InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Opposite Attracts ❯ Opposites attract VIII ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Oppostites Attract VIII


Sango was out of her mind with worry. Her little kitten was lost in the great castle. She had been looking all day and still no sign of Kirara. "My baby, where are you?" Sango cried silently. The kitten had been a gift from her now deceased brother Kohaku, the only thing she had left of him. And the really disturbing part was that it was New Years Eve and the masters of the castle were having a party. So some of the rooms, like the ball room, were off limits to those who didn't work there, and Sango didn't. And off limits was the bar room as well. The party had just gotten to the dinner phase, and the bar room was empty. She peeked into the room and silently she walked in. She called for Kirara but there was no answer from the little cat, she looked behind the bar.


Sesshoumaru had bailed the dinner, thinking it was to stiff and boring for his taste and instead he found a refuge in the bar room, but just as he entered it, he saw a small kitten hide behind the door. It was scared out of its wits. He gently picked her up and cradled it. Soon a purr could be heard. But his sensitive ears also picked up something else. A soft and gentle voice that called for something named Kirara. He looked around the room and saw a nicely formed bottom move behind the bar. His eyebrow shot up in confusion. When the little kitten heard her mistress name she mewled.


Sango heard the mewling and she got up on her feet in a hurry, only to be met by a pair of golden coloured eyes. She gulped. She was done for… it was the young demon lord. Surely he would punish her for not obeying the rules of the castle. But then she saw Kirara in his arms and she took a deep breath of relief. Her baby cat was safe, that was all that mattered.


Sesshoumaru looked at the young woman. She was dressed in a grey shaded simple dress. He knew instantly that she was one of the servants in the castle. But what really intrigued him was the display of emotions in her eyes when she looked at him. There was fear, there was confusion and then there was relief. He saw that her eyes locked at the cat in his arms and he knew it was her kitten he had found.

Is this what you're looking for? asked Sesshoumaru with a soft voice that even surprised himself and he held out the little kitten to her.

The woman nodded violently and cradled the cat in her arms. He could see tears glitter in her dark green eyes.

Thank you Master Sesshoumaru, she whispered.

What is your name young maiden?

Sango… please don't punish me… I was just looking for my cat, begged Sango without looking at the demon.

Well, no harm done, I will not punish you. But I suggest you run along before the others comes in here, said Sesshoumaru.

Sango nodded and ran out of the room, glad to be off the hook. She never saw the amused smile on Sesshoumaru's lips.


Oh, the young maiden was not off the hook. He was going to seek her up as soon as he had the time to do so. He heard voices and turned around to see his father come through the heavy oak doors together with some of his influential friends. "Gods, what a boring night this will be." thought Sesshoumaru and sighed silently.




Sango was happy. Kirara was back where she belonged, curled up on Sango's bed. "I thank the Gods that you was unharmed Kirara… I don't know what I should've done if you were gone." Sango lied down on the bed and placed Kirara on her chest, caressing the soft fur on the cat. She closed her eyes and drifted off with thoughts about the young demon lord, she could still see him stand there in front of her, ice cold like a marble statue dressed in white and blue satin. Something in his eyes told her that he wasn't finished with her yet. Perhaps he would punish her later when he had more time on his hands? Sango shuddered half way into her sleep.


Sesshoumaru excused himself around two o'clock in the morning, telling his father he had business in the morning and needed his sleep. His father nodded in consent and Sesshoumaru walked out of the ball room, set on finding the young maiden he had encountered earlier. "Sango… why have I not seen you before? Do you work here at the castle and where?" he thought as he silently walked towards the servants quarters. He found his old nanny and growled low before he walked over to her. She could be a ratchet sometimes.

Excuse me nanny Kaede, but I'm looking for a maid named Sango, do you know where I can find her? asked Sesshoumaru.

Master Sesshoumaru? Why on earth do you want with her? asked the woman suspiciously, Sango was her niece and she didn't want her to be hurt.

I don't have to explain my reasons to you old woman. Just tell me where I can find her, snorted Sesshoumaru. His old nanny was sometimes too much for him.

You may be the young lord of this castle, but I will not allow you to harm the young woman. She is off limits for your amorous intentions Master Sesshoumaru.

Sesshoumaru laughed at that.

