InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ We've Been Here For So Long ❯ Aren't Nurses Suppose To Be Nice ( Chapter 31 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

 Halfway to the hospital Inuyasha realized he had forgotten to bring the over night bag Kagome had packed just the week before. In preparation for her trip to the hospital, she had probably not been expecting to have needed it so soon. He grimaced as he juggled with his phone, trying to call Sango. He let out a furious breath as he got her answering machine.

“Sango it’s Inu, listen Kagome’s gone into labor and I need you to go to my apartment and grab the suitcase by her bed. Call me back as soon as you get this. Call Kagome’s mother too,” He hung up, tossing his phone into the passenger seat, and taking a sharp corner.

      &nbs p;     Everything was cloudy, unclear, and swimming across her vision. Kagome closed her eyes, and the tears slipped in hot trails down her cheeks, falling back into her hair, making it damp so the strands stuck to her neck. She clenched her teeth against the scream that was working its way out of her throat.

“Remember to breath, you’ve had lamaze class, right?” The ever so helpful nurse asked. Kagome glared at her, and took a ragged breath. The nurse smiled patiently and patted the hand that was clasped tightly on the metal bar of the hospital bed.

“Keeping trying dear, I know its hard, but breathing will help with the contractions,” The nurse continued. Kagome panted as the pain halted, and swallowed.

“It’s hard you know, god damn it, it fucking hurts!,” She shouted. The nurse nodded and patted her hand again. Kagome felt an aggravated shriek bubble in her throat before she let it out.

“You need to GO AWAY! And somebody needs to find INUYASHA!” The nurse reacted to that, getting up from her seat to glare at the girl, before she turned heel and left. Kagome screamed again, her throat constricting with tears as she clenched her teeth against the aches in her body.

“Gods this hurts, I can’t do this...” She slumped, and turned her head to the side, her hair sticking to her cheek, wet with sweat and tears.

 “I want Inuyasha” she sobbed.

      &nbs p;     The nurse at the front desk looked up as a man burst through the front doors, his eyes wild and breathing harsh. He jogged up to the desk and gripped the edge.

“Kagome, Kagome Higurashi, my friend. She’s here, having a baby” He panted. The nurse nodded, and looked down at the lists before her.

“She’s on the second floor, room two twenty three,” She replied. Inuyasha mumbled a hurried thank you before searching out the stairs, the elevator would take too long.

             Sango riffled through the items in her purse searching out the keys Kagome had made for her so long ago. She wasn’t trying to rush, but the worry and excitement of a baby on the way was making her hands shiver with nerves. She blew her bangs from her eyes as she dropped her bag to the ground and kneeled before it, opening it wider.

“Aha!” She cried out triumphantly. She jumped to her feet, shoving the key in the door and then kicked her purse inside, before rushing to Kagome’s room.

“All right, now we can Kagome’s mother, then get a move on to the hospital,” She muttered to herself. She did a quick dip to lift her purse from the ground, dropping the keys in as she went. She shifted the purse to her shoulder, and the handle of the duffle bag to her shoulder. Her fingers nimbly found her cell phone and the keys on to call Mrs. Higurashi.

“Hello, Mrs. Higurashi, it’s Sango. Kagome’s gone into labor, and Inuyasha told me to get everyone to meet at the hospital”

     &n bsp;      Kagome was exhausted already. Everything hurt, and she was sweaty and emotional, and all she wanted to do was sleep. The nurse that had been with her came back ever so often to check on her, but never offered comfort or encouragement, since Kagome had snapped at her.

“Where’s Inuyasha? Why isn’t he here yet?” Kagome moaned. Her head lolled to the side and she lifted a heavy hand to brush away her tears.

“Idiot, stupid jerk” She grumbled. Her vision swam again with tears and she pushed them away angrily. The door opened and the mean nurse came in, to check on her again. She smiled down at Kagome, and took her blood pressure and shined a light in her eyes.

“Your friend is here, I’ll send him in,” She told her. Kagome waved a hand at her, not even listening.


Her head whipped around at the sound of his voice, and she felt herself want to cry and yell, and laugh all at the same time. Inuyasha rushed over to her side and gripped her clammy hand, offering a lopsided smirk.

“So I heard you’ve been terrorizing the nurses”