InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ Let's Make A Deal ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
She remembered the day they had met. It had been the beginning of her senior year, and she had been feeling lonely and depressed since Inuyasha was off at college. Kagome was sitting in her homeroom, just waiting for the day to begin, so it could end.

Amber was the first of the pair to arrive, bright and chipper as always, her blonde hair then was longer. Kagome remembered hating her on sight, she was just one of those girls who was too perky, and clueless. So, of course the one person she decided to sit next to would be Kagome.

“Hello, I’m Amber,” She had introduced herself. She plopped down in the seat next to Kagome’s and offered her a hand in greeting. Kagome forced a smile and took it, before settling further back in her seat, trying to look unsociable.

“I’m Kagome,” She replied, her tone bored. Amber quirked her head to the side giving her a confused look, a frown on her glittery pink lips.

“What’s the matter? You seem down?” She asked. Kagome just shrugged her shoulder’s, choosing to not answer her questions. Amber sighed and turned in her seat, giving up on a conversation.

Kagome rolled her eyes and focused her attention on the clock; there was only half an hour left of homeroom. She sighed quietly, and then looked out the door watching the students skittering about in the hallway. She focused on a group of guys who were just standing around, joking and talking. She recognized them as seniors, one or two she’d had in her classes the year before.

After a while she spaced out just staring off her gaze lingering on the people passing the door. Her view was blocked though as someone entered, and she snapped from her daze, her brown eyes focusing on the guy standing in the doorway. He was standing half in, half out of the classroom still carrying on a conversation with his friend who was walking down the hall. The first thing that had come to her mind was the thought of how handsome he was. His rugged appearance caught her attention, the way he wore his baggy pants and a tight muscle t-shirt under a blue dress shirt. His hair was dark and long, pulled back in a low ponytail.

“Hey, Amber?” He called. Beside her Amber came to attention focusing on the guy. Kagome mentally scolded herself for staring, realizing they were probably dating.

“What Koga, what could you possible want to yell at me for?” The girl had snapped, her green eyes blazing. Koga just smirked, his eyes twinkling. Kagome found those eyes entranced her; they were such a light blue that they stood out against the dark of his tanned skin.

“Nothing, I just want to make sure you know that I’m not going home with you. I’m going out with Dave and the guys later,” He told her. Amber rolled her eyes and grumbled under her breath.

“Oh, and don’t tell Ma. I am supposed to be grounded after all. Just tell her I went to work early,” He continued. He didn’t get a response from Amber, so he just shrugged. His eyes skimmed the classroom before they came to rest on Kagome. Kagome hadn’t realized she’d been staring at him, until he’d caught her.

“I don’t think I’ve ever met you before,” Koga announced. Kagome blinked and quickly put up a façade, covering her blush.

“Probably not,” She replied simply. Koga smiled at her and made his way over, taking the seat in front of her. He spun around to face her, a smile on his lips.

“Well, I guess not. I think I’d remember such a beautiful girl,” He complimented. Kagome had to resist the urge to roll her eyes, and sat up in her seat, crossing her arms on the desktop.

“Well, I think I’d remember such a player,” She replied. Koga smirked at her, and then chuckled lightly.

“You’ve got spunk. I like that,” He laughed. Kagome sighed and shook her head.

“That’s nice, glad I amuse you,” She said dryly. Koga smiled at her then, his eyes staring in her own.

“I think I like you. You wouldn’t perhaps want to go on a date, would you?” He asked. Kagome blushed before she could control it. He was very straightforward.

“I just met you, and I don’t know the first thing about you,” She replied. Koga just shrugged.

“So, we can get to know each other on our date. I say dinner and then dessert, my treat. Come on, I won’t bite. Just give me a chance,” He pleaded, his eyes twinkling. Kagome snorted, and shook her head.

“Only if you promise to leave me alone afterward,” She laughed. Koga smiled, and held out his hand to her. She looked at it confused, before he spoke again.

