy smile on his face...he backed away from Sango and smiled the air lightly...


"Yes InuYasha?" she looked at him worriedly...thinking that maybe there was something wrong with her...

"Do you think...that I would make a good uncle...because me and Kagome would be honored if you and Miroku would let us be Aunt and uncle to your kids..." he stood and looked at the stunned women in front of him...slowly a smile came to her face and she screamed then hugged inu with all her might said thank-you a million times hugged and kissed Miroku did a little dance with Kagome and then came back to Inu...

"HOW MANY!!!" She partially screamed...

"I think about 2 maybe 3 like Kagome..." he said with a smile on his face...

"Hey InuYasha...?" ask Miroku...

"Yes monk...?" Miroku looked at him and smiled..."when will they be born?" Inu smiled back kindly and looked right at the monk...

"I don't long was her orgasm?" he asked plain and blunt...both girls looked very very very very mad all the sudden...

"about 4 minutes..." replied Miroku...

"Then about 4 mouths....and you know what's weird...?"

"no what?"

"they be born about the same time mine and Kag-chan will be..."

"Interesting..." all anger left the girls as they screamed with delight...and hugged inu then Miroku then Shippo then each other and then there separate men...whom they also kissed...

~later that night...again...~

Everyone was in Keade's hut in there separate rooms sleeping with there mates and pups...

Kagome and Inu laid in bed next to each other Shippo between the both of them...

"Hey Kagome?"

"Yea..." she said as she ran her fingers through his hair...

"there's something...i wanted to give you..." she looked at him questioning...

"What is it..." he reached into his shirt and took out the plainly rapped box...

"here open it..." she pulled on one of the string ends and watched as it fell away from the brown paper that seemed to also fall without it there to hold it up to the box...

she looked at the little ring type box and opened it slowly...inside it wasn't ring...but a locket that wasn't a was a star...she opened the locket and on one side engraved into the silver that made it read...

"even if it's till

the stars flicker out

and heaven dies along with it

I will still and always will

be in love with you...

Eternity isn't enough...


...on the other side there was a picture of two people with dog ears kissing...the same picture that was on the fireplace mantel...(go back a couple of chappie's) tears formed in her eyes...

"thank-you...I don't know what to say...except...your right...eternity isn't enough time to love you..." with that she kissed him with all the passion in her heart...and read out loud the lines on the necklace star locket several times....and neither of them noticed that Shippo had opened one eye and was looking at them smiling thinking to himself...these are my parents..."Inu?

"Yes...?" she was now taking up residence on his chest with Shippo curled up to them...

"Did you write the little poem...?" He blushed a little and looked at her in the eyes...

"Yes..." she smiled and kissed him one last time...

"I like's really good..." with one last kiss and a little whimper from a now asleep Shippo...they went to sleep...

alrigthly that it for now and for those of you readin my other story...i will be making a sequel for it within the year...which ends in less than a mouth...I've got work to do...

InuYahsa loves me