InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Opposite Attracts ❯ Opposite Attracts V ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Opposites attract V

The days of shard hunting was over. Sango was happy; she waited for Miroku to propose to her in the proper way. The only thing was; when was that going to happen? It had been six months since the destruction of Naraku and his minions. Kagome had given the complete jewel to Kikyo and the dead miko took it back to hell with her instead of Inuyasha. Kagome herself went back to the future, saying that the feudal area was not the place for a girl like her. She said that she had enough of demon slaying and now she wanted to give her studies her full attention. Sango sighed as she walked through the little village, remembering the old days. Even if everything around her was peaceful now, she felt like chaos.

She stopped when she heard a moaning sound and she wondered about it. Was somebody getting hurt? Not on her guard watch. She drew her small katana and walked towards the sound. But when the moaning formed a word that she knew all to well, she stopped dead in the track.

- Houshi-sama, houshi-sama, harder, harder, mewled a female voice.

Sango felt a black dagger run through her soul as she peaked around the corner and saw what she thought was her husband to be, with his robe pushed up. His naked ass was white and he was clearly into some dirty business with one of the local girls.

The shock turned to anger and the anger turned into holy fury. Sango walked over to the two lovers and she smacked the houshi over the head.

- You filthy piece of shit!!snarled Sango, her dark green eyes flashed angrily.

- S-sango?

- Yeah, the little faithful slayer that have been waiting for you to ask for her hand in marriage. But you never had any intentions of letting go of your perverted actions, did you? I hate you!!

- But Sango… I can explain, began Miroku and pulled his flesh from the girls slit.

- Don't waste your precious time; I can clearly see you are busy fucking this wench. And if you get within a mile from me I will kill you, and I will not do it swiftly either. I'll make it slow and very painful, as a slayer I have quite a few tricks up my sleeve to make your worst nightmare come true. You will never, I mean never, talk to me again!! screamed Sango and slapped him over the face once again before she ran off.

Miroku sighed and then he made a fake smile as he was guided back into the woman's warm nest again. Sango would forgive him, she always did. He mentally smirked and began pumping in and out of the woman.

Sango was blinded by tears as she ran into the forest. The hurt was almost too much for her to take. She cursed the day she let her heart weakened and be given to Miroku. Small branches and thorns cut through her kimono, and small wounds appeared on her body. But she couldn't feel any of the physical pain. The only thing she could feel was the burning, soul searing pain in her soul. She did not care where she went; the only thing that mattered was that she was going as far away as possible from that perverted asshole.

And this was the moment when Gods of Fate stepped in and guided her stumbling feet towards a quiet and regal demon. Perhaps they were a little bit too guiding because Sango ran right into a hard chest. Sango air was knocked out of her lungs and she fell on her bum. She cursed heavily and then she looked through the tears to see what had stopped her and her eyes widened. "Sesshoumaru?"

Sesshoumaru looked at the pathetic human creature and he made a snort and pulled out his sword and pointed towards her chest. He was ready to slay her when she began laughing hysterical. For a short moment he was caught off guard, but he regained his posture soon. He recognized the woman by her scent. She was the slayer that had traveled with his brother. She was a woman with great strength; that much he would give to her. But the figure in front of him was nowhere near the woman he saw fight against Naraku six months ago.

- Silence woman!! he demanded with a firm voice.

- Ohh, great Sesshoumaru is afraid of a crying woman, laughed Sango and she sounded more like a taunting magpie as she spoke.

- Are you taunting this Sesshoumaru?

- No, just telling you the truth doggie breath. You men are all alike. Either you poke your sword at a woman or your filthy dick into her body. You should all be castrated and turned into eunuchs; perhaps then the world could be a better place to live in.

Sesshoumaru growled but put away his sword. There was something about her that struck him as off. She was hurting, but he could not detect a single bleeding wound on her body. And yet, she was hurting. Sesshoumaru found himself wanting to know why. He grabbed her arm and hauled her up on her feet.

- This Sesshoumaru is not afraid of a human woman, he stated and let go of her arm. - Or any other female creature.

