InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ Auntie Amber ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

             Inuyasha took his leave from the girl’s, leaving them downtown to meet with Amber while he took the newly bought crib to their apartment. He dialed Miroku’s number as he drove praying the man would meet him at his building to help him get the crib up to his apartment.

“Hello?” Inuyasha did a double take for a minute when he heard Sango answer, before he let out a sigh and smiled knowingly.

“Hey Sango, is Miroku there, or did he leave knowing I’d be calling him for help,” Inuyasha asked. Sango chuckled and he listened in the background as another voice, deeper and male was buzzing with complaint.

“He’s here, but I’ll send him over” She told him. Inuyasha smiled at the louder protests from the background, before chuckling and thanking her.

       & nbsp;    Amber sat back watching the older woman as she prattled on about how Kagome was so grown up, and how impressed she was by her daughter. Kagome looked rather on edge, her eyes narrowing as she watched her mother gesturing enthusiastically and telling some silly story about how Kagome had gotten stuck in a tree. Inuyasha had been the one to rescue her of course, the two were near inseparable since they day they met.

“You two are real close, aren’t you?” Amber asked, her blue eyes watching Kagome intently. Kagome smiled.

“Yeah, he’s my best friend,” She admitted. Amber raised an eyebrow, but said nothing more, as Kagome mother started again on another story. Through out the rest on the meal Kagome got the distinct feeling that Amber was starting to get silly ideas in her head, just like Sango. Silly ideas that included her and Inuyasha being everything other than friends.

      &nb sp;     “Why is it that I’m always suckered into these laborious activities,” Miroku grumbled as he held the crib while Inuyasha opened the door. His fingers were starting to ache, as well as his wrists, and his back was slightly damp with sweat. “And why the hell are you taking so long opening that damn door!”

Inuyasha rolled his eyes, pushing open the door and taking a side of the crib walking backwards into the apartment, and picking his way towards Kagome’s room.

“You are such a wimp, I should just asked Sango, I’m sure she could of handled this without a single peep of complaint,” Inuyasha joked. Miroku huffed indignantly.

“Are you saying my girlfriend is more of a man than I am?”

“You better hope that statement doesn’t get back to her, or you’ll be in big trouble” Inuyasha snorted.

“If you say one word of it, I’ll tell Kagome that you secretly lust after her”

Inuyasha snorted again, raising an eyebrow. “Like she’d believe a word from you mouth”

“I’m quite insulted at your insinuation, I would never lie to our dearest Kagome”

“Quit spewing hot air and hold this while I get the door”

             Kagome came to a stop at another baby display, fingering at the pink ruffled dresses on sale, and the baby blue overalls. Her mother had left them to themselves, going home to rest her feet, declaring that baby shopping was quit exhausting. Kagome insisted they spend sometimes together, and shop around.

“These are so cute,” She cooed. Amber giggled and picked up a dress, holding it over Kagome’s protruding belly.

“Your baby is going to be the cutest thing, are you hoping for a girl or boy?”

“I don’t really have a preference, I’ll love the baby no matter what. I could never decide between having a girl or boy, they both would be fun,” Kagome sighed. Amber smiled, hanging the dress back up.

“How am I going to by you a baby shower gift if I don’t know whether to get pink or blue,” She complained. Kagome blinked at her, then shook her head.

“You don’t have to get me anything. I mean it,” She protested. Amber laughed and reached for a set of light yellow and orange socks.

“I want to, besides you can’t get everything yourself, you’ll be broke just buying the big things. Your baby deserves the best, and I intended to get my little niece or nephew everything they desire”

Kagome looked up at her in surprise her eyes shining wetly at her proclamation. Amber reached out to squeeze her hand, laughing again.

“Just because my idiot brother doesn’t accept this baby as his, I’m not going to do the same. I’m excited because in a way this makes us like sisters, and I’ve always wanted to be an aunt”

“Are you serious? You want to be Auntie Amber?” Kagome asked, her fingers curling over Ambers. The blonde girl laughed and tilted her head to the side.

“There was never a doubt in my mind that I wouldn’t be, your family now, now matter if the father denies it” Kagome was silent for a few moments before she smiled brilliantly, tears glistening unshed in her eyes.

“Thanks, Auntie Amber”