InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Unknowing to You ❯ Part 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A lone pristine figure sat inside his study, looking over scrolls to manage his lands but failing miserably. Sesshoumaru sighed and set his work down and began to think.
It had been three months since he woke up to his `mistake'. He ultimately became disgusted when he awoke from his deep slumber to find his brother naked beside him. As soon as he caught the scent of mating in the air, he gathered his clothing and fled back to his castle in a panic.
Once he had reached his castle, he barricaded himself into his study for days, sorting through his foreign emotions before he resurfaced with his normal emotionless façade. The different unknown emotions had been enough to startle the taiyoukai into denial, not that he knew it but it did none the less.
Sesshoumaru scowled at the wall he had been staring at while listlessly in thought and became frustrated as he slammed his fist into his grey marble desk, making a crater in its surface.
“Sesshoumaru-sama?” a small voice called uncertainly.
“What is it Rin?” he said not even giving a glance in her direction.
“Rin is sorry for bothering you, Sesshoumaru-sama but there is a visitor for you.”
“Who is this visitor?”
“Master Sesshoumaru, so good to see you!”
The smaller voice caught his immediate attention, causing him to growl at the small creature on Rin's shoulder. Wearing its usual yellow haori and dark blue hakama was the flea, Myouga.
“This Sesshoumaru demands to know why you bother to trespass on my estate.”
Myouga looked extremely cautious as he jumped off Rin's shoulder and onto the marble desk. “I bring news of Inuyasha.”
A feral growl snarled out of Sesshoumaru's lips. “Leave Rin” he ordered.
She turned and walked out abruptly muttering, “Hai, Sesshoumaru-sama” before shutting the graphically carved mahogany door. The moment she left, Sesshoumaru growled so loudly that it caused the flea to tremble in fear.
“You dare bring up that filthy half breeds name in my own home!” he snarled.
“B-but milord, I-I have important-”
“Silence!” he yelled and the flea fell silent.
“I want to hear no information pertaining to Inuyasha” he continued
The flea furrowed his brow and scowled, “Master Sesshoumaru, it is imperative you know this information”
“Any information on Inuyasha is no concern of mine”
“But Master! He's your mate!” he yelled bringing up courage, long thought gone.
The snarl he received was abrupt and full of threat. “I was not in control. My inu made the decision for me and I refuse to continue mating with a hanyou!” he yelled, loosing some of his emotional control.
Myouga pulled more courage from his mind and scowled once again.
“I know you that you are very aware that you are the least likely person to loose control, therefore I beg to differ to your arguments, I believe that you had let your youkai go freely and you willingly mated with Master Inuyasha!”
He became stunned when Sesshoumaru fell silent, staring intently on the far wall, not bringing up his argument as Myouga expected him to do.
Sesshoumaru was beginning to worry about his feelings toward the zasshu. Were they mere obligations as being Inuyasha's mate? Or were they something a little more deep in feeling? Had he fallen for the foolish hanyou? The questions were buzzing in his mind and mocking him in the worst possible way.
Sesshoumaru cursed inwardly at his distraction to the physical world and slipped his usual unemotional look onto his face
“I suggest you deliver your information and leave my estate” he ordered.
Myouga faltered at the mention of the news he had decided to deliver. “W-well actually the information regards your m-mate” he stuttered.
“This I already know, what about Inuyasha did you travel from afar to deliver.” he asked slightly agitated.
“You're going to be a father!” the flea blurted out, not intending it to be so blunt.
Sesshoumaru's face stayed impassive. “What are you speaking of, Inuyasha is male and the only person I have mated. Therefore you are mistaken. Now leave” he stated.
Myouga panicked and started to jump up and down to regain his master's attention.
“No milord you must listen. No one knows how it happened, but Inuyasha is carrying your pups!” he stressed.
Sesshoumaru started emotionlessly at the flea. “This Sesshoumaru demands to know the truth. Inuyasha is carrying my pups, my heirs?” he asked
“Yes, yes milord, but that was three months ago”
“Why am I just being informed of this at this?!” he growled with a slightly raised voice.