“It’s a deal then?” He questioned. Kagome sighed and then took hold of his hand.

“It’s a deal”.

He slammed the phone back down and glared at it for a long while. She wasn’t picking up the phone, and from what he’d learned from Sango she hadn’t seen her since that morning. He was getting worried, usually Kagome called him by now, all her classes were finished, and usually she would be sitting beside him right now.

“Where the hell is that girl?” He growled aloud. He slumped in his seat and glared at the opposite wall.

Kagome smiled as she stared across the table at Koga. He was watching her as well, a smile present on his lips. They were at a small café, just like they had been since their last class. They had talked, mostly about the past, reliving memories that no longer seemed so painful, at least to Kagome.

“It’s good too hang out again,” Koga announced. Kagome smiled and nodded.

“Yeah…” She sighed. Koga smirked, and sipped his coffee his eyes watching her. Kagome felt a blush on her cheeks again, she was glad to be with him. She had never thought that she’d be with him again; she’d believed he was gone forever.

“Say, next week a couple of my friends and I are heading to a Frat party. I’d like it if you came, it would be fun,” Koga told her, his eyes pleading for her to say yes. Kagome laughed and shrugged.

“Fine, but you had better not ditch me. I don’t want to be stuck with a bunch of drunk guys I don’t know,” She replied. Koga laughed at this and shook his head before he looked back to her.

“Never. I was planning on spending my whole night with you anyway…” He trailed off, lifting a suggestive eyebrow. Kagome rolled her eyes and sipped her drink.

“Get you head out of the gutter. You know I’m not like that,” She scolded. Koga smiled and reached across to grab her hand.

“Yeah, I know. That’s what I love about you, your Pride”.

It was their two-month anniversary, and Koga had brought her to a huge party a couple of his friends were throwing. He’d sat her down on a couch in the middle of a crowded room and then went to get them drinks. Kagome sat fidgeting nervously, this was only the second party she’d ever been to, and this was much more wild then the last one. The air was laden with the smell of smoke, sweat and alcohol.

Around her mostly everyone was either drunk or high, or at least on their way. In the middle of the floor there were couples bumping and grinding to the loud music in a sickening way. She shook her head, and focused on her hands in her lap, this wasn’t the way she wanted to spend their anniversary.

“Hey, Kag,” Someone called. She looked up to find Dave. He was Koga’s best friend and partier of the worst kind. He wobbled in front of her, like his legs wouldn’t support him, his normally brown eyes misty and dark from smoking a joint, or having too much to drink.

“Hi, Dave,” She replied. He smiled at her widely and then practically fell into her lap as he tried to land in the seat beside her. He laughed and moved his upper body from resting on her lap. When he finally he had himself straightened out, he started to stared at her.

“So where’s Koga? He should be here,” He slurred. Kagome backed away from him, and pressed herself up against the armrest beside her, her arms crossed tightly in front of her chest. Dave was notorious for his pushy nature and harassing girls, especially when he wasn’t somber.

“He went to get drinks. I’m sure he’ll be back soon,” She told him. Dave nodded, and relaxed into the couch, his head lolling to one side to watch her. Kagome was feeling uncomfortable with his stares.

“I’m sure he will be…” Dave sighed. His misty eyes traveled up and down Kagome, his gaze lingering on her hidden chest. Kagome wrapped her arms tighter around herself, and tried not to acknowledge him.

“So,” Dave started off again. Kagome turned her head to regard him and noticed as he slowly slunk closer to her.

“Look Dave, I think you should leave me alone. I don’t want you near me when your head’s all messed up,” Kagome told him, her eyes narrowed on him. Dave let out a laugh, his hand snaking out to rest on her thigh. Kagome jumped, and pulled her leg away from him.

“Come on Kag, you know you can’t resist me. I know you want me,” He slurred, his eyes gleaming as he leaned closer. Kagome shoved him away and glared at him.