My dear nanny Kaede, I just want to talk to her. I found her cat earlier today, I just wanted to know that the cat was ok, said Sesshoumaru and smiled uncharacteristic.

Oh, Kirara was on the run again? Oh well, come with me. But I swear to the Gods, if you hurt my niece I will purify your demon butt, master or no master, said Kaede.

I promise nanny Kaede, I will not hurt Sango.

Kaede nodded and showed him the way to Sango's room, which was located in the far end of the quarters. She was a solitaire soul, and she wanted it this way. Kaede stopped once they stood in front of the door.

Remember my words. I've got the white priestess' blood in my veins; my threats are not empty, said Kaede menacing voice.

I will remember them, said Sesshoumaru.

Kaede left him and he was alone. He knocked on the door, but no answer was heard. Was she asleep? "Stupid Sess, of course she's asleep, it's in the middle of the night." he scolded himself and walked away from the door. But he didn't get very far until he heard the door creek open and he saw the sleepy face of Sango peek out.


Yes, who is it? asked Sango nervously.


M-master Sesshoumaru? What is it? stuttered Sango and blushed and pulled her night gown tighter around her body.

I just wanted to know if your little kitten was alright. I didn't notice that the time was so late. My apologize Sango, said Sesshoumaru.

K-Kirara? She's fine, she's tired, but fine.

Good, how are you? You seemed to be very upset. Is she important to you?

Y-yes, my brother gave her to me a few days before he died.

Sesshoumaru could see tears of sadness in her eyes and it hurt his demonic heart. Something about Sango made him want to take her into his arms and keep her protected at all times.

I'm sorry for your loss Sango, really I am.

Thank you Master Sesshoumaru, said Sango and looked down on her feet. She felt very nervous; like there was something he didn't tell her.

May I come in for a moment?


Sesshoumaru didn't say anything, he just raised an eyebrow and Sango swallowed hard and opened the door so he could step inside her room. He could smell roses and apples and something that was uniquely hers. He saw the little kitten on the bed and he walked over and sat on the edge of the bed and began patting it.


Sango was confused. The young master of the castle was sitting on her bed in the middle of the night, petting her baby cat. Something was not right. She bit her lip and moved to stand next to the window. Outside the moonlight was shining over the snow clad village. She shuddered when she felt a small gust of icy air seep through a small hole in the window.


Sesshoumaru saw this and removed his jacket and walked over to her and put it around her shoulders. She looked up at him and he could see confusion in her eyes. He didn't know why he was so caring towards a mere servant, but he wanted her to be safe.

Why? she asked again. She saw the moonlight dance in his silvery white hair and she found herself wanting to touch it with her fingers.

I am not really sure Sango. You have moved something in me, but I don't know what it means. When I saw you earlier tonight, I only wanted to take you into my arms and hide you away where no man ever would look at you again.


Sesshoumaru growled and moved away from her. This was wrong. He shouldn't have these kinds of feelings towards her. It was wrong. He growled again and walked out of the door and shut it with a loud noise.


Sango looked stunned. "What the hell was that all about?" she thought and walked over to the bed. She could still feel the warmth from where he had been sitting. His jacked was still around her shoulders and she put her nose to the silky textile and inhaled his masculine scent. "What am I suppose to do with him?" Shortly after she drifted off to sleep.



New Years Day

Sesshoumaru was in the courtyard, training with his sword. He was so railed up that he didn't know what to do. The images of Sango and her gentle scent were slowly driving him mad. He needed to get her out of his system. But every time he closed his eyes he saw her. Her big green eyes shimmering with emotions. "What's so special about her that she has etched herself into my memory?" he asked himself as he drove his sword into a wooden doll, piercing its hard heart.


He was unaware that he was being watched by Kaede. Her grey eye looked at the young demon lord. He was frustrated, that much she could tell. But why? Had it something to do with his very late visit to her niece's room? Perhaps she should talk to Sango? The old woman nodded and walked back into the house and to Sango's room. She knocked on the door and heard Sango's voice call her inside.


Sango saw her aunt and she smiled widely.

Good morning aunt Kaede. What brings you here this morning? Asked Sango politely.

Master Sesshoumaru, said Kaede and she saw that Sango stiffened noticeable.

W-what? Why?

