InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ Fears And Tears ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
There was a sense of fear he hadn’t felt for the longest time as those words swirled in his mind, and he didn’t know what to do. He fumbled with his words for a second before he replied in a rush to Sango.

“I’ll be right over, don’t worry”. In an instant he dropped his cell phone into his passenger seat and started his car. He didn’t bother to check for cops, or worry about them as he rushed from the parking lot; the only thing in his mind was to get to Kagome.

When he had first started middle school he had been rather lonely. He didn’t have Kagome there to console him, or even smile at him, but that was fine with him, he’d been alone all those years before he’d befriended Kagome, so he could wait another year until he had her companionship in school.

It had been maybe the second week of school when he had come home to find his father home from work, sitting and waiting for him. He had never had a good relationship with his father, but he knew when something was wrong. His father always got this look, his eyes always relaying a message of sorrow or pain.

“What’s wrong? Why are you home?” Inuyasha asked as he entered the house, unceremoniously dropping his bag on the floor. Inuyasha got many of his traits from his father, like his oddly colored hair and eyes, and bits of his personality reflected his father as well, like his pride and cocky attitude.

“There’s, there’s been an accident,” His father replied. Inuyasha looked at him in horror, approaching him slowly.

“With who? What happened?” He asked urgently. Inuyasha’s father looked down at him with sad eyes, and took a deep breath before reaching out to rest his large hands on his son’s shoulders.

“Kagome and her father were in a car accident this morning. Unfortunately, Kagome’s father, he didn’t survive the crash,” He told him gravely. Inuyasha pulled back and looked at him with wide pleading eyes.

“And what about Kagome?” He asked. His father gave a small sigh.

“She’s still in the hospital, she has a bad concussion, but that was all. She’ll be fine,” He told him. Inuyasha wanted to sigh in relief, but he knew that he shouldn’t be happy. What was Kagome going to do; her father had meant the world to her. She had always been a daddy’s girl, and now how was she supposed to deal with this?

“Can I go see her, can you take me to see her?” He asked, his voice panicked.

“Of course, get your coat, we’ll leave right now”.

Sango opened the door for him and he entered looking around. Kagome wasn’t anywhere there, his eyes rested on the door of the bathroom, and Sango let out a sigh as she shut the door.

“She’s locked herself in there, I’ve tried everything to get her to come out, but she doesn’t listen. She just stopped crying, but she won’t tell me what happened, she won’t even talk to me,” Sango told him sadly. Inuyasha wanted to sigh in relief she wasn’t hurt, but the idea of her locking herself in the bathroom wasn’t anymore comforting. He nodded at Sango, before giving her a serious look. She nodded and then collected her things and left the room, Inuyasha needed to talk with her alone.

Inuyasha approached the door and lightly knocked. When he got no answer he leaned against it, gripping the handle.

“Open the door Kagome. It’s me,” He called. From inside he heard her sniffling, but other then that there was no answer or movement. He wiggled the handle and pushed the door. It didn’t open.

“Open this door, now. We need to talk,” He told her, his voice firm. Still she didn’t say anything, or open the door. He sighed and rested his head again the frame.

“Please, come on Kagome,” He pleaded.

They had let her home after a night of observation in the hospital, but the instant she got home she had locked herself in her room, refusing to talk with anyone, even her own mother.

Kagome sat huddled in the corner of her room, her eyes glazed with tears and pain. She had been there for the past two days, refusing to eat, speak, or even move. She blamed herself for the accident, and she couldn’t believe her father was really gone. If only she hadn’t begged him to drive her to school, if only she hadn’t been a brat and refused to take the bus on the first day. If only she could have died instead of him.

A knock on the door distracted her from her thoughts for a second, but she ignored it as her mother’s voice followed it.

“Kagome, please sweet heart. Please come out, and eat don’t do this to yourself,” Her mother begged through the door, her voice muffled by the wood. Kagome curled further into a ball, reaching up to hold her hands over her ears. She couldn’t bare to hear her mother’s voice so sad, not when she knew she was the cause of it.

