InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Will She Say? ❯ There are so many things! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Kagome or any other character in the story.

Review please I want to know what you think please I really do!! I cant stand not knowing what others think of my writing! And if I don't update in a while please don't kill me I am a freshman in high school so yeah.

What Will She Say?

Chapter 2: There are so many things!

Inuyasha was walking through the halls pointing at random things that he wanted to know how to use starting in the kitchen.

"What the hell is this thing here?" he asked pointing to the toaster. "It looks like some metal thing with a mouth that can't move!"

"This is a toaster. You can put bread and bagels in it if you want it to be warm and kind of crunchy on the out side. Here let me show you." She grabbed a piece of bread and told him to put it into one of the slots and then to push down on the button. He did and was fascinated at how it warmed up and made the bread pop up when it was done.

"Whoa! That's awesome! I want to do it again!"

"No we better not the bread will burn if we toast it any more the bread will burn. Here we will do some more later you can eat this one for now if you want you can come over to the refrigerator and get either butter or jelly. Here let's cut your bread so you can taste different types of jelly and then you can also try butter." She cut the bread into fourths and but grape jelly on one, strawberry on another, honey on the third, and honey on the last.

"Mmm.. What is this one called" he asked as he tried the square with the strawberry jelly on it.

"That one has strawberry jelly on it."

Once they finished with the toaster they went on to the oven and the icemaker and the sink. Soon the phone rang and Inuyasha jumped. He had heard it before but it just startled him.

"Hello? Oh hi Mrs. Akata. Yeah I'm doing fine. Oh can I call you back I'm teaching an uh an Amish man how to use our modern connivances and I think ill have him try the phone. Yeah his name is Inuyasha. Yeah it means dog ghost but his name doesn't mean anything special. Yeah ok we will be right back. Ok bye."

"Inuyasha cocked his head to the side. What does Amish mean? And what do you mean my name doesn't mean any thing special? I'm the great demon of the west's son!"

"Inuyasha I know your name means that you're a dog demon but we can't tell people that! And Amish people are people who don't like using modern day things because they like to stay back in the past where they don't have modern medicine or things like we do here."

"Oh well can I figure out how to use the phone now?"

"Yeah ok…." She taught him how to use the phone and other things and then Kagome came home. She ran into the house and rushed out saying she had to get back to Inuyasha and the others not noticing Inuyasha.

"Wait Kagome."

"Mom, I want to see how Sango is doing."

"Hey Kagome…"

"Inuyasha???? What are you doing here? I came to give you your book and ended up talking to your mom the whole day."


"Yeah." `Damn I hope she doesn't ask what we talked about….'

"What did you two talk about today?"

`Oh damn it she asked… what do I tell her?' "We uh we talked about uh…."

"He wanted to know how to use things around the house so I showed him how to use a few things."

Inuyasha sighed with relief he was glad that her mom didn't tell the whole story other wise that would have been bad. Kagome and Inuyasha got to talking for a while (something he doesn't like to do very often) when it was late. Not realizing that tonight was the new moon he started to change Kagome sat silently while he changed. He didn't notice that he was changing because it was at dinner and Kagome was sitting next to him. He was thinking about how nice it would be when Kagome and he could sleep in the same bed next to each other snuggled close….

"Whoa! Cool!" Sota cried.


"Inuyasha we didn't realize it was the new moon tonight. You've gone human."

"Oh no…. Could I stay here tonight? I don't want to go back tonight like this."

"If its alright with you mom. Its fine with me."

"Yeah its fine with me. I trust Inuyasha enough to let him sleep on the floor in your room. I'll let him sleep there since he knows you the best here."

Inuyasha's mind was going crazy. ` I get to sleep in Kagome's room??? I better behave myself. So I can make a good impression on her family that I wont do anything bad.'

"Come on Inuyasha if your going to stay here tonight you at least should take a bath I'll show you how to use it" `Oh no I should have rephrased that. Now he's going to think I want to take a bath with him. Oh shit why did I have to say it like that….'



"In this `bath' are you going to be in there with me or no?"

`I knew It I gave him the wrong idea…' "Inuyasha…. I meant..."

"I know I'm just teasing."

They got to the bathroom and went inside. Kagome went down the hall to get him a towel and a washcloth. When she got there he was waiting for her.

"Ok to turn it on you turn this knob to the right to make it go hotter and to the left to get colder. Its instant hot water kind of like a hot spring but it can get much hotter so be careful. Then to get the shower going you pull up on this little thing here. The water will come out there. Ok for your hair you want to use these. This one is shampoo it goes on first. It cleans your hair and gets all the dirty stuff out and leaves your hair smelling nice. And this is conditioner it gets all the tangles out and stuff."

Once she was done she left him to take his shower. When he was done he came out with a towel around his waist and a towel on his head for his hair.

`Wow he has a nice body. Look at those abs! They are so perfectly shaped and he's so skinny! Whoa he has a nice but at least what I can see with that towel there. Omigod! What am I thinking its not like I love him or anything… ok so maybe I do love him…. but its not like he loves me.' She blushed. While she was thinking Inuyasha heard her sigh.

`Oh know what if she doesn't like the way I look? Wait what am I thinking she's blushing!' his towel started to drop. `Oh shit I better not let that drop….' "Uh Kagome. Do you have any clothes I can wear? I usually wear my hikari but your mom wanted to wash it."

"Oh yeah hang on let me get you something." She left to get him some boxers and a tee shirt out of her dads' old trunk of clothes. "Here I think these will fit you ill go take a shower while your getting dressed."

When she came back he was dressed and waiting on her bed. When Inuyasha sat up he was shocked. `She looks beautiful in her tank top and shorts' he thought.


I'll finish the rest of this chapter later you'll have to wait though! Haha.