He's frustrated and I know he was here last night. What happened Sango?

I don't know… he came here, wanted to know if Kirara was ok and then…., Sango's voice trailed off.

Then what…?

He said some very stupid things, I'm sure he didn't mean anything with it.

What did he say to you Sango?

He wanted to take me away; he didn't want any man to look at me, whispered Sango.

"Oh, dear Lord. This might be bad, but it could be good… good for my niece. I need to speak with Master Inutashio about his son's intention with my niece." thought Keade.

I'm sure he was a bit drunk and didn't know what he was saying, said Sango and blushed.

Perhaps he was. Well, then I know. I must be going now. I'll see you later in the kitchen. We are going to make some cinnamon rolls to the masters today.

Yes aunt Kaede.

Kaede walked out of the room and she headed straight for master Inutashio's room.


Kaede knocked on the decorative door that led to the master's office. His dark voice called her inside and she opened the door. She swallowed hard and bowed respectfully to the lord. He sat behind a large mahogany desk, looking all pompous. His silver hair was braided and she could see the tattoos on his face that signified his lordship, the pointy ears were the sign that he was a demon.

What is it Kaede? asked Inutashio and smiled when he saw his son's old nanny stand in front of his desk.

I'm here because of my niece, said Kaede.

What about her? Sango, that was her name right?

Yes my Lord. I think she might be the object of master Sesshoumaru's eyes.


I don't want her to get hurt.

My son will not raise a hand towards a woman Kaede, said Inutashio; his yellow eyes glowed with indignity.

But he could still hurt her, emotionally. I don't want her to suffer the pain of a broken heart My Lord.


Yes… He came to our quarters last night, demanding to be shown to Sango's room. I did as he asked me, but I must confess, I did threaten to purify him if he hurt her.

Inutashio chuckled. He liked Kaede. She was a woman with great spiritual strength and she defended her loved ones with fierce determination. Sesshoumaru had been raised by this woman and she had taught his son great many things. But he understood her concern for her niece.

Very well Kaede, I will talk to him. Trying to get him to understand, said Inutashio.

Thank you My Lord, I am most grateful.

But what will you do if he's sincere?

I don't understand My Lord…

Even if I'm a Lord and rule over these lands, I can not rule over the hearts of my people or even my own family.

Thank you Lord Inutashio for speaking the truth with me, said Kaede and bowed. She knew this as well. Nobody could rule over another's heart.

Good, go now and send my son to me and I will speak to him.

And with that the conversation was over.


Kaede walked out into the court yard and called out Sesshoumaru's name. He snarled when he was interrupted and the poor wooden doll lost its head. She saw him turn around, his sword raised towards her.

Put that away little Sess, you don't scare me! said Kaede with her most forceful voice and he dropped it immediately.

What is it nanny Kaede? asked Sesshoumaru as he put his sword away.

Your father wants to see you.

Thank you.

Sesshoumaru walked away and Kaede drew in a deep breath. That went well. Then she turned around and walked back to the kitchen to prepare the cinnamon rolls. Sango was already there.


Sesshoumaru stepped into his father's office and walked over to the heavy desk. His father looked at him sternly.

Sess, you know I seldom walk around the hot pot, so I will ask you right away. You have visited nanny Kaede's niece during the night, did you not?

That is true Father, said Sesshoumaru and tried to swallow the heart that was pounding in his throat.

Sango is a nice girl, and I don't want to see her hurt son. Do you understand what I am saying?


Break her heart and I will disown you.


I mean it son. If you want her, then make her your mate. If not… don't play around with her feelings, said Inutashio with his strong voice. His eyes drilled into his young son's eyes.

If I want her, you will not object?

Why should I Sess? She's a lovely girl.

She's human and a servant?

The Lord chuckled and rose to his feet and walked around his desk and placed an arm around his son's shoulder.

I may be the Lord of these lands, but I can not rule over your hearts son. If you want her to be your mate and she consent to this, I say - grab her as fast as you can. Because there are probably men out there who wants her just as bad as you my son.

Sesshoumaru looked at his father and saw sincerity in his yellow eyes. He nodded and knew what he was going to do. He had his father's blessing to take Sango as his mate. Perhaps that was why he couldn't think about anything else but her. She was supposed to be with him, as his mate, his wife. He loved her. He could feel his heart beating hard in his chest.