- Ha, you keep telling yourself that and you might believe it one day, spat Sango, and used the back of her hand to wipe away a few tears, but new fell making it useless to even try.

- You're hurting.

- Ha, what in God's name could hurt me? I'm a slayer and I'm a warm and forgiving woman. I could….

Sango's voice broke down into sobs and she threw herself onto his tall body. She didn't care that he was the great dog demon of the west and that he held hatred against humans. All she wanted was to cry until her soul died. If she was lucky, perhaps he would kill her on the spot.

Sesshoumaru was at lost here. Never in his long life had a woman made such a bold move on him. This woman, this slayer, practically cried her eyes out against his chest. She had a firm grip on his kimono as her body wrecked with forceful sobs. Awkwardly he put his arms around her and hugged her tight. "Grrr, what is she doing to me?" he mentally asked himself as he picked her up and found a place under a weeping willow. "How suitable." He cradled her and tucked her head under his chin. His right hand stroked her back to soothe her, to comfort her in her pain. What ever happened to her it caused her great sorrow. And he, the great Sesshoumaru, did not like it at all. A woman such as the slayer was not meant to be like this. No, this was wrong and who ever had made her behave like this was surely going to pay the prize. Sesshoumaru was going to see to that.

- Sango?

Yes, he knew her name. He had heard Inuyasha call out her name several times during the last battle against Naraku and he put it in his memory for safe keeping.

- Sango-san? What happened? he asked quietly when the sobs ebbed out.

- Men are scum, she whispered with a voice raspy from the crying.

- Human men I presume?

- Keh! I would say all men, but what do you care Fluffy-sama? asked Sango without looking at him, instead she pushed her face into his neck, taking him his masculine scent.

- Don't mock me!

- Do you think I care about anything anymore Sess? Look at me and tell me if you can find any hope in me?

The words pierced his demonic heart and he tilted up her puffy red face, yet still she was one of the most beautiful females he ever had laid his eyes upon. He used his left hand and wiped away the remaining tears from her face.

- Will you not tell this Sesshoumaru what happened? he asked softly. - Please?

"Freaky…" thought Sango but nodded. She told him about what happened and she was surprised to see his golden eyes flash red a few times. What was the matter with the otherwise so stoic youkai lord?

- Do you love him Sango-san? asked Sesshoumaru.

- I would love to be as cold and emotionless like you Sess, I really would. But I'm a human, and I can not turn off my heart with a flick of my wrist, said Sango with a defeated voice.

Sesshoumaru growled and made her look into his eyes again.

- Answer the question Sango, do you love him?

- No, yes… I don't know… I always thought he would lay off his perverted things… I really thought he loved me, that he cared enough about me to be faithful to me. I hate him for what he has done to me, and yet… I still care for him. I just can't throw years of being friends out the window, said Sango fiercely.

- What would happen if you were to care for someone else? Would you forget about him?

- W-what? I would probably see him as an old friend or something.

- But the hurting would stop?

- I suppose it would, said Sango confused about what he was getting at.

Sesshoumaru smiled gently and then he lowered his lips and kissed her ever so softly. He could feel her gasp and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. His tongue entered her mouth and he tasted heaven. The hand that had rested on her back moved up and he grabbed a fistful of her long black hair and he held her in place as he kissed her with everything he had to give her. He wanted her to forget the pain and he wanted her to give him her love instead. The thought frightened him for a few moments but he was soon lost in her scent and taste. The thing only turned to the better when she began to answer his kiss. He could feel the tip of her tongue shyly dart against his and he growled into her mouth.

Sango was at loss what to do first, but as his lips moved against hers something inside her awoke and she felt the need to answer his kiss. It was odd, she had never thought of kissing anybody than Miroku and now she was wrapped in the arms of a ferocious youkai lord, kissing like it was no tomorrow. Her arms tentatively moved around his neck, her fingers played with his silvery tresses. Her body shivered lightly when she could feel that dark growling coming from Sesshoumaru. The vibrations seemed to tease her breasts and she could feel them contract into hard beads. Without knowing it she pressed her body into his, needing to feel more of him. She murmured his name and it invoked another satisfied growl from the demon lord.