Myouga frowned sadly. “Master Inuyasha begged his friends not to send word to you. He is convinced you do not care about him and would only kill him and his pups for being part human. All of the attacks and battles between you two must have contributed to his thoughts, but there's no way to be sure.”
His thoughts races from his brother to the thought of having heirs, his face didn't show it but he was excited that he had pups yet upset that Inuyasha would think him so evil as to kill his own kin and offspring.
“Then explain why you are here if Inuyasha has forbid it?”
“Alas, Inuyasha does not know I am here. I snuck away after he fell into slumber just three months ago. I traveled as fast as I could milord but with my calculations he should have the pups any day now.”
“If this is the case, then this Sesshoumaru owes you a debt of gratitude for informing him of his mate's situation.”
Myouga bowed and said, “Anything for you milord.”
Without even sparing a glance at Myouga, he stood and strode out of this study. The door made its usual click as it shut and he took off at super speed, out of his castle and into the forest in the direction of the old miko's village that his mate usually stayed.
Inuyasha let out a loud yelp, as the pain had become constant and beyond anything he felt before. The ultimate feeling of being ripped in half was unbearable as he lay on the floor of the small and dustyhut.
The three women who resided in the hut with him, watched as he whined, signaling that the pain was short of unbearable.
“Kaede, what can we do? I hate to see him like this.” Kagome pleaded for an answer.
The old woman shook her head. “There is nothing we can do child. Inuyasha instincts are the only thing guiding him now, not even we can do anything to interfere in his birthing process.”
Silence followed Kaede's declaration except for the grunts that started coming from Inuyasha. The women watched in half awe, half sympathy toward the hanyou as he entered the final stage of his labor. They heard panting from Inuyasha as they saw the signs of the first pup's emergence. The onna's couldn't help but cringe at the sight and the whining mixed with yelping as the hanyou struggled to pass the first pup into the world. The final yelp of pain and agony was given as the pup was born.
The small pup could not be seen for it was encased in a birthing bag, just like in the normal birth of female dogs. Inuyasha lifted his hind leg, leaned forward, and grabbed the bag with his teeth, pulling it to him. He proceeded to rip the bag with his teeth, giving the first breath to the small new life.
As the pup emerged, giving its first attempts to crawl and sniffing its new surroundings; they saw it was male with slick wet silver fur and single jagged purple stripes on either cheek, just like Inuyasha's when he was in full demon form.
Inuyasha felt proud as it gave off a whine for the first time. He instinctively licked the pup clean of any fluids from its birthing bag before nudging the pup to his stomach where it latched on and began eating its first meal. He watched his pup drink from him for a short while before the next contractions hit him and he whined at the pain.
The next pup came easier but similar to the first. Inuyasha broke the bag to find that shockingly that the small female pup had inherited the midnight black hair that Inuyasha had when he was human. He once again moved the pup to drink from him as the third pup made its appearance.
The small male pup seemed to inherit everything Sesshoumaru. The purple crescent moon could be seen on it's forehead over the slick pure silk silver hair
Inuyasha birthed a fourth and final male pup. It startled him to no end when he found his fourth pup inherited silver hair and the blue jagged stripes from his father, InuTashio.
He was extremely proud of his pups, which had all been strong enough to make it into the world, with his help of course. He watched as all his pups drank happily from him, clean and content to the world.
He heard footsteps coming toward him but didn't acknowledge them, as he was too tired to do much of anything. A hand on his head caused him to merely open a single eye, seeing that Kagome had come over to offer her praise.
“You did a great job Inuyasha, they're beautiful.” she smiled as she finished.
He gave off a grateful grunt of appreciation before closing his eye and drifting into a well deserved sleep.
