InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ A Little Trouble ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and the others but I do own a few OC.

Eqlipse: Sorry. I had meant to update the 10th but the COMPUTER ERASED THE WHOLE SECOND CHAPTER!! *Slams laptop up against rock repeatedly.* Oh well..*laptop falls apart* I thank all those who reviewed AND I would REALLY appreciate if at least a few more would review. *pouting* I stay up all night and day to write chapter after chapter those who read could at least say whether they liked it or not.

Kagome: Hey what do we do with `im?*Holds his left arm and Sango the right*

Eqlipse: *Looks up* Oh,*evil grin* Just tie him up and gag him. Then throw him in the closet.

Kagome: `Kay.

Sango: *smiles devilishly*

Sango and Kagome gag and tie him; they heave him to the closet. Walk back to Eqlipse.

Sango: Now what do you have in store for him?

Kagome: I don't think we WANT to know. Well be getting' ready for the fix. `Kay?*both leave*

Eqlipse: *Walks to closet and look at Akirakane* Maybe if the nice people review I'll set you free. *evil smirk* But no promises. *Closes door and looks to reviewers * I appriacate all of you and love that you enjoy my story. *Wipes cheerful tears. Sniff*

*Sees Akirakane trying to sneak past out of the corner of her eyes.*


Akirakane: *starts to run*

Eqlipse: *chases making battle cries* No one can save YOU!!!


~ ~ thinking

" " Speaking

* * Action

Chapter 2: A Little Trouble


Sango stood and Kagome followed suit and they turned to the right of the camp. "Come out…father."Sango whispers in the wind warmly and Kagome's eyes softened as a figure jumped through the trees to, in front of the two women letting the light show his face. "Hello, my two lovely daughters."


The figure was a head taller than Inuyasha with dark brown to his calves, very well built. His hazel eyes shined with warmth and his tail brown like his hair was wrapped around his left shoulder. Inuyasha jumped to be closer to the girls, one hand on Tetsusaiga.

Sango and Kagome wordlessly gave Shippo and Kirara to Miroku as the figure approached. They walked to him and he pulled them into a tight hug. "I've missed you both so much." Kagome answered "And we you father." "Very much." Sango added. Inuyasha was dumb struck. When they had been released, Miroku walked up behind them. Shippo and Kirara went back into the girls' arms. Their father sat so they did along with Miroku, but not Inuyasha. The girls turned their loving look into a glare as they snapped their eyes to Inuyasha. "Inuyasha, DO NOT hover over the Lord of the Easter Lands, you are trespassing you know." Sango ground out. "Either put your ass to the ground OR I'll do it for you." Kagome threatened. Inuyasha turned his attention to glare at the girls. "Wenches do NOT tell me what to do!" He growled. Before anyone could blink Inuyasha was pinned to a near by tree. "I am Lord Kin, Dog Demon Lord of the Eastern Land. And those `wenches' ARE MY daughters. You WILL address them with due respect or perish whelp," the father, Lord Kin growled loudly to Inuyasha. The girls gracefully got up in unison and went to their father one to either side and placed a hand each on his shoulder. He looked to them and sighed going back to his spot by the fire with them at his sides. No one cared or turned when Inuyasha was heard falling with a thud to the ground.

The now reunited family talked of when they were separated. Then Lord Kin announced that they would be heading to his castle, which woke Inuyasha from his daze. He started to protest but thought back to what just happened. ~Man Lord Kin has BAD mood swings.~ Inuyasha fretted and jumped into a near by tree with a `Fen'. (OMG Inuyasha is thinking….that's it hell froze over and ALL the good looking guys in the world just admitted they were GAY. Hahahahahaha. Sorry Inu fans I just could stop that thought) The night was filled with talk about the years the girls had missed for being way 14 yrs. (nothing important just meetings how the lands faired…ya know?) but soon everyone had gotten sleepy and decided it would be wise to rest before the journey.

