InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ A Mother's Word ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Sango had panicked when she woke up to find Kagome missing from her bed, and in a moment of frantic she reached for her phone to call Inuyasha, hoping that she was there, but instead she found the short note Kagome had left her. It was simple and clean, but not enough to set aside Sango’s worries.

“I can’t believe she’d just up and leave like that. Even if she went to her mothers, I just don’t know what this girl is thinking,” Sango said to herself, shaking her head. She made a decision that she’d head over to Kagome’s mothers after her morning classes to try and convince the girl to come back to the dorm.

Asuka had welcomed her daughter back with open arms, wondering what had brought her back home after her excitement of finally leaving the house. It was unexpected and though she was happy to have her home, she worried what the real reason for her return was.

“Did you have a nice sleep?” Asuka asked, as Kagome came to sit at the kitchen table. The weary red-eyed gaze she wore, told her mother that she didn’t, but Kagome smiled anyway and nodded quietly.

“Well, that’s good. I made some eggs and toast for you, though I don’t know if you’re up to it,” Asuka continued, trying to start a light conversation. Kagome smiled at her mother genuinely.

“I’ll eat it anyway, because I’m starving,” She told her with a smile. Asuka laughed lightly, and handed her daughter a plate with eggs and toast.

“That’s good to hear, it shows your getting over your morning sickness”.

“Yeah, I guess”.

They sat in silence for a long while, Asuka watched her daughter her careworn eyes trailing across Kagome’s flushed cheeks, and her red eyes. It looked as though she had been crying, but she didn’t know why.

“Sweetheart, you’d tell me if something was wrong right? You know it’s no good to keep it inside,” Asuka said after a long time. Kagome looked up, her eyes slightly wide, before she let out a sigh.

“I-Inuyasha asked me to move in with him”.

“Well, I think that’s wonderful. He is your best friend, right?” Kagome nodded solemnly and then sat back in her seat.

“Yeah, but. But I’d hate to put that burden on him, he’s so busy working and with his own schoolwork. I don’t want to get in the way, I had already felt like such a pain for Sango and I didn’t want to burden anyone,” Kagome told her. Asuka smiled kindly and reached across the table to grasp her daughter’s hand that rested there.

“Sweetheart, do you really think that Inuyasha would have offered if he was afraid of you being to much for him? Kagome, he’s your best friend and he cares for you so much, and he just wants to take care of you. He’s not worried about you being a burden he doesn’t care about that. As for Sango, did she ever tell you, that you were to much for her to handle?” When Kagome remained silent, Asuka chuckled lightly, patting her daughter’s hand in reassurance.

“See now, no worries”.

“She’s gone back home, and it’s all because of you Inuyasha. You really hurt her when you said that. I can’t believe you,” Sango shouted. Inuyasha cowered slightly and took a seat on Kagome’s cold bed.

“She’s the one who told me she didn’t want my help,” He muttered helplessly. Sango smacked her forehead and glared at him.

“Do you always suffer from constant stupidity? Because too bad for you, they have yet to discover a treatment,” Sango yelled. “You can’t possibly tell me that you, of all people just gave up. What happened to your hard headed, stubbornness?”

“Shut up, already. Okay, I get it, I messed up big time,” Inuyasha shouted back. Sango crossed her arms and sat down on her bed, a caustic look on her face.

“So, now what are you going to do about?” She asked. Inuyasha took a minute to think it over, and he thought through a few excuses, because he knew that apologizing to Kagome was going to be extremely painful.

He was just standing there, fidgeting anxiously. And he had been for at least ten minutes. Kagome had noticed him while she had been washing some dishes in the kitchen sink, and it just so happened her kitchen window gave a perfect view of the front door. She was almost amused at his predicament, and she scolded herself when she laughed as he raised his fist for a third time to knock, before chickening out. He’d never been to good at apologizing, when it was a severe case such as this, and Kagome would have still been fuming and sad about his words, had she not had that discussion with her mother.

‘Just knock stupid,’ She thought, watching as he raised his arm again. She rolled her eyes, as he lowered it with a scowl and cursed aloud to himself. He spun on his heel and was about to leave when the front door opened, and Kagome saw her mother standing there with a smile. Inuyasha paled, and she let herself giggled before she shut off the sink and finished drying her dish.

“Kagome, Inuyasha’s here to see you”. Her mother shouted to her a moment later. Kagome smiled to herself and dried her hands before she headed into the living room where the said person was waiting for her looking rather jumpy. Kagome smiled at her mother and gave her a nod for to sign it was okay for her to leave.

“So, how have you been?” Kagome asked, after her mother left the room. Inuyasha looked at her, his eyebrow’s raised.

“You’re not mad still?” He asked, slightly surprised. Kagome shrugged her shoulders.

“I’ve had time to cool down, and think things over,” She replied. Inuyasha nodded, and then Kagome smiled at him and pulled him over to the couch to sit. Kagome sat Indian style facing him, and Inuyasha twisted to face her, one leg hanging off to the side.

“So, by you saying you’ve thought things over. Does that mean you’ll move in with me?” He asked after a few moments of silence. Kagome bit her lip pensively and let her eye drift off to the window.

“I don’t know. It really is a big decision,” She told him after a while. Inuyasha nodded, leaning into the couch.

“I know, but I can take care of you. And I want to,” He said to her. Kagome smiled affectionately and nodded.

“I know, and thanks. But I want you to be sure about this; because once I move in I’m not moving back out. It’s to much of a hassle,” Kagome replied. Inuyasha snorted, and met her gaze.

“I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t sure”. Kagome laughed and lunged forward, giving him a big bear hug. Inuyasha rolled his eyes, and then returned it.

“So, I’m taking that as a yes”. Kagome snorted in his ear.

“Well, duh”.