InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ The Best Family ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

             Kagome sighed leaning back in her seat as she waited for Inuyasha. He said he’d be quick running his little errand, that she didn’t need to bother coming in with him. Well, had she known he’d be half an hour she would of demanded to be taken home first. She grumbled to herself before she reached for the handle of her door and pushed it open, with a strength she didn’t know she had. She slammed the door and stomped up to the lit glass door to the shop part of the car service place.

“Hello?” She called. In the back there was a burst of laughter and she set her face with a scowl, marching toward the sound. As she approached the open door, she saw Inuyasha perched on the edge of a desk, his chuckles rumbling out of his chest as he covered his mouth with his hand to muffle his laughter. Kagome lost her steam seeing his cheery disposition.

“Inuyasha?” She called to him. He shot of the desk with such a speed Kagome thought for a second he’d of flown. He looked up at her guiltily from the floor where he’d landed, and then clambered back to his feet.

“Sorry Kagome, I forgot you were waiting in the car” He rushed to say. Kagome raised an eyebrow at him, folding her arms, her stomach sticking out with the action.

“Well, at least I know you care” He sputtered as she turned to his employer smiling sweetly.

“Hi, I’m Kagome,” She said. Greg stood and reached across the desk to offer her his hand, she took it, and he pulled back, his eyes scanning her up and down.

“Names Greg, if you don’t mind my asking, how far along are you?” He asked. Kagome blushed, her hands shifting to her stomach, in reflex.

“Just seven months this week” She said quietly. Greg smiled, nodding. From his desk he picked up a picture frame, holding out for her to see.

“I’ve got two kids myself, cute little rascals” He said, as Kagome grasped the frame, holding it closer to her face to look at the children in the picture. A boy and girl, with their fathers messy blonde hair stared back at her, both grinning.

“They are cute, how old?”

“Ray is ten, and Mai is going to be seven this month,” Greg replied. Kagome smiled replacing the frame on the desk. Greg reached to straighten it out.

“I just came in to tell him that I’d want two weeks off when the baby is born, so I can stay home to help you. That’s why I’ve been working so much this past month,” Inuyasha told her. Kagome’s eyes flickered to him and back to Greg to confirm this. He nodded and Kagome giggled.

“I can’t imagine you trying to handle a newborn, but you’re so sweet to think ahead like that,” Kagome said. Inuyasha smiled and shrugged sheepishly. He winked at Greg and then took Kagome’s elbow, directing her to the door.

“Well, we should go now, since my business is taken care of. I’ll see you tomorrow Greg,” He said. Kagome waved goodbye to him over her shoulder as Inuyasha pushed her out the door.

             Kagome shifted as Inuyasha fumbled with his keys, dropping them a second time and letting out a curse. She eyed him suspiciously, but didn’t say anything, knowing he was probably still embarrassed about forgetting her in the car when he was talking to Greg. He finally fitted the key to the door and twisted it, the small click sounded as the door unlocked. He smiled and pushed the door open for Kagome, allowing her in before him. Kagome rolled her eyes and went to look for the light switch. The room flooded with light, and Kagome sucked in a breath of air seeing the banner hung across the wall opposite her.


Kagome smiled at her friends, her heart racing in her chest with excitement. Miroku, Sango, Amber, and her mother all stood at the wall under the banner that proclaimed, ‘Congratulations On Reaching Month Seven’ in big bubble letters. Most likely written out by Sango and Amber.

“You guys, what is this for?” Kagome asked. Her mother smiled and rushed forward to help her out of her coat, taking her purse from her as well.

“Sweetheart, this is a baby shower for you. And also a celebration of you reaching month seven, you deserve some time to celebrate” Her mother told her. Kagome turned to look at Inuyasha who gave her a lopsided grin.

“So, was this your idea?” She asked. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow at her.

“It depends, are you accusing me of something bad or good?” Kagome snorted.

“Well, I did say I didn’t want a party” Inuyasha winced. “But, I’m glad you didn’t listen”

“You haven’t even seen the best part yet,” Amber exclaimed. She rushed forward grasping Kagome’s hand and then dragging her down the hallway towards her room.

        &nbs p;   The walls had been painted a deep amber a shade darker than a certain someone’s eyes. The crib had been finished and set against the wall beside the window, a changing table on the other side of the window, and then beside her bed was a comfy looking rocking chair. Kagome new she was close to tears, her vision going foggy, but if she blinked she knew the tears would fall.

“It’s beautiful, I can’t believe you guys did this,” She said in a wavering voice. Amber wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close.

“It was all Inuyasha’s idea, but Sango and I picked out the color scheme. We figured yellow was a neutral color, since you don’t know if the baby’s a boy or girl,” Amber told her. Kagome laughed and glanced at her other friend. Miroku and her were standing shoulder to shoulder, her mother to their right, and in the doorway Inuyasha leaned against the frame watching her. 

“It’s wonderful, perfect” She told them. She laughed and walked around, checking out the crib and changing table, then trying out the rocking chair, her hands resting on her stomach.

“I’m so happy and lucky to have such wonderful people surround me. This baby is going to have the best family”