*3 Days later*

The group consisting of one `monk' (yeah right like he's really a monk), five full demons, and one half demons finally made it to the castle. They stood in the lavishly decorated hallways that was trimmed with a beautiful blue and silver design that lead into a collision of color going into purple. Lord Kin ordered the servants to set up rooms for Miroku and Inuyasha, ~Though I'd rather have that pathetic half-breed sleep outside~ Lord Kin mused as a smirk crept to his warm face. Miroku bowed and respectfully stated. "Thank you Lord Kin for hospitality, for both myself and Inuyasha." Lord Kin slightly stunned though it never showed. "Quite alright for you, BUT the half breed…I'd rather have him buried," Lord Kin, with a bit of a snarl to the statement. With that a servant led Miroku and a mumbling Inuyasha down toward the east wing guest rooms. The lord just shook his head and rubbed his temples in small circles. Sango noticed and in a particularly bored voice asked. "A headache father?" "Yes, why?" "It's just that Kagome could get rid of it yet you suffer," Sango replied in amused sarcasm. Kagome chuckled from the look of annoyance in their father's eyes. "Okay, then get rid of it would you Kag." In nothing short of a blink's time his headache was gone. Now he was extremely interested in his daughters' powers. Curiousity danced around his hazel eyes. "Come, I shall escort you to your rooms." He said as he began to walk down the northern hall, the family part of the castle.

Sango, Kirara, Shippo, and Kagome follow Lord Kin down a peach colored hall with plush white carpet. The walls were decorated with portraits of the family, which shined in the fresh morning sunlight. The three walked in a comfortable silence until Kin broke it. "I trust you have not forgotten your big brother," he put out in a questioning voice. Both girls looked at each other, they were beautiful, purple eyes meeting with blue eyes very similar in shape. Both got a smirk and nodded to the other. Sango started. "Father, how could you believe we would forget our dear big brother." Giving him a cute little fake pout and an indignant look. Kagome then started where she left off. "Yeah, are you implying that we are losing our touch or something." She gave a fake pout as well but she forged a hurt look into her eyes and voice. Lord Kin chuckled. "You two were always so deceptive. Always worked well together to get what you wanted. And you know what I meant," amusement was heard clearly in his voice. The girls smiled devilishly behind their father. Shippo and Kirara looked at the other demons confusion clearly written on their faces. They walked down two stairwells, past the garden, two rights from the kitchen and a left. Finally Kin stops at a door he points at the cherry wood door decorated with Sango's symbol on the door and trimmed with the color of her eyes. "Sango this is your room." Then points to the door next to Sango's on the right. "And that is your room Kagome. The door had her sign, it was a strong oak wood door trimmed with the blue and silver of Kagome's eyes. "Kagome would you like Shippo to be trained?" Kagome's eyes shined with glee. "Yes I would love it." Shippo looked from the two adult questioningly. "Shippo would you like to kearn how to control your powers?" Kagome asked sweetly Shippo's face lit with his smile. "Of course! Um…Kagome…can I call you mommy?" He fidgeted nervously. Kagome smiled happily and pulled Shippo into a bear hug. "I would love you to." Sango took Shippo from Kagome and hugged him gladely. "Now you're my nephew." Lord Kin walks to Sango and practically has to pry her off, he chuckles. "Give me my grandson and Kirara you come too, we're going to the dojo. Oh, girls I'll send servant to get you when dinner is ready." With that he turned and led his new grandson and Kirara to the dojo. The girls then went into their rooms.

*Hour later*

Inuyasha had long disappeared but no one had cared enough to track him do, he was probably with Kikyo anyways.

Kagome and Sango got bored, they walked out the door at the same time.

"Kag, were where are you going.?"

"I don't know San. What about you?"

"I don't know. Got any ideas?"

Kagome gave a sly smile. "Why do we just go for a walk outside of the castle?"

Sango noticed the implication behind the words and chuckled. "Ya, mean let's go start some trouble."

"Basically." Kagome shrugged as she replied. "Ya up to it."

"Of course." Sango snickered.

They swiftly went into Kagome's room, grabbed two cloaks one midnight blue, the other dark violet and gracefully jumped off the balcony in their fighting kimonos. Landing softly on their feet they used a concealer spell to hide their trail put their hoods over their heads and with their demonic speed they raced off into the Eastern Lands forest toward the Western Lands.

*At the Sesshoumaru's Castle*

The grounds of the castle were calm and Sesshoumaru reveled in the quiet for it only to be interrupted by Jaken.

"Lord Sesshoumaru?" Jaken stepped into the study ruining the lord quiet.

"What is it Jaken?" his voice was calm and soft.

It had put Jaken on edge immensely.

"Mi'l-l-lord, Lord Akirakane and Lord Makoto are h-h-here." Jaken stammered over his words.

"Very well Jaken. Tell them to be in the library and take Rin to the garden to play." ~ I wonder what Makoto wants.~ Sesshoumaru pondered as he left the study for the library.

