InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ Singed Hair and Baby Cribs ( Chapter 26 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

             Inuyasha leaned away again as the heat of the hair dryer came to close to the back of his neck, making him cringe as the skin there heated unpleasantly.

“That’s hot,” He whined. Kagome rolled her eyes, pulling away the dryer again to go over his hair with a comb. Inuyasha shifted again and she had to resist the temptation to tug on his hair to make him stay still.

“You’re worse than any kid I’ve ever met, I can’t believe how fidgety you are,” Kagome huffed. Inuyasha snorted and crossed his arms across his chest.

“I wouldn’t be if you didn’t get to close with that hot air, it’s burning my neck. I can smell the singed hair’s,” He grumbled. Kagome laughed and tugged the comb down his length of hair, before clicking off the hair dryer and dropping it and her comb on the bureau behind her.

“Baby, I’m done now, so you can go get ready,” She sighed. Inuyasha stood quickly and then left her room, giving her the evil eye over his shoulder. Kagome rolled her eyes once again before kicking the door shut with her foot and turning to get dressed for her outing with her mother.

      &nbs p;     Kagome felt her mother hovering nearby, clucking her tongue at this or that. Kagome tried not to snap at her knowing she wasn’t trying to be annoying, she was just commenting on the over priced cribs, and her choices.

“This is nice, and it can be turned into a bed for when the baby is old enough,” Kagome said, pointedly glancing at Inuyasha. Her mother picked at the price tag her eyes widening.

“Kagome this is a lot of money, wouldn’t you rather one of the ones on sale, over there” Her mother lifted a finger to direct her vision to the small set up of half priced cribs. Kagome let out a deep breath and smiled patiently at her mother.

“Mama, we went over this already. Those cribs aren’t safe, I told you about that article I read, remember, they’re on sale now because they are trying to get rid of them,” Kagome said evenly. Her mother tilted her head before she let out a breath or air.

“Alright honey, I just was worried about you spending too much on a crib when there are so many other things you’ll need as well, like a changing bed, and a rocking chair,” She replied, counting the items off on her fingers. Kagome smiled at her and shook her head.

“I know Mama, but this bed is good because it grows with the kid, so we won’t have to buy another bed for a while, see Mama. I know what I’m doing” Inuyasha glanced between the two of them, quite lost as what to do, so he just kept his mouth shut and stared off down the aisle, his eyes scanning the other few couples wandering around. He watched as a young woman was tugged down the aisle by her over-excited five year old girl. A small smile found his lips as he watched the girl jump up and down pointing at a pink crib with ruffles around its edges.

“Inuyasha!” His head whipped around, and he blinked as Kagome let out a huff.

“Um, yeah?”

“I was talking to a wall I guess. Mama went to find a guy to get us one of these cribs from the back, I was asking you if you wanted to look at the changing tables or if you wanted to call it quits,” Kagome said again. Inuyasha shrugged his eyes straying back to the little girl and her mother.

“Lets call it a day, you have that lunch date with Amber, right?” He said looking back to her. Kagome nodded, her fingers curling over the edge of the bed as she saw what he had been watching.

“Yeah...” Her lips twitched down to a frown as she glanced around, seeing all the other young couples. All the other daddy’s and mommy’s.

“What’s the matter?” Inuyasha asked. Kagome looked up to him, her eyes shining.

“My baby isn’t going to have a daddy...”

“Don’t be stupid, you’re baby will have better. Your baby has me” Kagome snorted and rolled her eyes, her sadness quickly forgotten.

“Right, I feel bad for her already,” She sighed. Inuyasha raised and eyebrow, before shrugging and reaching to grasp her hand, tugging her down the aisle to where they spotted her mother badgering the poor boy who was staggering under the weight of the crib box, trying to get it on a trolley.