InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ What you don't know can change you ❯ The truth.... ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Hi guys!! New chapter!!! Now onto some news. Next Monday is when I'll be having my math exam so there will not be any new chapters of this fic or Secrets and Changes starting tomorrow because I have to spend all week studying. Stupid exam, it's all stuff that I have trouble with!!! So after this chapter, there will be no new ones until Tuseday, June 14 at the soonest. Sorry!!! Thanks go out to Kuramas Gurl and Amantes2 for reviewing!!
Review Responses:
Kuramas Gurl: Here's an invisible computer cookie for being the first reviewer!!! Now to your question: Yes they all have their demon stuff. Miroku and Kagome are still miko and monk, Sango is a demon slayer because there are bad demons and the demon slayers are kind of like polices for demons lol etc. Also, the shikon no tama doesn't exist and my dreams haven't revealed Tessaiga but I'll try to think of a way to fit it in but I won't make any promises.
Amantes2: Don't worry, Kei gets saved before the dude can do anything (though not by someone I would want to be saved by). I know exactly how you feel because my cousin was raped and murdered. Tell your friend that I say sorry and hope that they will never have to go through something like that again.
And now onto the chapter!!! ENJOY!!!! =^.^=
Disclaimer: No I do not own and you can't sue me for turning my dreams into a fanfic!!!!!
The man pushed her into a wall and held her hands together above her head. Kei tried to struggle but the man had a tight hold on her. While one hand was holding her hands together, the other hand was reaching between her body and the wall and un-zippering her jeans. (A/N: By the way, her front body is against the wall while her back is to the man)
Kei noticed that her legs and feet had some room to move so she jammed her heel into the guy's foot. The guy pulled back and yelled in pain and Kei quickly started running down the ally way, not even caring to grab her book bag that she dropped.
The guy recovered and chased after her. Kei was thankful that she had short hair. The guy was close enough that, if she had had long hair, he would have been able to grab it like she had seen in a movie once.
Kei wasn't paying attention to where she was going and tripped over a fallen trashcan. She went flying and slammed onto the hard pavement. Her ankle was burning with pain and she guessed that she had twisted it. Her jeans were ripped at the knees and she could see blood coming from deep wounds on both of them.
She was suddenly pulled up from the ground and again thrown at a wall and hit her head. She slid down to the ground and tried to shake the dizziness from her head. The man grabbed her and held her against the wall. Since she was now face to face with him, she could get a good look of him.
He looked well dressed and clean for someone who would ever think of rape. He looked to be 6 feet tall and well muscled. He was wearing a gray business suit that looked very expensive.
She looked further up to see long black hair tied in a braid but what startled Kei the most was the pointed ears and emerald colored eyes that were starting to turn red. She could feel long claw like nails digging into the skin of her arms where he held her.
“Listen bitch, I've waited a long time for you to turn 18 and you're not getting away from
me that easily. When he spoke, Kei could see his fang teeth were longer then normal ones like they were actual fangs.
What did this guy have to do with her being 18? Her birthday had been 3 days before. None of this was making any sense and the pain from her foot and head were staring to make Kei lose consciences.
Just as she was about to black out, the guy pulled away from her. She fell to the ground and looked up to see another guy holding the first guy by the throat. He had long black hair, red eyes and wore a business suit as well.
“You are to stay away from the girl and never harm her again”, the second man growled. He dropped the first man. The first man scrambled to his feet and started running down the ally way.
The second man pulled something out from inside her jacket and Kei heard a loud bang. “Pathetic fool”, the second man muttered and put the object, which Kei guessed was probably a gun, back inside his jacket.
He crouched down so he was eye level with Kei. He ripped off three strips of his sleeve. Two of them he wrapped around each knee and the other he used to clean away the blood that Kei hadn't noticed was coming from the back of her head.
“Who are you”, she asked weakly. “My name is Naraku. Don't worry, you can trust me, you're safe now”, he said. Kei didn't care if he was lying or not just as long as she was away from the other guy.
This Naraku guy seemed to be a good guy and was being careful as he wrapped another strip around her head then picked her up bridal style. “Where are you taking me”, she asked.
“To my place. You need to have those wounds checked”, he answered. Kei nodded and closed her eyes as her world went black.
Kei woke up to find herself in a warm bed. She looked around the room she was in, trying to figure out where she was. She remembered being attacked by a guy in the ally way and another guy saving her before she blacked out.
Her ankle and knees were bandaged up as well as her head. “I see that you are awake”, a voice said. She looked over to see the man that had saved her sitting in a chair. “Naraku isn't it? Thank you for saving”, she thanked.
“Your welcome Katara”, he said. Katara? He must have mistaken her for someone else. “Sorry but my name isn't Katara, it's Kei”, she corrected. “But that is where you are wrong. You may have gone by the name Kei, but your true name is Katara”, Naraku said.
He walked over to the bed and sat down next to her. “No my true name is Kei Akoya Kimoko. That is what my parents named me when I was born”, Kei argued. “They are not your real parents. You were given to them for protection when you were a baby”, he told her.