As he entered he was greeted by Akirakane, ruler of the Northern Lands who sat on a coach to the left of the door. "Sesshoumaru you and I have matters to speak of. As for Makoto I have no idea." Akirakane was about two inches shorter than Sesshoumaru; his eyes were an unusual grayish that sometimes flashed a darker gray with his emotions. The fox demon's black hair hung to waste length and his tail always down near gracing the floor but not touching once, his face was fuller than Sesshoumaru's, he had more of a boyish handsome. Not a mature handsome like Lord Sesshoumaru, ruler of the Western Lands. Sesshoumaru and Akirakane had known each other for hundreds of years, thus their mutual respect and friendship.

Though neither of them liked Makoto, they put up with him.

"Makoto what have you come to see me about" voice devoid of any emotions as his face was when he turned to face Lord Makoto, ruler of the Southern Lands. Lord Makoto chuckled at Sesshoumaru. His chocolate brown eyes showed clearly his amusement.

Makoto was rather short and pudgy after his long years of being a ruler. Over the years he had gotten lazy. His crème colored hair was always pulled back in a tight ponytail, his scales were colored a blazing brown. How this snake demon had gotten a place as a ruler was beyond all three of the other lords.

"I have merely come to tell you the yearly ball shall be held here, I have informed everyone." Makoto replied simply.

"What?!" Sesshoumaru growled out. Akirakane stared at Makoto as if he was the stupidest thing on earth.

" Did Kin hear of this? Why is he not here?" Akirakane asked annoyance plainly in his voice. Akirakane knew that Lord Kin probably had nothing to do with this. Both Sesshoumaru and Akirakane respected Kin. He was the oldest of all of them and quite powerful. Also dog demon as Sesshoumaru, but they respected his son as well who was around their age.

Makoto shrugged. "He does not know but I had a letter sent to inform him of it. As for why he is not here he had to go out of his lands on his business something to do with his daughters, as well as his son. What was that boy's name? H-something…Ha-."

"Haru." Both Akirakane and Sesshoumaru stated in unison in their frustration of the idiot. Though neither showed it they were quite surprise when he said Kin had daughters.

"Yeah, that's it…he is out as well. Since I have delivered the message and sent out the invitation, I'll take my leave." Makoto looked at them smugly as he left the room. When he was well out of hearing range the fox and dog demon began to talk.

"What is it we need to speak of, my friend?," to anyone else Sesshoumaru's voice would have sounded as if he was being his usual self but Akirakane could hear the friendly warmth he his voice gave.

" I am moving from my previous castle to my father's castle to claim my rule properly but for now I can't because of the traitors within it. I came to ask for a place to stay until after the ball. Also…" Akirakane chuckled and Sesshoumaru lifted an eyebrow in question.

" I thought we could go through hell together. You do remember that this year a kingdoms want us to choose mates, so we have heirs don't you?"

"How can I forget Jaken is always constantly reminding, along with Rin.," Sesshoumaru let the annoyance he felt seep into his voice. (Yes, Akirakane knows about Rin. I told you they were close didn't I?)

"Yes, yes I know. You are going to have a worst problem than I am. What demoness do you know of that will take Rin as her own?" Akirakane was apparent quite worried for the girl. He liked her she was unlike any human he had ever met.

" Do not worry if the female does not like Rin she not be my mate." He stated bluntly.

"Hey, what do you say we check out Kin's daughters I'm sure they'll be there." Mischief danced in his gray eyes.

Sesshoumaru looked at his friend. "I don't know. They are probably just as clingy and self-centered as all the others."

"Yeah, probably too much make-up, perfume that burns your nose, and really skimpy clothing." Akira sighed. ~That's they way they always are.~ "Oh the other thing is the lower demons seem to be just coming into the lands, you need to send someone to check them."

" Very well, Tomo and Kiyoshi," he snapped his fingers and his two best trackers appeared, one a wolf demon and the other a hawk. "Go check the lands and come back to imform me if any thing is out of the ordinary."

"Yes sir," they responded in unison bowing then left in a flash.

" Akirakane I shall have a servant prepare you a room," he looked at his friend and when Akirakane nodded to him he left the library for his study to work.

*By a River in the Western Lands*

The sun was high in the sky, Sango and Kagome sat by a clear cool stream. They had been gone from the castle for merely

" Then Western Lands are beautiful, but I have not found the excitement that I hoped would be here," Kagome sighed a little in disappointment.

Sango was disappointed as well, she was really hoping for some fun too. "Yes I agree with both things you pointed out." "Hey let's go swimming." Sango suggested.

"Okay." Kagome replied enthusiastically.