Talk to Sango; ask her, said Inutashio when he saw the display of emotions on his son's face. He would recognize that display anywhere.

Thank you Father, said Sesshoumaru and turned on his heel and ran out of the office.

Inutashio saw his son rush out of the room and he couldn't help but smile. His son, his ice cold son had finally been touched by love's eternal fire. And he had found it within a human girl. "I'm sure she will prove to be a worthy girl for my little boy." he thought.




Sesshoumaru knocked on the door to Sango's room, but was met with silence. He tried to open it, but it was locked. She was not there. He turned around and walked towards the kitchen, intending to find nanny Kaede. Perhaps she knew where Sango was? But as he came through the door to the kitchen he stopped dead in his tracks. There in the middle of the room was Sango. He could smell her unique scent, blended with cinnamon and apples. She had flour on her cheeks and she looked absolutely glorious. A small tap on his shoulder brought him out of his stupor and he saw nanny Kaede look at him.

Remember my words little Sess, she said with narrowed eye.

Yes…. I promise, said Sesshoumaru and looked at Sango again.

Then I'll leave you two alone and I will not let anyone in here until you two have settled things.

Thank you nanny Kaede.

The old woman nodded and closed the door behind her.


Sesshomaru walked over to Sango who stood with her back against him. He could feel every nerve ending respond to her every move. So this was how it felt when you finally had met your soul mate? Wanting to be as close as possible? He smiled inwardly and put his hands on her hips. He heard her yelp in surprise and turn around in his arms. Her dark green eyes locked with his and took the opportunity to kiss her. Her lips molded against his and he was caught in her web.




Sango was wrapped in the work of making cinnamon rolls to the masters of the castle when she felt a pair of hands take hold of her hips. She spun around and found herself eye to eye with Sesshoumaru. His golden eyes held the key to her dreams, she knew it the moment she saw him. She gasped and the second later his lips was upon hers, kissing her. She dropped the things in her hands and she grabbed hold of his upper arms to keep her balance. He pushed her into the kitchen counter. His arms went around her waist, taking hold of her behind, grabbing her. And she loved to feel his hands on her. He pulled away, looking into her face again. She licked her bruised lips and she dared to look into his eyes and she drowned in the passion.

Sango, I'm sorry… I've been such a fool, whispered Sesshoumaru with a rough voice.


Sesshoumaru cupped her face, letting his thumbs stroke her cheeks as he prepared to ask her.

Since I saw you yesterday in the bar… I have thought of nothing else than you. I want you Sango. I want you to be my mate, my wife. You are the light in my life. I want to be the one who wakes up next to you every morning. I want to be the one who father your children. I want you to be mine, said Sesshoumaru and looked deep into her eyes, waiting for her respond.

Sango was out of words, she didn't know what to say. She knew that he was special, by all means; he was the heir to the lands she was living in. But there was something more. Every time he had touched her she had felt a small jolt of electricity. But was it true love? Could she be with him for the rest of her life? "Hell YES!!"

Yes Sesshoumaru, she said and fell into his arms, letting him embrace her.

Y-yes what?

Yes, I want to be your mate… if you want me still.

A sigh escaped his lips and he kissed her again. He kissed her with all the passion his body had worked up during the day. He lifted up the hem of her dress and made her put her legs around his waist. He carried her all the way to his quarters and not once he let go of her lips. He wanted to make sure she wouldn't change her mind. That he couldn't take. He needed her to be sure that he was the one in her life.


Sango was swimming in a sea of red passion. His lips, his hands, everything he touched on her body, invoked pleasure and she wanted more. She prayed to her gods that he spoke the truth when he said he wanted her as his mate, but then again, even if this was just for the night she still would follow him to his bed. She loved him; she had realized it during the morning when she had entered the kitchen. Every moment close to him was a step closer to heaven.



Are you sure? Once I claim you, I will never let you go, said Sesshoumaru and opened the door to his part of the castle.

Good, smiled Sango, not letting her insecurities show. She nibbled on his lower lip, coaxing him to kiss her again. She heard the soft growl in the back of his throat and she loved that sound. As soon as the door was closed she was pushed up against it.

