InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What Will She Say? ❯ The Boss part 2` ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or anything else.

A/N: hey everyone! Nothing much going on here. Well I'm writing my 6th chapter and I hope you like it. I am going to try and get this story done before June 19th because I am going to a camp called culver and it lasts 6 weeks. So while I am there I wont be able to update. If I don't get it done before I leave ill be writing whenever I can so I can update as soon as I get home. Well it's a long time till then and yeah but still just thought I would let you know what I was going to try to do. Now on to the story.


Chapter 6

The boss part 2

Inuyasha stepped into an even larger room than before. He gawked at the beautiful things in this room.

"This is my office Inuyasha. If you have any questions on anything just come here and I will help you out."

"How come your office is bigger than mine?"

"Because I'm the company owner."


"Lord Sesshomaru! Would you like me to get you anything? A glass of water? Anything?"

"No Jaken. All I want you to do is announce over the intercom that I want everyone in the cafeteria for an announcement."

"Yes my Lord."

"Shall we go to the cafeteria?"

"Oh yeah chow time!" Inuyasha hurriedly ran out of the room waiting for Sesshomaru to show up then ran in the room yelling.

"Come on lets go! I'm starved!"


When they go to the cafeteria there were many people in the cafeteria waiting for them to come in. Sesshomaru walked up to the stage, grabbed the microphone, tested it, the said to the people, "Everyone I would like to give you a very important announcement. As you know I have been looking for my long lost brother for a long time. It so happens that he just walked in here this morning looking for a job. Inuyahsa if you will be so kind as to come up here please. This here is my brother and the new vice president. If he has any questions I would like you to help him out. The reason he is the vice president so fast is because this is our fathers business and since he is the youngest he gets the second best job here. Any questions? None all right get back to work. Or just eat a bit then leave."

Everyone but one lady left. She walked up to Sesshomaru looked at Inuyasha and said to him, "It's been a while Inuyasha do u know who I am?"

"Uhh I cant remember if I know you or not."

"I am Rin, the little girl that used to follow Sesshomaru around all the time. I've grown a lot since we last met some 400 years ago."

"Rin? Holy shit. You have grown so much. I thought you were a mortal. How did you live all this time?"

"Sesshomaru used his sword on me every time I died. So I can live forever with him."

"Sesshomaru I always knew you liked her you dirty little dog… what are you two now mates?"

"Yes brother."

Rin ran up to Sesshomaru and gave him a huge kiss. Inuyasha thought he was going to die and started to gag.

"Sessy I'm happy you found your brother. You have been searching for so long!"


"Looks like he found the food and his appetites going to take over him. We better get to him before he eats the whole buffet."

"Inuyasha come here. We need to talk."

"What now? I was just about to eat."

"Sit down and shut up. Ok now just wait here and someone will come here and take your order. Here is the menu pick something off of here tell the lady what you want then wait for the food. It won't take as long as it did in the past. They are very fast here. Do you know what you want yet?"

"Uhh yeah ill have the spaghetti?"

"Good choice. Anything else sir?"

"You mean I can have more???"

"Of course sir."

"I guess I will have a pizza too."

"Ok anything for the two of you?"

"No we are fine thank you."

When the food came Inuyasha ate it up so fast that everyone was surprised at how hungry he really was.

"That was good. Well I better be going Kagome's going to be home from school soon."

"I will see you tomorrow Inuyasha."


"Bye Inuyasha and Mrs. Higurashi!"

"Bye dears!"

"Come on hurry she is on her way I can smell her."

"Ok it wont be long."

When they got home Inuyasha hurried to the well and hopped in.


"Hello Inuyasha where were you all day?"

"At my job in the future. You will not guess who my boss is."


"yeah who?"



"That's right he's my boss. He's different though he cares for me now and is not trying to kill me."

Inuyasha jumped through the well but no one noticed."

"Tell me Inuyasha. Why did you get a job in Kagome's era?"

`What Inuyasha has a job in my era? How can this be? Oh now I see why he wanted me to go to school. So I wouldn't find out about this."

"Hey can someone up there pull me out of this well!"

`Oh no what if she heard that I got a job! Oh shoot.'

"Alright wench I'm coming."

"Thank you. Inuyasha why didn't you tell me you were getting a job in my time? I would have liked to know."

"I wanted to surprise you but I guess the surprise is over."

"Oh. Well I am surprised is that why you wanted me to go to school today so badly?"


"I see."

"Well how about we go to my house and have a party! Who's you boss?"

"You probably wont like this but its Sesshomaru."


"You heard me its Sesshomaru."


"I got good pay and I'm the vice president what ever that means."

"That means you're the second from the top right under the owner of the company. This is so cool! Ok lets go everyone do you want to see if you can go to my time this time? It would be really fun if everyone was here and we would all have fun and you could meet my family."

"I would love to Kagome! I want to meet your family and see what its like in your time!"

"I want to go! Can I come Kagome?"

"Of course Shippo my brother is about your age."

"Lady Kagome may I come?"

"I already said that you all can come what more do I have to say?"


"Ok everyone hold on."

They jumped through the well and landed on the other side safely. Inuyasha helped everyone out of the well one by one starting with Kagome.

"Wow this place is cool!"

"Master Inuyasha can you ask lady Kagome if there is someone I can talk to about this history of the place?"

"Oh yeah there is. Her grandfather is obsessed with history."

"Hey old man I want you to meet someone."

"Well hello Inuyasha."

"Myoga, old man gramps. Old man gramps, Myoga. Myoga helps me out and is obsessed with history I think you two will get along well."

"Well let's get on with the party."


Well that's all I'm going to write for now I hope you liked it I did well I will be updating soon! Keep checking for updates.