Sesshoumaru sniffed the air as he sat in a tree just outside the hut of the elder miko and smelled a series of different beings in and surrounding the hut. Outside, on the platform of the hut the smells of an adult human male, kitsune pup, neko youkai and another adult human female sitting contently and speaking, but he could only catch words such as `kawaii' and `small', as he was sitting a fair distance from the hut so his scent could not carry to them. On the inside of the hut he could smell two more human onna's and the sweet scent of his mate. However, the four new scents he could not place were what caught his interest.
Could this be the different scents of his pups?
Sesshoumaru quickly became obsessed with finding the reason for the new scents inside the hut. He contemplated on what to do. He could barge in to see his mate, but what would his mate's companions do towards his actions?
Wait... when has this mattered? As if some pathetic humans could keep this Sesshoumaru from seeing his mate!
With his mind set, he jumped from the tree, high in the air and landed outside the hut in front of his mate's companions.
He became amused when they scrambled up, ready for battle as the kitsune ran inside the hut, no doubt to get the other two onna's.
Sure enough, the two humans and kitsune came scrambling out. The one he remembered his brother calling `Kagome' looked ultimately angry with him while the elderly woman looked slightly agitated yet understanding. This confused him at why the woman would be so understanding as if she knew him, but knew that he should not push his luck.
“This Sesshoumaru demands to see his mate!” he said very sternly
The one called `Kagome' stepped forward and scowled. “You've done enough to him Sesshoumaru, leave him alone!”
“You dare tell me what to do?!” he snarled
“Yes I do!”
Sesshoumaru flexed his claws and prepared to attack the onna to reach his mate
“Kagome-sama, I think it wise to allow Lord Sesshoumaru passage to Inuyasha.” Miroku advised.
“What? Are you crazy?! After what he did to him, he doesn't deserve to even talk to Inuyasha!” Kagome yelled
“No Kagome-chan, he's right. This issue is between mates, no one, by demon law, can interfere. Not even you.” Sango informed.
Kagome looked mad with this new information and reluctantly stepped aside to allow Sesshoumaru to enter the hut.
He stepped up to the platform and walked forward, still receiving a glare from the one human onna, and although he didn't show it, he was surprised to find that the elder miko showed ultimate respect by bowing slightly. He in return gave a curt nod as he walked inside the hut.
Inside was a roaring, crackling fire among the silence of the hut. With his youkai hearing he could hear the sound of light sleeping and five heartbeats. One was strong and beating slightly heavily while the others were fickle and faster than a normal heartbeat.
Not bothering to take in the rest of the hut he gazed around to the direction of the heartbeats. He actually let a gasp pass his emotional façade as he saw a silver dog obviously adult male, lying on the floor of the hut. However it was not the adult dog that caught his attention, it was the four inuyoukai pups that lie sleeping that caught is immediate attention.
His stupor was lost as he stared into space in shock only to be disturbed by a menacing growl.
Inuyasha slept peacefully for what he felt was hours when a certain scent woke him.
The moment he breathed in the scent of the mixture of musk, cinnamon and pine trees he knew who had stepped into the hut. He snapped his eyes open to find his mate staring into the hut's wall, saying and doing nothing.
What is he doing here!? Oh no, he's come to kill us, all of us! I can't believe this, who told him! He shouldn't be here! he thought NO! I will not let my pups die!
Inuyasha stood shakily, stepping in front of his pups and growled low to warn him that he meant business.
He watched as his mate, his secret love, looked to him with an impassive face that confused Inuyasha. What was he feeling? What was he going to do? These questions scared him and he growled more threateningly.
His voice was smooth and suave as he said his name warningly. Inuyasha knew that as the submissive in their mating he would have to back down, as Sesshoumaru was the dominant. The hanyou quickly took heed in the hidden threat and ears immediately plastered themselves to his skull in defeat. He let off a whine of submission before quickly walking over to his now whining pups. They had lost their source of heat, and he knew they were cold. He lay back down next to his pups and they instinctively snuggled into the warmth.
Inuyasha looked from his pups to his beloved mate, who in turn returned the gaze. Unlike Sesshoumaru, his eyes betrayed every emotion he felt: happiness, fear, anxiousness, nervousness and some anger; it could all be seen inside his golden amber orbs.