You are teasing me woman, he snarled and nicked her lower lip, making it bleed a bit.

No, no teasing master Sesshoumaru, she breathed as she felt his clawed hands shred her garment.

Call me Sess…., growled Sesshoumaru as her breasts was freed from their imprisonment, teasing him to taste them.

He didn't wait for her approval, his mouth found her right nipple and he began to suckle it. A soft scream escaped her lips and he purred darkly in response to her scream.

Sesssssss, she hissed when she felt his lips close around her nipple.

Mmmm, he answered her with a purr.

He was lost in her; nothing could tear him away from this wonderful female. She was his. The taste of apples and spices drove him to the edge and he wanted more. His hands wandered underneath her dress and shredded her under-garment. Two seconds later he had freed his erection from the restriction of his pants.

Tell me you want me…. NOW!! he ordered with harsh voice.

I want you Sess, said Sango as her hands snaked around his neck and pulled his face closer for another, heated kiss.

After this you will belong to me Sango, you will be my mate…!

I know… take me Sess.

Sesshoumaru growled and took hold of his engorged shaft and guided it between her wet folds. His own precum lubricated her a bit before he plunged his length into her body. The tight and warm softness pulled him deep into her and he buried his face into her neck as he felt her muscles caress his limb.


Sango felt a small pain when he filled her with all his girth, but as soon as she was accustomed to it there was nothing but pleasure. His length filled her body with both pleasure and pain. He was so deep in her that she for a moment was sure that they would be forever fused together. His hand was on her behind, grabbing her. His face was buried in her neck, licking the skin there. He brushed over something that was very sensitive and she screamed out in raw lust, her juices coated his shaft.


Sesshoumaru was in seventh heaven. He had the woman of his life, trembling in his arms. He was buried deep in her body, and he could feel her spill all her honey over his penetrating shaft. And he still wanted more. He carried her, impaled on his length, over to the king sized bed before he pulled out of her. He saw her confused face and he smiled and dove between her legs with his mouth. He wanted to taste that apple and cinnamon spice before he claimed her totally.


Before Sango could do or say anything she had a dog demon lapping at her most secret place. Something she never even had dreamed about. She could feel his inhumanly tongue touch places inside her tight canal that she didn't know existed. She cried out his name as she exploded into a million tears of lust.

You taste good little mate, purred Sesshoumaru and lapped up the last drops of her womanly honey.


I want you again, he growled and took hold of his shaft and guided into her body.

Sango parted her nether lips and felt Sesshoumaru insert his engorged flesh into her once again. She pushed up and swallowed him with her womanhood.

You are mine Sango….

Yours, she complied as she rose her hips to meet his pelvis.


The young lord began to nibble at her right shoulder. The marking of a mate was near. His fangs grew larger in his mouth, his eyes flashed in blood red. But he didn't want to scare her so he pulled back and made her look into his eyes as he pushed his shaft deep into her body.


Mmmm…. Answered Sango, her eyes closed.

Look at me beloved…

Sango opened her eyes and looked at Sesshoumaru. Dark green blended with golden…

I'm going to mark you as my mate… I'm going to bite you Sango. I want to make sure that every demon knows that you are Mine.

M-mark me Sess… I want to be yours.

It will hurt you.

Then hurt me…. I want everyone to know that I belong to you Sess, said Sango and put her hands on his cheeks and she smiled gently. It was true. She wanted to be his.

Sesshoumaru didn't need anything else. He took hold of her wrists and pinned them next to her head. He kissed her deeply before his mouth moved down to her neck, finding the place on her right shoulder where he would mark her. He whispered a soft `I'm sorry' before his fangs plunged into her flesh, making her cry out in pain. But at the same time he could feel her womanhood contract around his shaft and he growled darkly. He spilled his seed into her womb.

My mate, mumbled Sesshoumaru once he let go of her shoulder, licking the last drops of blood from the wound he had created.

Your mate, said Sango.

Sesshoumaru moved so she was on top of him, their connection still intact. He looked into her eyes.

I love you Sango, he said.

I love you too master, purred Sango and let her head rest in the crook of his neck.

He smiled and hugged her tight. "I think I have to thank my father and nanny Kaede for this…" and that was his last conscious thought before he drifted off to sleep.