Sesshoumaru wanted to howl when her body oozed with arousal. He pulled away from her and he could see her flushed face and he liked it. But what really made his male ego swell was that passionate fire that glowed in her green eyes.

- Sango-chan, what do you think about now? he asked as he caressed her face with his left hand.

- You Sesshoumaru.

- Good, that is how I want it to be in the future as well.

- Ehh?

Sesshoumaru made a wicked face as he tried to find the words to tell the slayer that he wanted her more than anything. He wanted her to be his mate, but…. "Curses, this Sesshoumaru are not afraid to ask a woman a simple question." He shook his head and took a deep breath and cleared his throat.

- Sango, I want you to be mine, he said quietly.

- W-what?

- I think I just might love you Sango. I want you to be with me always.

"Did he just ask me what I think he did?"But before she could answer him he kissed her again. This time he was a little bit bolder and his hand moved higher on her ribcage until it cupped her right breast. Not groping like Miroku had done; no he was much more careful. He waited for her to stop him, but she didn't. Instead she arched her back, silently telling him that she didn't mind his touch, she wanted it. He pulled away again and she whimpered at the loss of his soft lips.

- Sango-chan, breathed Sesshoumaru.

- Why? You have always hated humans…, whispered Sango.

- I have no answer to your question, but I can feel my heart race just thinking about being with you. My soul sings as I think about creating a family with you Sango. I want to be with you.

- Gods, are you asking me to be your wife Sesshoumaru? asked Sango as she held her breath.

- Yes, yes I do.

Tears fell from her emerald eyes as she threw her arms around his neck and began to cry hard. But Sesshoumaru could hear her answer although it was muffled into his skin. She said yes. She said yes, she wanted to be his wife, his mate.

He found her lips again and he poured his every feeling into that kiss. He purred darkly when he felt her hands move down to his sash and untie his kimono. Soon she had parted the silky layers of textile and she roamed over his chest. He took it as a sign that she wanted to complete the mating this very evening. He mimicked her motions and removed the upper part of her pink kimono. Her katana was placed next to his own two swords on the ground. He kissed her jaw and down her throat and growled when she tilted her head as if she offered him her throat. He licked the skin over her pulse before suckling it and leaving a large bruise behind.

- Sess, she mewled as his clawed hands cupped her bound breasts.

- Shh my beautiful slayer, I want this to last the whole night, purred Sesshoumaru as he ripped the bindings from her chest.

- W-whole night? stuttered Sango.

- Mmm, you didn't know that demons had a lot of stamina?

Sango let out a moaning cry as his lips closed over one of her pert nipples. Her fingers twisted into his silvery hair and she tried to arch her back but he held her down. He removed the rest of her kimono so she lay naked in front of him. He had his big hands on her waist and he smiled at her and Sango just had to smile back. He looked so gorgeous and the thing underneath his kimono was not a sword. Sango had made him hard as steel and that made her want him even more.

Sesshoumaru knew that he had made the right choice to claim this woman as mate. She was everything a demon could dream of. She was strong and fearless. She was beautiful and warm. And she was all his. He felt possessive about her and if that hentai houshi ever tired anything again the demon lord was sure to tear him apart, limb from limb. But now he was going to concentrate on pleasuring his mate. He licked the soft skin between her breasts and down to her belly. He dipped the tip of his tongue into her belly button and he was able to make her moan deeply. His hands moved around her waist and he grabbed her behind. Her sex came up right into his face and he licked his lips before he dove in to devour her sweet honey.

Sango screamed his name as he licked her womanly flower. His tongue followed the seam from bottom to top and down again before he pushed it inside her canal. "Oh dear Gods he is drinking my soul." She thought as she heard him lap up every drop that her body released into his mouth and she loved it. The Gods forbid, but she loved it. She parted her legs, coaxing him to dive deeper into her body with that wonderful tongue of his.