“Kagome, please. Inuyasha is here, please let him in,” Her mother said. Kagome tried to ignore her, and then when she fell silent on the other side, Kagome finally removed her hands. She looked out the window that was eye level with her and saw how life continued on outside, like nothing had changed. Maybe the world wouldn’t notice if she too, disappeared.

“Kagome?” Kagome sat up at that voice; she’d know it anywhere. But he sounded unsure, not like his usual self and Kagome wiped the tears from her bruised cheeks that had fallen hearing it.

“Kagome, can I come in? Can you open the door?” Inuyasha asked, his voice soft, but loud enough to carry through the door. Kagome wanted to get up right then and answer him, she wanted him there with her, to tell her jokes and make her forget. She bit her bottom lip, wincing as she reopened a cut there.

“G-go away,” She said, finding her voice. It was hoarse from lack of use and her constant sobs over the past night. Inuyasha knocked again, and twisted the handle.

“Please, Kagome. Don’t push me away,” He begged. Kagome let out a sob, and held her arms tighter around her knees to stop herself from giving in. He fell silent again, and then her door shuddered with a force behind it. Kagome looked at it in fright, he was going to break it down.

Inuyasha steeled himself and shook the handle. She knew he could easily break down the door, but still she refused to open it. He sighed and backed away; he gave it a kick only a little one to frightened her.

“I’ll break it down, you know I will,” He called to her. He waited for her to reply, but when it didn’t come he kicked it again.

“Stop it, just go away Inuyasha,” She shouted from the inside. He stopped and shook the handle again.

“Not until you come out, tell me what happened, what’s wrong?” He asked, shaking the handle again. Her heard her shift inside before she let out a sob and thudded the door, most likely with her fist.

“Why do you even care, you told me not to cry to you anymore. So just leave me alone, GO AWAY!” She screamed, her voice hoarse as she did so. Inuyasha growled at himself.

“You know I didn’t mean it, now open the god damn door!” He shouted back, slamming his fist into it.

Inuyasha rubbed his shoulder before he tried again. He knew that he’d most likely dislocate something before he got the door open, but he had to try, she couldn’t stay in there and waste away in her sorrow. He kicked the door when his shoulder started to hurt too much, and then punched it.

“Let me IN,” He yelled finally. He was going to punch it again when it opened.

Her cheeks were cover by fading bruises, and above her right eye was a patch covering the stitches. Her eyes were shining with tears, and her lips trembling, a small cut on her bottom lip was bleeding. They stood there in silence, both observing each other.

“Didn’t you hear me knock?” Inuyasha asked, the barest of smiles on his lips. Kagome shook her head and then fell against him, wrapping her petite arms around his chest as she cried. Inuyasha led her back into the room and then sat her down on her bed as he hugged her back. She was shaking, and he just held onto her, hoping that she’d get over this.

“He’s gone… he’s really gone,” She whispered, her voice hoarse with sorrow. Inuyasha held her tighter.

“No he isn’t. He’s in your heart, like my mother is for me. Don’t be sad for him just let him go. Let him go”.

Inuyasha fell silent as he heard the door unlock, he wanted to force it open, but he knew she would only fight him. A moment passed and then the door opened slowly. She didn’t acknowledge him, she just pushed past him and stood with her back to him, her arms wrapping around herself as she shivered faintly.

“What happened?” He asked. Kagome didn’t turn to look at him, and her reply was barely above a whisper that he didn’t catch.

“What did you say?” He asked softly. She turned to him and stared him in the eye.

“Why do you always have to be right?” She asked in a rage, her hands clenching as they fell to her sides. She shook her head, trying to stop her tears as she went and sat on her bed. She wrapped her arms around herself again, and bit at her bottom lip to keep it from trembling.

“What do you mean, I don’t know what you’re talking about?” He asked, standing in front of her. Kagome refused to look at him, because she knew if she did she wouldn’t be able to hold back her tears.

“You were right about Koga, damn you, you were right,” She shouted, her fists clenching around her arms. She looked up at him then, and glared at him through her tears.

“You were right, and now I’m paying the price for my stupidity,” She sobbed. Inuyasha looked at her, his eyes shining with anger and fear. What price was she paying?

“Kagome, what happened?” He asked her again his voice calm and slow. She looked him in the eyes, and gave a wry smile.

“I’m pregnant”.