Kei let this all sink in. “How do you know this? Start from the beginning”, she demanded. “Your father's name was Akira and your mother's name was Naomi. They were the lord and lady of the Southern Lands. Lord Akira was the most powerful inu-youkai except for InuTaisho to ever live-“
“What a minute, did you say inu-youkai? Demons don't exist and never have. That's just an old fairy tale”, Kei said. “That's where you are wrong. They did exist and still do to this day, except for the last 300 hundred years they have kept themselves hidden from humans. The only humans to know they exist are the government, demon slayers and anyone the demon chooses to tell”, Naraku explained.
“So you're saying that my real parents are demons and that makes me one too? Then how come I look like a human”, Kei asked. “I will get to that part if you would let me continue. Now where was I? Ah yes. I was your father's number one servant. I delivered messages and scouted the lands”, Naraku told her.
“Hold on a minute. You keep talking in the pass tense. Aren't my parents still alive”, she asked. “I was getting to that part. Soon after you were born, one of InuTaisho's men killed your mother. Thus, a war began between Lord Akira and InuTaisho, who was the lord of the Western lands. For your protection, your father placed a concealment spell on you that locked away your demon blood and sent you to a human couple until the war was over.
If he didn't survive the war, I was to watch over you until you turned 18 in demon years. When you would reach the normal age that a human dies, I would fake your death and alter your looks so you were a child again and sent you to another couple. Unfortunately, your father did not survive the war.
InuTaisho killed Lord Akira in the final battle. That was over 500 years ago and you have finally turned 18 in demon years. Since your father was a powerful demon and so are you, other demons want to take advantage of that power and heir a child even more stronger.
That is why that man, who was a demon, attacked you. Thankfully I got there in time. How are you feeling”, he asked, changing the subject. “Physically fine but very confused. How come I don't remember anything from when I was born”, she asked.
“Your memory was erased when the concealment was placed on you and I have been erasing your memory every time you `die'. Now that you are 18 it is time that the concealment spell was broken and your demon blood awaken”, Naraku declared.
He placed his index and middle finger on her forehead and Kei heard him mutter a few words. There was a blinding light and Kei closed her eyes. When she opened them she gasped.
Her eyesight was 10 times better and so was her hearing and smelling. She felt long fangs with her tongue. Her fingernails had grown to sharp claws and she had a long black tail that reminded her of a wolf's tail. (A/N: Think Kouga's tail except longer)
She noticed her hair had grown very long and was just plain black. Her ears were also pointed. Naraku stood up and bowed to her. “Welcome back Lady Katara”, he said. `Ok this is all just plain weird', she thought.
Naraku helped her out of bed and walked her over to a full-length mirror. She looked into the mirror to see a completely different person. Instead of hazel, her eyes was a fiery amber color.
Her hair and tail went all the way to her ankles. Her hips had curved a little more and her breasts were bigger. She had also grown 3 more inches. She just couldn't believe that the person she was staring at in the mirror was her true self.
She noticed a magenta 8-point star on her forehead and a gold lightning blot on her temple. She turned to look a Naraku. “This is what I really look like? And what are the markings for”, she asked.
“Yes that is your true form and the star marking is your family marking and the lightning bolt is your elemental power”, Naraku explained. “My elemental power?” Naraku nodded.
“Everyone in your family is born with a random elemental power. That mark means your power is lightning. Your father's was fire and your mother's was water. As soon as you are well we can begin training”, he said.
“Training? But what about my family? I have to go home or my mom will start wondering where I am”, the newly revealed Katara said. “Don't worry, you'll never have to worry about them again”, he said.
A dark smile appeared on his lips and Katara backed away as best as she could since her ankle was still sprained. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him. Naraku placed his index and middle finger on her forehead and muttered something, and then her world went black.
Katara opened her eyes and found herself in a dark room. Actually, room wasn't the right word for it. It was more like she was just floating. She looked around but all she could see was black. She could still see her newly changed body though. `So it wasn't a dream'
She looked around for the source of the voice but didn't see anyone. She heard it again, echoing around her. “Katara look behind you.” She turned around to see a large mirror just floating in mid air.
She `floated' over to the mirror and glared at what she saw. There was Naraku, smirking evilly at her. “Naraku! Where the hell am I?! I demand you tell me at once”, she yelled. The mirror image changed and Katara gasped.
She was staring at herself.
The image was the same except the eyes were black as black can get. “You are inside your own mind. I placed a spell on you to turn you evil”, Katara heard him say.
“With this mirror, you get to see everything that you do.” The image and mirror disappeared. “Naraku you bastard, she yelled to nothing. `Why didn't I listen to my mother and not talk to strangers?'
Inu_Girl17: Well here is your chapter 3!!! Hope you enjoyed it!!! Remember, I won't be updating for a week but I promise that after my exam I'll add the next chapter!!!! Don't forget to review!!!! Byez!!! Luv Ya All!!!! =^.^=
Food for the thought: Divorce: from the Latin word meaning "to rip a man's heart out through his wallet