He watched in fear as Sesshoumaru walked across the floor to come closer, and Inuyasha instinctively curled around his pups, whimpering and clenching his eyes shut, fearing the worst.
A soft nuzzle to the side of his head caused him to yelp in surprise and coil around the small forms even more before he realized that it was a comforting gesture.
His eyes shot open, turning his head to find his brother had transformed into a smaller shape of his inu form. His mate was giving him a caring nestles on the neck and whining in an apologetic tone. Inuyasha was startled and confused toward his mate's actions. He had been so sure that he would become angry with him and come to kill him and his pups. He jumped, causing the pups some distress, and Sesshoumaru started whining, growling and yipping in dog language.
Don't be afraid, my mate.” he growled, looking Inuyasha in the eyes.
Inuyasha whined. “What are you doing here?”
Your mentor Myouga came and informed me of your….predicament. Besides, I have a right to see my mate,” he said, quickly adding, “and my pups
Inuyasha became frustrated and angry, giving off a low and slightly threatening growl. “You left me! You left me in that godforsaken clearing before I even woke up! You acted like you cared for me. Y-you were so gentle with me and said you loved me, but you didn't mean that did you? I was just someone who was conveniently there when you needed release! Damn that stupid flea.
Sesshoumaru looked at his mate intently and let his emotionless facade drop and displayed pure sorrow.
I am aware of how I hurt you, I am aware of my faults, and you need to know that this Sesshoumaru apologizes for taking advantage of you. I never meant to hurt you, but after our mating I was so confused and afraid that I fled, but you should know now that I no longer deny my feelings for you.”
Inuyasha couldn't believe what he was hearing. Sesshoumaru had feelings? For him? “W-what?” he yipped in disbelief.
Sesshoumaru rolled his eyes and moved behind him, lying down close to him so that their bodies were chest to back and lay his head down onto his neck and whined slightly.
This Sesshoumaru has come to care for you, dear brother.” he growled softly.
Inuyasha turned his head and stared at Sesshoumaru, who was staring at him back, with judging eyes. His mate's eyes showed compassion and were open for the world to see. He melted into Sesshoumaru's eyes.
I love you too Sesshoumaru” he whined lovingly and slowly licked his cheek.
Sesshoumaru whined in approval and returned the favor, nuzzling their heads together before lying down. Inuyasha lay curled around their pups while his mate lay behind him, laying his head on his neck and one paw on his back next to his head. While his mate looked at their pups, he lay down for a rest, as he was still tired from birthing them.
Sesshoumaru focused on the small fragile bodies that were his heirs. They were curled around each other for warmth as they slept. They were each individually beautiful and one of the wonders in life. He spaced as he thought of how fragile and vulnerable they really were. The small lives were so small and solely depended on their parents to care for them. He felt it a miracle that something so vulnerable could bring such joy.
Sesshoumaru jumped out of his stupor and watched as one of his pups with purple jagged stripes crawled out of the small pile of dogs, sniffing around for its `mother'.
Inuyasha raised his head to nudge the small pup in the right direction, but Sesshoumaru beat him to it.
He watched Sesshoumaru stand and lean over him to get to the pup. He became overwhelmed with utter and blissful happiness as Sesshoumaru lick the pup in affection before pushing it toward Inuyasha, causing it to roll over. Inuyasha let out a grunt, meant to be a laugh, at his mate's playfulness to the pup.
As soon as it felt its `mothers' fur, it snuggled into it, looking for a pathway to receive its milk.
Inuyasha felt the pup latch and knead his stomach, releasing the pressure of his milk slightly. He sighed silently and leaned back down to rest. The mates resumed their previous position and rested together, snuggling and bathing in each other's love
The goddess of love looked down upon the sleeping mates and smiled a true smile. Her hard work had paid off. The couple was together and had four healthy and thriving children that would grow into strong demons.
The pair finally got the happiness they deserved.