They two girls stripped and changed into their bathing suits and dove into the water, splashing each other and giggling. (Kagome spent time in the future growing to an equal of 15 human years remember.) Tomo and Kiyoshi observe the land without a change until two heavenly scents reached their noses. They followed and when they heard laugh hid behind the trees, to watch the most beautiful demoness they had ever seen. They had been there not even a minute when the two females stood. "You can stop spying on us now," the female wolf with black hair called out. "Yes, we had senses when you approached." added the vixen with violet hair.

Kiyoshi, the wolf demon jumped from his place to land on the bank in front of the barely clothed females, Tomo followed suit.

"You are trespassing in the Western Lands. You are ordered to leave now," Tomo ordered commandingly. All it earned from the females was a slight chuckle and a interested look.

"No," Sango finally replied, really amused and Kagome smiled arrogantly at them.

The two trackers minds' were spinning. ~how dare they!~ Kiyoshi thought.

"Oh, we dare big boy," Kagome spoke have read his mind and winked at him earning herself a rather nice blush from the wolf tracker. Kagome chuckled.

Sango looked to Kagome and rolled her eyes, chuckling herself. "Would you please stop playing with the wolf's mind so we can make it home before father finds we are missing."

"Okay. Okay. Calm down. We'll make this quick okay."

Sango and Kagome now turned to the two very confused males.

"You see we can have you following us home. So, we'll have to knock you out for a while," Sango answered their looks nonchalantly.

The two trackers went into their fighting stances as soon as she had answered unspoken question. Sango and Kagome attacked going blow for blow with the two. Sango while fighting the wolf gave chanted a sleeping spell and in no time Kiyoshi feel to the ground in a deep sleep. When she turned to Kagome, she was just finishing toying with Tomo. She had him pinned to the ground his hands above his head as she sat on his stomach observing him. ~Hmmmm…Kinda cute. Don't you think Sango?~ ~Yeah. But not what your looking for.~ ~HEY!! I NEVER said I was INTRESTED. I simply said he was cute.~ Sango snorted and rolled her eyes. ~Yeah, yeah. Whatever. Are you finished with him?~ ~Yeah. I am. We have to return home soon.~

Kagome looked down into the hawk's brass colored eyes. "You will be paralyzed for up to an hour." With that said Sango and Kagome quickly dressed , put their hoods over their heads, and headed off in a run.

In the dining room everyone talked, Kagome and Sango made sure no one tried to bring up the subject of what everyone had done this afternoon. The evening wind blew coolly through the window and Kagome unconsciously began to make the dance hypnotically as she controlled the wind, to her the wind sang a sweet sad song of forgotten trail. When she finally snapped out of it everyone was looking from her to the window.

"Oh, sorry." Kagome blurted out quickly as a pink tint stole her cheeks.

"Don't be. It was beautiful." Miroku brushed her apology away.

"Yes, I quite agree." A figure from the door commented. He was leaned up against the dining room door frame. He was the same height as Lord Kin, but he was shaped much like his father as well but his shoulder seemed more broad and his body more firmly muscled. His forest green orbs looked the room over and walked up to the table and in break neck speed Sango and Kagome had tackled their brother to the floor before he could brace himself. Their father and Shippo stared on in amusement. At the same time Miroku and Inuyasha looked beyond stunned.

"Hey you two, I thought by now you would have gotten over the jumping on big bro' thing," laughed out and his green eyes twinkled.

"We couldn't help it," Kagome whined.

"Yeah, Haru we missed you soooo much," Sango mimicked her and both girls got of their fallen brother, who when released immediately flipped to his feet. When he was though he was almost knocked back to the floor when they girls ganged him in a hug. He shook his head and his mid-back dark green hair shined in luxury.

"You two are still the pups that taunted me so much when ever you got the chance," he smiled at the memory.

"We are not!" they shouted in unison with an indignant look and a pout as they crossed their arms like the children he had just called them.

"You two stop harassing your brother. He is just in time to hear about the Demon Ball. Kagome, Sango, and Haru we are going." His voice left no place for argument so they simply sat to listen. Sango again sat next to father (Lord Kin sits at the head of the table) on the right with Kagome next to her and Shippo next to her. Haru sat across from Sango. Two seats down from Haru sat Inuyasha with Miroku facing him on the other side. Lord Kin started again. "The Demon Ball is in 2 weeks at Sesshoumaru's. Over these two weeks pack what is needed so we are ready to go when the time comes, am I clear." His three children nodded in understanding.

"Good." He was thoroughly satisfied with his children's obedience. Dinner was soon served and they ate in silence.

