InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ Born Hope ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Another Tuesday, meaning another full day of classes, meaning another whole day of headache. Kagome slumped further down in her seat trying to hide behind her textbook as the professor slowly made his way up the aisles. He was collecting the four-page discussion paper they were to have written last night, but of course, Kagome didn’t have hers. She’d been stupid enough to spend her evening hanging out with her friends, instead of doing her work.

The professor came to stop at her seat, and held out his hand to her expectantly. Kagome cleared her throat, and avoided his penetrating gaze, as she shifted uncomfortably.

“I’m sorry, Professor Mito, but I don’t have the paper,” She told him, her voice meek and wavering. Professor Mito eyed her through his thick glasses, before shaking his head balding head.

“This isn’t good, Ms. Higurashi. Please stay after class, we need to have a few words,” He told her in a stern tone. Kagome nodded, and then he moved on, as she slumped back down in her seat.

As the class went on, it seemed like it would never end. Kagome found herself easily distracted from the topic at hand, her mind drifting to the near future, and the possible out comes of her meeting with Professor Mito. This was the third paper she had yet to pass in, and she found it unlikely that it would be the last. The minutes passed at a snail like pace, causing even more discomfort for Kagome, her head swirled with excuses and apologizes, she needed a good story this time.

“Ms. Higurashi,” Professor Mito started. His chin was resting on the tops of his folded hands as he stared across his desk at Kagome. She fidgeted at his gaze.

“This will be my first and last warning. I’m not one to hound my students for their work, because I feel it a waste of time to bother with students who simply don’t care. It’s early in the year, and from the work you have passed in I’ve seen potential, don’t waste it,” He told her, his blue eyed gaze unrelenting. Kagome bit her bottom lip as she nodded, and started to rise from her seat.

As she got to the door Professor Mito called out to her, and looked back to find him smile at her in a kind gesture.

“Thank you for your time, try not to waste this chance, because there won’t be another one”.

Kagome smiled and nodded again before making a quick exit. With a frustrated sigh Kagome started riffling through her purse searching out her keys. She grumbled under breath, bumping into students as she passed them in the crowded hall. Her day wasn’t getting any better as she found her keys, then dropped them as someone jarred her.

“Damn it, stupid people, stupid day,” She grouched crouching down to search out her lost keys. She let herself a triumphant smile as she found them and got back to her feet. She brushed of the dust clinging to her pants, and continued forward until something caught her eye.

Kagome froze like a deer in the headlights as she caught sight of a familiar face that watched her through the crowd. For all she knew, he looked the same, still handsome in that gruff sense. His skin that perfect tan and his hair a wave of dark obsidian was pulled back in a neat ponytail at the base of his strong neck. His lips turned upward in a small awkward smile as he made his way toward her, as his ice blue eyes glittered in the sun light.

“Hey,” He greeted ineptly. Kagome felt rush of emotion, anger, happiness, confusion, and love. Her hands were shaking as he watched her, his eyebrow slowly rising when she didn’t respond.

“W-what are you doing here?” She managed; it came out strangled as she struggled to get it past the lump forming in her throat. Koga looked pensive for a moment, his eyes drifting to something behind her before he looked back to her, that small smile still on his lips.

“I didn’t like Berkeley, it was too far from home and too stuck up… so I enrolled here,” Came his reply. Kagome pushed back at the tears threatening to spill, as she searched for something else to say, but only one thing was floating through her mind, just one simple word.


Koga shifted uneasily, that smile slipping from his lips, to be replaced by a frown. His eyes drifted from hers again, and he seemed to be searching for some kind of answer, some excuse.

“I, I’m sorry,” He sighed, his eyes meeting hers once more. Kagome couldn’t read his gaze; it was just a cloud of emotion, not one standing out.

“For what, there isn’t anything to be sorry about,” Kagome snapped, her anger quickly spiking. Koga flinched visibly, his shoulders slumping from that confident posture he’d always held himself with.

“I am sorry though, I’m stupid. I never realized what a fool I was to let you go, until I didn’t have you. You have to understand… I was scared. I was afraid of commitment,” He told her. He sounded so earnest, and his eyes shone with passion and emotion. Kagome bit her lip, and shook her head looking away from his face. She couldn’t look at him; he was just bringing up pain.

“What happened to exploring your options? Have you decided I’m worth a second glance?” She asked, her tone now lacked that anger from before; instead it showed her pain, her sorrow, and her broken heart.

Koga watched her for a moment, his eyes softening. He closed the gap between them and reached to take her hands in his own.

“I told you before, I’m stupid… I never needed any other options, because it was always you that I wanted”. He whispered this to her, and her heart ached at his voice, the warmth of his hands and his closeness were all bringing back memories. In that moment she wanted nothing better then to slap him away, and blame him for all her pain, but she was weak she always had been. So she leaned in, instead of away, and she let him hold her and she cried into his shoulder taking comfort in the fact it was there. A small hope was born in her then, that maybe things would be okay. Maybe they could work, maybe she could have that fairy tale ending.

“Will you give me a second chance?” He asked her, his tone soft, and pleading. Kagome sniffled and wrapped her arms tighter around his waist, not wanting to let go in case it was just a dream.

“Sure, everyone deserves a second chance,” She whispered back. Koga chuckled, and nuzzled her neck, his warm breath tickling her neck when he spoke next.

“That’s my girl”.