“Go away you pervert. Koga’s going to pretty mad that you were making moves on me. So back off,” She shouted, turning her head to glare at the crowds. Beside her Dave started to laugh.

“The guys were right, you are a prude. We’ve always shared are girlfriends, even your precious Koga,” He told he snidely. Those words stung, and Kagome found herself turning to watch him, her eyes clouding with emotion and tears.

“What, girls aren’t good for anything but sex? Huh? Is that all they are to you?” She asked, her voice rising with her anger. Dave looked at her blankly for a moment, before he started to laugh again. His laugh made Kagome cringe, and she got up in a quick move to stand over him. She clenched her fists at her sides, her eyes boring into his face that was contorted with his laughter.

“Jackass,” She screamed, and then before she knew what she had done, she pulled back her fist and punched him, hard. Dave’s head reeled backwards, his nose spurting blood. He looked at her in horror as she stood there cradling her abused fist.

“You’re crazy. You stupid bitch,” He wailed, his eyes wide in panic. Kagome just sent a glare at him and quickly made her way for the exit.

They had gone back to their dorm rooms together, since the freshman girl and boy’s dorms were just across from each other. They’d sat and talked a few minutes; Kagome perched on the top of her car while Koga leaned against it beside her. Kagome hadn’t even been aware of the car that had entered after them.

‘Damn it,’ Inuyasha cursed, his amber eyes narrowing on the dark haired man beside Kagome. He knew him well, he was the same bastard who’d stolen Kagome’s heart and then crushed it, and now he was back trying to win her over again.

‘Why is she even talking to him? Has she been with him this entire time?’ Inuyasha wondered. He scowled at that thought and quietly exited his car, watching as Koga made his leave.

Kagome sat there a few more moments after Koga had bid farewell, her eyes watching as Koga disappeared inside the boy’s dormitory. She smiled remembering the plans they had made for lunch and dinner the next day. She still couldn’t believe she was back with him. She didn’t forget the pain he had caused her, but she was trying to move on from it and learn to except he had changed in such a short time. That he truly wanted things to work out between them. The only problem now was convincing her friend’s that this was going to work.

Inuyasha watched as Kagome hopped off the hood of her car and then slowly made her way into her dormitory. His mind was plagued by questions, and his mood was quickly taking a turn for the worse.

By the time Koga caught up with her, she was halfway down the street. He could practically taste the anger that was emanating from her as he approached.

“I heard what happened with Dave, look I’m sorry for whatever he said,” Koga told her, as he fell into step beside her. Kagome didn’t respond for a few moments, her fists clenching and unclenching at her sides.

“So I hear you like to share your girlfriends,” She said finally. Koga stopped, and stared at her bemused, she had said it like it was the most amusing thing in the world, but it was obvious she was furious about the very idea of it. Kagome turned to watch him with narrowed eyes, as she crossed her arms over her chest.

“You actually believe what the ass says? You know that I would never do that. Kagome, I’m not an animal,” He told her, his tone grave. Kagome sighed, and reached up to rest a hand across her eyes. Her eyes stung with the tears she wanted to let fall.

“Are you sure? Because how can I be sure, when it seems your friends are such pigs and have no respect what so ever for girls. What am I to believe? Really?” She asked, her voice quivering with emotion. Koga shook his head and reached up to pull her hand from her face. He looked into her eyes, his blue orbs shining with anger, disappointment and something Kagome didn’t want to believe was there.

“If you know me, at all. You should know I don’t think like them. Just because there my friends doesn’t mean I understand or share their idiotic ideas. Kagome… I love you, and I never want to hurt you”. Koga sighed and pulled her into a tight embrace as the tears fell down her cheeks. Kagome hadn’t thought she’d ever hear those words from him, and she felt horrible for even thinking he would be that way. She rested her head in the crook of his neck and blinked back her tears.

“Really… you mean what you said?” She asked quietly. Koga chuckled, and Kagome could feel the vibrations of his laughter beside her head.

“I wouldn’t say it, if I didn’t mean it”.