*At Sesshoumaru's castle*

Sesshoumaru with Rin closely behind him walked down the hall toward Rin's bedroom. ~It's about time she was put to bed. As they reached the door Jaken scurried toward them.

"Lord Sesshoumaru, Tomo and Kiyoshi are back. There clothing is torn some and they had some injures. Shall I get them?"

Sesshoumaru looked to Rin and ordered in a toned that said `no arguing'. "Rin, go to bed." She looked up at him smiling brightly, she ran to him and latched into his leg in a hug. Reflexively he placed his hand gently on her head. She let go shortly after the hug.

"Goodnight Sesshoumaru -sama!" Then the small human girl disappeared into her room.

"Jaken tell them to meet me in my study and send Akirakane to the study as well." He commanded then went to his study to wait. Akirakane arrived shortly after him and seated himself on the coach. A few minutes the two refreshed trackers came into the library and bowed.

"Mi'lord." They said in unison. Sesshoumaru nodded and looked to Kiyoshi.

"Captian Kiyoshi, tell me of the events today," his voice was calm.

"Yes mi'lord. Today as we went through we caught the most amazing and enticing scent, something we had never smelt in your lands or any, it didn't smell human nor did it demon. We followed it and found two females. One a fox demon who had purple hair with silver streaks, the same color in her eyes with a silver tint and the other a wolf demon who had ebony black hair with midnight blue streaks…"

"Kiyoshi was that description really necessary?" Sesshoumaru interrupted.

"Yes, mi'lord for they were the ones who the scent came from." Kiyoshi informed.

"Go on then, finish," told them in his normal bored tone though Akirakane could tell he was very curious now, and who wouldn't be a demon who didn't smell of one, very curious.

" The female wolf demon's eyes were midnight blue with a silver tint. When neared them they sensed us even through your concealer spell. We confronted them about being in your land and they laughed at us and told us that they would leave when they felt it. Then um…." He let of for a second and recovered from his blush. "The bitch flirted with me until her friend told her of the time. They then told us that they would have to put us out for a while so we couldn't follow. We fought and lost. I was put under a strong sleeping spell and Tomo under paralyzes spell. When he was able to move and I awakened we searched for the scent but found no trail," Kiyoshi ended.

"Very well captian and Tomo rest up." Sesshoumaru waved them away.

"What do you think Akirakane?" Sesshoumaru questioned.

"I think it is very intriguing maybe you should allow Kiyoshi or Tomo to come to the ball and see if they are there." Akirakane suggested with a shrugged, but his eyes showed mischief for the second time today.

"Yes, I believe that would be interesting," Sesshoumaru was now very curious. ~What female could do that so easily?~ Yes he was beyond curious almost as much as his mischievous friend.


Eqlipse: Soooo…how did you like it?? ^.^

Kagome: Personally I think it was cool. ^.^

Sango: Yeah me too. When do we meet Sesshoumaru and Akirakane? ~.^

Eqlipse: *Raises n eyebrow* How the hell am I supposed to know?*takes out laptop*

Both: *sweat drop* huh? -.-`

Guys walk in.

Eqlipse: *Jumps up happily* I got 7 reviews*Dances around happily and goes to closet* *Opens up door* I guess I could let you out now. *Throws of chains, unlock the 17 locks*

Guys: *Sweatdrop* -.-`

Akirakane: *Dances around happily* I'm FREE! I'M FREEEEEEEEE!

Eqlipse: *Raises an eyebrow and mutters* And people say I'm crazy.

Inu: That's because you are. *folds arms over chest, arrogantly*

Everyone backs away from him. O.O

Eqlipse: *Vain poppin* AM I?!? That's Inu taste could hard metal.

Sess: *Eyes wide* Who in the hell GAVE HER A GUN?!?! O.O

Eqlipse: *Pulls out semiautomatic and pulls trigger.* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Everyone is ducking and running. After a few minutes. *Click, click*

Eqlipse: Oops, *shrugs* I guess I'm out of bullets. Hahahahahahahahahaha. *Laughing at everyone's shocked faces. Stops laughing suddenly* Hmmm…that last laugh didn't feel right…*Walks over to drawer by door. Pull out another load, puts it into the gun* Heeheeehehehehee…nope not that…….Mawahahahahahahahahahaha….that felt….GOOD!*Points gun back at Inu, pulls trigger.* Mawahaahahahahahahahahahaha! ^.^

Kagome: Please help US. REVIEW! Thanks. -.-