Sesshoumaru felt her body convulse and a ragged scream ripped through the air. He was a bit surprised when he got a mouthful of her essence, not that he complained, it was the opposite and he lapped up every drop of it. He kissed her inner thighs down to her knees and then he hauled her up to straddle his bent legs. His flesh was aching to be inside her warmth but he still held back his own needs. He wanted to show her how much he loved her, how much he wanted her to need him. Their lips met in a heated kiss.

Sango felt her womanhood throb in the aftershocks of her orgasm and when she tasted her own bitter essence on his lips she knew it was making her grow moist once again. She wanted him. How it was possible she didn't know, the only thing she knew that their union was meant to be.

- Sess, please, she begged him as her hands tugged at his pants.

- Do you want me that much Sango-chan? teased Sesshoumaru and nibbled her lower lip.

- Don't be dense demon; you can smell that I do, snarled Sango pinched the tip of one of his pointy ears.

Sesshoumaru growled as the small pain only added to his growing hardness. It was the thing that tipped him over the edge and he removed the rest of his clothing in a few swift movements. He laid Sango on her back again and she parted her legs, inviting him to join with her.

- You will be mine forever after this Sango. You will the lady of the western lands and you will be the one that bares me my heir, he said as his erection pushed between her silky, wet folds.

- I know Sess, and I want this. I want you.

He howled out in pure pleasure as she pulled him into her body. He stretched her virginal walls but he couldn't detect any of the blood that he had been told about. But as she had him in a vice like grip his thoughts abandoned his mind and he began to move slowly in and out of her body. He held up his body weight so he wouldn't crush her, but at the same time he got to look down into her face as he made love to her and that was something that forever would be burnt into his memory. Her eyes opened and he drowned into a pair of ocean green eyes.

Sango moved her hips against his, taking him deeper and deeper as he picked up his pace. She had no idea that love making was going to be like this… this good and wonderful. Just feeling him fill her to the brink of erotic madness was too much for Sango and she screamed out his name as she came hard. Her nails dug into his shoulder blades as she held on for dear life. She could hear him growl and when she opened her eyes she saw him bare his fangs. They glimmered in the setting sun and she was in awe how beautiful he looked. "And he is mine, all mine." she thought and smiled as she cupped his face.

- I think I love you Sesshoumaru, panted Sango.

Sesshomaru gave her a wolfy grin and then he pulled out of her body. She looked confused, perhaps even a bit hurt but he just shook his white head.

- Turn around beloved, I want you take you from behind so I can complete our mating, he purred and helped her turn over on her stomach.

- Ohh, naughty, she managed to say as she rose up on her hands and knees.

Sesshoumaru took hold of her waist and pushed back into her slick canal. This was pure heaven; he had to thank the monk before he kicked his sorry ass for giving him the opportunity to mate with this wonderful woman. The monk practically sent Sango into his arms and now that he had her, he would never let her go. His hands moved around her torso and he filled his palms with the softness of her mounds and then he pushed her up so her back was rested against his chest. He buried his face into her neck and he licked her salty skin before his fangs sunk into her flesh, marking her as his mate.

Sango felt a bit surprised when his bit her but his engorged length managed to get her mind on something else.

- Oh… Gods!! she panted at she was over come with the next waves of pleasure.

Sesshoumaru released her neck and he howled towards the oncoming night. He spilled his seed deep within her womb. For a moment the earth stopped spinning and the stars smiled at them. Sesshoumaru moved them both to lie down on top of the piles of clothes and he found that furry boa and placed it on them to give them some warmth. He nuzzled his face into her neck again, licking the mark he had placed on her.

- Sess….?

- Yes love?

- Thank you for giving me the chance to find real love, murmured Sango and yawned widely.

- I am glad I did it Sango-chan, answered Sesshoumaru.

Soon both were in deep sleep, the stars of the night made sure that nobody disturbed the newly mated.



Oh, well, another little hentai piece for your enjoyment.
Hope you liked it.