InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ The Choices She Makes ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Time seemed to slow as her words swirled through his head, and he just stared at her as he realized that this was bigger then anything they had ever encountered before. He shook his head at her and then turned away from her. What was going to happen now? Behind him he heard her sob again, and then her hand clutch the back of his shirt.

“Inuyasha…” She said, she sounded so lost and frightened, so child like. He resisted the urge to turn to her and hold her, as he pulled free of her grasp.

“How did it happen?” His voice was distant, and he didn’t turn to look at her, just clenched his fists at his sides.

“I went to a party with him, and… I was stupid. I only wanted to love him I wanted to feel needed…” She paused a moment to stop herself from sobbing. “ I just wanted him to love me”.

“So what? You slept with him!” He shouted, turning to her, his eyes blazed with anger and disappointment, and most of all hurt and Kagome winced at the look.

“I was drunk, and he was too and I felt so lonely, I wanted to feel loved. I didn’t know what I was doing... I was stupid. I’m sorry,” She shouted back, her voice now over come with sobs again, and she huddled into a little ball, trying to hide away from his look. She hated how he looked so mad, and disappointed, she just wanted to disappear.

Inuyasha sighed to himself and tried to tame the anger sweeping through him. He shouldn’t be arguing with her, he shouldn’t be mad, or yell, she needed comfort, and guidance. She looked so much like a child he had to wonder how it was possible for her to carry one herself. He took a deep breath and then sat down beside her.

“So what are we going to do now?” He asked. Kagome shook her head and didn’t look up at him.

“I-I, I don’t know,” Came her muffled reply. Inuyasha nodded, and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

“All right. We can think about it tomorrow morning”.

Sango paced about the room with a worried look, her eyes glancing ever so often at the phone hanging on the kitchen wall. At the small table set on the tile floor, Miroku watched her with heavy eyes, as he slumped further in his chair.

“Stop it, and sit down. Or go to bed, you‘re making me dizzy,” He grumbled at her. Sango whipped around to glare at him, and shook her fist.

“This isn’t a time for that. They haven’t called, what if something serious has happened? Do you honestly believe I could relax or even sleep when my best friend could be in serious trouble?” She shouted at him. Miroku sighed and reached up to rub at his eyes, and glance at the clock on his wall.

“It’s three in the morning, I’m sure everything’s fine and they just fell asleep, or something. Look, you can crash here tonight, I’ll set up the couch for you,” He told her. Sango took a deep breath before she nodded. She shouldn’t yell at him, he was kind enough to let her stay this long, and even offered her a bed for the night. She was about to thank him, when the phone rang and she instantly jumped to pick it up.

“Hello” She asked. There was a sigh on the other end and she bit her lip waiting.

“She’s out of the bathroom, and sleeping now. Sorry I didn’t call earlier but I fell asleep myself. Look do you think I could just stay tonight, do you have somewhere you can sleep?” Inuyasha asked over the phone. Sango sigh in relief, before she answered.

“Yes, is she all right? What happened?” She asked.

“She’s going to have to tell you herself, it’s something only she can tell you. I’ll call you tomorrow and tell you how things are, all right?” He replied after a moment.

“Yeah, but can I ask you one more thing?”

“What is it?” He replied.

“Will she be all right?” She asked.

“I can’t tell you that, because I don’t even know myself. Just, don’t worry about it. Goodnight,” He replied. Sango bit her bottom lip and then hung up the phone. Miroku was standing in the doorway resting against the frame as he watched her. She gave him the barest of smiles.

“It’s okay, for now. Let‘s go to bed,” She told him. Miroku smirked at her, and licked his lips his eyes glimmering with mischief.

“All right, you want the top or bottom?”.

Kagome woke up to find herself comfortably tuck in her bed. She sat up with a start and looked around dazedly, until she saw her clock. It read twelve o’clock, and judging by the sun streaming from her window, it was the afternoon. She wiped at her wet cheeks, realizing she must have cried while she slept, and then glanced across the room. The sight that met her eyes warmed her heart, as she found Inuyasha sound asleep on Sango’s bed. He looked peaceful and untroubled, and Kagome wished he could look like that all the time, but she knew that he wouldn’t not so long as she caused problems for him.

“What am I going to do?,” She asked herself. She shook her head clearing her thoughts before she decided a shower would be a good thing to start with. She crawled from her bed and moved across the small space to her dresser to pull out clean towels and a fresh set of clothes. She rubbed her eyes again and then headed to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

Kagome sat in the shower for a long time, the water beating down on her form as she sat dazed. She had to wonder how she was going to get through college with a child. Would they kick her out? Would she flunk out and live on the streets? Her thoughts were quickly spiraling downward and out of control, she needed to decided what needed to be done first. Obviously she would keep the baby, she wasn’t one to end a child’s life before it began, she didn’t have the heart to do it. Adoption was an option she would keep open until the time came, she didn’t want to rush into something like that, then have the time come and she didn’t want to give up the baby. Of course she knew that having a child could change her life forever, but it was something she was willing to do.

A loud knock on the door brought her from her thoughts and she looked to the door confused. The voice that called to her brought a smile to her face.

“Kagome? Are you all right in there?” Inuyasha called to her. She reached over and turned off the water, reaching for her towel as she did so.

“Yeah, sorry I was just spacing out,” She called back. Inuyasha didn’t say anything else so she sighed and quickly got dressed, throwing her hair into a towel to dry. When she stepped out again Inuyasha was perched on Sango’s bed staring out the window. He looked like he was brooding about something, but she already knew what about.

“I’m sorry, for putting you through this,” She apologized, gaining his attention immediately. He gave her a small smile and just shrugged his shoulders.

“It was my choice, I could have walked away. Now, let’s talk about what we’re going to do,” He said. Kagome nodded and took a seat on her bed, pulling her legs to her chest.

“I’m keeping the baby,” She said. Inuyasha looked at her for a moment before he nodded. Kagome raised an eyebrow at him, and he smiled.

“I knew you’d never go through with an abortion. I know you to well, you go out of your way to give everyone a chance,” He told her. Kagome smiled and looked out the window to avoid his gaze.

“I’ll look into adoption later on, I want the option but I don’t want to commit to it right away. Now, what else do we have to do?,” She asked, looking back to him. Inuyasha sighed and reached up to run a hand through his mussed hair.

“Tell your mother… and Koga,” He said. Kagome bit her lips nervously.

“My mother, and Koga… My mother, how do you think she’ll take it?” She asked, trying not to picture it in her mind. Inuyasha sighed.

“One of three things could happen. One being she freaks out and demands you have an abortion, second she freaks out and then tell you to give it up after it’s born, and third she accepts and then helps you make your decisions,” He told her, counting off with his fingers. Kagome bit her bottom lip nervously.

“I’m scared,” She told him after a while. Inuyasha nodded, and then made his way to sit beside her.

“Yeah, I know. But don’t let it stop you from doing what you want and need to do. No matter what the circumstances this baby is your responsibility and you have to make the decisions”. Kagome smiled nodding as she leaned onto his shoulder. Of course telling her mother would be hard, but what about Koga? How was he going to react?