InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ Tears Of Shame ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Sango sat back down on her bed and sighed in frustration. Kagome had been missing for the better part of the day, and Inuyasha was on his way over to check for himself that she wasn’t there. It was amazing the lengths he was going to, no matter how idiotic it seemed to check her room when obviously she wasn’t there. Sango knew this too, as she stared across at Kagome’s empty bed.

“Sometimes I wonder about his sanity,” She grouched. She was startled out of her thoughts as the door to their room swung open and Kagome wondered in.

“Hey Sango, how are you?” Kagome said with a big smile. Sango blinked, watching the girl dance over to her bed before falling back on to it. As the shock wore off Sango scowled deeply before jumping to her feet to go and stand over the girl.

“Where the hell have you been?!” Sango shouted angrily. Kagome looked up at her, and smiled.

“Out,” She replied simply. Sango resisted the urge to slap her own forehead, as she stared down at her friend. She shook her head and took a seat on the edge of the bed.

“Well no duh, where and with who, or by yourself? I mean come on, me and Inuyasha have been going crazy not knowing where the hell you disappeared too all day,” Sango told her with a sigh. Kagome sat up with a start and looked to Sango with a guilty stare.

“Oh no, Inuyasha. I was supposed to go over his house,” She said, suddenly remembering. She gave a dramatic sigh before falling back on her bed.

“Yeah, I know. He’s been calling for a while. Last time I talked to him he was on his way over to make sure you weren’t hiding here,” Sango told her. Kagome snorted, and was about to say something before the door of their dorm room burst open.

Both girls turned to look, and saw for themselves the sight of an outraged Inuyasha. Kagome blinked, and bit her bottom lip as she coward behind Sango. His eyes were blazing as he looked to her, and he let out a snarl.

“Why the hell, would you be talking with Him?” He shouted. Kagome looked lost for a moment before his words came crashing down and she looked away from him ashamed.

“It’s none of your business,” She told him quietly. Sango looked between the two of them, her eyes narrowing as the rested on Inuyasha.

“Why are you yelling at her? What did she do?” She asked angrily. Inuyasha shook his head and then pointed to the door behind him.

“Get out, I need to talk to her,” He growled. Sango crossed her arms defiantly and glared at him. Inuyasha just clenched his fists at his sides, glaring back.

Behind her Kagome nudged her. Kagome knew that this needed to be a private conversation, and it would only be harder for her to defend herself if she had two friends to yell at her.

“Please Sango, just go. I’ll tell you what’s going on after,” She begged. Sango turned to look at her with disbelieving eyes, but Kagome just shook her head and begged her with pleading eyes to leave without questions.

“Fine, but you had better tell me. And if you hurt her I’ll personally break both your arms,” Sango said, glaring down Inuyasha as she took her purse and left.

When the door closed Inuyasha turned back to Kagome, his eyes still blazing. Kagome couldn’t look at him, and she had this feeling deep in her gut that he was going to hate her. She hated to disappoint him, she always had.

Inuyasha had always pushed her to do everything she wanted. He had always told her that nothing could stop her from getting or doing anything she wanted. It was a rule he lived by himself.

“I can’t do it. I just can’t,” She said, her hands shaking with nerves. Inuyasha stood beside her, watching as the girl onstage her was finishing her audition. He knew Kagome was nervous but if she didn’t do this she’d regret it for the rest of her life.

“Yeah, you can. You’re better then anyone I know, and you can do this. Just go out there and pretend like it’s just you and me out stargazing. It’s simple,” He told her. Kagome looked back at him and bit her lip; it was a nervous habit he always found rather endearing.

“But she was so much better then me. I just know I’m going to croak,” She told him. Inuyasha shook his head and smiled at her with an encouraging smile.

“No you won’t, now take a few deep breathes, you’re up after this next girl,” He told her. Kagome looked at the girl who was now onstage handing her sheet music to the pianist. She shook her head and took a deep breath.

“Okay, I’m… just going to get some air. Um, I’ll be back,” She said, and then she was off, running for the exit. Inuyasha watched, his eyes shining with disappointment. She was running, and he knew she’d regret this.

“Just answer me this,” He started, his voice gaining a calmer tone. “Are you sure you want to do this to yourself?”

Kagome sighed and looked out her window. Of course she wasn’t sure, but she wanted to be. She wanted to take the chance, she wanted things to work out and she wanted to be happy and in love.

Kagome stopped outside and looked back at the school auditorium. She had always wanted to enter in the high school talent competition, but she’d never had the nerve. She’d never believed in her talent to sing, but Inuyasha had always been there encouraging her, telling her she was the best, that she could make it. And right now she was running away. She was running away from her dream, and she knew Inuyasha would be disappointed.

“But I can’t,” She said to herself. As she fought an inner battle Inuyasha came out the side door to watch her. His eyes held that blank look as he watched her. He was trying to mask his disappointment; he never showed her his emotions when he knew they’d hurt her, or gave away his real feelings.

“Are you running away?” He asked. Kagome looked at him, and saw that disappointment flash across his gaze when he stared into her eyes. She let out a shuddering breath and looked up at the night sky.

“I want to,” She replied. Inuyasha shook his head, watching her.

“I know you do, but are you going too?” He asked again. Kagome watched the stars, hoping for them to give her some kind of answer.

“… No. Not yet anyway, just give me a minute,” She told him. Inuyasha nodded and headed back inside. He was prepared with an excuse; he knew she was probably walking away right now, so he was ready to give her excuse.

“I can’t lie. But I can tell you that I’m never going to know if things could work out if I don’t take the chance to let them happen. I want this; I want to know it will work. I want to love him,” She replied.

She looked back at Inuyasha, and gave him a weak smile. It wasn’t returned, and he just looked past her. He was guarding his emotions again, hiding them. She could tell by the blank look in his eyes.

Inuyasha waited for them to call her name before he went onto the stage and smiled at the judges, as he cleared his throat.

“Um… You see Kagome was feeling a little under the weather earlier-”.

“Yeah,” a voice interrupted. Inuyasha smiled as he turned to see Kagome coming onto the stage. She smiled at him nervously.

“Yeah, I was. But I’m better now, sorry for the delay,” She told the groups of adults. They all nodded and Kagome smiled handing her music to the pianist. Inuyasha walked off to the side and watched her as she cleared her throat. And when the music started, her voice didn’t even quiver with fear or nerves, she just sang perfectly. Like she was back sitting under the stars with him.

Inuyasha had always been there for her. He always had encouraged her, and always believed in her, he never gave up on her. Kagome never forgot that, and she always hated to disappoint him.

“Fine,” He told her. He turned his back to her then and went to the door, resting his hand on the handle. Before he pushed it open, and turned back to look her in the eyes.

Kagome felt tears fill her eyes as she saw his disappointment, his anger, and worst of all something she didn’t want to see…his love.

“It’s your decision. But don’t come crying to me when he breaks your heart again. Cause I don’t want to hear it, not again”.