InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ Miroku's One Good Idea ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
With a dejected sigh Miroku glanced across the table at Sango who was staring blankly into her coffee mug. She’d been like that for a while now and he didn’t know what to say to start a conversation. He glanced at the clock and then at the wall, and then out into his living room.

“So,” He said looking back to her. Sango looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

“So what?” She asked.

“So, what do think Kagome’s going to have?” It probably wasn’t the best question, but it was the only thing he could think of. Sango looked at him inquiringly, and then shook her head.

“I say a girl,” Was her reply. Miroku thought this over, but he really knew nothing about the subject.

“Why do you think that?” He asked. Sango took a sip of her drink, then swirled it around in her mouth before swallowing.

“Because she’s been so sick. My mother had always used to tell me that she was horribly sick when she was pregnant with me. Usually you get severe morning sickness if it’s a girl, though I haven’t a clue why,” She told him.

“I believe that could be true. But perhaps it just depends on the woman. I think it would be nice if Kagome had a boy, then I could be his uncle and teach him how to talk to the ladies”. Sango snorted at this and Miroku gave her an indignant look.

“What’s so funny about that, I happen to be quite the ladies man,” He told her. Sango laughed loudly at this, her eyes starting to cloud with mirthful tears.

“I guess that’s why you get slapped so much, you must be a magnet and so those women’s hands are just sucked toward your face. Please, you lecher,” Sango laughed. Miroku smirked at her and Sango stopped to eye him cautiously.

“Well I must be pretty good with women, since you agreed to go out with me,” He said, waggling an eyebrow at her. Sango snorted again, and then started laughing, holding her sides when they started to ache.

“Oh, stop it. You’re killing me”. Miroku sat back in his seat again a pout on his lips as Sango continued to laugh mercilessly at him. He smiled after a while happy he could make her laugh.

“Go in already, I haven’t got all day,” Inuyasha growled. Kagome gave him and angry look and then folded her arms across her chest.

“No, not until I’m sure I have the perfect story,” She told him. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and began to tap his foot impatiently. Kagome clenched her hands in the long shirtsleeves of Inuyasha’s sweater before she waltzed into the room before her. She hadn’t been ready to do that but Inuyasha’s insistent tapping was driving her crazy.

“Ah, Ms. Higurashi. A pleasure to see you in class again,” Her professor said. Kagome smiled faintly and swore to herself she’d dismantle Inuyasha later.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but I’ve been horribly sick lately and I couldn’t make it to your class today. But I was wondering if I could get the notes, so I could get caught up,” She asked politely. Her professor shook his head at her, and smiled.

“You can get the notes from a student. I never hand out class notes to those who miss my class. I should hope you are here tomorrow, or that you have a friend who takes wonderful notes, good day”. He left her after that, and Inuyasha came in a smirk on his lips.

“It wasn’t that hard, now was it?” He asked. Kagome sniffled, and looked away. Of course there wasn’t a real reason to cry, but she felt frustrated by the way her professor had talked to her so patronizingly, she hated when people thought she was dumb or treated her as such.

“Shut up, Inuyasha,” She told him. Inuyasha realized that he’d made a mistake and reached out to her. She pushed him away and wiped at her tears.

“I’m fine, just my stupid hormones again”. Inuyasha sighed and then they left to go out for lunch.

“I didn’t think she was going to be so damn emotional, it’s driving me bonkers,” Sango admitted. Miroku nodded and leaned back in his seat. They’d been talking about this since he’d brought up the subject of Kagome. It seemed lately it was the only thing Sango cared to talk about.

“I don’t mean to be mean, it’s just I hate how she is so, well how she’s so sensitive,” Sango sighed, and ran a hand through her hair.

“Maybe you should tell her this, and you two could work out an agreement,” Miroku suggested. Sango shook her head.

“I’d only upset her by telling her this, she’s already worried about being a burden to me. I don’t want her to feel exiled”. Miroku shrugged glancing across at her.

“Why don’t you suggest she move in with Inuyasha? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, since he’s so damned picky and protective of her, I think he’d jump at the offer,” He said nonchalantly. Sango smiled at him, and jumped up from her seat.

“That’s amazing. So you do have a brain!” Sango exclaimed. Miroku smiled proudly, before he realize what’d she had said.

“Hey, now wait a minute-”.

“Shut up, I’m going to call Inuyasha right now and ask him,” Sango interrupted as she rushed to the phone.

Inuyasha jumped as his phone started to vibrate in his pant’s pocket, he’d forgotten he’d had it on that setting and he decided he didn’t like it.

“What do you want?” He answered. Kagome looked up from her meal and cocked her head at him. He shook his head and she shrugged returning to her sandwich.

“Well, that’s a nice greeting, but I guess I should expect it with you,” Came Sango’s voice. Inuyasha rolled his eyes.

“Yeah, yeah. In case you’re calling to check up, she’s fine, we’re out at lunch right now,” He told her defensively. He was getting prepared to be chewed out by her, but in fact he got just the opposite.

“That’s good. Look I just had this wild idea, that could work out,” She told him. There was an indignant shout somewhere behind her and she sighed in exasperation. “Okay, it was Miroku’s idea”.

“Okay, so tell me,” He said.

“Maybe Kagome should move in with you. I mean you’ve got the extra room, and it’s obvious that you can take better care of her, and then you wouldn’t have to worry about her so much”. Inuyasha looked over at Kagome nervously as she watched him.

“Kagome, I’ll be right back, I um forgot to get ketchup”. He stood abruptly and headed for the men’s restroom to continue his call.

“Now, tell me why you’ve suddenly changed your mind about taking care of her,” He demanded. Sango sighed over the phone.

“I haven’t, it’s just. Kagome is so emotional now, and I feel like everything I say or do sets her off. I’m dating now and she’s feeling so left out and lonely, I can only think she’ll feel better staying with you. You guys are best friends, and you get along so well. Not to mention you’re good at comforting her”.

“But is Kagome going to like this. I mean this is great, I was thinking about inviting her myself, but-”.

“Then do it, right now. Don’t even tell her it was my idea-”. There was another indignant shout over the phone and Sango sighed. “I mean, Miroku’s idea. Just tell her you think it would be best for her, which it is. I’m sure she’ll agree. It’s the best choice for her”.

Inuyasha scratched his head pensively and then let out a sigh. Sango was right; it was the best choice for Kagome. He could take care of her and they were close, and she wouldn’t be alone every time Sango went out.

“All right, I guess this can work. But only if Kagome agrees, I don’t want to force her into anything,” He told her. Sango laughed.

“No of course not, but believe me I’m sure it will be fine”.

“All right. I’ll talk to you later”. He hung up the phone and stuck it back in his pocket. This was a good idea, it was best for Kagome and he would take care of her. The only problem was getting her to agree, which wouldn’t be as easy as Sango believed.